Sunday School Lectures. LECTURE VI. GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD." Teacher. There is a great difference between the Bible and every other book; and indeed that cannot be wondered at, seeing that God is the author of the Bible, while man is the author of every other book in the world; therefore there must be a vast difference between the production or work of a finite being and an infinite being, between the work of God and the work of man. Why may it be expected that there should be a vast difference between the Bible and every other book? Because holy men, inspired of God, wrote the Bible; and men, by their imperfect wisdom, wrote every other book in the world. Teacher. One great thing which may be remarked in the Bible is this, that the Bible often speaks of two things at once; it often speaks of the wants of the body and of the wants of the soul at the same time; and in the prophecies, it often foretels two things at the same time. What peculiarity, or what great thing in particular may be remarked in the Bible?-That it often speaks of two things at once. Teacher. Now this is the case with this part of the Lord's prayer, "Give us this day our daily bread;" it refers to the wants of the body, and also to the wants of the soul: I spoke last Sunday concerning the wants of the body, I shall therefore now speak concerning the wants of the soul. What do we ask God to do for our souls, when we "Give us this day our daily bread?”—To give us say, the blessings of grace by the Holy Spirit. Teacher. The soul wants food as well as the body; and as bread keeps alive the body, so does the grace of the Holy Spirit cherish, quicken, or keep alive the Christian's soul; inasmuch as the soul of man is naturally "dead in trespasses and sins." What is the bread of the soul?-The grace of the Holy Spirit. What does bread do for the body?-It keeps it alive, strengthens, and comforts it. What does the grace of the Holy Spirit do for the soul?-It keeps it alive, overcomes its corruptions; it strengthens and comforts the soul in all its powers. Teacher. The blessings and grace of the Holy Spirit, as the Scripture clearly states, may be possessed by all who choose to pray for them (Isa. Ív, 1; Rev. xxii, 17), and we pray God, when we say, "Take not thy Holy Spirit from us," or, "Give us this day our daily bread," not on account of our sins to shut us up to condemnation, but still to allow us to come to the fountain of life, where we may be washed from our sins, and where we may obtain strength and comfort. Who may obtain the Holy Spirit ? — All. How may we obtain the Holy Spirit?-By asking God to send him into our hearts through Christ. Who obtained the Holy Spirit for us?-Jesus Christ. In what words did Jesus promise the Holy Spirit to his disciples?“ And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever, even the Spirit of truth." John xiv, 16. This promise was made by Christ to his disciples: how do we know that the Holy Spirit was obtained by Christ for us also? Because it is declared to be for all persons, in all ages (Acts ii, 38, 39), “And ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost; for the promise is unto you and to your children, and to all that are afar off." What is the Holy Ghost to do for us?-To take away the burthen of our sins and make us holy, to comfort those who feel their sins to be a burthen, and to strengthen us to fight against the world, the flesh, and the devil. Teacher. Then if you wish to be saved from hell, you must pray to God to give you his Holy Spirit, who only can make you fit to live with a holy God in heaven. Ć. R. A. AN ECCENTRIC CHARACTER. "By their fruits ye shall know them." "WE last week recorded the death of Mr. Isaac Coverdale, of Hawsker, near Whitby, farmer, aged eightyseven years. For the last fourteen or fifteen years, this remarkable individual had constantly lain in bed, not from any infirmity or weakness, but from choice. He was fond of reading, and amused himself with books and newspapers; visitors generally found his bed covered with these articles. Being of a cheerful, conversable disposition, he was frequently visited both by his neighbours and strangers, and was, consequently, better acquainted with the news of the day than most of those who made greater use of their powers of locomotion. At the late election for the borough of Whitby, he was prevailed upon to leave his bed, and was taken to the poll-booth in a carriage to give his vote."-Hull Advertiser. A USEFUL CHARACTER. "ON the 5th instant (July), at Sunderland, died John White, Esq. aged sixty-nine. For eighteen years he enjoyed salvation by faith, and was possessed with an unusual interest in the distribution of tracts and other religious books suitable to the poor and the rising generation. At his own expense he had caused to be published seven or eight editions of suitable works, particularly one of Doddridge's Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul,' consisting of 10,000 copies. All these, besides an incalculable number of tracts, purchased at the depot in London, he gratuitously caused to be distributed. His end was not only peaceful, but triomphant, longing to depart and to be with Christ, which is far better."— Patriot. Reflections of a most profitable kind will arise from reading the notices of the "Eccentric," as well as of the "Useful" character. How truly pitiable does au old man appear, seeking mere amusement on the borders of the grave! How unworthy "the reason of a man!" On the other hand, how truly admirable and exemplary the conduct of him, who, in the anticipation of immortal happiness through the mediation of Christ, labours, in his last days, to promote the temporal and eternal welfare of his fellow-men, by a portion of his property expended in diffusing among them the knowledge of the glorious gospel! MY SCRAP BOOK LEAF XII. "The Bee that wanders, and sips from every flower, disposes what she has gathered into her cells."-SENECA. ANECDOTE OF THE CELEBRATED RICHARD BAXTER. GEORGE VILLIERS, Duke of Buckingham, an accomplished courtier, and companion of Charles II, was distinguished for his open infidelity, and the ridicule with which he treated the sacred writings. His friend, John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, another fit companion of the same monarch, was equally remarkable for the dissoluteness of his manners, and for the pains he took to corrupt others. These two noblemen riding in the country, discovered Mr. Baxter at some distance riding towards them. The person and character of that holy man were well known to them, and they loved a joke too well to suffer the present occasion to pass without one, even though it should be at the expense of decency and good manners. Upon Mr. Baxter's approach, therefore, the peers halted, and taking off their hats with the common salutation, they very gravely inquired, Pray, Mr. Baxter, which is the nearest road to Hell?' The good man, though astonished and shocked at the abruptness and profanity of the question, immediately replied, 66 ROCHESTER, some say, But BUCKINGHAM's the nearest way." Upon receiving which answer, the two peers slunk away silenced and confounded.— Walter Wilson. "There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." Matt. xiii, 42. Oh! how do persons play with Scripture thunder! The Word printed, is like fire painted, which they can see and feel without fear. But could they stand at the gates of hell, and hear the damned howl, it would make their hair stand on end, and fill their hearts with horror. But what shall we say of an eternal being in that state of torment! The damnation of hell is beyond all definition; much harder to define than the Spanish Inquisition; which a painter despairing to do, did not picture one man with a knife in his throat, a second with a sword in his heart, a third with his arms torn off, but took a table and covered it all over with blood, crying out, BLOOD! BLOOD! So may a minister cry out, FIRE! FIRE! for a definition of damnation.-Waite. Prayer. Let prayer and endeavour be linked together. He that prays, and not endeavours, mocks God. He that endeavours, and not prays, mocks himself. Prayer is to be performed with much fre quency, fervency, and solemnity.-Idem. Take heed of praying to persons, instead of praying for them, i. e. by affected phrases, and tinkling tones. Hateful is that prayer to God, which is devised, formed, and phrased to please man and no better are the prayers of some persons. The devil is such a chemist, he can extract evil out of good, and poison a person with his own prayers, by puffing him up with pride in them.-Idem. Temptation.-As he that carrieth gunpowder about him had need keep far from fire; so he that carrieth corruption, had need keep far from temptation. As when children meet a horse, cart, or cow, they will (if timorous) run ten times farther out of the way than they need; so let men learn to flee from sin.-Idem. Conformity to the World.-Beware of world-likeness. Likeness in Caristians to the world in sin, causes likeness in sorrow. When the small pox, or plague rages, the reason why God puts so little difference between the Egyptians and Israel, is because Israel differs so little from Egypt. They live alike, and die alike. Some professors promise themselves safety in pestilence from this promise, viz. “A thousand shall fall at thy side, und ten thousand at thy right hand, but it shall not come nigh thee." Psalm xci, 7. BUT WHY? "Because thou hast made the Lord, the Most High, thy habitation." Ver. 9. That is, a dwelling in God by a holy life. It is a promise of preservation, with a condition; such as expect it without, why not salvation too, without believing ?—Id. AUSTIN, upon the answer of God to Moses, Exod. xxxiii, 20, "Thou canst not see my face and live," makes this quick and sweet reply, "Then, Lord, let me die, that I may see thy face."-Brooks. Time.-Qu. Eliz. on her death-bed cried out, "Time! Time! a world of wealth for an inch of time."-Idem. BISHOP ATTERBURY, in his advanced years, writes thus in a letter to Mr. Pope, "I, who squandered whole days heretofore, now husband hours, when the glass begins to run low, and care not to mispend them on trifles. At the end of the lottery of life, our last minutes, like tickets left in the wheel, rise in their valut ̧ . tion. They are not of so much worth perhaps in themselves, as those which preceded, but we are apt to prize them more, and with reason." TIME is the season and opportunity of carrying on any work, and for that reason is one of the most valua ble things; and yet nothing is more wastefully spent, and more prodigally squandered away by a great part of mankind than this, which, next to our immortal souls, is of all things most precious; because upon the right use or abuse of our time, our eternal happiness or misery does depend. Men have generally some guard upon themselves as to their money and estates, and will not with eyes open suffer others to rob and deprive them of them: but we will let any body almost rob us of our time, and are contented to expose this precious treasure to every body's rapine and extortion; and can quietly look on, while men thrust in their hands and take it out by whole handfuls, as if it were of no greater value than silver was in Solomon's days, no more than stones in the street. And yet, when it is gone, all the silver and gold in the world cannot purchase and fetch back the least moment of it, when perhaps we would give all the world for a very small part of that time, which we parted with upon such cheap and easy terms.- Tillotson. Inscription on the Sepulchre of a man, who had lingered half a century in a Dungeon. Written by Mr. E. Button. Ope, jealous portal! Ope thy cavern womb, Thy pris'ner will not flee its close embrace; He lived and moved too long within a tomb, Beyond its narrow bounds to dream of space. To eat his crust, and muse, unvarying lot, Thus, like his beard, his life slow length'ning grew; So long shut out, the world the wretch forgot, His cell his universe, 'twas all he knew. For MEMORY Soon with roving pinions wheel'd In circles less'ning each successive flight, Her sickly wings at length enfeebled, yield, Too weak to scale the walls that bound his sight. But HOPE sat with him once, and cheer'd his day, And rais'd his limbs, and kept his lamp alight; Scared by his groans, at length she fled away, Left him alone to spend one endless night. What change to him, then, is this vault below, From that where late the captive was confin'd? But this,- -a worm here feeds upon his brow, While there, it gnawed its wasting tenant mind. S. J. B*****. "ENOCH WALKED WITH GOD." Flows from hence, for ever flows. But, though willing is my spirit, many Hindrances to love and zeal. Let thy grace prevail, my Saviour! All my heart and soul be thine! All my Father's pleasure doing, Let me ever WALK WITH GOD. N. B. HINTS ON THE PORTABLE EVIDENCE OF CHRISTIANITY, By Joseph John Gurney. Second Edition, 18mo. cloth, pp. 194. London, Arch. Christianity," sceptics have said, "is not founded in argument." But if by that ambiguous phrase they mean to declare that Christianity cannot be justified in its claims to divinity by argument, it may be confidently replied, that every argument which can be applied to the subject will support it as true, and consequently divine. And no man has ever sat down to examine it seriously in the character of an unbeliever, but he has risen up convinced that it came from heaven, and that it is an unspeakable blessing from God. But no class of arguments for our holy religion are to be compared with that which is derived from experience and this is what is intended by the title before us- -The Portable Evidence of Christianity. Mr. Gurney has rendered a new service to his countrymen by this valuable little volume, to which we give our warmest recommendation. The subject," says our author in his preface, "naturally divides itself into two parts. In the first place, the Bible, considered alone, affords, in the purity, dignity, harmony, and practical importance, of its contents, sufficient evidences of its own divine origin. And, secondly, the accordance of the truths revealed in Scripture, with what we know in ourselves, and observe in the world around us, and more especially in the adaptation of the gospel of Christ to the condition of fallen man, supplies us with a further conclusive proof, that the Creator and moral Governor of the Universe, is the Author of the Bible." CHRISTIAN BREATHINGS: In a Series of Devotional Poems. By the late Mr. Nathaniel Biggs. 18mo. pp. 126. London. How little can be known of that communion, which the soul of a real Christian is accustomed to hold with God! Acting upon the precept of the Saviour, "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, &c.;" to whom can he make known what his soul has there enjoyed? Nay, if it were possible, what language could be used to describe that expansiveness of feeling experienced by him who has fellowship with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ?" All such communications must be purely of a spiritual character. Yet it is delightful to trace the workings of a soul, which we know to have been often in the situation supposed, expressed in such strains as language admits. The "Breathings" before us, evidently show how the spirit of the departed author worked. The man can be traced by those who knew him, in the manner of his Breathing." He was possessed of a high tone of Christian feeling, and in these devotional poems that feeling is carried out. We have selected one, and if our readers have any relish for it, we assure them that there are many more of the same character in the little volume. THE THORN IN THE FLESH. - 2 Cor. xii, 9. What though a thorn my bosom bears, That mark my chequer'd way; My God hath said, in whom I live, 'Tis prov'd, the glorious truth is prov'd, And sufferings yet remain ; The future will explain. His will be done, I love to pray; O let His will be mine! His promis'd grace and strength is given, PENNY MAGAZINE. No 66. SEPTEMBER 7, 1833. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY C. WOOD AND SON, POPPIN'S COURI, FLEET STREFT, LONDON. ་་་ ........... INDIANS OF NORTH WEST AMERICA VISITED BY A MISSIONARY AMERICAN INDIANS. CHRISTIAN benevolence has demonstrated its heavenly origin, by diffusing its inestimable benefits among the wretched inhabitants of the most dreary regions of the earth. Greenland, Labrador, and Kamtschatka, and the various tribes of the American Indians, have been visited by evangelical missionaries, with the imperishable tidings of eternal salvation, and God has graciously crowned their labours with success. Our engraving represents a missionary herald embracing these degraded beings, and inviting their attention to the doctrines of pardon, holiness, and everlasting life, by the mediation of Jesus Christ. North of the boundaries of the United States, from north latitude 40° to the shores of the Frozen Sea in north latitude 70°, comprehending a space of more than 2,000 miles, and from the Lake of the Woods in west longitude 94° to Vancouver's Island in west longitude 126°, comprising an extent of nearly 1,500 miles, from east to west across the Rocky Mountains, there are scattered innumerable tribes of Indians, "sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death." Dr. Morse, an American divine, has endeavoured to VOL. II. enumerate them. He forms the Indian tribes into three grand divisions. I. East of the Mississippi, 120,625 persons. II. Between the Mississippi and the Rocky Mountains, 179,592. III. West of the Rocky Moun tains, 171,200. Total, 471,417. The whole number of tribes and branches dispersed over this vast country, he computes at 260, some of which are reduced to fifteen souls, and several are quite extinct: but others number thousands, and the Choctaws amount to 25,000. The Indian families average at five or six individuals, and their warriors are as one in three, or one in five. Besides the Choctaws, the most considerable of these Indian nations are Cherokees, Chicasaws, Chippaways, Creeks, Delawares, Mohawks, Manadans, Moskitoes, Oneidas, Osages, Ottawas, Senecas, Seminoles, Tuscaroras, &c. The Indians have a remarkable similarity in their external appearance. Their bodies are slight, but well made their eyes black, and their hair of the same colour, lank and straight. The cheek bones of the men are a little raised; the women have them still higher. The women are more inclined to be fat than the men, owing, it is believed, to their being less engaged in the chase. Their colour is that of copper; a 20 colour, which, as has been frequently observed, is peculiar to the Americans. Some travellers assert that they generally have no beard: others, that this is entirely owing to the care they take to eradicate the hair from every part of their bodies except their heads. All the various tribes have a close resemblance in their dress, which, in their original state, consists entirely of furs and hides; one piece fastened round their waist, which reaches the middle of the thigh, and another larger piece thrown over the shoulders. Their stockings are of skins, fitted to the shape of the leg, the seams ornamented with porcupines' quills; their shoes of the skin of the deer, elk, or buffalo, dressed, for the most part, with the hair on: they are made to fasten about the ankles, where they have ornaments of brass or tin, about an inch long, hung by thongs. The women are all covered from the knees upwards. Their petticoats reach from their waists to the knees, and, like their shifts, are of leather. Their shoes and stockings are not different from those of the men. Their tents or huts are composed of poles, extended below, and meeting in a point at the top: these are covered sometimes with skins, with bark, or with mats made of rushes. They are without windows, and have no chimneys but a small opening left at the top: so that, in rainy weather, the inhabitants must either be drenched in water, or almost suffocated with smoke. The same skins which by day serve them for seats, serve them for beds by night; and they are spread on the ground for that purpose, round the fire, which is in the centre. Marriage is not unknown among the American Indians, but its sacredness is but little regarded. On the woman is devolved every domestic charge: she erects the tent, procures wood for the fire, manages the agricultural affairs, dresses the provisions, catches the fish, and makes traps for small animals; while the unfeeling husband employs himself only in the chase. Some of the Indian tribes, we are told, however, as the Cherokees, Creeks, and Uchees, are becoming sensible of the inconveniences of savage life, and of the necessity of adopting agricultural habits, as the only means now left to prevent their total extirpation. The Cherokees especially have made great progress in the cultivation of their lands, and some of them have good plantations, and even Negro slaves; many of the women also spin and weave cotton stuff, and are improving in various respects. ་་ Successful efforts have been made from time to time, to diffuse among these degraded beings the knowledge of Christ and the blessings of pure religion. JOHN ELIOT, deservedly called The Apostle of the Indians," entered into a system of missionary labours to benefit these people, and continued in his work forty-four years, until the year 1690. He learned their language, and translated for them the whole Scriptures, besides several standard works of theology. Dr. Mather, in a letter dated 1687, says, "There are sir churches of baptized Indians in New England, and eighteen assemblies of catechumens! Of the Indians, there are twentyfour who are preachers of the Word of God; and besides these there are four English ministers." short time after the death of Mr. Eliot, the Doctor, in a sermon, says, "In this one province, Massachussetts, the Indians have mostly embraced the Christian religion. There are, I suppose, more than thirty congregations of Indians, and more than three thousand Indians in this one province, calling on God in Christ, and hearing his glorious word!" A The United Brethren have, from 1734, had Missionaries among the Indians in the back settlements of Philadelphia, North Carolina, Georgia, and among the Cherokees on the borders of Tenessee; but severe in deed were the trials they had to encounter here, chiefly through the wars of the Indians, as they severally took part either with the French or British. In one instance, ninety-six men, women, and children, were treacherously made prisoners by white banditti, and tomahawked in cold blood. In another instance, in 1755, eleven Missionaries, male and female, were burnt in their habitation by a troop of Indians in the French service. Several Missionaries have been sent among the Indians by "The American Board of Missions," "The American Foreign Missionary Society," "The New York Missionary Society," and "The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel," in England. "The Church Missionary Society" has undertaken a mission to the American Indians in the territories of the Hudson's Bay Company; two English clergymen in connection with the Society are stationed at the Red River, south of Lake Winnipeg. A few months after the first missionary had reached his station, he took a journey of above five hundred miles, drawn by dogs in a sledge over the snow, to visit the Indians. In this journey it was, that he had the interview represented in the engraving. He had particularly noticed a boy about seven years of age, and wished to have him as a scholar. Soon after he left the Indians, the father of the boy observed, that, as the missionary stood between the Great Spirit and the Indians, - that is, came to teach them the will of the Great Spirit—he could refuse him nothing: he accordingly sent him to the school. The Church Missionary Report for 1831, says, "Two Indian boys, who had been brought by Governor Simpson, about four years ago, from the Rocky Mountains, and had been under the instruction of Mr. Cockran, went home on a visit to their parents. They have since returned, bringing with them five other boys four of these are the sons of four different chieftains, the heads of four large tribes of Indians dwelling beyond the Rocky Mountains, and each of them speaking a different dialect from the others. They manifest a considerable desire to learn; and, should it please God, may become the instruments of guiding many of their countrymen to the knowledge of the true God." LETTER FROM AN ESQUIMAUX INDIAN, Converted to Christ by the ministry of the Moravian Missionaries, by whom it was translated into the English language. "In the presence of Jesus, I now write with pleasure to my dear brethren and sisters on the other side of the ocean. "My dear Brethren and Sisters, "I will now relate to you, how it is with me. I am not yet old: however, I am past youthful years; and from a child have belonged to this congregation. I there learnt to read the word of God well with my mouth, but did not understand it in my heart, and knew not Jesus. But now I know him, and his words are clear in my soul, and I experience his great love. I know that, for me, he came down from heaven; for me, he spoke saving words; for me, he prayed; and for me, sweat blood in his agony; for me, he bore his cross; for me, he suffered; for me, he died; for me, he lay in the grave; for me, he rose again; and for me, ascended into heaven, and thereby he took away my sins also. With astonishment I contemplate this his great love to my soul; and I am now determined, out of thankfulness to him, to live alone to his pleasure in this world." |