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kingdom were founded on fuch liberal principles, that, not only the natives, but ftrangers from different parts of Europe, were received into them, and fupplied with all the neceffaries of life, and even with books, gratis! The Venerable Bede is an unexceptionable authority for thefe facts, with refpect to the Saxons *; and proofs are not wanting that fuch was the cafe with other nations of Europe +. Need more, †. my Lord, be faid to the point, than, that fuch was the pre-eminence of the Irish in letters, that, by univerfal confent, the kingdom acquired the title of Infula Doctorum!

But the protection they vouchfafed to the sciences, did not diminish their love for arms. In other countries, arts and letters were the confequences of power and conquests: in Ireland, they attended and added vigour to both. Glory, intrepidity, and the love of their country were the conftant themes of the antiquarians and bards; and how well our princes, our nobility, and military profited by their leffons, our annals fufficiently proclaim. Whilft the reft of the world bent the knee to all-powerful Rome, Ireland

+ Hiftor. Ecclefiaft. Britan. lib. iii. cap. 27.

Vita St. Cataldi, Ufferii Primord. Ecclef. Britan. p. 755, &c.


alone remained free and independent, and held forth her arms to support every struggle for liberty in Britain and Gaul. From Tacitus we may collect*, that Rome could not count on the peaceable poffeffion of Britain, until Ireland was fubdued, being the country from whence the difaffected drew their refources; and the subsequent periods of our history will fhew, who were the real authors and promoters of these mighty confederacies which accelerated the ruin of that extended. empire!

Why an hiftory, in itself fo curious and inftructive-which throws new lights on hiftory and chronology in general, and (what makes it fill more valuable) which is the only one, of all the nations of Europe, that has been transmitted to us pure and uninterrupted, from the remoteft antiquity to this daywhy, I fay, it should be, not only greatly neglected, but gröfsly mifreprefented in modern times, is not to my purpofe to enquire. It is fufficient, my Lord, that, animated with the love of truth, and of my country, I have laboured to render that justice to our ancestors which had been fo long denied them, and to lay open to public view these annals, which feem

*Vita Julii Agricolæ,


ed to have been destined to duft and oblivion!


work of this kind, extracted from pure native records, unfophifticated with modern fyftems and modern opinions, I flatter myself will appear no unacceptable present to your Lordship, and to the curious.

To whom my Lord, with greater propriety could such an attempt be inscribed, or who better intitled to this mark of respect and attention, than the EARL of INCHIQUIN, the lineal defcendant of the firft of heroes and legislators, the renowned BRIEN BOIRUmhe, and through him, of Heber, eldest fon to Milefius? To fupport and protect whatever may tend to elucidate the Hiftory of Ogygia; and by your precepts, as well as example, to induce others to unite in a caufe fo interesting to letters, are in fact, my Lord, duties which you owe to your own dignity and to your ancestors, as well as to your country. For what avails it, that Ireland should in juftice rank foremost amongst the nations of Europe *; and that her fons, for purity, antiquity, and nobility of blood, exceed all others, if these facts are not properly fet forth? Her title to precedence is not the lefs valid because it has not been fully afferted; and it may be said, that the ne

• Vol. II. of this work, from page 65 to 69.


glect of Irish History is the only enemy to its dignity. From your Lordship, for inftance, to Heber, are reckoned ninety-three generations in your houfe, of which number eighty-four were kings of Thomond, kings of Munfter, or monarchs of Ireland; so justly may the atavis edite regibus of Horace be applied to your Lordship. Thus a peerage could be no acceffion of honour to it; and this is fo true, that all North Munfter were in flames when it firft became known that fuch a title was adopted. The fame thing happened in Ulfter, when Con O'Neill affumed the title of Earl of Tirone: it was the cafe with Mac Carthy in Defmond, with Fitz Patric in Offory, &c.

However follicitous I have been to render this work worthy public attention, your lordship's protection, and the title which it bears, yet I am fatisfied that an undertaking on fo extensive a plan, and on a new fcale, must neceffarily be fubject to many imperfections; and I greatly regret that my fituation in life would not permit me to devote to it all that leifure which it merited, and which I wished. Yet be its. defects what they may, I will venture to affirm that it exhibits a clearer and more comprehenfive view of the true state and importance of Irish hiftory than any other work extant.


Deign favourably, my Lord, to receive this public testimony of my esteem and attachment, the greatest I can offer, and permit me the honour to fubfcribe myself, with the highest respect,

My Lord,

Your Lordship's most obedient,

and most devoted

humble Servant,


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