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EXCEPT intemperance and filthiness, probably nothing contributes to predispose for the cholera more than FEAR. Many have fallen both into disease and death by fear; and during the prevalence of the dire disease, with which our country has recently been afflicted, not a few, it is believed, have been its victims through this unhappy state of mind. Every effort, therefore, to allay that "fear which hath torment," and to tranquillize the minds of our neighbours and countrymen, must be worthy of the true philanthropist, and of the genuine Christian. Cheerfulness promotes health: and no one has so much reason for a cheerful frame of heart as the sincere Christian. Nehemiah acted most wisely and benevolently in exhorting the weeping Jews to cheerfulness, saying, "the joy of the LORD is your strength," chap. viii, 10. Such is our admonition to our readers.

The following series of "instructions" and of "daily resolutions," drawn up by a devoted Christian minister, after an attack of cholera, we think adapted to promote peace of mind, and worthy of making public at the present time. They have been published on a card, the "instructions on one side, and the "daily resolu. tions" on the other.



In the method of Salvation, revealed in the Gospel; with DAILY RESOLUTIONS, prepared on the bed of sickness, and recommended to his church and friends. By T.

Admonitions of the Gospel.-1. Take heed what ye hear, Mark iv, 24. 2. Believe not every spirit-try the spirits, John iv, 1. 3. By their fruits ye shall know them, Matt. vii, 20. 4. Take heed how ye hear, Luke viii, 10. 5. Examine yourselves, prove your ownselves, 2 Cor. xiii, 5. 6. Stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel, Phil. ii, 27.

Maxims of the Gospel.-1. Without faith it is impossible to please God, Hebrews xi, 6. 2. Without holiness no man shall see the Lord, Hebrews xii, 14. 3. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, 2 Cor. v, 17. 4. If any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his, Rom. viii, 9.

Design of the Gospel.-1. To exalt IMMANUEL, the Saviour, Phil. ii, 9-11. 2. To humble the guilty but redeemed sinner, Romans iii, 19. 3. To originate and secure universal holiness, Titus ii, 11-14. 4. To prepare an innumerable multitude for heaven, Rev. vii, 9-14.

Order of the Gospel Salvation.-1. The merciful purpose of God in eternity, Eph. i, 4; 2 Tim. i, 9. 2. The manifestation of it, chiefly by Christ's mediation, 2 Tim. i, 10. 3. Regeneration by the grace of the Holy Spirit, John iii, 5; Tit. iii, 5. 4. Justification and pardon by faith in Christ, Acts x, 43; xiii, 38, 39. 5. Conversion to God both in heart and in life, 1 Thess. i, 5-8. 6. Godly sorrow for sin, confessing and forsaking it, Psalm xxxii, 5. Sanctification of the spirit in obedience to the will of God, 1 Pet. i, 3 and 22. 8. Witnessing of divine adoption by the Spirit, Rom. viii, 16; Gal. iv, 6. 9. Emancipation from the body to heavenly bliss, 2 Cor. v, 1-6. 10. Resurrection to eternal glory, John v, 29; 1 Cor. xv, 51-54.

Means of Grace, ordained by the Gospel.-1. Secret and family prayer, Matt. vi, 6; Jer. x, 25. 2. Self-examination, 1 Cor. xi, 28; 2 Cor. xiii, 5. 3. Reading the Holy Scriptures, Psalm i, 2; John v, 39. 4. Spiritual meditation, Psalm cxix, 97-99; Col. iii, 16. 5. Public worship, Psalm cxxii; Hebrews x, 25. 6. Commemorating Christ in the Lord's Supper, Luke xxii, 19-20; 1 Cor.

xi, 23-28. 7. Religious conversation and social prayer, Malachi iii, 16; 1 Thessalonians v, 2; Acts xii, 12.

Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law, Psalm cxix, 18.


By grace ye are saved, through faith, not of works, Eph. ii, 8, 9. We are his workmanship, created in Christ unto good works, verse 10. I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me, Phil. iv, 3. God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, Heb. vi, 10. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord their works follow them, Rev. xiv, 13.

I. I will never lie down at night to rest without prayer; nor when I am in health, sleep longer than six, or at most eight hours.

II. I will never rise in the morning, to proceed to business, until I have first retired, at least for a few minutes, dedicating myself as an offering of thanks to God, and asking his blessing through Jesus Christ.

III. I will endeavour to preserve a constant disposition for prayer, relying upon the promise of God for his Holy Spirit.

IV. Knowing my own infirmities, I will take care not to magnify the faults of others; but to abstain from speaking of them, especially of those which mark my fellow Christians.

V. I will, with the Divine aid, accustom myself to do every thing in the name of Jesus Christ, and for his honour and glory.

VI. I will consider myself as bought with the precious blood of Christ, and seek to improve my soul in saving knowledge, and to preserve my body in health, that I may employ it, with all my property and powers, for his glory.

VII. I will, with the help of God, neither do nor undertake any thing of which I think that I shall repent in the UNCERTAIN hour of my CERTAIN death.

VIII. Wherever I go, I will first pray to God, that I may commit no sin there, but be the means of doing some good to others.

XI. Every day will I read and study the word of God, as the means of salvation, and the rule of all my actions.

X. Every day will I be especially attentive to promote the spiritual interests of my own family in particular.

XI. I will take a conscientious interest in the cause of Christ as my Saviour, for the glory of his name in the salvation of men.

XII. Every evening will I examine my temper and conduct through the day by these rules, and labour in the strength of the Spirit of God, to correct my errors, and plead the blood of Christ for pardon.

"Thou, God, seest me," and knowest what I have resolved; enable me to read or repeat these Resolutions every morning with sincerity, and every evening with joy and an approving conscience.


"Lovest thou me ?" I hear my Saviour say:
Oh! that my heart had power to answer Yea.
Thou knowest all things, Lord, in heaven above
And earth beneath; thou knowest that I love.
But 'tis not so in word, in deed, in thought:
I do not, cannot love Thee as I ought.
Thy love must give that power: Thy love alone :
There's nothing worthy of thee but thine own.
Lord, with the love wherewith Thou lovest me,
Shed in my heart abroad, would I love Thee.

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It was about the middle of the twelfth century, and more than three hundred and fifty years before Luther's Reformation," that Peter Waldo, a rich merchant of Lyons in France, set himself in opposition to the Roman Catholic apostacy. His followers, who were called Waldenses, probably from their connection with him, rapidly increased throughout various provinces in Europe; but the district most remarkable for the establishment of their worship was the valley of Piedmont, which skirts the base of the Alps and Pyrennees; there the word of the Lord went out at various times from among them, and there also, as well as elsewhere, to quote the words used a little while ago by one of their own ministers, the first thunderbolts of Rome were fulminated against them, and the baying of the blood. hounds of the Inquisition was heard, before we, Englishmen, knew even its name. The following account of what took place at Montalto in the year 1560, will serve as a specimen of the afflictions generally accomplished in their brethren. It was originally communicated in a letter to Ascanio Caraccioli from his servant, himself a Roman Catholic, and therefore not likely to overrate the crimes of the oppressor, or the virtues of the oppressed.

"Most illustrious Sir,-Having written you from time to time what has been done here in the affair of heresy, I have now to inform you of the dreadful justice which began to be executed on these Lutherans * early this morning, being the 11th of June. And, to tell you the truth, I can compare it to nothing but the slaughter of so many sheep. They were all shut up in one house as in a sheep-fold. The executiouer went, and bringing out one of them, covered his face with a napkin, or benda, as we call it, led him out to a field near the house, and causing him to kneel down, cut his throat with a knife. Then taking off the bloody napkin, he went and brought out another, whom he put to death after the same manner. In this way, the whole number, amounting to eighty-eight men, were butchered. I leave you to figure to yourself the lamentable spectacle; for 1 can scarcely refrain from tears while I write; nor was there any person, who, after witnessing the execution of one, could stand to look on a second. The meekness and patience with which they went to martyrdom and death were incredible. Some of them at their death professed themselves of the same faith with us, but the greater part died in their cursed obstinacy. All the old men met their death with cheerfulness, but the young exhibited symptoms of fear. I shudder while I think of the executioner, with the bloody knife in his teeth, the dripping napkiu in his hand, and his arms besmeared with gore, going to the house, and taking out one after another, just as a butcher does the sheep which he means to kill. According to orders, waggons are already come to carry away the dead bodies, which are appointed to be quartered, and hung up on the public roads from one end of Calabria to the other. Unless his Holiness and the Viceroy of Naples command the Marquis de Buccianici, the governor of this province, to stay his hand and leave off, he will go on to put others to the torture, and multiply the executions until he has destroyed the whole. Even to day a decree has passed, that a hundred grown-up women shall be executed; so that we may be able to say, in well-sounding language, that so many persons were punished, partly men and partly women. Four other places in the kingdom of Naples are inhabited by the same race, but I do not know that they behave ill; for they are a simple unlettered people,

By this general term the Protestants, including of course the Waldenses, were designated after the Reformation.

entirely occupied with the spade and plough, and, I am told, show themselves sufficiently religious at the hour of death."

So far the quotation. Who can refrain from blushing, as he reads it, to think that the perpetrators of such atrocities were of the same form and substance with himself! Unhappy monsters! How vain as well as brutal was your rage! The flock which ye endeavoured to devour yet lives; poor and separated, it is true; but still worthy of the faith and firmness of their ancestors. Through the dreary lapse of centuries, the songs of Zion have never been quite hushed in Piedmont, and the 20,000 of her inhabitants are even now transmitting those principles to posterity, which shall reign and triumph in the earth when the throne of Babylon is demolished, and the fruits that her soul lusted after have departed for ever and ever!


A serpent 'mid a bed of flowers;
A dark cloud in a summer sky;
A funeral knell in laughing hours;
A tearful sound of agony.
Yes, pale-eyed Farewell, thou art this,
The witherer of human bliss!
The bitter dreg in Pleasure's cup,

T. C. H.

For, oh! though sweet the draught may be, No sooner has Time drank it up,

Then Farewell brings its poignancy.
But Time shall break its gloomy spell :
When he expires-adieu, Farewell!
Who has not felt thee, when a friend

But feebly draws his dying breath,
When parting pangs the bosom rend,
Farewell just whisp'ring forth from death.
From parent, brother, sister-Oh!

It is too much-the heart will break-
'Tis speechless—yes, 'tis silent woe-
'Tis grief that knows not how to speak.
But hark! I hear a heavenly voice
Resounding from the vaulted sky;
It bids despairing hearts rejoice,
And banish every farewell sigh.
It tells us of a happier home,
Where roses bloom without decay;
Where bitter Farewell cannot come ;
Where all is everlasting day.

A peaceful, a celestial fold,

Where friends will meet, and no more sever; Bought with a dearer price than gold, Bought with His blood who reigns for ever!

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OUR limits would not allow us to give a Memoir worthy of the late Dr. Adam Clarke: and as we knew that due honour would be granted to him in various periodicals, we were content to postpone our notice of that great man.

Considering his disadvantages in early life, and his early introduction to the Methodist ministry in his nineteenth year, his attainments must be regarded as extraordinary. "At an early age," as himself informs us, he took for his motto, "Through desire, a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom" Prov. xviii, 1. This was a motto worthy of the adoption of the man who determined to become a scholar; and the success of Dr. Clarke in his studies remarkably exemplified and illustrated the sentiment of that passage. His acquirements in oriental learning have been characterized as "stupendous; " and his persevering industry is manifest in his "Concise View of the succession of sacred literature, in a chronological arrangement of authors and their works, from the formation of alphabetical characters to the year of our Lord 345," one vol. 12mo.; and his " Commentary on the Bible," in eight volumes 4to. Of this great work the Rev. Mr. Horne, in his invaluble "Introduction to the critical Study of the Scriptures,' says, "the literary world in general, and biblical students in particular, are greatly indebted to Dr. Clarke for the light he has thrown on many very difficult passages."

Our object in this brief notice of that excellent and learned minister of Jesus Christ, is to render honour to the memory of a man so great and good; and especially to commend his example to our young friends, as a persevering, successful scholar, whose attainments were the fruit of his own diligent application.

Some of the friends of the Methodist connection, we perceive, are speaking with a degree of despondency, as if, with Dr. Clarke, "their glory had departed:" but with all respect for the talents and learning of that venerable man, we are persuaded that they have his superior by far, if not as a scholar and Biblical critic, yet as a Theologian, in the person of the estimable RICHARD WATSON.

DR. ADAM CLARKE ON THE BOOK OF GENESIS. We cannot always agree with Dr. Clarke in his criticisms on the various parts of the Book of Genesis ; but we admire the beautiful simplicity of his address to his reader, at the close of that wonderful portion of the divine word.

"Reader, thou hast now before thee the most ancient and the most authentic history in the world: a history that contains the first written discovery that God has made of himself to mankind: a discovery of his own being in his wisdom, power, and goodness, in which thou and the whole human race are so intimately concerned. How much thou art indebted to him for this discovery he alone can teach thee, and cause thy heart to feel its obligations to his wisdom and mercy. God made thee and the universe, and governs all things according to the counsel of his own will. While under the direction of this counsel thou canst not err; while under the influence of this will thou canst not be wretched. Give thyself up to his teaching, and submit to his authority; and after guiding thee here by his counsel, he will at last bring thee to glory."

"Hazard not thyself in the shadow of corruption," is one of the authoritative injunctions of that deep thinker and great philosophical reasoner, Sir Thomas Browne.

A DOVE ON THE CHURCH PULPIT. ON a dove, flying into a village church, and alighting on the pulpit just as the Clergyman was announcing a Sermon to be preached in aid of Missions. Welcome, soft messenger of peace!

Let faith and hope the omen hail;
The moral deluge soon shall cease,
And truth, eternal rock, prevail.
'Twas thine with new-born hopes to fill
The sad survivors of a world;
And Fancy 'mid thy plumage still

Sees the bright arch of heaven unfurl'd.
Shrouded in thee from mortal sight,

The Spirit hallow'd Jordan's tide,
When with the sinner's healing rite
The sinless Son of God complied.
"Twas on thy rushing pinions sped,

The same all-conqu❜ring Spirit came,
When wondering thousands saw with dread
The mystic tongues of living flame.
Who then shall blame, if Fancy seize
A presage hallow'd by the sky,
When, wafted on the joyous breeze,

The Spirit's type thus meets her eye?
She marks it, with confiding wing,

Settle on Truth's immortal shrine;
While hosts unseen of angels sing,
"The nations, Lord, shall yet

be thine."

A HINT FOR MEN IN BUSINESS. "I endeavour," says the late Dr. Fothergill, in a letter to one of his friends, "to follow my business, because it is my duty rather than my interest; the latter is inseparable from a just discharge of duty; but I have ever looked at the profits in the last place. At my first setting out I wished most fervently, and I endeavour after it still, to do my business with all the diligence I could, as a present duty, and to repress every rising idea of its consequences; knowing that there was a hand which could easily overthow every pursuit of this kind, and baffle every attempt either to acquire wealth or fame."- Lettsom's Life of Dr. Fothergill.


IN the cathedral of Christ Church, in Dublin, is a tablet to the memory of "James Viscount Lifford, late Lord Chancellor of Ireland,” who died in 1789, aged 73 years, with the following inscription:

"The unanimous sense of a grateful nation is the best testimony of the unblemished integrity with which, for a space of twenty-two years, he filled his high and important station; ever firmly adhering to the maxim he had originally assumed as the guide of his judicial decisions Be just, and fear not." "

London; Printed and Published by C. WOOD AND SON, Poppin's Court, Fleet Street; to whom all Communicatious for the Editor (post paid) should be addressed; and sold by all Booksellers and Newsmen in the United Kingdom.

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SINCE we presented our readers with a Biographical sketch of the Rev. George Whitfield, M A., in No. XI of the "Christian's Penny Magazine," with a cut of his celebrated TABERNACLE, we have been importuned to give a cut of his large chapel in Tottenham Court Road. This we are now enabled to do, with a few notices of its history.

In 1755, a lease was granted, by Captain Charles Fitzroy, of the family of lord Southampton, of a plot of ground, near the "Field of Forty Footsteps," and the Lavenden Mills, in Coyes Garden, in the Tottenham Road, for the term of 72 years, to the Rev. George Whitfield, M. A. Fellow of Pembroke College, Oxford, for the purpose of the erection of a chapel. The design was drawn by himself, and begun in May 1756, and finished so as to be opened November 7, in the same year. At the close of the year 1759, it was en

An Historical Melo-Drama, entitled "The Field of Forty Footsteps," founded on an event in the families of De Vere and Matchlove, in the time of the Commonwealth. The London University is built on part of this field, at the cud of Gower Street.


larged, by adding an octangular front, which gave it the appearance of two chapels.

This chapel is believed to be the largest place of worship in the kingdom, not immediately connected with the established church: its length is 126 feet; its breadth 76 feet; and its height to the crown of the dome and pinnacle 112 feet. The interior of the chapel is very neat; the roof is supported by 12 columns with caps; and in the centre is a large cupola, which serves as a ventilator: it is well constructed for hearing; and a moderate voice may be heard in every part of the building. This chapel will seat between 4,000 and 5,000 persons, and a great part of the accommodation is free for the poor. An extensive burial ground is attached to the chapel, with commodious catacombs, and vast numbers of pious persons have deposited the mortal remains of their departed friends in that enclosure.

The walls of Tottenham Court Chapel are ornamented with monumental tablets, in memory of our pious forefathers; anong which, are those of the Rev. George Whitfield, M. A. its founder, and Elizabeth his wife; the Rev. Augustus Toplady, B. A. late of Trinity College, Dublin; Mrs. Mary Waring, a very


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What I really was as a Believer,

Is the only thing of importance to me now. Whitfield's lease of this chapel expired in 1828, and the place of worship was closed until 1831, when the freehold was purchased. At a meeting of the "Trustees and Provisional Committee," held Sept. 16, 1831, it was reported by them, that, "after much negociation and suspense, the chapel and burial ground, originally held by the Rev. George Whitfield, under a lease which had expired, and could not be renewed, had now been permanently purchased for 14,0007., and conveyed, with the Tabernacle, for the benefit of the congregation and public, to fourteen trustees. That the chapel had been improved, and would be completely repaired and reopened for public worship on Thursday, Oct. 27, when it was hoped that the Rev. Rowland Hill, A. M. would preach in the morning, and in the evening the Rev. James Parsons of York. They also announced, that, when re-opened, the worship would be conducted with the forms previously used, and that they had continued to reserve several hundred free sittings for the accommodation of strangers and the poor. But they also announced, that the costs of the repairs and improvements would, with the purchase and incidental expenses, amount nearly to 20,0007.; and that, after appropriating towards that sum a congregational fund of 5,000l., there would remain to be paid about 15,000l. for which there were no resources but in that Christian liberality, which they trusted the members of the connection, and the friends of religion throughout the empire, would kindly display.”

It was also reported, that 3,3007. had already been subscribed by individual members of the Tabernacle and Tottenham Court congregations, and various friends.

On the 27th day of October 1831, the joyful event of the re-opening of this chapel took place; when, after the services in the church of England Liturgy had been read, the Rev. William Jay, of Bath, preached in the morning, from Rev. xxi, 22; and the Rev. James Parsons, of York, in the evening, from Jer. x, 3. Though the weather was unfavourable, the congregations were large, and the collections amounted to 2627.

Genuine religion has been eminently promoted by many of the services of a succession of the most eminent preachers, in this chapel; and we recollect having read reported from the congregation at Tottenham Court Chapel, about 5001. per annum contributed to the London Missionary Society: besides the generous support of very large Sunday Schools, and many benevolent institutions. May the Holy Spirit be poured forth, in all his rich gifts and graces, upon the pastor, and upon the congregation at this place; and may the ministry of the Gospel of Christ, by the occasional supplies, at Tottenham Court Chapel, be crowned with His efficient benediction, in the conversion of thousands of souls to God!



In the year 1787, in the month of August, a very singular incident took place in Tottenham Court Chapel:-a minister preaching his own funeral sermon. This was the Rev. Henry Peckwell, D. D. rector of Bloxham-cum-Digby, Lincolushire. The occasion which led to this very affecting circumstance deserves notice.

Dr. Peckwell studied medicine and anatomy, that he might be more useful in his cure, visiting the sick and poor: but while opening the body of a young person, who had died of a putrid fever, he wounded one of his fingers with a needle, which proved fatal by mortifica tion on the tenth day! Faith in the atonement and righteousness of Christ enabled him to triumph over death and the grave! Dr. Peckwell was the founder of the charity called "The Sick Man's Friend.”


Besides Dr. Peckwell, we recollect having heard of no other preaching his own funeral sermon, except the unfortunate Dr. Dodd. This unhappy clergyman was a popular preacher in the British metropolis. His connection with the great, occasioned his extravagance, which led him to forge the name of his patron, Lord Chesterfield, to a bond for 4,2007., the fraud of which being discovered, he was tried and condemned in Feb. 1777. Great interest was made to procure the mitiga. tion of punishment to save his life, but in vain: he was executed at Tyburn, June 27, 1777, after having preached his own funeral sermon in Newgate.

There is every reason to believe Dr. Dodd died a true penitent, from his "Prison Thoughts," published after his death.


MIDDLESEX is almost the smallest county in England: but as it comprehends the two vast cities of LONDON and WESTMINSTER, it is the most populous, and by far the most wealthy. It is divided into 602 liberties, containing 200 parishes. Exclusive of the divisions in London and Westminster, and the Tower Hamlets, it is divided into 6 hundreds, and 98 parishes. It contains, besides the two cities, seven market towns, and BRENTFORD is considered the county town.

Middlesex derives its name from its situation amidst the three kingdoms of the East, West, and South Saxons. It is bounded on the North by Hertfordshire; on the South by the river Thames, which separates it from Surrey; on the West by the Colne, which divides it from Buckinghamshire; and on the East by the Lea, which separates it from Essex. Middlesex is about 24 miles long, from East to West; and 18 broad, from North to South. The air is very pleasant and healthy, to which a fine soil of gravel and loam greatly contributes. It produces plenty of corn, and the county abounds with fertile meadows and gardens. The greater part of the county is so prodigiously assisted by the rich compost from London, that the whole of the cultivated part is like a garden. The natural productions are cattle, corn, and fruit; and almost every manufacture established in Great Britain is found in this county. By Mr. Baird's report to the Board of Agriculture, in 1793, Middlesex contains about 250,000 acres; of which 130,000 are in meadow and pasture; 50,000 in nursery, gar dens, and pleasure grounds; 50,000 in tillage; and about 20,000 in commons," by which "the public loses about 200,000l. per annum." Since that period however much of the "commons" has been enclosed and cultivated. In the immediate vicinity of London, 10,000 acres are cultivated as kitchen gardens, a fourth part of which is in Middlesex. The average annual produce per acre, amounts in value to 2007, 120. of which is calculated profit.

Middlesex is not remarkable for picturesque beauty. It presents in general a gently waving surface, with considerable inequalities in some places, and extensive levels in others. From the Thames towards the north,

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