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xxxvIII. A1 Prayer made by the queen at the departure of the fleet.

MOST omnipotent: Maker and guider of all our worlds' mass, that only searchest and fadomest the bottom of all our hearts' conceits, and in them seest the true original of all our actions intended: thou that by thy foresight dost truly discern, how no malice of revenge, nor quittance of injury, nor desire of bloodshed, nor greediness of lucre, hath bred the resolution of our now set out Army, but a heedful care and wary watch, that no neglect of foes, nor over surety of harm, might breed either danger to us, or glory to them: These being grounds, thou that didst inspire the mind, we humbly beseech with bended knees, prosper the work, and with best forewinds guide the journey, speed the victory, and make the return the advancement of thy glory, the triumph of their fame, and surety to the realm, with the least loss of English blood. To these devout petitions, Lord, give thou thy blessed grant 2.

[1The queen composed two prayers, one for her own use, the other to be daily used in the fleet during the expedition. The former may be seen in Birch, ii. 18, with a letter to Essex from sir Robert Cecil.' Lingard, Vol. viii. p. 324. It has been printed also, (under different titles, and not without variations,) in Sorocold and Strype, the latter (Annals, Vol. iv. p. 216.) supposing it to belong to 1595, if not to 1594, whilst Sorocold, who lived so much nearer the time, with more correctness refers it expressly to 1596. See p. 472.]

[2 The two prayers, which follow, are unconnected with the object of this volume: still, as being attributed to Elizabeth, their insertion, appears allowable. The first is her prayer just before proceeding to her coronation, the 14th day of January, 1559. Holinshed (p. 1180), and Heylin (Elizabeth, p. 106), have printed it. The second, which exists in the Bibl. Lans. 116. art. 26, indorsed 'the Q. prayer after a progress, Aug. 15, [1574], being then a Bristow' [Bristol], is likewise in the State Paper Office, (Domestic Elizabeth,) whence the present copy was procured. Zurich Letters, p. 480.

HER highness, being placed in her chariot within the Tower of London, lifted up her eyes to heaven, and said:

O Lord almighty, and everlasting God, I give thee most hearty thanks, that thou hast been so merciful unto me, as to spare me to behold

this joyful day. And I knowledge, that thou hast dealt as wonderfully with me, as thou didst with thy true and faithful servant Daniel the prophet, whom thou deliveredst out of the den, from the cruelty of the greedy raging Lions: even so was I overwhelmed, and only by thee delivered. To thee therefore be only thanks, honour and praise for ever. Amen.

The Queenes Prayer.

I RENDER Unto Thee (O mercifull and heavenly Father) most humble and hearty thanks for thy manifold mercies so abundantly bestowed upon me, as well for my creation, preservation, regeneration, and all other thy benefites and great mercies exhibited in Christ Jesus, but especially for thy mightie protection and defence over me, in preserving me in this long and dangerous journey, as also from the beginning of my life unto this present hower, from all such perills as I should most justly have fallen into for mine offences, haddest Thou not, O Lord God, of thy great goodness and mercy preserved and kept me. Continue this thy favorable goodness toward me, I beseech Thee, that I may still likewise be defended from all adversity both bodily and ghostly: but specially, O Lord, keep me in the soundness of thy faith, fear, and love, that I never fall away from Thee, but continue in thy service all the daies of my life. Stretch forth, O Lord most mightie, thy right hand over me, and defend me from mine enemys, that they never prevayle against me. Give me, O Lord, the assistance of thy Spiritt, and comfort of thy Grace, truly to know Thee, intirely to love Thee, and assuredly to trust in Thee. And that as I do acknowledge to have received the Government of this Church and Kingdome at thy hand, and to hold the same of Thee, so graunt me grace, O Lord, that in the end I may render up and present the same unto Thee, a peaceable, quiett, and well ordered State and kingdome, as also a perfect reformed Church, to the furtherance of thy Glory. And to my subjects, O Lord God, graunt, I beseech thee, faithfull and obedient hearts, willingly to submit themselves to the obedience of thy Word and Commandments, that we altogether being thankfull unto Thee for thy benefitts received, may laud and magnifie thy Holy Name world without end. Graunt this, O mercifull Father, for Jesus Christes sake our only Mediatour and Advocate. Amen.]

XXXIX. A PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING, and for continuance of good success to her Majesty's Forces.

O' LORD God of Hosts, everlasting and most merciful Father, we thine unworthy creatures do yield unto thy divine Majesty all possible praise and humble thanks for thine infinite benefits3, which thou hast of long time plentifully poured upon thine Handmaiden and humble servant, our Sovereign Lady the Queen, and upon her whole Realm, and us her Subjects the people of this Kingdom: and namely, O Lord, for that graciously respecting us in the merits of thy dear Son our Saviour, and by his intercession passing over and forgiving our manifold sins5, thou hast this present Summer so favourably conducted the Royal Navy and Army sent to the Seas by our Gracious Queen (not for any other worldly respects, but only for defence of this Realm, and us thy people, against the mighty preparations of our Enemies threatening our ruin,) by safely directing them unto places appointed, and by strengthening the Governors and Leaders of the same with counsel and resolution, and blessing them with notable victories both by Sea and Land, whereby the insolencies and pride of our Enemies, which sought our conquest and subversion, is by these late victories notably daunted", repulsed, and abased. Grant unto us (most merciful Father) the grace 1o

[' The following notes will point out the original readings of the author's manuscript; such corrections thereof, as first suggested themselves, being placed within crotchets.]

[ hartie.]

[3 spirituall and temporall, wch by the mediation of thy sonne of lord Jesus Christ of Redemer thou hast.]

[her subiects.]

[ and transgressions.]

[seas, for defence of this Realme and vs thy people, by savelie directinge.]

['enduinge the Gouuerno's and Leaders wth Counsell and Courage.] [ pride, and mightenes of that nation of Spaine, weh hateth vs mortallie and seeketh most greedelie o' Conquest.]

[ and abassed to o' [great] comfort.]

[10 of hartie and unfeined repentance to the amendment of o' liues past, and with due.]

with due thankfulness to acknowledge thy" fatherly goodness extended upon us by the singular favour shewed to thy Servant 12 and Minister our Sovereign Lady and Queen. And for thy holy Name 13 continue these thy wonderful blessings 14 still upon us, to defend us against our Enemies, and 15 bless us with thy graceful hand to the endless praise of thy holy Name, and to our lasting 16 joy. And direct our Armies by thy providence and favourable support, to finish these late victories to the honour of our Sovereign 17 and safety of her Realm, that hath most carefully made the same able to overmatch her Enemies: So as the Noble men 18, and all others serving in the same Navy and Army under their charge,19 may with much honour, triumph, and safety return home to their Countries, and give thee due thanks for thy special favours marvellously shewed unto them in preserving of them 20 all this Summer time from all contagion and mortality by sword or sickness, notwithstanding their force and violence most manfully exercised against their Enemies, to the vanquishing of 21 great numbers both by Sea and Land, and to the destruction of their most mighty Ships 22, that heretofore have attempted to invade this Realm, and of their Forts and Castles, and waste of their notable substances of their riches 23, without hurting any person

[" all thy.]

[12 of Soueraine Ladie the [and noble] Queene.]

[13 sake, for thy Gospell, and thine eternall sonnes sake continue.] ["vppon vs, to defend vs [still] against.]

[15 and to blesse vs with continuance of peace to the endlesse.]

[16 perpetual comfort. And for this purpose wee beseeche thee gratious Lord for vs and o' Armies [whersoev' by sea or land] to continewe still thy fauo', as in great mercie thou diddest in old time promise to be to thy people of Israele, that is, be thou an heauie Ennemy to such as [contemn thy power and] for thy sake are o' Ennemies, and afflict them [w repentance or correction] whoe seeke to afflict vs for o' trewe honoringe of thee and thy sonne Jesus Christ. And direct o' Armies yet [contynuyng] vppon the seas by thy prouidence.]

[ noble Quene, and hir Realme.]

[18 wth all the sayd Nauie.]

[1 and of valiant Countriemen seruing them thearein, maie.]
[20 from all mortallitie by.]

[2 of such as did wthstand, and y' of such only as did mightily inuade and whstand them with force both.]

[22 shippes, fortes, and Castles.]

[23 riches. All weh.]

that did yield, or of any women or children, or Religious persons, to whom all favour was shewed that they did require. All which prosperous successes we do most justly acknowledge1 (O Lord) to have proceeded only from thy special favour, to whom, with thy Son and Holy Ghost, be all honour? and praise. Amen.

Set foorth by authoritie.

Imprinted at London by the Depu

ties of Christopher Barker, Printer to the
Queenes most excellent Maieftie.

Anno Domini. 1596.

[1 to haue proceaded from thy fauo'.]

[ praise, glorie and dominion nowe and for euer.]

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