Plung'd in a gulf of dark despair The man is ever blest 378 157 The memory of our dying Lord 266 The praise of Sion waits for thee 523 410 409 The promise of my Father's love 511 470 The promise was divinely free 506 18 The true Messiah now appears 145 76 The voice of my Beloved sounds 239 The wondering world inquires to know 537 543 Raise thee, my soul, fly up and run Shall we go on to sin Sing all ye nations to the Lord Sing to the Lord Jehovah's name Sing to the Lord that built the skies Sing to the Lord with joyful voice Sing to the Lord ye heavenly hosts Sitting around our Father's board The wonders, Lord, thy love has wrought 163 615 366 629 639 There is a land of pure delight 374 There was an hour when Christ rejoic'd 14 These glorious minds, how bright they shine Think, mighty God, on feeble man 314 This is the day the Lord hath made 227 This is the word of truth and love 224 This spacious earth is all the Lord's 118 Thou art my portion, O my God - 344 Thou God of love, thon ever blest 423 Thou, whom my soul admirès above 648 Thrice happy man who fears the Lord 25 Through every age, eternal God 334 Thus did the sons of Abra'm pass 507 553 254 Thus far the Lord has led me on 306 327 Thus I resolv'd before the Lord 237 261 238 162 505 135 255 493 45 Thy works of glory, mighty Lord To God the great, the ever blest - To our Almighty Maker, God To our eternal God To thee before the dawning light 70 When man grows bold n sin 611 When overwhelm'd with grief 274 When pain and anguish seize me, Lord 591 Who shall ascend thy heavenly place 93 Who shall the Lord's elect condemn 36 368 341 544 215 184 74 607 42 199 289 454 64 While I keep silence and conceal 207 678 White men grow bold in wicked ways 3 312 681 Who has believ'd thy word 131 389 Who is this fair one in distress Why doth the Lord stand off so far 573 637 631 209 120 356 382 Vain are the hopes that rebels place Why should the children of a King 220 Why should this earth delight us so 198 Why should we start and fear to die 440 Will God forever cast us off 325 435 627 465 With all my powers of heart and tongue 212 542 With cheerful voice I sing 152 149 With holy fear, and humble song 79 With earnest longings of the mind 278 - 653 584 With joy we meditate the grace - 262 647 M We are a garden wall'd around What different powers of grace and sin 479 With my whole heart I've sought thy face 277 419 With reverence let the saints appear 142 With songs and honours sounding loud 231 Would you behold the works of God 53 551 69 158 656 Ye angels round the throne 674 477 Ye holy souls in God rejoice 61 411 Ye islands of the northern sea 112 650 Ye nations round the earth rejoice 83 35 568 483 Ye sons of men, a feeble race 602 638 34 When I survey the wondrous cross 515 Ye that obey th' immortal King 4001 When in the light of faith divine When I with pleasing wonder stand 57 Ye tribes of Adam join 91 431 Yet (saith the Lord) if David's race 174 When Israel freed from Pharaoh's hand 447 439 Zion rejoice, and Judah sing. 583 ENLARGED Index of Subjects. N. B.-Turn to the particular article you want, as in a Dictionary or Concordance, but look regeneration. Absence, from God, deprecated, 376 forever intolerable, 372, 646 and presence of God and Christ, 372 from public worship painfu!, 278 praise to God for it, 579, 587 Absent Saviour, gone to prepare a place for his Anchor, hope an, 176 ν. 3 prosperity and happiness of it, 581, 582, 560 people, 514 love to the, 298 memorial of the, 509, 514 Access, to the throne of grace by a mediator, 401 Adam, corrupt nature from, 181, 222 sovereign of the creatures, 58 v. 9 first and second, 177 1 Adoption, 161 their dominion, 190 and elector, 191 Aloration, 479. See Worship. Advice to youth, 565, 566, 507, 558, 569 Advocate, Christ an, 151 v. 9, 153 v. 9 Affections, inconstant, 356 unsanctified, 428 spiritual, described, 285 des red, 388, 221 Aflicted, Christ's compassion to them, 262, 369 v. 3 Afflictions, of the church, 463-469 corporal and mental, 349 courage in them, 350 Angel of the covenant, Christ, 153 v. 3, 154 v. 3 difference between those of saints and sinners,383 hope in them, 357, 279, 280 light and short, 275 v. 4 heavy and overwhelming, 230, 595, 349 instructions by them, 383, 598 moderated, 211 profit by, and support under them, 597 without rejection, 174 resignation to them, 596, 313, 283 removed by prayer, 484, 361 regulated by providence, 67 sanctified, 383, 598 submission to them, 315, 71, 596, 313, 233 ministry of, 714 punished, and man saved, 196, 197 happy at the conversion of sinners, 115 v. 6 subject to Christ, 157 v. 4, 114 v 4 Anger and love of God, 36, 81, 5, 6, 41, 62, 16, 51 Answer to the Church's prayers, 578. See Prayer. Apostate, perishing, 189 postles, commissioned, 244 concerning our sincerity, 319, 320 Ark, placed in Zion, 453 church sealed on Christ's, 546 v. 3 Arms of everlasting love, 217 ν. 3 Assistance, gracious, in duty, 42 in the spiritual warfare, 340, 212, 217 Assurance, of interest, 322, 286 of heaven, 628, 375 of the love of Christ, 276, 286 tryingt, trust, and comfort under them, 57,369,375 Atheism practical, 3, 182, 574, 575 our graces, 52, 341 1 i restored, 364 pardoned, 203, 441, 204 Baptism, and circumcision, 501-508 the commission, 501 believers buried with Christ in, 502 death and burial of a, 631 Beauty, of Christ, 543, 492 of Christ's righteousness, 202 of holiness, 257 of saints, 456, 458 Birth, does not convey grace, 220 first and second, 219 of Christ, 105, 103, 148, 107 Blasphemy, complained of, 574, 575 Blessed, the, described, 370, 208, 377, 378, 380 dead in the Lord, 623 of heaven, 655, 667, 657, 159 only in God and Christ, 169, 170, 372 Blessing, of Abraham on the Gentiles, 503, 504, 506 of God on business, 393 Blessings, of the gospel, 141, 496 of a family, 395, 396 of the country, 558, 559, 561 of a nation, 580 of the spring, 558 Blood of Abel, 164 Blood of Christ, cleansing, 232, 270, 308, 257, 236 ν. 4, 6, 179 v. 5, 6, 117 seal of the New Testament, 511 and flesh our food, 525, 526 spirit and water, 517 Boveting, excluded, 193, 201 in Christ, 515, 527 Book, of nature and scripture, 95, 96, 98 of God's decrees, 7 of life, 369 7 v. 6 Branch of promise, Christ the, 463 ν. 9, 51, 496 v.2 Bread, strengthening, 62 v. 12 of life, Christ the, 513, 144 v.3 after holiness, 233 Broad and narrow way, 189 v. 1 reproof, 551 v. 3, 4 Burial of a saint, 631 with Christ in bal tism, 502 Business, of life blest, 3093 of glorified saints, 656, 657, 159 C. Canaan, Israel led to it, 449 lost through unbelief, 427 joys parted with, 331, 332 of true Christians, 161 mixed with imprecations, 467 Children, (infants) in the covenant of grace, 503, 504 Cæsar's dues, 589 v. 5 accepted, 520 Calvary, 512 v. 5. See Cross. devoted to God, 504, 505, 507 praising God, 564 made blessings, 393, 394 Children of God, (christians) 161 their privileges desired, 161 v. 7 Christ, 102, 160 and Aaron, 144 Adam the second, 178, 190 his ascension, 127, 130, 494 his characters, 150 the church's foundation, 455 his coming, the signs of it, 574 his commission, gracious, 271, 32, 33 first and second coming, or his incarnation, the creator, 619 crucified, esteemed foolishness, 225 the true David, 303, 173 his death and resurrection, 119, 120, 123, 138, 139 his eternity, 619 exalted to the kingdom, 146, 134, 137, 489 490, 493, 494 our example, 304 faith in his blood, 308 God and man, 173 his Godhead, 619 power and wisdom of God, 518 the desire of all nations, 107 v. 6 his glory and grace, 104 glory in heaven, 661 our hope, 362, 364, 308 human and divine nature, 20, 103, 148, 684 incarnation and dominion, 134 incarnation and sacrifice, 162 the king, and the church his spouse, 456, 457 his kingdom among the Gentiles, 660, 489, 490, 458, 457, 453 his love to enemies, 303, 304 his majesty, 213, 141 his mediatorial kingdom, 140, 493-495 names and titles, 151-153 his obedience and death, 229 his offices, 149 his personal glories and government, 491 prophet, priest, and king, 149, 493-495 his resurrection on the Lord's day, 422, 423 sent by the Father, 32, 33, 271 our strength and righteousness, 200 his sufferings and kingdom, 119, 127, 138, 139 his sufferings for our salvation, 118 his titles, 148, 151-153 his zeal and reproaches, 116, 504 See other articles concerning Christ, under their Complaint of quarrelsome neighbours, 345 respective terms. CHRISTIAN LIFE, 327-376 Christian, almost one, 189 character of a true, 161 church made of Jews and Gentiles, 458 qualifications of one, 450-452 religion, its excellence, 245 virtues, 223 weak, not to be despised, 301 Church, Jewish and christian, 436500 beauty of it, 456, 457, 460, 461, 398, 541 birth-place of saints, 458 built on Jesus Christ, 455 her complaints avenged, 481 delight and safety in it, 407 XV between saints in heaven and on earth, 462 Condemnation, by the law, 240, 198 none to believers, 276 Condescension, of God to our affairs, 6、 to our worship, 5, 261 Confession, of our poverty, 239 of sin, repentance, and pardon, 205-108,179,2 180, 327, 360, 203, 204, 349 Confidence, in God, 284, 276 under trials and afflictions, 67 Conqueror, Christ, a, 529, 685, 151, 153, 622 destruction of enemies proceeds from thence, 588 Conscience, secure and awakened, 240 Conquerors, believers, 340, 621, 276, ν. 4, 5, 648, ν. 4 espousals to Christ, 540 gathered and settled, 453, 454 of the Gentiles, 457 v. 1, 5, 6, 129 God fights for her, 476, 573, 577 God's presence there, 453, 454, 404, 405 God's special delight, 458, 453, 454 God's garden, 459, enclosed, 542 going to it, 398, 399 its happiness, 473 the house, and care of God, 470, 471 Jews and Gentiles united in it, 458 persecuted, 464, 466 restored by 363, 488, 361 its safety in troubles and in desolations, 471-473,475 the safety and honour of a nation, 460 the spouse of Christ, 456 in the wilderness, 546, 463 v. 1,2 its worship and order, 461 wrath against enemies proceeds thence, 588 Church meetings, 482-489 Church members characterised, 450-452 CIRCUMCISION, and Baptism, 501-508 abolished, 506 and baptism, 505, 507 Citizen of Zion, 450, 451 Cleansing blood of Christ, 236, 232, 210, 308 Clothing, spiritual, 202, 252, 651 Cloud of witnesses, 337 Cloudy pillar, 436, 438 Colonies planted, 582 Comfort, from the covenant from the gospel, 245 with Christ, 175 from the hope of heaven, 375 holiness and pardon, 362, 206, 233, 359 of life blest, 393 and pardon, 203, 204 under sorrows of body and mind, 369, 375 from the promises and faithfulness of God,175,266 restored, 286 and support in God, 122, 343, 344 from ancient providences, 446, 349 Commission, of Christ, 32, 33, 271 Company of saints the best, 239, 487 Compassion, of God, 4, 16, 37, 18, 19 of a dying Saviour, 512, 530 of Christ to the afflicted and tempted, 252 Complaint, of absence from public worship, 278 of the church, 463-469 of deceit and flattery, 574, 575 of desertion, 357, 354 of vain discourse, 575 of dulness, 351, 323 of a hard heart, 352 of in-dwelling sin, 240, 354 of ingratitude, 309, 554 of pride, atheism, oppression, &c. 573, 575 effected by divine power, 493, 494 earnestly desired, 221, 181 v. 4, 5 Conviction of sin, by the law, 240, 198 Corner stone, an emblem of Christ, 150 v. 13 Correction, 177, 181, 222. See Affliction. Corruption of manners general. See Depravity. young persons, 565, and God, 344, 98, 100 Courage, christian, called up, 338 in temptation and trouble, 375 in duty and sufferings, 258, 338, 389 in persecution, 341, 270, 228 Covenant, of works cannot save, 198 with Abraham, 503, 506, 507 of grace, made with Christ, our comfort, 173 children therein, 503, 504 sealed and sworn, 176, 511 hope in it under temptation, 176 Covetousness, 433, 431 Creatures, their love dangerous, 329 and providence, 60, 61, 62, 444, 445 no trusting them, 2, 1, 321, 18, 19 vain, and God all-sufficient, 2,1 praising God, 88, 89 Creature-streams low, and springs of life high, 3 v.7,8 Cross of Christ, our glory, 527 benefit of it, 531 of sicknesss, 600 of sloth and negligence, 323, 351 of temptation, 354, 355 salvation in it, 228 repentance flowing from it, 310 crucifixion to the world by it, 515 |