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was passed, that electors in future were to be possessed in freeholds of forty shillings a year; and that such as were elected for counties, cities, and towns, should be resident in the places for which they were elected. One act, however, was passed in this parliament, which most injudiciously tended to create fresh jealousies, and alienate the affections of the Irish; viz. that on the death, resignation, or recall of a deputy, the chancellor should issue writs to the privy counsellors to assemble and choose for governor, during the king's pleasure, a layman of English birth, and if none. such could be procured, two laymen of English blood and surname to be lords justices, to whom the lord chancellor should administer the oath and give patents. This distinction in favour of the English wounded and insulted the feelings of the Irish, to whom it must have appeared evident, that men born and having property and a natural interest in that country were the persons most natural and best qualified to be intrusted with the government of it.

19. So notorious was it that the acts of the Irish parliament, though nominally affecting the whole kingdom, produced no effect beyond the pale, that the government passed some ordinances for the regulation of such parts of the kingdom as were without the pale. These were not entirely consonant with the English laws, but such as might tend to the gradual reformation of those who (as the preamble of the ordinances expresses it) were not so perfectly acquainted with the laws, that they could at once live and be governed by them." They were published by way of proclamation on the 12th of July, 1542.* And although no attempts were as yet made to introduce a new system of

have their pardon frank and free, requiring the same accordingly. And God save the king's majesty, king Henry the eighth, king of England, Ireland and France, defender of the faith, and in earth supreme head of the church of England and Ireland."

* They were called temporary constitutions made by the lord deputy and council in magno parliamento pro reformatione habituntium hujus regni in partibus Momoniæ qui nondum sic sapiunt leges et jura, ut secundum ea jam immediate vivere aut regi possint. Any public act of parliament to this effect would have been inconsistent with the statutes published in the 33d of Henry VIII. therefore this half-measured compromise came out as an act of the deputy and council, and was notified to the subject by way of proclamation. The 17th ordinance enacts, That noblemen shall have but twenty cubits or bandles of linen in their shirts, horsemen eighteen, footmen sixteen, garsons twelve, clowns twelve, and that none of their shirts shall be dyed with saffron on pain of twenty shillings.

jurisprudence into any other quarters of the island, yet a number of commissioners were appointed for each province, who were to exercise the office of the ancient Brehons, to hear and decide occasional controversies, or refer them to the deputy or council, when the cause was perplexed or the parties obstinate.

20. Sir J. Davies fairly represents the state of Ireland at this period of Henry's reign. "For all this while, the provinces of Connaught and Ulster, and a good part of Leinster, were not reduced to shire ground. And though Munster were anciently divided into counties, the people were so degenerate, as no justice of assize durst execute his commission amongst them. None of the Irish lords or tenants were settled in their possessions by anie graunte or confirmation of the crowne, except the three great earls before named; who, notwithstanding, did govern their tenants and followers by the Irish or Brehon law, so as no treason, murther, rape, or theft, committed in those countries, was inquired of or punished by the law of England." And he also remarks: "That the abbies and religious houses in Tyrone, Tirconnel, and Fermanagh, though they were dissolved in the 33d year of Henry VIII. were never surveyed nor reduced into charge, but were continually possessed by religious persons until the reign of James I."

21. In this state of things, O'Nial, O'Donnel, O'Dogherty, and some other Irish chieftains, either repenting of their too hasty submission, or weary of their dependance upon the English, proposed terms to the French king to become his subjects, on condition of his sending over a sufficient force to enable them to shake off the English yoke. Francis the first sent over the bishop of Valence to reconnoitre and report to him the situation of the country, and the probability of expelling the English. This prelate found the chieftain of Tyrconnel, and some other of the Irish dynasts to whom he applied, either so staunch to their engagements with Henry, or so averse from submitting to a foreign yoke, that the French monarch declined engaging in the affair. On the other hand the Irish showed themselves ever ready to fight the battles of England; and Henry was attended to the siege of Boulogne by a corps of Irish infantry, who distinguished themselves by their activity, prowess, and loyalty.

22. Some fresh contests broke out between the Irish chieftains and their dependants, and were settled by the arbitration of the chief governor. The unusual degree of

tranquillity which the country enjoyed during the remainder of Henry's reign was evidently the effect of terror. Of all monarchs, who ever sat on the British throne, Henry was unquestionably the most arbitrary and despotic. He never was known to spare man in his rage nor woman in his lust. The change he effected in the national religion has rendered it difficult to meet with any historian who has not brightened or blackened his character by exaggeration. He reigned thirty-seven years, and died in the fifty-sixth year of his age.


1546.-EDWARD VI.

1. EDWARD the only son of Henry VIII. was but in the tenth year of his age at the death of his father. His infancy and the short duration of his reign call our attention merely to the general effects of forcing the reformation of religion upon the Irish, in unison with the spirit of reform, which actuated the regency of England during the whole of this reign, which lasted only six years, five months, and nine days.

2. Shortly after the demise of Henry, O'Moore O'Byrne, O'Connor and some other chieftains showed themselves in arms, hoping to take advantage of the weakness of the English government during the infancy of the monarch. They were subdued by Sir Anthony Bellingham, who had been seasonably sent over with a reinforcement of four hundred foot and six hundred horse. Desmond also having shown symptoms of turbulency, was surprised in his house by the deputy and carried prisoner to Dublin. Bellingham so worked upon him by reason and mildness, that Desmond made sincere atonement, was released upon giving sureties for his future conduct, and continued peaceable and loyal to his death.* Bellingham was too upright a governor not to become an object of jealousy and intrigue. He was accused of not having effectually supported the English interest, and

* Desmond after his release daily prayed for the deputy by the name of the good Bellingham.

of other malpractices. Being recalled to take his trial in England, he died before it came on, having indignantly reVjected terms of compromise from his accusers.

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3. As in Ireland the reformation was tendered to a people very tenacious of their ancient faith, many of whom were de avowed enemies of English government, and many stanch opposers of English administration, it made but tardy progress. The protector Somerset having successfully advanced the reformation in England, was resolved, that the liturgy of the church of England should, as well as other new ordinances concerning religion, be introduced into Ireland. Orders were accordingly sent over to convene a parliament for this purpose; but, from apprehension of a violent opposition, that design was dropped, and a royal proclamation was transmitted to the clergy, enjoining the acceptance of the new liturgy. This innovation in religion was unexpectedly and violently opposed by Dowdall'of Armagh, the new primate. Besides archbishop Browne, four only of the bishops submitted to the proclamation; and these five were supported by their own clergy. The new liturgy was performed for the first time on Easter Sunday, A. D. 1551, in the cathedral of Christ Church, Dublin, in the presence of the deputy, magistrates, and the few of the Dublin clergy who had then conformed.

4. Injudicious measures were adopted that tended to ulcerate the public mind, too tenderly sore upon the subject of religion. A public conference, or rather a theological disputation, was holden in St. Mary's abbey, between Dowdall on behalf of the catholic, and Staples of Meath on behalf of the reformed religion. This spiritual tournament produced its natural and usual effect: each champion claimed the victory, and each party retired with increased acrimony against the other. John Bale, the violent impugner of popery, was nominated to the see of Ossory. His learning was great, his temper vehement. He insulted the prejudices of his flock. They were provoked, and not so restrained by civil power as to dissemble their resentments. Five of his domestics were slain before his face; and his own life was saved by the interposition of the magistrate. 5. As a mean of establishing the tranquillity of Ireland

* Ormond, his prime accuser, was soon after poisoned, with sixteen of his retinue, at a feast at a house in Holborn; but whether by accident or treachery was never discovered.



on a more permanent basis, applications were made by the deputy to the English cabinet for an extension of the English law to all the Irish natives. They were not attended to. Times and circumstances were altered. The Irish once offered to purchase the participation of the English law. The attempt to introduce a new system of religion with an English_ritual connected itself with national prejudice against English oppression, and co-operated in raising the insurrection of Tyrone, for the suppression of which we must look to a later period of Irish history. This nobleman, notwithstanding he had lately made a full submission and accepted of an English title, retained all his native predilections for the greatness and regal splendour of his family. He had once pronounced a curse upon those of his posterity who should conform to the English manners, or associate with the Saxon race. With this he was often upbraided by his kinsmen and followers, and finding the Irish nation now more than ever estranged from the English government by their recent attempt to force them out of their religion, he chose this as the most favourable moment to threw off allegiance, and revert to the ancient consequence and independence of O'Nial.


1553. MARY.

1. THE reign of the princess Mary must be considered as having immediately followed the demise of her brother, notwithstanding the short interregnum of ten days, during which the unfortunate lady Jane Grey, who had been proclaimed queen by Northumberland, was possessed of the crown. The English council was at first surprised into compliance with the violent measures of Northumberland, and had actually transmitted an order for proclaiming the lady Jane in Ireland; but before these first orders had been acted upon, another messenger was dispatched to revoke them, expressing their concern at having thus borne with the time, declaring, that their sovereign queen Mary had been pro

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