Self denial, 142 "addressed and encouraged, 225 Seasons, 243 Morning, 233, 234 " and evening, 238 Moses, 94 v. 5 Mourning the absence of Christ, 127 v. 3,128 Mutual love, 129 Mysteries of Providence, 24, 25 N. New-year, 244-245 Noah, and the ark, 85 0. Obedience, legal and evangelical, 94 Pardon, 83 P. "and confession, 84 Pardoning love, 83 Parting of friends, 251 Pastors, chosen, 202 Patience, 133 Shepherd, God our, 28 Sickness, comfort in, 375 " of a minister, 203 " and recovery, 270, 276 Sin, fetters of, 88 v. 4 "a tyrant, 93 v. 4, 5 " original, 77 "indwelling, lamented, 78 "and sorrows, 76 Sinai, and Calvary, 94 v.2 Sincerity, and truth, 143 Sinners, captives, 88 v. 1 traitors, 88 v. 2 "invited, 100, 101, 102 Social, worship, 177 Soldier, of the cross, 112 Sons, of God, 71, 72 Sorrows, and sins, 78 Sovereignty, of God, 4. v4, 5 Spring, 235 Star, of Bethlehem, 156 Perfections of the Deity, 1-20 Strength, equal to days, 104 "moral, imitated, 20 Perseverance, 85 " desired, 86 Physician, Christ a, 67 Piety, early, 252 Pleading for mercy 118,135,137,138 Pleasure, of social worship, 177 Poor in spirit, happy, 117 Prayer, prevalent, 184,185 " for a revival, 198 " answered by crosses, 163 "before sermon, 184--187 "after sermon, 190 " Lord's, 186 Praise to God, 35-38 Praise, to Christ, 70 66 "thro' all our existence, 37 Presence, of Christ, the joy of his people, 230 " of God, worth dying for, 292 Pride, and humility, 119 Privileges of sons of God, 71, 72 " of the living, &c. 278 Private, worship, 172. Providence, 33 Prudence, 134 R. Ransom, Christ our, 88 Receiving, members, 201 Redeeming, love, 87 Redemption, 87, 88 Refuge, in a storın, 156 Submission, 139 " under bereavement, 294 Successful resolve, 185 Sun, moon, and stars proclaim the т. Walking, with God, 75 Warfare, of the Christian, 170 Wisdom, of redeeming time, 279 her ways pleasant, 145 Regeneration, 89, 90, 97 3, 4, 5 Witnesses, a cloud of, 148 v. 2 Relieving Christ, &c. 231 Repentance, 136-138 Resignation, 139-141 "of Chirist, 52, 54 S. Sabbath, 180-183 Sacrifice, Christ a, 88 v. 3 Saints, conquering, 112 65 false and true, 147 Witness, to Christianity, 97 Word, of God, glory of, 190 " inspired, 39 " riches of, 40 66 " usefulness of, 41 sufficiency of, 42 Worship, 172 "close of 182 Y. TO THE SUPPLEMENT.. Hymn and t ABSENT from flesh, O blissful thought Almighty Maker God Am I a soldier of the cross Awake, ye saints, and raise your eyes Before thy throne, eternal King Blest is the man whose heart expands Celestial King! our spirits lie है • : 244 Holy and reverend is the name 187 Honour and happiness unite 103 How charming is the place 14 17 64 How are thy servants bless'd, O Lord 14 How helpless guilty nature lies 60 How is our nature spoil'd by sin 94 How long shall death the tyrant reign How oft, alas! this wretched heart 161 How precious is the book divine 90 How precious is thy word, O God 200 How rich thy gifts, Almighty King 67 How soft the words my Saviour speaks 10 Didst thou, dear Jesus, suffer shame Do thou, my soul, in sacred lays. • Earth has engross'd my love too long Exert thy power, thy right maintain Farewell, dear friend, a short farewell name 142 How vast the treasure we possess 295 10 304 I ask'd the Lord that I might grow 146 I love thy kingdom, Lord 19. 4 15 I see the pleasant bed 2 10 3 19 11 257 6 38 Jesus, I love thy charming name 2 Jesus, I sing thy matchless grace 21 Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone Jesus, my Lord, how rich thy grace 219 Jesus, our Saviour and our God 287 Jesus, the spring of joys divine 204 Jesus, thy blood and righteousness 186 Jesus, thy blessings are not few 98 Jesus, lover of my soul 221 Jesus, full of all compassion f و 6 . 23 . Let avarice, from shore to shore Let party names no more Let those who bear the Christian name Let Zion's watchmen all awake. Lord, at thy feet we sinners lie Lord, at thy table I behold Look down, O Lord, with pitying eye Lord, hast thou made me know thy ways Lord, what is man, extremes how wide Lord, when our raptur'd thought surveys • My thoughts, that often mount the skies. Lord, when we see a saint of thine Methinks the last great day is come My times of sorrow and of joy Must all the charms of nature then Must friends and kindred drop and die Not by the laws of innocence Not all the nobles of the earth No strength of nature can suffice Now begin the heavenly theme Now let our voices join Now let our faith grow strong and rise Now we are met in holy fear O for a closer walk with God-. O for a thousand tongues to sing O happy soul, that lives on high O how I love thy holy law O righteous God, thou Judge supreme O Lord, another day is flown O Lord, my best desires fulfil. O my soul, what means this sadness O thou, before whose gracious throne Patience! O 'tis a grace divine Questions and doubts be heard no more 96 Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb 47 We bless the eternal source of light 75 What strange perplexities arise 70 What various hindrances we meet 157 What vain desires and passions vain 271 When Abrah'm, fill'd with sacred awe 265 When all thy mercies, O my God 237 When blooming youth is snatch'd away 139 When darkness long has veil'd my mind 62 When fancy spreads her boldest wings 203 When, marshall'd on the nightly plain 138 When pale with sickness, oft hast thou 241 When shall thy lovely face be seen 76 When sickness shakes the languid frame 134 When the Eternal bows the skies 125 When the last trumpet, awful voice 226 When tumults of unruly fear 127 When verdure clothes the fertile fields 238 Where is my God? does he retire 171 Where shall we sinners hide our heads 32 Where shall the guilty sinner go 169 There is a fountain fill'd with blood 23 Thou art, O God, a spirit pure. 290 Thou didst, O mighty God, exist 62 16 5 132 Thou only centre of my rest 272 191 Thon only Sovereign of my heart 197 299 Through all the downward tracts of time 141 228 This is the feast of heavenly wine 43 Thine earthly sabbaths, Lord, we love 183 . 208 302 Thus far 'tis well, you read, you pray 255 247 Thy bounties, gracious God 232 144 Thy names, how infinite they be 13 84 Tis a point I long to know 128 280 Tis finish'd! so the Saviour cried 51 140 Tis my happiness below 153 268 240 31 289 216 190 205 283 95 172 184 152 263 26 282 166 157 156 27 300 275 3 298 113 239 59 93 109 Rejoice! the Lord is King 55 Where two or three, with sweet accord 133 Wherefore should man, frail child of clay Wherewith, O Lord, shall I draw near 294 While I am banish'd from thy house 34 While o'er our guilty land, O Lord 135 While shepherds watch'd their flocks by night 46 97 Whilst thee I seek, protecting Power 58 Why should our mourning thoughts delight 297 227 1.19 81 179 264 155 246 With cheerful voices rise and sing 249 Saviour, visit thy plantation With humble heart and tongue 256 See, gracious God, before thy throne See how the mounting sun 198 With tears of anguish I. lament 262 Witness, ye saints, that God is true 78 151 See Israel's gentle Shepherd stand Shepherds! rejoice, lift up your eyes 233 Would you win a soul to God 215 174 90 Ye hearts, with youthful vigour warn 202 Ye humble saints proclaim abroad 253 6 212 Ye humble souls, approach your God 45 Ye humble souls, complain no more 7 117 301 Ye messengers of Christ 225 100 Ye motuning saints, whose streaming tears 284 276 Ye sons of men, with joy record 22 -19 Yes the Reeeemer rose 52 242 Ye wretched, hungry, starving poor 101 50 Zeal is that pure and heavenly flame SUPPLEMENT T |