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How happy were those ears which heard this joyful sound! how blessed those eyes which beheld the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth! with what eagerness, wonder and rapture must they have contemplated this extraordinary personage! This was a sight which many prophets and righteous men desired to see but could


We too are, in some respects, deprived of this privilege. But, though the Lamb of God no longer tabernacles on earth, or is visible to mortal eyes, still we may, with the eye of faith, pierce within the veil and see him seated at the right hand of God. Nay, he has left, even on earth, pledges and memorials which serve to recall his memory, and, by objects addressed to the senses, to render him present to the imagination. We cannot now listen to those heavenly instructions which issued from his lips; but we may still peruse them in that sacred book, wherein, though absent, he still speaketh. His bodily presence we can no longer enjoy; but wherever two or three are assembled in his name, there is he graciously and spiritually in the midst of them to bless them. His glorious face is beheld only by angels and the spirits of the just made perfect; but his broken body and shed blood are represented to us by the most striking and significative emblems. Come to this holy ta. ble, and you will "behold the Lamb of God, "which taketh away the sin of the world."— Here you will behold the whole mysteries of his appearance.. Here you will see him, sent of God, meek, innocent and inoffensive, led as a lamb to the slaughter, and offered in sacrifice to his Father, that he might expiate the guilt of sin; that he might purchase those gifts and graces which are requisite to the sanctification of sinners; and, that, by exhibiting a noble example of virtue, and confirming the truth of all his doctrines, he might take away transgression and make an end of sin.

The phraseology of the text will appear elegant and expressive, if we consider the persons to whom it was addressed, and the time when it was uttered. John was now speaking to a company of priests and levites, whose daily business it was to offer up lambs, in sacrifice to God, for the expiation of the sins of Israel. It likewise appears from the context, that, the conversation happened about the time of offering up the evening sacrifice. In allusion, then, to the lambs offered under the

law, and more especially to the paschal lamb sacrificed on the great feast of the passover, our Lord's forerunner styles him the Lamb of God. But this title, which was, at first, figurative and metaphorical, has become the peculiar and appropriate designation of Jesus Christ. Even in his exalted state, amid the glories of his Father's throne, he disdains not that appellation which, in his state of humiliation, he acquired; but still delights to be praised and magnified, not merely as God, but as the Lamb slain from the foundation' of the world. In this character, the celestial Spirits fall down before him, and worship him, saying, "Thou art worthy to take the book, " and to open the seals thereof, for thou wast " slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy "blood, out of every kindred and tongue and " people and nation." It cannot, therefore, be unsuitable in us, who are now assembled, to commemorate that sacrifice which Jesus Christ offered upon the cross, briefly, to contemplate him as the Lamb of God, to inquire for what reasons he is thus denominated, and to show in what sense, and by what means, he taketh away the sin of the world.

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I. Why is Jesus Christ styled, in scripture, the Lamb of God.

1. He is called a Lamb on account of the purity and innocence of his character. Nothing in nature exhibits so beautiful a picture of gaiety, innocence and inoffensiveness as a lamb, which is sportive, harmless and without guile. So, Jesus, the Lamb of God, was holy, harmless, undefiled and separate from sinners. He did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth. No wicked or improper design ever entered into his pure and spotless breast. No word ever issued from his lips, which was not calculated to promote the benefit of those who heard it, to instruct the ignorant, to reclaim the vicious, and to comfort the afflicted. No action of his life ever injured any, but many a time did he seck the temporal and spiritual interest of all, of his enemies and persecutors, of the unthankful and undeserving.Under the law, it was required that the lamb or other animal offered up in sacrifice should be perfect in its kind; to offer any thing that was lame, maimed or defective, was expressly forbidden as an insult to the majesty of heaven, and an abomination in the sight of God. The best and fattest of the flock were selected for the service of the altar. So, Jesus was chosen a strong one from the flock. His sacrifice could not fail of being acceptable to God, because the purity of his nature and innocence of his life gave it a sweet smelling savour in his sight. Being perfect and holy, he was well qualified to become the authour of eternal salvation to his people : for he needed not to offer sacrifice, first for his own, and then for the sins of others. We are not redeemed with corruptible things, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish, and without spot.

2. Jesus Christ is styled a Lamb, on account of the meekness and patience with which he submitted to death. It is unnecessary to describe the manner in which an innocent and helpless lamb yields to the knife of the destroyer.

"Pleased to the last, it crops the flowery food,
"And licks the hand just rais'd to shed it's blood."

So Jesus was brought as a lamb to the slaughter; and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he opened not his mouth. Not that he was altogether silent during the last scene of his sufferings, for even in the moments and

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