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soning may be highly useful to demonstrate the existence of a supreme being, yet, it is, only, in his works that we can trace the features of his mind, and acquire that knowledge of his character which is fitted to inspire us with sentiments of piety and devotion. In them he is ever present, ever felt, and ever active in diffusing love, and joy, and happiness.

When we examine the works of God, and endeavour thence to deduce the character of their Authour, we meet with so many marks of goodness, that they, directly, lead us to infer, that, he is a being of the most unbounded love and benevolence; whose great delight is in the happiness of his creation. He is, in the language of the Apostle, love or goodness itself. This divine perfection constitutes, as it were, the essence of his nature, or is essential to his existence. It is this perfection which softens the awful grandeur of his character, and inspires his offspring with confidence and joy.

It is my design, at present, to collect and lay before you some proofs of that goodness and love which shine, so unconfined, throughout all God's works; secondly, to consider those objections to the divine goodness which arise from the existence of natural and moral evil in the world-and, having done so, to point out, thirdly, the moral influence of such speculations.

The works of God form two great divisions, those of nature and those of grace. Let us take a short survey of each, and distinguish those emanations of goodness which flow from the fountain of the divine benevolence.

The works of nature comprehend those of creation, and of providence. The former lead our thoughts to the original constitution of things, the latter to the continual preservation of that constitution in its order and beauty.

When we examine the constitution of nature, we plainly perceive the happiness of his creatures to have been the great object of their Maker. To man he has given powers which make him capable of the most exquisite enjoyment. Upon every other creature, he has bestowed faculties suitable to its condition. Every thing which lives and moves, is fitted to feel the pleasure allotted to its sphere, and to exult with joy in the beneficence of its Creator. Not only is the goodness of God displayed in the frame of every animal, and in the capacity of enjoyment which they all possess; but, also, in that provision which he has made for the supply of their wants, and the gratification of their desires, and in those stores of happiness which he has scattered, every where in so great profusion. How many things, for example, were made for the ease and convenience of man. Nature pours forth all her stores to contribute to his happiEvery beast of the field and every bird of the air, every hill and every valley, every fountain, every herb, and every green tree administers to his pleasure. Who can estimate the happiness which results from a contemplation of the objects of nature, from the exercise of the imagination, from the improvement of the understanding, from the cultivation of good and benevolent affections, and from the practice of virtue?


But, this is not all. The Maker of the universe has, not only, displayed his love in contriving a system so well fitted to promote happiness, but, also, in continually governing it, in such a manner, as, effectually, to answer the end of its formation. What rich abundance of goodness does he display in the daily works of his providence, in the continual succession

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of day and night, in the gradual revolution of seasons, which, loudly, proclaim the bounty of their Authour? Amidst the immensity of his works nothing is forgotten; every thing is distinguished by universal love. Like a kind and compassionate father, he warms and cherishes all his offspring, and, daily, supplies their returning wants. He feedeth the young ravens that cry unto him; not a sparrow falleth to the ground without his permission. But, if we wish to see his goodness, in full perfection, we must turn to man, his favourite work, and mark that providential care which maketh the outgoings of the morning to rejoice, and the shades of evening to descend in peace. This is, admirably, described by a great king in the following beautiful pastoral hymn in praise of the divine goodness : "The Lord is

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my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh "me to lie down in green pastures: he lead"eth me beside the still waters. He restoreth

my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of "righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, "though I walk through the valley of the "shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for "thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff they "comfort me. Thou preparest a table before

" me in the presence of mine enemies: thou "anointest my head with oil, my cup run"neth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall "follow me all the days of my life: and I " will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever."

If this was the case with David, his son Solomon saw a very different scene in his days, when, after the most diligent search for happiness, he declared, that all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and, that, man was born to trouble as the sparks fly upwards. Indeed, it is impossible to survey the world and consider the complaints of misery and pain which every where are heard, and behold the mixture of evil which is infused into the cup of every man, without asking, how these things are to be reconciled with the unbounded love and benevolence of the divine Being? The difficulty is great; and before it is removed, we cannot entertain just notions of the character of God, nor approach him with that confidence and joy, which are due from children to a father.

And, in the first place, it may be observed, that, the complaints of men are too loud and too frequent. If, indeed, we number up those real ills which arise from our own lusts and

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