3 While of thy absence we complain, 12 And long, or weep in all we do, There's a strange pleasure in the pain; And tears have their own sweetness too.
4 When round thy courts by day we rove, Or ask the watchmen of the night For some kind tidings of our love, Thy very name creates delight.
5 Jesus, our God, yet rather come! Our eyes would dwell upon thy face; 'Tis best to see our Lord at home, And feel the presence of his grace..
HYMN 128. 7s. Newton. Condolence, Hotham. Lovest thou me?
1IS a point I long to know,
Oft it causes anxious thought- Do I love the Lord, or no; Am I his, or am I not.
2 If I love, why am I thus? Why this dull and lifeless frame? Hardly, sure, can they be worse, Who have never heard his name..
3 [Could my heart so hard remain; Prayer a task and burden prove; Every trifle give me pain; If I knew a Saviour's love?]
4 When. I turn my eyes within,. All is dark, and vain, and wild; Fill'd with unbelief and sin; Can I deem myself a child? 5 If I pray, or hear, or read, Sin is mix'd with all I do; You that love the Lord indeed, Tell me, is it thus with you?
6 Yet I mourn my, stubborn will, Find my sin a grief and thrall; Should I grieve for what I feel, If I did not love at all?
7 Lord, decide the doubtful case! Thou, who art thy people's sun, Shine upon thy work of grace, If it be indeed begun..
8 Let me love thee more and more, If I love at all, I pray! If I have not loved before, Help me to begin to-day.
Stade, Hymn Second. Mutual love.
Within each brother's breast;
Sweet as the odorous balsam pour' On Aaron's sacred head, Which o'er his beard, and down his ves
A breathing fragrance shed. 3 Like morning dews, on Sion's mount That spread their silver rays; And deck with gems the verdant pomp, Which Hermon's top displays 4 To such, the Lord of life and love His blessing shall extend; On earth a life of joy and peac And life that ne'er shall end.
HYMN 130. S. M. Fawcett. Dover, Watchman. Love to the brethren.
BLEST be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love! The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. 2 Before our Father's throne We pour our ardent prayers: Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, Our comforts and our cares.
3 We share our mutual woes; Our mutual burdens bear; And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear.. 4 When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain; But we shall still be join'd in heart,
And hope to meet again. 5 This glorious hope revives Our courage by the way? While each in expectation lives, And longs to see the day. 6 From sorrow, toil, and pain, And sin, we shall be free; And perfect love and friendship reign Through all eternity...
HYMN 131. S. M. Beddome. Watchman, St. Thomas, Froome Christian love.
LET names no
The Christian world o'erspread; Gentile, and Jew, and bond and free, Are one in Christ their head.
2 Among the saints on earth Let mutual love be found; Heirs of the same inheritance, With mutual blessings crown'd
3 Let envy, child of hell! Be banish'd far away;
S WEET is the love that mutual glows And binds in gentlest bonds each heart, Those should in strictest friendship
All blessing and all blest:
4. Thus will the church below
HYMN 134. C. M. Watts's Sermons. *
Resemble that above; St. Davids, St. Anns, Abridge. Where streams of pleasure ever flow, Prudence; or, a lovely carriage. And every heart is love.
Ο a lovely thing to see A man of prudent heart,
HYMN 132. L. M. Scott. bor Whose thoughts, and lips, and life agree
Carthage, Eaton. Meekness.
1 MARK, when tempestuous winds
The wild confusion and uproar, All ocean mixing with the skies, And wrecks are dash'd upon the shore
-2 Not less confusion racks the mind, When, by the whirl of passion toss'd, Calm reason is to rage resign'd, And peace in angry tumult lost. 30 self tormenting child of pride, Anger, bred up in hate and strife, Ten thousand il's, by thee supplied, Mingle the cup of bitter life.
4 Happy the meek, whose gentle breast, Clear as the summer's evening ray, Calm as the regions of the bless'd, Enjoy on earth celestial day.
5 No jars their peaceful tent invade, No friendships lost their bosom sting; And foes to none, of none afraid, [bring. Where'er they go, sweet peace they 60 may a temper meek and mild With gentle sway our souls possess; Passion and pride be thence exil'd, And to be bless'd, still may we bless! HYMN 133. L. M.
Winchester, Eaton, Quercy. Patience.
1 PATIENCE!---O, 'tis a grace divine! Sent from the God of power and love, That leans upon its Father's hand, As through the wilderness we move. 2 By patience we serenely bear
The troubles of our mortal state, And wait, contented, our discharge, Nor. think our glory comes too late.
3 Though we, in full sensation, feel and The weight, the wounds, our God ordains, head We smile amid our heaviest woes, And triumph in our sharpest pains.
To act a useful part.
2 When envy, strife, and wars begin
In little angry souls, Mark how the sons of peace come in, And quench the kindling coals. 3 Their minds are humble, mild, and meek Nor let their fury rise; Nor passion moves their lips to speak, Nor pride exalts their eyes. Their frame is prudence mix'd with love, Good works fulfil their day: They join the serpent with the dove, But cast the sting away.
5 Such was the Saviour of mankind; Such pleasures he pursu'd; His flesh and blood were all refined, His soul divinely good.
6 Lord, can these plants of virtue grow In such a heart as mine? Thy grace my nature can renew, And make my soul like thine.
HYMN 135. C. M. S. Stennett. b Bangor, Windsor. The penitent.
1 1 PROSTRATE, dear Jesus! at guilty rebel lies; And upwards to the mercy-seat Presumes to lift his eyes. 2 If tears of sorrow would suffice To pay the debt I owe, Tears should from both my weeping eyes In ceaseless torrents flow.
3 But no such sacrifice I plead To expiate my guilt;
No tears but those which thou hast shed; No blood, but thou hast spilt. 4 Think of thy sorrows, dearest Lord! And all my sins forgive: Justice will well approve the word That bids the sinner live.
HYMN 136. C. M. Cowper. * or b
d; 40, for this grace! to aid us on, 104. And arm with fortitude the breast, 106 Till life's tumu tous voyage is o'er-1 We reach the shores of end ess rest!
(5 Faith into vision shall resign;
Hope shall in full fruition die; And patience in possession end,
York, St. Anns. The contrite heart.
THE Lord will happiness divine
contrite hearts bestow; Then tell me, gracious God! is mine A contrite heart or no?
2 I hear, but seem to hear in
In the bright worlds of bliss on high. Insensible as steel;
If aught is felt, 'tis only pain To find I cannot feel.
3I sometimes think myself inclin'd To love thee if I could: But often feel another mind, Averse to all that's good. 4 My best desires are faint and few, I fain would strive for more; But, when I cry, "My strength renew," Seem weaker than before.
5 Thy saints are comforted, I know, And love thy house of prayer; I sometimes go where others go, But find no comfort there.
60, make this heart rejoice or ache, Decide this doubt for me; And, if it be not broken, break; And heal it if it be.
HYMN 137. L. M. Watts's Lyrics. b Putney, Carthage.
The penitent pardoned. ENCE from my soul, my sins, depart, Your fatal friendship now I see; Long have you dwelt too near my heart, Hence, to eternal distance flee. 2 Black heavy tho'ts like mountains roll O'er my poor breast, with boding fears, And crushing hard my tortur'd soul, Wring through my eyes the briny tears. 3 Forgive my treasons, Prince of grace, The bloody Jews were traitors too, Yet thou hast pray'd for that curs'd race, "Father, they know not what they do." 4 Great Advocate, look down and see A wretch, whose smarting sorrows bleed, O plead the same excuse for me! For, Lord, I knew not what I did. 5 Peace, my complaints; let every groan Be still, and silence wait his love: Compassions dwell amidst his throne, And through his inmost bowels move. 6 How sweet the voice of pardon sounds! Sweet the relief to deep distress! I feel the baim that heais my wounds, And all my powers adore thy grace.
Durham, York. Repentance from a view of the mercy of God.
THOU, the wretched sure retreat, Who dost our cares control, And with the cheerful smile of peace Revive the fainting soul; 2 Did ever thy propitious ear The humble plea disdain?
Or when did plaintive misery sigt Or supplicate in vain? 30Oppress'd with grief and shame, dissolv In penitential tears; Thy goodness calms our anxious doubts And dissipates our fears.
4 New life from thy refreshing grace Our sinking hearts receive: Thy gentlest, best-lov'd attribute, To pity and forgive.
5 From that blest source, propitious hoe Appears serenely bright, And sheds her soft and cheering bean O'er sorrow's dismal night. 6 Our hearts adore thy mercy, Lond And bless the friendly ray, Which ushers in the smiling mor Of everlasting day.
HYMN 139. C. M. Cowper. Mear, Barby, St. Anns. Submission.
LORD! my best desires fulfil And help me to resign Life, health, and comfort to thy will
And make thy pleasure mine. 2 Why should I shrink at thy command, Whose love forbids my fears? Or tremble at the gracious hand That wipes away my tears? 3 No! let me rather freely yield What most I prize, to thee, Who never hast a good withheld
Nor wilt withhold from me. 4 Thy favour all my journey through Thou art engag'd to grant; What else I want, or think I d 'Tis better still to want.
5 Wislom and mercy guide my way;
Shall I resist them both? A poor blind creature of a day, And crush'd before the moth? 6 But ah! my inmost spirit cries, Still bind me to thy sway; Else the next cloud, that veils my skies, Drives all these thoughts away.
HYMN 140. C. M. Beddome. Abridge, Charmouth. Resignation; or, God our portion. Y times of sorrow and of jor, 1 M Great God! are in thy hand; My choicest comforts come from thee, And go at thy command.
2 If thou shouldst take them all away, Yet would I not repine;
Before they were possess'd by me, There were entirely thine. Nor would I drop a murmuring word, Though the whole world were gone, But seek enduring happiness In thee, and thee alone.
Нумм 141. С. M. Hervey. St. Anns, Abridge.
3 Still with their lips their hearts agree, Nor flattering words devise; They know the God of truth can see Through every false disguise. 4 They hate the appearance of a lie, In all the shapes it wears, Firm to their truth: and when they die, Eternal life is theirs.
Resignation to God's unerring wisdom. HYMN 144. L.M. Watts's Sermons.** THROUGH all the downward tracts
God's watchful eye surveys; O, who so wise to choose our Or regulate our ways? I cannot doubt his bounteous love, Immeasurably kind; To his unerring, gracious Be every wish resign'd. Good when he gives, supremely good, Nor less when he denies; E'en crosses from his sovereign hand Are blessings in disguise.
YMN-142. C. M. Kirkham. or b St. Martins, Stade. Self-denial; or, bearing the cross. dear Jesus, suffer shame,
And bear the cross for me?
And shall I fear to own thy namre, Or thy disciple be? Inspire my soul with life divine, And make me truly bold; (shine, Let knowledge, faith, and meekness Nor love nor zeal grow cold. Let mockers scoff, the world defame, And treat me with disdain; till may I glory in thy name, And count reproach my gain. To thee I cheerfully submit, And all my powers resign; et wisdom point out what is fit, And I'll no more repine.
MN 143. C.M. Watts's Sermons.
Barby, Abridge. Sincerity and truth. - FT those who bear the Christian → Their holy vows fulfil: [name The saints, the followers of the Lamb, Are men of honour still.
rue to the solemn oaths they take, Though to their hurt they swear, onstant and just to all they speak, For God and angels hear.
Leeds, All Saints, Antigua. Trust and confidence.
Y soul, survey thy happiness, If thou art form'd a child of grace!
How richly is the gospel stor'd! What joy the promises afford!
2" All things are ours;" the gift of God, And purchas'd with our Saviour's blood, While the good Spirit shows us how To use and to enjoy them too.
3 If peace and plenty crown my days, They help me, Lord, to speak thy praise: If bread of sorrows be my food, Those sorrows work my real good.
4 I would not change my bless'd estate With all that flesh calls rich, or great; And while my faith can keep her hold, I envy not the sinner's gold. 5 Father, I wait thy daily will; Thou shalt divide my portion still: Grant me, on earth, what seems thee best, Till death and heaven reveal the rest.
HYMN 145. L. M. Green's Hundredth, Islington. True wisdom.
1APPY the man, who finds the grace, H
1 The blessing of God's chosen race; The wisdom coming from above, And faith that sweetly works by love.
2 Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all her flowery paths are peace, Wisdom to silver we prefer, And gold is dross compar'd with her.
3 He finds, who wisdom apprehends, A life begun that never ends; The tree of life divine she is, Set in the midst of paradise.
4 Happy the man, who wisdom gains, In whose obedient heart she reigns; He owns, and will forever own, Wisdom, and Christ, and heaven are one.
HYMN 146. C. M. Watts's Sermons. * 3'Tis God's all-animating voice
Irish, Barby, St. Martins. Zeal and fortitude.
ΟΙ believe what Jesus saith, And think the gospel true? Lord, make me bold to own my faith, And practise virtue too. 2 Suppress my shame, subdue my fear, Arm me with heavenly zeal, That I may make thy power appear, And works of praise fulfil.
3 If men shall see my virtue shine, And spread my name abroad, Thine is the power, the praise is thine, My Saviour and my God.
4 Thus when the saints in glory meet, Their lips proclaim thy grace; They cast their honours at thy feet,
And own their borrow'd rays.
HYMN 147. C. M. Newton.. *
Abridge, Mear.
Zeal, true and false.
EAL is that pure and heavenly flame
12 The fire of love supplies;
While that which often bears the name, Is self, in a disguise. 2 True zeal is merciful and mild, Can pity and forbear; The false is headstrong, fierce and wild; And breathes revenge and war.
3While zeal for truth the Christian warms, He knows the worth of peace; But self contends for names and forms, Its party to increase.
4 Zeal has attain'd its highest aim, Its end is satisfied,
If sinners love the Saviour's name; Nor seeks it aught beside.
5 But self, however well employ'd, Has its own ends in view; And says, as boasting Jehu cried, "Come, see what I can do."
HYMN 148. C. M. Doddridge. *
Zeal and vigour in the Christian race.
1A WAKE, my soul stretchevery nerve, And press with vigour on: A heavenly race demands thy zeal,
And an immortal crown. 2 A cloud of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey: Forget the steps already trod, And onward urge thy way.
That calls thee from on high; 'Tis his own hand presents the priz To thine uplifted eye :
HYMN 149. L. M. Cowper. Portugal, Oporto. The Christian.
ONOUR and happiness unite To make the Christian's name
praise: How fair the scene, how clear the light That fills the remnant of his days. 2 A kingly character he bears, No change his priestly office knows Unfading is the crown he wears, His joys can never réach a close. 3 Adorn'd with glory from on high, Salvation shines upon his face; His robe is of th' ethereal dye, His steps are dignity and grace. 4 Inferior honours he disdains, Nor stoops to take applause from earl The King of kings himself maintain The expenses of his heavenly birth 5 The noblest creatures seen below, Ordain'd to fill a throne above; God gives him all he can bestow His kingdom of eternal love! 6 My soul is ravish'd at the though Methinks from earth I see him rise Angels congratulate his lot,
And shout him welcome to the skit
HYMN 150. 8.7. D. Turner. Northampton Chapel, Sicilian Hymn. Supplicating-Jesus, thou Son of David, he mercy on me.
ESUS! full of all compassion, J Hear thy humble suppliant's cry Let me know thy great salvation See! I languish, faint, and die. 2 Guilty, but with heart relenting, Overwhelm'd with helpless grie Prostrate at thy feet repenting Send, O send me quick relief
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