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well with one ligature, because of the largenefs of the adhesion and the texture of the omentum, which renders it too liable to be torn by such a bandage. Three days after the operation an erifipylas begun in his legs, and spread all over his body, the cuticle every where peeling off; yet he recovered, and continues in a good state of health. After he was cured, at first he wore a fmall trufs, but left it off in a fhort time, and now feels no inconvenience from it, though he lives by hard labour.



THE cafe of MARGARET WHITE, the wife of JOHN WHITE, a penfioner in the fishmongers alms-houses at Newington in Surry. In the fiftieth year of her age, she had a rupture at her navel, which continued till her seventy third year, when after a fit of the cholic, it mortified, and the being presently after taken with a vomiting, it burst. I went to her and found her in this condition, with about fix and twenty inches and an half of the gut hanging out mortified. I took away what was mortified, and left the end of the found gut hanging out at the navel, to which it afterwards adhered, the recovered, and and lived many years after, voiding the excrements through the intestine at the navel, and though the ulcer was fo large, after the mortification separated, that the breadth of two guts was feen; yet they never at any time protruded out at the wound, though she was taken out of her bed, and fat up every day.

1. The gut.

2 The cicatrix of the wound.

A Short




A short hiftorical account of cutting for the ftone.

HE most ancient way of cutting for the


ftone is that described by CELSUS, which was indeed cutting upon the gripe, but in a very different manner from that operation in later ages, for he directs a lunated incifion with the horns towards the coccyges, which was plainly that the gut might be preffed downwards to avoid wounding it, and then a tranfverfe incifion upon the stone might be made fafely, but not in very young children, for want of room, nor after puberty, for then the proftatæ are too large to allow of this operation; therefore they did not usually cut any younger than nine years, nor older than fourteen: Afterwards, but when we know not, this operation was improved by cutting lower, and on one fide, which is the operation now called cutting on the gripe, or with the leffer apparatus.

In the year 1524, MARIANUS publish'd the method of cutting by the greater apparatus, now commonly call'd the old way, but he owns it was invented by his Mafter JOHANNES DE ROMANIS.

In the year 1697, FRERE JACQUES came to Paris, full of reputation for the fuccefs of his new operation for the ftone; he foon obtain'd leave to cut in the hofpitals, where great numbers of his


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