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"He told a deputation of merchants from Hamburgh, that he detested commerce and all its concerns." And on various occasions he has expressed the same senti. ment. And all his regulations tend to annihilate commerce. Such is the genius and state of the Power, which has risen in the world!

The writer set himself to find the feelings and views of the French government with respect to our United States. He for ten months was much in company, and had the confidence, of persons, "whose contiguity to the throne, and whose political stations and connexions opened to them all the sources of correct information." Many of the facts and reasons, on which their opinions were founded, were confidential, and may not be exposed. But general information is given by this writer, that the French are not wanting in the keenest hostility to America. On their official communications, dependence is not to be placed.


The writer ascertains, that ever since the revolution in France, their views have been hostile to this country. And that nothing since has occurred to allay their enmity and contempt, but that these passions are much aug. mented. We are identified with the British. refusing hitherto to unite with France against England; also our liberties and popular institutions; these are unpardonable offences with the emperor. The general language of all in France, in office, and out, is hatred and contempt of America. "That we are a nation of fraudulent shopkeepers, British in prejudices and predilections, and equally objects of aversion to the emperor, who had taken a fixed determination to bring us to reason, in due time!" "The British he hates, dreads, and respects. The people of this country he detests, and despises." This latter idea is there universally understood; and that we are finally to feel the whole weight of the emperor's resentment! Every act of humiliation on our part increases the evil. And notwithstanding the tumultuous affairs of France, "we are followed with an acute and malignant eye. - Our Gazettes are diligently searched at the instigation of the emperor himself; and such parts as relate to his character and views, extracted and submitted to his inspection. The invectives, with which many of them abound, are read with the bitterest resentment, and uniformly with denunciations of vengeance." Bonaparte said to several foreign ministers, in 1807, I have sworn the destruction of England, and will accomplish it: And thenceforward I will trample under foot all the principles of neutrality.

These and many more of the same character, are the communications of this traveller, lately from France; and they appear worthy of every degree of confidence. Thus (as this writer expressly informs us) the fatal engine framed in the school of Voltaire, which managed the French revolution, and which planted its emissaries through the civilized world, is "now, under the military despotism of Bonaparte, levelled, upon an enlarged plan, and with more active industry, against the liberties and morals of every people." And "we are vigorously assailed with this engine of subjection, with redoubled force and adroitness."*

* Thus much from the late publication.

I shall here subjoin a royal Spanish Order, of August, 1810. It will throw some light on this subject. The council and re. gency of Spain and the Indies, in the name of Ferdinand VII, issued the following order. "Having received information that the universal disturber of Europe, Napoleon Bonaparte, is about sending emissaries and spies, from various quarters, to the Spanish transatlantic possessions, and that he has already sent some with the base design of destroying their tranquillity, and introducing sedition and anarchy, since he cannot reach those remote regions with his forces; and his majesty being assured that those emissaries (among whom there are some unnatural Spaniards) are assembled in the United States of America, from whence they endeavor by artifice and deceit to penetrate by land into the Province of Texas, or embark for other Spanish possessions; his majesty is resolved, that no Spaniard, under any pretence whatever, shall be permitted to land in any of the ports of said dominions without presenting authentic documents and passports, granted by the legitimate authorities resident in the places from whence they may proceed, in the name of our king and master, Ferdinand the VIIth, proving, in a manner beyond all doubt, the legitimacy of their persons, and the object of their coming:-That the Viceroys and other military and civil authorities observe and execute this royal determination with the utmost exactness, and cause it to be observed: -That if, through

Thus most evident and extensive is this system of French espionage, and secret mischievous agency. The United States are stocked and poisoned with them! Here they range without fear! Here is their place of rendezvous for this western continent! Says the Spanish proclamation, inserted in the note below, "His majesty being assured that those emissaries are assembled in the United States of America!" Americans; if you have any regard to the land of your fathers, and of your nativity, remember this; and improve the hint! Are emissaries assembled here, with a view to subvert the dominions of Spanish America, and yet no designs formed, and no exertions made against the United States? And what are those exertions from the agents of a system, which depends on the "prevalence of armies of sentiments, where armies of soldiers cannot be introduced?" The intelligent and judicious cannot be at a loss, if they but impartially attend to the subject.

any of those incidents, which cannot always be avoided, one of the said emissaries or French spies effect his introduction in said country, by sea or land, he be brought immediately and without delay, to trial, sentenced to capital punishment, and executed:And lastly, that they proceed to the seizure and confiscation of the vessel, in which such spy may come, together with the cargo; which last regulation is to be equally observed with regard to the vessels of all nations, for the single act of introducing persons not furnished with the proper licenses given by legitimate authorities in the name of Ferdinand the VIIth, even should they be natives of these dominions."


Consulate Office, Boston, Aug. 17, 1810. Made public.


Consul of Spain.


Some other causes which facilitate the spread of Infidelity in our nation, considered.

THE American revolutionary war was on our part just and necessary. And the revolution, which gave the Americans a national existence, was among the great events of Providence, which were to prepare the way for the millennial glory of the Church. Yet such is human nature, that this event was attended with sad consequences to our morals. Antecedently to that war, and especially before the war of 1755, the people of this land, particularly of New England, were famous for their purity of morals, and their support and practice of religion. But war, and armies, are the bane of morals. Perhaps generally a larger portion of the dregs of society, than of men of regular habits, at such a time, become soldiers. In the camp the wickedness of the former is augmented, like the glowing of fire, when brands are thrown together. And the moral infection is with facility communicated through the whole army, with few exceptions. Young men thus situated, usually soon become vicious; and many to a dreadful degree. The soldier thus corrupted, by and by returns home, to mingle in society. He must now exhibit what he has learned in the army. His profaneness and vice strongly tend to contaminate his listen. ing associates, and to diffuse a baneful influence, es. pecially through the youthful part of the community. In this way, the morals of our country experienced a sad depression, in the revolution which gave us national independence. Vice and irreligion soon gained an ascendency. Educational restraints were relaxed and much impaired. And it became with too many an object of ambition to free themselves from the impressions of a religious education, under the notion of a noble independence of thought. The seeds of licentiousness thus extensively sown, became prolific; and the baneful fruit has been produced an hundred fold,

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The suspension for a time, in the American provinces, of the restraints and operations of civil law, diffused among a large class of people a spirit of licentious liberty, which could not be without extreme difficulty, reduced to proper civil subordination. The operations of this spirit were visible in the course of our revolutionary struggle. And under the subsequent confederation it became in some instances very (alarming. And this spirit was prepared to open a distressing avenue to the innovations of modern licentiousness.

The corrupt manners of foreign nations have been copied and adopted in the United States. Our connexions abroad have introduced the vices of old corrupt countries, and have furnished both the knowledge and the means of refined luxury. These things have gradually prepared the minds of thousands to become unhinged from the principles of the religion of Christ: And Infidelity is the natural result of this process, as fact has lamentably evinced.

And it must be here noted, that our peculiar acquaintance, and connexion formed, in the time of our revolution, with that nation, which was destined in Providence to give birth to Antichrist, or to form the terrible atheistical Power of the last days, have given a great facility to the dissemination of sentiments of licentiousness and Infidelity in this country. That nation, under its monarchy, was induced to aid us; and fought by our side. This circumstance has, of course, opened a distressing avenue to intrigues and Infidelity in America.

In viewing the causes of the mischief under consideration in the United States, we find striking evidence, that irreligion, fanaticism, and Infidelity, are nearly


Skepticism has occasioned a flood of irreligion; and the latter has been followed by a torrent of systematic Infidelity. The great neglect of religious education, and the means of Christian knowledge in our land, has opened the door to religious imposture; and this powerfully aids the cause of Antichrist. It leads

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