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26 They gather what thy stores disperse,
Without their trouble to provide;
Thou op'st thy hand, the universe,
The craving world, is all supply'd.

27 Thou for a moment hid'st thy face,
The num'rous ranks of creatures mourn.
Thou tak'st their breath, all nature's race
Forthwith to mother earth return.

28 Again thou send'st thy spirit forth,
T' inspire the mass with vital seed;
Nature's restor'd, and parent earth
Smiles on her new created breed.

29 Thus through successive ages stand,
Firm fix'd, thy providential care!
Pleas'd with the work of thine own hands,
Thou dost the wastes of time repair.

30 In praising God, while he prolongs
My breath, I will that breath employ;
And join devotion to my songs,
Sineere, as in him is my joy.


From the 111th of David.

1 PRAISE ye the Lord, our God to praise
My soul her utmost pow'rs shall raise;
With private friends, and in the throng
Of saints, his praise shall be my song.

2 His works, for greatness though renown'd,
His wondrous works, with ease are found
By those who seek for them aright,
And in the pious search delight.

3 His works are all of matchless fame,
And universal glory claim;
His truth, confirm'd through ages past,
Shall to sternal ages last.


By precept he has us enjoin'd,
To keep his wondrous works in minds;
And to posterity record,

That good and gracious is our Lord.

5 Just are the dealings of his hands;
Immutable are his commands;
By truth and equity sustain'd,
And for eternal rules ordain'd.

6 Who wisdom's sacred prize would win,
Must with the fear of God begin,
Immortal praise and heav'nly skill
Have they who know and do his will.


From the 139th of David.

1 THOU, Lord, by strictest search hast know
My rising up and lying down:
My secret thoughts are known to thee,
Known long before conceiv'd by me.

2 Thine eye my bed and path surveys,
My public haunts and private ways;
Thou know'st what 'tis my lips would vent,
My yet unutter'd words' intent.

3 Surrounded by thy pow'r I stand;
On ev'ry side I find thy hand.
O skill, for human reach too high !
Too dazzling bright for mortal eye!

4 Let me acknowledge, too, O God,
That since this maze of life I trod,
Thy thoughts of love to me surmount
The pow'r of numbers to recount:

5 Far sooner could I reckon o'er
The sands upon the ocean's shore:
Each morn, revising what I've done,
I find th' account but new begun.

6 Search, try, O God, my thoughts and heart,

If mischief lurks in any part:
Correct me where I go astray,

And guide me in thy perfect way.


From the 91st of David.

1 HE that has God his guardian made,
Shall, under the Almighty's shade,
Secure and undisturb'd abide.
Thus to my soul of him I'll say,
He is my fortress and my stay,

My God, in whom I will confide.

2 His tender love and watchful care
Shall free thee from the fowler's snare,
And from the noisome pestilence;
He over thee his wings shall spread,
And over thy unguarded head;

His truth shall be thy strong defence.

3 No terrors, that surprize by night,
Shall thy undaunted courage fright,
Nor deadly shafts that fly by day;
Nor plague, of unknown rise, that kills
In darkness, nor infectious ills,

That in the hottest seasons slay.


From the 113th of David.

1 YE saints and servants of the Lord,
The triumphs of his name record:
His sacred name forever bless,
Where-e'er the circling sun displays
His rising beams, or setting rays,
Due praise to his great name address.

2 God through the world extends his sway: The regions of eternal day

But shadows of his glory are. To him, whose majesty excels, Who made the heav'n wherein he dwells, Let no created power compare.



From the 25th of David.

1 THY mercies and thy love,
O Lord, recal to mind :
And graciously continue still,
As thou wert ever, kind.

2 To me thy truth impart,
And lead me in thy way,
For thou art He that brings me help;
On thee I wait all day.

3 Let all my youthful crimes
Be blotted out by thee;
And for thy wondrous goodness sake,
In mercy think on me.

4 His mercy and his truth,

The righteous Lord displays,
In bringing wand'ring sinners home,
And teaching them his ways.

5 He those in justice guides,
Who his direction seek;
And in his sacred path shall lead
The humble and the meek.

6 Through all the ways of God
Both truth and mercy shine,
To such as with religious hearts,
To his blest will incline.




From the 149th of David.
O PRAISE ye the Lord, prepare a new song,
And let all his saints in full chorus join;
With voices united the anthem prolong,
And shew forth his praises with musick divine.

2 Let praise to the Lord, who made us, ascend;
Let each grateful heart be glad in its King;
For God, whom we worship, our songs will attend,
And view with complacence the offering we bring.

3 Be joyful, ye saints, sustain'd by his might,
And let your glad songs awake with each morn ;
For those who obey him are still his delight;
His hand with salvation the meek will adorn.

4 Then praise ye the Lord, prepare a glad song,
And let all his saints in full chorus join;
With voices united the anthem prolong,
And shew forth his praises with musick divine.



* From the 148th of David.

1 YE boundless realms of joy,
Exalt your Maker's fame;
His praise your songs employ
Above the starry frame;
Your voices raise,

Ye Cherubim
And Seraphim,

To sing his praise.

2 Thou moon that rul'st the night,
And sun that guid'st the day,

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