fact by trying it on beasts of burthen. Take that fine animal the horse, and work him to the full extent of his powers every day in the week, or give him rest one day in seven; and you will soon perceive, by the superior vigour with which he performs his functions on the other six days, that this rest is necessary to his well-being. Man, possessing a superior nature, is borne along by the very vigour of his mind; so that the injury of continued diurnal exertion and excitement on his animal system is not so immediately apparent as it is in the brute; but in the long run he breaks down more suddenly it abridges the length of his life, and that vigour of his old age, which (as to mere animal power) ought to be object of his preservation. I consider therefore, that in the bountiful provision of Providence for the preservation of human life, the Sabbatical appointment is not, as it has been sometimes Theologically viewed, simply a precept partaking of the nature of a political institution, but that it is to be numbered amongst the natural duties; if the preservation of life be admitted to be a duty, and the premature destruction of it a suicidal act. This is said simply as a physician, and without reference at all to the Theological question. But if you consider further the proper effect of real Christianity, namely, peace of mind, confiding trust in God, and good-will to man, you will perceive this source of renewed vigour to the mind, and through the mind to the body, an additional spring of life, imparted from the higher use of the Sabbath as a holy rest. Were I to pursue this part of the question, I should be touching on the duties committed to the clergy; but this I will say, that researches in physiology, by the analogy of the workings of Providence in nature, will establish the truth of Revelation, and consequently show, that the Divine commandment is not to be considered as an arbitrary enactment, but as an appointment necessary to man. This is the position in which I would place it, as contradistinguished from precept and legislation. I would point out the Sabbatical rest as necessary to man; and that the great enemies of the Sabbath, and consequently the enemies of man, are, all laborious exercise of the body or mind, and dissipation, which force the circulation on that day in which it should repose; whilst relaxation from the ordinary cares of life, the enjoyment of this repose in the bosom of one's family, with the religious studies and duties which the day enjoins, not one of which, if rightly exercised, tend to abridge life, constitute the beneficial and appropriate service of the day. The student of nature, in becoming the student of CHRIST, will find in the principles of his doctrine and law, and in the practical application of them, the only and perfect science which prolongs the present, and perfects the future life." CHRISTIAN CONFIDENCE. "They that know thy name will put their trust in thee," Psalm ix, 10. Thou art, O God! the joy and pride Of those, who make thy name their stay; Through all thy dispensations view, Of mercy's beams still shining through; S. F. W. THE BIRMINGHAM APPRENTICE. He sets up in Business, and settles with a Family. WILLIAM Completed his seven years apprenticeship the day on which he attained the twentieth year of his age. His master found that it would be a serious loss to spare his services, and therefore made him an offer of wages, which was considered liberal: but he would continue no longer in the employment of one, who had treated him in many respects unworthily, and even cruelly. From the debasing habit of frequent and excessive drinking, his master had seriously neglected his business, for the last two years especially: sometimes remaining from home, in company not to be named, for two or three days and nights together: intemperance brutalized his manners; and acts of petty tyranny, and even barbarity, the most shameful in its character, were the natural consequences. Timid as William was naturally, prepared by the fear of God in a great degree to suffer evil, and without any influential friend in the town, he was necessitated to lay some of the long grievances of himself and fellow-apprentices before a magistrate; who threatened the master with the cancelling of the indentures, unless the unusual complaints were immediately remedied. They could not be denied: and every thing required was readily promised, his master acknowledging that he had no fault to find with William, and admitting that he had never neglected his business for an hour, during about five years of his servitude, which had already transpired. One subsequent act of unkindness, may, on several accounts, with propriety be here mentioned: - When the father of William died, about fourteen months before the termination of his apprenticeship, he was sent for to attend the funeral: but his master observed, that as he could do no good to his father, his going was unnecessary, and that he would not suffer him to undertake the journey, and that he wanted certain work completed. William offered to finish all the work that was required, and then, travelling all night, to attend the last sad offices for his parent: but inhumanity, superinduced by irreligion and intemperance, pronounced a coarse and frowning refusal. This was felt as a most grievous affliction to William; and every one of his shopmates was indignant at the unfeelingness thus displayed, and united in recommending him to go without leave, daring his master to punish him, or notice the disobedience. But the fear of God prevailed, and William submitted, "casting all his care upon the Lord," believing that "He cared for him;" and he was enabled by the Divine grace, not only to be patient, and resigned to his holy will, but even to pray for his unfeeling master, according to the precept and example of his blessed Lord and Saviour; at the same time confident, that all his difficulties would conduce to his advantage. Released from the obligations of an apprentice, William had to make a beginning in the world; and without property, the indispensable means of embarking in business for himself. But he possessed two things of inestimable value; things for which he had for a long time earnestly prayed to his heavenly Father, and for which he had carefully and perseveringly laboured, under many unrighteous impositions. He had a good character; against which, malice itself could not establish an objection: and he was acknowledged to possess the ability of a good workman, his reputation for which had been blazed abroad, even by his master, on all occasions, especially when in his cups, challenging any one to produce his equal. Trade at that time was in a particularly flourishing state, and the character of William having been testified by his master himself, and his work being known to the principal in a large wholesale house, on his application, every requisite was supplied on the third day after he had left his servitude, to enable him to enter on business; and though the most dishonourable attempts were made to injure him, by various insinuations as to his secret intentions relating to the property with which it was supposed he had been entrusted, and that without any security, they were candidly mentioned to William, but not credited. William declared some of his intentions, which had indeed been secret, but they related to supporting his widowed mother: thus respect for him was created; and by the gracious help of God, he never dishonoured the high confidence thus reposed in him. William reflected upon the case of his mother being left a widow, and in necessitous circumstances, with four children; and regarding it as a call of Providence to assist them, he promptly determined on acting the part of a father to the family. Arrangements were inade, and in six weeks after his apprenticeship terminated, his mother removed from the country to keep his house his two brothers he took apprentices to his own business; and his two sisters, who were the youngest, he put to school. Providence, kind and gracious, evidently smiled upon his industrious dili- gence, prospering the work of his hands, giving him favour in the sight of those with whom he transacted business, blessing him, and making him a blessing to others. Feeling alive to the inestimable importance of personal religion, William did not fail to lead his mother and family to the house of God, and to direct their attention to the things that belong to their everlasting peace. But his religious profession and connections required more than attendance at the house of God; they brought him into contact with many of those who were accustomed to worship God as families: the practice commended itself to his judgment, as rational and proper and necessary; and he found that it was agreeable to the custom of the people of God, as recorded in the Holy Scriptures. This was sufficient to determine the mind of William; and having found a discourse on "Family Religion," among Whitfield's Sermons, written upon the remarkable words of Joshua, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord," Josh. xxiv, he at once decided on introducing the subject, and on following so worthy an exaple. He had the approbation of his friends whom he consulted on the occasion, and he was encouraged by their cordial recommendation. William made known his wishes to his mother; showed her the sermon on the subject; read it in the evening in the presence of the family, who all appeared willing to comply with his desire, not making the slightest objection; and from that day forward, the God of nature, of providence, and of salvation, was acknowledged and worshipped daily, by the reading of the Holy Scriptures, and prayer. With admiring gratitude did William often look back upon those eventful and delightful days of his early history, wondering at the goodness of God, in preserving him while inexperienced in worldly transactions and young in years, and opening ways in his merciful providence so favourable to his wishes, and so far beyond his expectations. He saw with the most heartfelt satisfaction, his mother, as he believed, embrace the gospel of Christ, brought to the knowledge of "the truth as it is in Jesus " by her son's manifest devotedness to God, and in answer to his prayers. The same distinguished happiness, he had grounds to believe, became the blessed portion of one of each, if not of both his brothers and sisters. Of the whole of them he had reason to hope "things that accompany salvation." Remarkably favoured in business, and blessed with a kind and careful mother to manage his domestic affairs, William, diligent in his habits, and devoting a full measure of his hours daily to the claims of his trade and the manufactory, by early rising, allowing himself but six hours bed, redeemed a considerable portion of his time for mental improvement. He felt his ignorance on divine things especially, and determined upon rather an extensive course of reading for a tradesman, embracing particularly the Evidences of Christianity and Church History; and by regularity and perseverance for a few years upon this plan, he made considerable progress. Instead of it interfering with the claims of his ordinary business, it afforded him daily relief and the most solid pleasure. Most happily for him, anticipating his wishes, about this period, a few intelligent, pious, and liberal-minded gentlemen, members of the Independent and Baptist congregations of the Rev. Messrs. Birt, Edwards, and Bennett, and of those attending the ministry of the Rev. Mr. Burn, projected a select Theological Library in Birmingham. The plan was adopted, contributions were liberal, and it soon included several hundred volumes of the choicest standard works of sound Divinity, a great part of which William read with considerable attention and profit, making extracts of various of the most striking passages. William was not satisfied with direct reading: he began to reflect upon his Latin exercises at the Grammar school; perceiving the value of that language from the numerous passages he met with in the several Theological works. He had neglected that study during almost all his apprenticeship; but he determined now, if possible, on recovering what he had lost, and on making some further progress in that ancient language; not without some secret hope, though perhaps at a distant day, of being able to examine the records of the Gospel of salvation in the consecrated language of Greece. In these hopes he was not a little encouraged by the concluding paragraph of the Latin Grammar, about that time published by Dr. Smith of Homerton College. He obtained assistance, and his success, ultimately, almost equalled his expectations, if it did not satisfy his wishes. To excite and stimulate a class of persons such as William, that learned Tutor remarks-"If to the prosecution of this course of study, the leisure hours were devoted which most young men can command on the six days of the week, I can scarcely doubt, that an useful and gratifying measure of attainment would be made in three or four years; and then it may be hoped that warmer zeal, aided by satisfactory experience, will prompt the lover of these fair regions of literature, to urge a similar career in the Greek language. Dr. Valpy's excellent Grammar, with the concomitant aid of the Westminster, will open the path; and the late Professor Dalzel's Analecta, and his Collectanea, will make it delightfully pleasant. In that path the lover of knowledge and virtue will not only be charmed by the attractions of Ionic sweetness and Attic elegance; but he will hear the dictates of ETERNAL WISDOM, in humble simplicity of words, yet with celestial majesty of sentiment, from teachers whom the SON OF GOD commissioned, and the SPIRIT OF TRUTH inspired." "That man is quite unable to do any thing for himself spiritually, is one of the most mortifying truths in the word of God: it is a stream which runs in direct opposition to man's pride." HINTS FOR PROMOTING THE NATIONAL REFORM. 66 It was an apothegm of one of our most distinguished senators, that our passions forge our fetters;" in which language is obviously implied, that much of that inquietude and discord so generally prevalent amongst us is the offspring of our own corrupt propensities. Admitting this to be the fact, as unquestionably it is, it must readily be conceded, that self-reformation will be the most effectual step towards promoting that integrity, truth, and justice, on which the best interests of mankind, individually and collectively, so mainly depend. The page of history informs us, that the wisest and the most prudent of legislative measures are ineffectual to the accomplishment of their purposes, where there exists in the people a spirit of covetousness and insubordination. They may for a period serve to stem the torrent of corruption, which, were it not for these wholesome flood-gates of restraint, would soon burst the barriers; and possibly present a scene of uncontrollable anarchy, not very dissimilar to that lately instanced in a neighbouring country. It is a truth as certain as it is little remembered, that "righteousness exalteth a nation, but that sin is a reproach to any people." This plain maxim, which coming as it does from the wisest of men, and from Revelation, we may justly be entitled to assume as our postulatum, and in conformity to which it is proposed to offer a few hints, which it is hoped may not be considered presumptuous or unreasonable at the present crisis. First, it cannot be denied, that in this our land there exist the means by which every individual may be adequately and comfortably supported. England is not a barren soil: her peasantry should be her pride : we do not affirm that the reverse is literally the case, but we maintain, that generally they have not their proper balance in the national scale. Let then the great Christian law of love extend itself more widely. Let not all seek their own, but every man another's wealth. Let not the public mind be so absorbed on subjects of doubtful policy. Let not the commonalty of our realm imagine, that a panacea for every physical and moral evil, is contained in the word Reform. Let our rulers show, that while they are the terror of evil doers, they are also to the praise of them that do well. And let all classes remember, that it is their duty, as opportunity may be afforded or ability may be given, to labour to advance the present and future welfare of mankind. If this law of love operated more strongly through the different ranks of society, we should not have reason to complain of the burthen under which we now groan; gladness would brighten the face of nature, the wilderness would become a fruitful field, the desert would blossom as the rose. England, with a proud pre-eminence, has in the excellency of her institutions and appointments afforded an example to the other nations of the world; but her horizon apShe has not, pears now to be partially obscured. however, irrecoverably fallen: her walls may even yet be built again in troublous times. Let each then proeeed in the work of his own reformation; for the moral improvement of the nation must depend upon individual exertion. The united efforts of all in their respective stations, towards the benefit of their fellowmen, towards whatever may advance the honour and interests of their country, will not be unavailing. May this be the case, that righteousness and peace dwelling in our land, God may give us his blessing; for He it is who ruleth over the kingdom of men, and however inuch they may arrogate to themselves, He that sitteth on high is mightier. THE CHARACTER OF CALEB. NOTICE the difference between the character of Caleb and the generality of the Israelites. "He had another spirit with him;" theirs was a disobedient spirit, though they promised so fairly at Sinai, Deut. v, 27, but his was an obedient spirit. He approved cordially of the Divine government and the holy law of God: so must we, if we would follow the Lord. John xiv, 21. Theirs was a rebellious spirit, Isa. Ixiii, 10; but Caleb's was a spirit of submission, ready to suffer as well as to perform the Divine will. Theirs was a distrustful, cowardly spirit: his was a courageous, resolute spirit, Num. xiii, 30; xiv, 9. Theirs was an unbelieving spirit, Num. xiv, 11, "So we see they could not enter in because of unbelief: " but Caleb had a spirit of faith, depending on the Divine all-sufficiency and veracity. Theirs was a selfish spirit, they cared only for their own ease, safety, and temporal enjoyment: but Caleb had a disinterested, self-denying spirit; he entered into God's views, he cared for God's glory, as Moses also did, Num. xiv, 12-19: and thus our Lord has taught us, "If any one will follow me, he must deny himself." Theirs was at best an indolent, discontented spirit. Diligence is of importance in the things of this life, and so it certainly is in religion. Our Lord hates lukewarmness. He requires his people to be zealous, and He well deserves our utmost exertion. Consider then how needful a like spirit is, that we may follow the Lord fully. "He hath followed me fully," saith the Lord of Caleb, and the same phrase is used repeatedly in Joshua. We are called to an heavenly inheritance; but we must travel through a wilderness, and encounter hosts of foes, conquer the world, the flesh, and the devil, fight the good fight of faith, and lay hold on eternal life. But to this end it is necessary that we should follow the Lord fully, and to this purpose we must unite with Him in our ends. He chose us, that we might be holy. He predestinated us to be conformed to the image of his Son. Christ gave himself for us, to redeem us from all iniquity, to bring us to God, to save us from this present evil world. He meant to purify unto himself "a peculiar people, called unto holiness, formed to show forth his praise." A right spirit will unite with God in these ends, and will consequently fall in with answerable means. have a right spirit, we shall resign ourselves to the Divine guidance,-shall be willing to subject ourselves to the Divine government, and resign ourselves to the disposal of God's providence. We shall be willing that God should choose for us. We must rely entirely on the Divine promises, and God's all-sufficiency and fidelity to execute them. "God has spoken, in his holiness I will rejoice." We must seek the destruction of God's enemies, and long for every thing to be destroyed that is hostile to him. We must be universal in our obedience. We must keep our eye on One perfect example; and ask ourselves how Christ would have acted in similar circumstances. We must never be contented till we obtain full possession of the promised rest, the presence and enjoyment of God. If we RYLAND. ON THE DIVINE ATTRIBUTES. No. II.-THE POWER OF GOD. (Continued from p. 30.) I 3. Hitherto I have dwelt only on those mighty works which were wrought by God in behalf of his chosen people; and did space permit, and were it necessary, could add much more to the little that has been brought forward. Let me, however, leave the affairs of nations for the more interesting topic of personal experience. And sure I am, that in this the power of God is as much displayed as in the other. I might set before you all the miseries attendant on a life of licentiousness, and prove how God has made a man's own iniquities bring about his punishment. I might tell you of mighty warriors, whose ambition soared far beyond human calculation, who were nevertheless ent off in the prime of their life, and robbed of their brilliant expectations; and I might fill volumes in demonstrating how wonderfully God has in every instance inade the wrath of man to praise him, and restrained the remainder of wrath. But I would rather leave that part of the subject untouched, while I mention something respecting that powerful assistance of the Almighty, which subdues every enormity of human depravity, which suits itself to every emergency of human suffering, and eases every weight of human woe. Let me first of all bid you look at the man whose mind is engrossed either by the delusions of false gaiety, the cares of this life, or the deceitfulness of riches. Nothing affords him any gratification which does not tend in some way or other to promote the interest of his darling idol, and he clearly lives without any serious consideration on the shortness of life, or the certainty of another world. That this is the case with a vast number of the present generation, the experience of every one must bear witness; for where is the man of the world who is not surrounded by many companions whose sentiments and conduct resemble his own? and where is the Christian, who does not secretly lament over the thoughtlessness and spiritual indifference of many of those with whom he is connected? When however it comes to pass, that one of these careless ones is brought over to the cause of religion, and being convinced of the vanity of earthly enjoyments, resolves to seek first of all the kingdom of God and his righteousness, I should like to know by what means he is thus converted. Some may say, that the powerful preaching of the Gospel has brought about the change: but let me ask, how comes it then, that so many are still indifferent under the very same minister? If there were any power in eloquence or pathos effectually to change the heart, we should not have cause to complain that our ministers stretch out their hands to a regardless people. Though therefore I am willing to own, that as an instrument, none can be more powerful than the preaching of the Gospel, yet I cannot ascribe to it in any case the honour of saving a soul from death. Others may inquire, Is it not then the man's own common sense which has suggested to him convincing reasons why he should change his course of life? Alas! no. Can a rushing torrent of waters arrest its course at any given spot? Can the madman regain his senses whenever he thinks fit? Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? No! must be the answer returned to each of these inquiries: and equally impossible is it for those who are deluded by Satan, and carried captive by a thousand evil inclinations, to regain the path of virtue, and change themselves into servants of the Living God? There is but one Power able to accomplish this: human arguments, and human eloquence, are counted but a vain thing to save a man; and all the energy of true devotedness, and all the earnestness of Christian charity, will be of no avail until the Spirit of the Lord touches the sinner's heart, and commands it to be softened. Every Christian, therefore, is a trophy of the Power of God; every converted sinner proclaims to the world, that there is a Spirit ever busy in this earth of ours, which possesses the power of arresting the course of the prodigal, and conducting him back again to his Father's house and the express declaration of God himself is, "Not by might, nor by power (that is, human power), but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts." But it is not only in converting the sinner, that the power of God is manifested. Many other cases equally bear on them the impression of supernatural agency. When the heart begins to fail, and the spirit to faint, and when the chill cold hand of poverty seems ready to grasp us, is it not Divine Power which renders assistance, and never fails to relieve all such as faithfully seek its interference? When the sorrows and distresses of life press sorely upon us, how comes it that the Christian can smile, and be contented? What is it that affords him a consolation, which the man of the world clearly knows nothing about? Surely we must own it is the Power of God alone, which is able to make sorrow and sighing flee away. To enter_into any detail on these points is unnecessary. man has his own sufferings, and every man has his own consolations. Nevertheless, they are all brought about by the powerful and mighty agency of that Spirit, who divideth to every man severally as he will. Every But there is one scene through which we must all pass there is yet an event to happen to the inany millions who now inhabit this earth, in which each one will need the Power of God. There is the Valley of the Shadow of Death, lying straight before us, and cross it we must. Oh! this is a dreadful consideration; it is one calculated to bring the loftiest of us into the dust before his Maker, and wring from the proudest of us a humble supplication for mercy. Die we must! and when the last gasp of expiring nature is all of mortality that remains, when the last groan is quivering on our lips, and when one moment more will bring before us all the awful realities of the unseen world; where shall we find one who will be willing to rely on his own strength, and enter the presence of his Maker in his own righteousness? To talk of death, and to die, are two very different things; and he who has most loudly protested his fearlessness of its consequences, will be the very first to quake and to tremble when the awful reality flashes across his mind, that "this night his soul may be required of him." Every professedly rational system of religion has this object in view; but, alas! it is not every system which accomplishes its object. BUT ONE specific has been found; BUT ONE staff strong enough to support the weight of a dying mortal, and that is CHRISTIANITY. Let me then for one moment dwell on the triumphant scene which the death-bed of a Christian presents. We behold stretched, possibly on a hard and comfortless bed, the emaciated form of one, who once was a constant attendant at the house of the Lord: pain and weariness are upon him, and his eyes are closed: when however they open, we behold in them an expression of joy and conquest, which can be understood, and which can be felt, but cannot be written. The lips of the sufferer betoken that he is about to speak. And what does he say? No complaining expression escapes him -no murmur-but the voice of thanksgiving for what he has suffered, and is about to enjoy. As the hour of dissolution approaches, the faith of the dying Christian increases. The grim tyrant Death enters, and sternly demands his victim; but instead of beholding a trem bling wretch, striving to avoid his blow, resignation and readiness are manifested in his countenance; and as the last enemy strikes his dart through the body of his victim, the soul escaping, as it soars upwards to the bosom of its God, triumphantly exclaims, "O death! where is thy sting? O grave! where is thy victory?" This, my friends, is the most splendid display of the Power of God which I can set before you; and may God make you personally and eternally convinced of its truth. Death-Bed Testimonies. B. Z. COLLECTED BY THE LATE REV. WILLIAM BUTTON. No. II. REV. JOSEPH COLLET, Pastor of the Baptist Church at Coat in Oxfordshire. Died Aug. 21st, 1741, in the 57th year of his age. His abundant labours were thought to be too hard for his constitution, though not naturally weak; so that when his friends well hoped that he might be continued much longer a blessing among them, he fell into a lingering illness, which he endured with great patience and serenity of mind. And though he was willing, if it had been the pleasure of God, to have continued in his warfare longer, for the benefit of the church, and the advantage of his family; yet he often said, his "will was swallowed up in the will of God:" and under the apprehensions of his decaying nature he would frequently observe, "How dreadful his case would have been, if the great work had been then to do." When his weakness took him off from public service, his time was chiefly employed, either in faithful and Christian counsels and exhortation, to such as came to visit him, or to those of his own family; and when a friend expressed her fears, that his excessive labours had impaired his constitution, he answered with great vehemence, that, "If he had ten thousand lives, he would freely spend them all for the interest of his dear Lord and if he thought the abatement of his public work would not be attended with his recovery for more service, he would go forth and preach the Gospel, to the last moment he was able to stund." : When he apprehended his end drew near, he met the sentence of death with great resignation: and though in a sense of his own unworthiness he cried out with the Publican, "Lord, be merciful to me a sinner!" yet he said also with Job, "I know that my Redeemer liveth; and though, after my skin, worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God;" and "Though he slay me, and my family too, yet will I trust in him." He declared he died in the faith of those doctrines which he had preached to others that he believed the Lord Jesus Christ to be a perfect Saviour: and as "he is able (said he) to save to the uttermost, so I venture my all, both body and soul, on him, for he has engaged to take care of both." He rejoiced in this, that," though he must die, he should die but once, and after that, this last enemy should be banished for ever;" adding that "his triumph was in a living Redeemer," and taking up the language of the apostle Paul, "I have fought (said he) the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give me at that day; and not to me only, but to all them also that love his appearing." Under the increasing pains of his disease, he would often in the midst of his uncommon patience cry out, "O that I had wings like a dove, then would I fly away and be at rest, at everlasting rest!" O how would that word EVERLASTING dwell upon his lips! And with what inexpressible pleasure would he repeat it again and again. The last time the supper of our Lord was administered in this place, he was very desirous to have been brought hither, to take his dying leave of his dear flock at that table, as his Lord did before him, and to have enjoyed there a foretaste of that blessedness which he was going fully to possess. But when he was dissuaded by his friends, "Well (said he) though they will not let me go to the table of the Lord, I will go to the Lord of the table. He continued in the perfect enjoyment of his rational faculties to the very last; and when the signs of his approaching dissolution came upon him, a dear friend asked him, how it was with him? To which he answered, "ALL JOY, I am going to my Father! O that I were in my Redeemer's bosom !" And then looking round his bed at his weeping family, "You weep (said he), but others (meaning his friends above) will soon rejoice; and if you could but behold me one hour after I am got home, you would not wish me back again." The same friend telling him that there was a guard of angels ready to conduct him thither; Oh! (said he) that I were among them :" and then with a most pleasant and heavenly air upon his countenance, he bid his family and friends FAREWELL! and took his immediate flight to the mansions prepared for him in the land of rest and blessedness. 66 Funeral Sermon, preached by the Rev. Joseph Stennett, from John xiv, 2, "In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you: I go to prepare a place for you." ITALIAN EPIGRAM, On our Lord's being bound to a pillar in Pilate's Judgment Hall. -"ET TU MARMOREUM QUOQUE!" Weep, then, my heart; mine eyes, a fountain flow; The pillar, stone! more soft its hardest part |