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17 Thank-offerings I to thee will give,
and on Gods Name will call.

18 I'le pay my vows now to the Lord,
before His people all.

19 Within y cours of Gods own house
within the midft of thee,
City of Jerufalem,

Praise to the Lord give ye.


Give ye praise unto the Lord,
all nations that be;
Like wife, ye people all accord
His Name to magnifie.
2 For great to us-ward ever are
His loving kindnesses:
His truth endures for evermore,
The Lord, O do ye blesse.


Praise the Lord, for He is good:
His mercy lasteth ever.
2 Let those of Ifrael now say,
His mercy faileth never.
3 Now let the house of Aaron say,
His mercy lasteth ever.
4 Let those y fear the Lord now say,
His mercy faileth never..
$ I in distresse call'd on the Lord:
the Lord did answer me,
He in a large place did me set:
from trouble made me free.
6 The mighty Lord is on my fide.
I will not be afraid:

For any thing that man can do

I shall not be dismaid.

7 The Lord doth take my part with
that help to fuccour me; [them
Therefore on those that do me hate
I my defire shall fee.
8 Better it is to trust in God,

then truft in mans defence;
9 Better to trust in God, them make
Princes our confidence.

10 The nations, joyning all in one,
did compafle me about:
But in the Lords most Holy Name
I shall them all root out.
They compaft me about I say,
they compaft me about:
But in the Lords most Holy Name:
I shall them all root out.

12 Like Bees they compast me about,
like unto thorns that flame,
They quenched are: for them shall 1
destroy in Gods own Name.
13 Thou fore haft thrust that I might
but my Lord helped ine. (fall

14 God my falvation is become,
my strength and fong is He.


15 In dwellings of the righteous
is heard the melody
Of joy & health: the Lords right hand
doth ever valiantly.
16 The right hand of y mighty Lord
exalted is on hy:
The right hand of the Mighty Lord
doth ever valiantly.

17 I shall not die, but live, and shall
the works of God discover.
18 The Lord hath me chaftised fore,
but not to death given over.
19 O fet ye open unto me
the gates of righteousnesse,
Then will I enter into them,

and I the Lord will blesse.
20 This is the gate of God, by it
the just shall enter in,
21 Thee will I praise, forthou me
and haft my fafety bin. (heardt,
22 That ftone, is made head corner-
which builders did despise: (stone,
23 This is the doing of the Lord,
and wondrous in our eyes.
24 This is the day God made, in it
wee'l joy triumphantly.
25 Save now, I pray thee, Lord, I pray
fend now profperity.
26 Blessed is He, in Gods great Name
that cometh us to saue.
We, from house which to the Lord
pertains, you blessed have.
27 God is the Lord, who anto us
hath made light to arife:
Binde ye unto the altars horns,
with cords, the facrifice,
28 Thou art my God, I'lethee exalt
my God, I will thee praise.
29 Give thanks to God, for He is good
His mercy lasts al wayes.

PSALM CXIX. ALEPH. The first part.. P Lessed are they that undefil'd, and ftraight are in the way:: Who in the Lords mofts holy Law do walk and do not ftray. 2. Blessed are they, who to obferve His ftatutes are inclin'd: And who doseeke the living God

with their whole heart & miz 3 Suchin his wayes do walk, & th do no iniquitie.


Thou hast commanded us to ke
thy precepts carefully.
that thy statutes to observe
thou wouldst my wayes dis



Then shall not be sham'd, when I
thy precepts all respect.
Then with integrity of heart
thee will I praise and bleffe,

When I judgements all have learn'd
of thy pure righteousneffe.
8 That I will keep thy statutes all
firmly refolv'd have I:
O do not then, molt gracious God,
forsake me utterly.


The 2 part.

By what means shall a young man
his way to purifie?

If he according to thy Word

thereto attentive be.

10 Unfainedly Thee have 1 fought

with all my foul and heart:

O let me not from the rightpath

of thy commands depart.


DALETH. The 4 pare..
25 My soul to dust cleaves, quicken me
according to thy word. [heardt
26 My wayes I shew'd, and me thou
teach me thy ftatutes Lord.
27 The way of thy commandements
make me arighttoknow;

So all thy works, that wondrous are,
I shall to others show.

28 My foul doth melt, & drop away,
for heavinefle and grief:
To me, according to thy word,

give Arength, and send relief.
29 From me the wicked way of lies
let far removed be,
And graciously thy holy Law
do thou grant unto me.
30 I chosen have the perfect way
of truth and verity:

Thy word I in my heart have hid, Thy judgements that most righteous

that I offend not thee.

12 O Lord, thou ever blessed art,
thy statutes teach thou me.

13 The judgements of thy mouth
my lips declared haye: (each one
14 More joy thy teftimonies way.
then riches all me gave.
15 I will thy holy precepts make
my meditation:

And carefully I'le have refpect
unto thy way each one.
16 Unto thy ffatutes my delight
hall constantly be fet:
And by thy grace I never will

thy holy word forget,


The 3 part.

17 With me thy fervant, in thy grace,
deal bountifully, Lord:
That by thy favour I may live,

and duely keep thy word.
18 Open mine eyes, that of thy Law
the wonders I may fee.
19 I am a stranger on this earth,
hide not thy Laws from me.
20 My foul within me breaks, & doth
much fainting Aill endure,
Through longing that it hath all times
unto thy judgements pure.

21 Thou hast rebuk'd curfed proud, who from thy precepts swerve. 12 Reproach & thame remove from for I thy Laws obferve, (me, Against me Princesspake with spite, while they in councell fat:

But I thy fervant, did upon
thy ftatute's meditate

My comfort & my hearts delight
thy teftimonies be.
they in all my doubts and fears

Pare coulers to me,


before me, laid, have I. 31 1 to thy teftimoniescleave: shame do not on me caft. 32 I'le run thy precepts way, when my heart enlarged haft, The 5 pare. 33 Teach me, O Lord, the perfect way of thy precepts divine, And to obferve it to the end

Η Ε.


I shall my heart incline. 34 Give understanding unto me, so keepthy Law shall I: Yea, ev'n with my whole heart, I shall observe it carefully.

35 In thy Laws path make me to go, for I delight therein.

36 My heart unto thy teftimonies,


and not to greed incline.

37 Turn thou away my fight and eyes
from viewing vanitie,
And in thy good and holy way
be pleased to quicken me.
38 Confirm to me thy gracious word,
which I did gladly hear,
Ev'n to thy fervant, Lord, whois
devoted to thy fear.
39 Turn thou away my fear'd re-

for good thy Judgements be.
40 Lo, for thy precepts I have long'd:
in thy truth quicken me.
VAV. The 6 part.
41 Let thy fweet mercies also come,
and vifit me, O Lord,
Ev'n thy benign falvation,
according to thy word.
42 So thall I have wherewith I may
give him an answer just,
Whe fpitefully reproacheth me:
for in thy word I trust.


43 The word of truth out of my take thou not utterly: (mouth For on thy judgements righteous my hope doth ftill rely. 44 So shall I keep for evermore thy Law continually:

45 And fith that I thy precepts seek,

I'le walk at liberty.

46 I'le speak thy word to Kings, & 1 with shame shall not be mov'd? 47 And will delight my felf alwayes in thy Laws which I lov'd. 48. To thy commandments which I my hands lift up I will: (lov'd,

And I will alfo meditate upon thy flatutes still. ZAIN. The 7 pare. 40 Remember, Lord, thy gracious thou to thy fervantspake, (word Which, for a ground of my fure hope, that caufedft me to take.

50 This word of thine my comfort is in my affliction: For in my straits I am reviv'd

by this thy word alone. SI Then men whose hearts with pride, did greatly me deride: [are stufit, Yet from thy ftraight commandeI have not turn'd afide. (ments 2 Thy judgements righteous, Ο (Lord,

which thou of old forth gave,

I did remember, and my self
by them comforted have.
; Herrour took hold on me, because
ill men thy Law forfake.
54 I in my house of pilgrimage


thy precepts did not flight. 62 I'le rife at midnight, thee to praife ev'n for thy judgements right. 63 I am companion to all thofe, who fear and thee obey. 64 O Lord, thy mercy fills the earths teach me thy Laws, I pray, TETH The 9 part. 65 Well haft thou with thy fervant as thou didst promise give. (dealt, Good judgement me, and know(ledge teachs



for I thy Word believe. Erel afflicted was, I ftray'd, but now I keep thy word. 68 But good thou art, and good thou teach me thy statutes Lord. (doft: 69 The men, y are puft up with pride, against me forg'd aly: Yet thy commandements observe with my whole heart will I. 70 Their heart through worldly cafe (and wealth,

as fat as grafe they be, But in thy holy Law I take delight continually. 71 It hath been very good for me, that I afflicted was, That I might well instructed be, and learn thy holy Laws. 72 The word that cometh from thy is better unto me, [mouth Then many thousands, and great of gold and silver be. (fumms The 10 part. 73 Thou mad'st and fashioneft me (thy Laws

thy Law my fongs do make. 55 Thy Name by right Lord, I did/74 and I have kept thy Law. (minde,.

56 And this I had, because thy word
I kept, and stood in aw.
CHETH. The 8 part.
57 Thou my fure portion art alone,
which I did choose, O Lord:

I have refolv'd and faid, that I
would keep thy holy word.
58 With my whole heart I did intent
thy face and favour free:
According to thy gracious word
be mercifull to me.

139 I thought upon my farmer wayės,
and did my life well try:
And in thy teftimonies pure
my feet then turned 1.
60 I did not stay nor linger long,
as those that flothfull are,

But haftily thy Laws to keep
my felf I did prepare.

61 Bands of ill men me robb'd: yet l


to know give wildom, Lord: For who thee fear, shall joy to fe me trusting in thy word That Very right thy judgements I know and do confefle, And that thou hast afflicted me



in truth and faithfulnesse. 76 Olerthy kindnesse mercifull, I pray thee, comfort me, As to thy fervant faithfully. was promised by thee. 77 And let thy tender mercies con to me, that I may live, Because thy holy Laws to me fweet delectation give. 78 Lord, let the proud ashamed for they without a cause, With me perverfly deal; but I will muse upon thy Law. 79 Let fuch as fear thee, and thy ftatutes, turn to me. (kr 80 My heart let in thy Laws be fe that sham'd I never be.


CAPH. The 11 part.
81 My foul for thy falvation faints:
yet I thy word believe.
82 Mine eyes fail for thy word: I fay,
When wilt thou comfort give?

83. Forlike a bottle I'm become,
that in the smoke is fet;
I'm black and parcht with grief, yet I
thy statutes not forget

84 How many are thy fervants dayes?
when wilt thou execute
Juk judgements on these wicked men
that do me perfecute?
85 The proud have digged pits for me,
which is againft thy Laws.
86 Thy works also faithfull are: help
pursu'd without a cause.
87 They so consum'd me, y on earth
my life they scarce did leave:

Thy precepts yet forfook I not, but close to them I clave

88 After thy loving kindnesse, Lord, me quicken and preserve: The teftimonie of thy mouth so shall 1 ftill observe. LAMED. The 12 part. 89 Thy word for ever is, O Lord, in heaven fettled fast:

90 Unto all generations

thy faithfulnesse doth laft. The earth thou hast established, and it abides by thee:

91 This day they stand, as thou orfor all thy fervants be, (dain'd 92 Unleffe in thy most perfect Law my foul delights had found, I should have perished, when as my troubles did abound. 93 Thy precepts 1 will nev'r forget : they quickning to me brought 94 Lord, I am thine: O fave thou me, thy precepts I have fought. 95 For me the wicked have laid wait, meseeking to destroy: But I thy teftimonies true

consider will with joy. 6 An end of all perfection here have I seen, O God: But as for thy commandement it is exceeding broad. O how love I thy Law! it is 13 pare. My study all the day.



It makes my wifer then my foes: for it doth with me stay.

Then all my teachers, now I have more understanding far: ause my meditation thy reftimonies are.

isunderstanding I excell


those that are ancients,
For I endeavoured to keep
101 My feet from each ill
all thy commandements.

way I ftayd,

that I may keep thy word. 102 I from thy judgements have not for thou haft taught me, Lord. (fwerv'd, 103How sweet unto my taste, O Lord, are all thy words of truth; Yea, I do finde them sweeter far, then hony to my mouth. 104 I, through thy precepts that are do understanding get; I therefore every way that's false (pure with all my heart do hate, 105 Thy word is to my feet a lamp, NVN. The 14 part. and to my path alight. 106 Isworn have, and I will perform. 107 I am with fore affliction, to keep thy judgement right.

even overwhelm'd, O Lord, In mercy raise, and quicken me, according to thy word. 108 The free will offerings of my accept, I do befeech; And unto me thy servant, Lord, (mouth thy judgements clearly teach. 109 Though ftill my foul be in my thy Laws I'le not forget. [hand, 110 lerr'd not from them, though 111 Iof thy teftimonies have the wicked snares did fet. (for me above all things made choice, for they my heart rejoyce. 112 I carefully inclined have my heart, still to attend, That I thy ftatutes may perform alway unto the end, 113 I hate the thoughts of vanitie, SAMECH. The 15 part. but love thy Law do I. 114 My shield and hiding-place thou I on thy word rely. 115 All ye that evill doers-are, (art; from me departaway: For the commandements, of my God I purpose to obey

To be my heritage for ay,

116 According to thy faithfull word
uphold and stablish me
That I may live, and of my hope
afhamed never be.

117 Hold thou me up so shall I be
in peace and fafetiestill,
And to thy ftatutes have refpect
continually I will.

118 Thou treadst down all that love to
false their deceit doth prove.

119 Lewd

119 Lewd men, like dresse, away thou
therefore the Law I love, (outst,
120 For fear of thee my very flesh
doth tremble, all dismaid;

And of thy righteous judgements,
my foul is much afraid. (Lord,
AIN. The 16 part.

121 To all men I have judgement
performing justice right; (done,

Then let me not be left unto

my fierce oppressours might.
122 For good unto thy fervant, Lord,
thy fervants furety be;
From the oppression of the proud
do thou deliver me.
123 Mine eyes do fail with looking
for thy falvation,
The word of thy pure righteousnesse
while I do wait upon.
124 In mercy with thy fervant deal,
thy Laws me teach and show:
125 I am thy fervant, wisdom give,
that I thy Laws may know. (have
126 It's time to work Lord for they
made void thy Law divine:

127 Therefore thy precepts more I
then gold, yea gold most fine (love
118 Concerning all things, thy com-
all right I judge therefore: (mands

And every falfe and wicked way

I perfectly abhorre.


The 17 part.

129 Thy statutes, Lord, are wonder-
my fouls them keeps with care. (ful,
130 The entrance of thy word gives
makes wife who simple are (light
131 My month I have wide opened,
and panted earnestly
While after thy commandements
I long'd exceedingly.
132 Look on me, Lord, & mercifull
do thou unto me prove
Ashou art wont to do to those,
thy Name who truly love.
133 Olet my footfleps in thy word
aright till ordered be:


Let no iniquitie obtain
dominion over me
134 From mans oppression save thou
so keep thy Laws I will
135 Thy face make on thy fervant
teach me thy statutes till. (shine,
146 Rivers of waters from mine eyes
did run down, when I faw
How wicked men run on in fin,
and do not keep thy Law.
TSADDI. The 18 part.
137 O Lord, thou art most righteous,
thy judgements are upright.
138 Thy teftimonies thou command'A


most faithfull are and right.
139 My zeal hath ev'n confumed me,
because mine enemies
Thy holy words forgotten have,

and dothy Laws despise,
140 Thy word's most pure therefore
thy fervants love is fet
(on it
141 Small, and despis'd I am, yet I
thy precepts not forget.
142 Thy righteousnesse, is righteouf.
which ever doth endure: [neffe
Thy holy Law, Lord also is

the very truth most pure.
143 Trouble and anguish have me
and taken hold on me: [found,

Yet in my trouble my delight

thy just commandments be.
144 Eternall righteousnesse is in
thy teftimonies all:-
Lord, to me understanding give,
and ever live I shall.

KOPH. The 19 part.
145 With my whole heart I cry'd,
I will thy word obey. (Lord, hear,
146 I cry'd' to thee, fave me, and I

will keep thy Laws alway.
147 I of the morning did prevent
the dawning, and did cry :

For all my expectation

did on thy word rely.
148 Mine eyes do timoufly prevent

the watches of the night,
That in thy word, with careful minds,
then meditate I might.
149 After thy loving kindnefle hear
my voice that call on thee :
According to thy judgement, Lord,
revive and quicken me.
150 Who follow mischief they dra
they from the laws are far: (nigh
151 But thou art neere, Lord: mott
(firm truth

all thy commandments are.
152 As for thy teftimonies all,
of old this have I try'd,
That thou hast surely founded then
for ever to abide.
RESH. The 20 part.

153 Consider mine affliction,
in fafety do me fer:
Deliver me, O Lord, for I

thy Law do not forget,
154 After thy word revive thou m
fave me, and plead my caufe,
155 Salvation is from finners far,
for they feek not thy laws.
156 O Lord, both great and man
thy tender mercies be:
According to thy judgements
revive and quicker me


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