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Behold a dying Saviour's veins
The sacred flood increase !

5 It rises high, and drowns the hills,
Has neither shore nor bound;
Now, if we search to find our sins,
Our sins can ne'er be found.

6 Awake, our hearts, adore the grace
That buries all our faults,
And pardoning blood, that swells above
Our follies and our thoughts.

HYMN 391. L. M.


Christ, the King, at his table. Solomon's Song, i. 2-5, 12, 13, 17.


ET him embrace my soul, and prove
My interest in his heav'nly love ;
The voice that tells me, "Thou art mine,"
Exceeds the blessings of the vine.

2 On thee th' anointing Spirit came
And spread the savour of thy name;
That oil of gladness and of grace
Draws virgin souls to meet thy face.

3 Jesus, allure me by thy charms;
My soul shall fly into thine arms:
Our wandering feet thy favours bring
To the fair chambers of the King.

4 Wonders and pleasure tune our voice
To speak thy praises and our joys;
Our memory keeps this love of thine
Beyond the taste of richest wine.

5 Though in ourselves deform'd we are,
And black as Kedar's tents appear,
Yet when we put thy beauties on,
Fair as the courts of Solomon.

6 While at his table sits the King,
He loves to see us smile and sing;
Our graces are our best perfume,
And breathes like spikenard round the room

7 As myrrh, new-bleeding from the tree,
Such is a dying Christ to me;
And while he makes my soul his guest,
My bosom, Lord, shall be thy rest.

8 No beams of cedar or of fir

Can with thy courts on earth compare;
And here we wait until thy love
Raise us to nobler seats above.


HYMN 392. L. М.

We walk by Faith, not by Sight.


IS by the faith of joys to come
We walk through deserts dark as night;

Till we arrive at heaven our home,
Faith is our guide, and faith our light.

2 The want of sight she well supplies;
She makes the pearly gates appear;
Far into distant worlds she pries,
And brings eternal glories near.

3 Cheerful we tread the desert through,
While faith inspires a heavenly ray,
Though lions roar, and tempests blow,
And rocks and dangers fill the way.
4 So Abrah'm, by divine command,
Left his own house to walk with God:
His faith beheld the promis'd land,
And fir'd his zeal along the road.

HYMN 393. Hallelujah Metre.

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Extol his glorious name,


Who rear'd the spacious earth,
And rais'd our mortal frame;
He built the church who spread the sky,
Shout and exalt his honours high.





See the foundation laid
By power and love divine;
In Christ, his best lov'd Son,
How bright his glories shine!
Who yields to death-in dust he lies,
That from his tomb a church might rise.

But he for ever lives,
Nor for himself alone;
Each saint new life derives

From him the living stone;

His influence spreads through every soul,
And in one house unites the whole.

To him with joy we move,
In him cemented stand,
The living temple grows

And owns the founder's hand:

That structure, Lord! still higher raise,
Louder to sound its builder's praise.

Descend and shed abroad
The tokens of thy grace;
And with more radiant beams

Let glory fill the place.
Our joyful souls shall prostrate fall,
And own our God is all in all.


HYMN 394. L. М.

Miracles of Christ.


HAT works of wisdom, power and love
Do Jesus' high commission prove!

Attest his heaven-derived claim,
And glorify his Father's name!

2 On eyes that never saw the day,
He pours the bright celestial ray;
And deafen'd ears, by him unbound,
Catch all the harmony of sound.

3 Lameness takes up its bed, and goes
Rejoicing in the strength that flows

Through ev'ry nerve; and, free from pain, Pours forth to God the grateful strain.

4 The shatter'd mind his word restores, And tunes afresh the mental powers; The dead revive, to life return,

And bid affection cease to mourn.

5 Canst thou, my soul, these wonders trace,
And not admire Jehovah's grace?

Canst thou behold thy prophet's power,
And not the God he serv'd adore! BUTCHER.


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The Example of Christ.

OD of my mercy and my praise,
Thy glory is my song;

I'll speak the honours of thy grace
With a rejoicing tongue.

2 When Christ among the sons of men,
In humble form was found,
With cruel slanders, false and vain,
They compass'd him around.
3 Their mis'ries his compassion mov'd,
Their peace he still pursu'd :
They render'd hatred for his love,
And evil for his good.

4 Their malice rag'd without a cause;
Yet with his dying breath
He pray'd for murd'rers on his cross,
And bless'd his foes in death.

5 O may his conduct, all-divine,
To me a model prove :
Like his, O God! my heart incline
My enemies to love.


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The Resurrection of Christ.

HRISTIANS! dismiss your fear,
Let hope and joy succeed;


The welcome news with gladness hear;
The Lord is ris'n indeed!

2 The shades of death withdrawn,
His eyes their beams display;
So wakes the sun, when rosy dawn
Unbars the gates of day.



Angelic hosts above,
The rising victor sing;
And all the blissful seats of love

With loud hosannas ring.
Ye pilgrims, too, below,
Your hearts and voices raise;
Let ev'ry breast with gladness glow,
And ev'ry mouth be praise.

HYMN 397. Hallelujah Metre.
The Wilderness transformed; or the happy Effects of the Gospel.

AMAZING, beauteous change!

Our thoughts in transport range
The lovely scene to view.
In all we trace,

Father divine, the work is thine;
Be thine the praise!

2 See crystal fountains play
Amidst the burning sands!
The river's winding way
Shines through the thirsty lands :
New grass is seen,
And o'er the meads its carpet spreads
Of living green.

3 Where pointed brambles grew,
Entwin'd with horrid thorn,
Gay flowers, for ever new,
Th' enamell'd fields adorn;
The blushing rose,
And lily there, in union fair
Their sweets disclose.

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