Imágenes de páginas
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And much was | she | charmed with a | tone |

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]

Who so lately had | witness'd | her own. 77771

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A:. Λ

And gave them a | grace so di- | vine,|

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Could in- | fuse into | numbers of | mine.|

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And e'en to my- | self never | seem'd◄ |

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Though the pleasures of | London ex- | ceed |

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

In number the days of the | year,│1

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


For the close-woven | arches of | limes,|


On the banks of our | river, I know,|

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Are | sweeter to | her many | times |


Λ ..

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With a well-judging | taste from a- | bove,"

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Then (whether em- | bellish'd or rude) |

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'Tis Nature a lone that we love.
| | lone||

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The a- | chievements of | art may a- | muse,||


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.. Λ .. ..

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hills, and | valleys, dif- | fuse 1


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a sacred de- | light.

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Catharina a- | lone can re- | joice; |

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May it | still be her | lot to pos- | sess

Λ .. .. ^ :: ..

The scene of her | sensible | choice! |

.. ..

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To in- | habit a | mansion re- | mote

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From the clatter of | street-pacing | steeds,

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Towing all her | moments at | home;|

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And with scenes that new rapture in- | spire,

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And ours would be | pleasant as | hers,

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.. Λ

A: Λ


Might we view her en- | joying it | here.1111111


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My Lord, if the measures in

which you

have been most successful | had been sup- | ported by

| | | any tolerable ap- | pearance of | argument, I should have thought my | time | not | ill em- | ployed tinuing to examine your conduct

in con- |

as a minister,

and | stating it | fairly to the public. || But | when I highest | national im- | portance |

see | questions of the

carried as they have been,

the | consti- | tution || openly | violated,

| argument or decency,

[ocr errors]

up the cause in de- | spair.

with- | out

and the | first | principles of

I con- fess I give

[blocks in formation]

your predecessors | had a- | bilities | suf- ficient to | give a color to their | measures. || If they in- | vaded people, they | did not | dare to | offer

the | rights of the

to their | under | standing:

a di-rect insult and, in | former times, the most | venal | parliaments | made it a con- dition in their | bargain with the | minister, | that he should furnish them with some | plausible pre- | tences for selling their | country and them- | selves.

You have had the | merit of | intro- | ducing a | more com| pendious system of government and | logic. neither ad- dress yourself to the passions


You | nor the | under- | standing, but | simply to the touch. |◄ You apply yourself | im- | mediately to the | feelings of your friends; | who, | contrary to the forms of parlia ment, never | enter | heartily | into a de- | bate | un- | til they have di- | vided. | Re- | linquishing, | therefore, | all | idle views of a- | mendment to your grace, or of | benefit to the public, || let me be per- | mitted to | leave for an- | other | letter | the exami- | nation of your character and conduct; || simply re- | marking in | this | that there is something in both which dis- | tinguishes you | not only from | all | other | ministers, but all other | men. It is not that you | do | wrong by de- | sign,

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| but that you should never | do | right by mis- | take. | It is not that your | indolence, and your ac- | tivity,

have been equally | misap- | plied || but that the | first uniform | principle, | or | if I may | call it the | genius of your life, should have | carried you | through every | possible | change | and | contra- | dicmomentary | impu- |

tion of conduct, with- | out the

tation or color of a | virtue. | And that the | wildest | spirit of inconsistency should | never | once have be- | trayed you into a wise or | honorable | action.


My friend a- | greed for my | passage

tain of a | New York | sloop.

wind I found myself

with the | cap

By | favor of a | good

in | three | days in | New

York, nearly three | hundred | miles from my | home, | at the age only of seventeen | years, with- | out | knowing an | indi- | vidual |in the| place, and with | · very little | money in my | pocket.

Phila- | delphia |

I | hesitated | not

was a


| hundred miles | further. em- | bark in a | boat in | order to re- | pair by the shortest cut of the sea to | Amboy; | leaving my | trunk and ef- | fects to come | after me by the usual and more |

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