The New Poetries and Some Old

Southern Illinois University Press, 1991 - 279 Seiten

This collection of twenty-nine essays represents a summation of Kostelanetz’s thoughts on poetry since the publication of his earlier work The Old Poetries and the New.

In sections on “The New Poetries,” “Some Old,” and “Autobiographical Addenda,” the essays range from sketches of Kenneth Burke, John Berryman, and Northrop Frye through considerations of the latest sound-text poetry to Kostelanetz’s justification of his own work. These pieces reflect Kostelanetz’s ongoing commitment to the esthetics he ascribes to high modernism—innovation, abstraction, intelligence, and complexity in all the arts.

Im Buch


AvantGarde Poetry in America Now 1986
Making Music from the Sound of Words 1977
AvantGarde American Artists Make Audio Art

19 weitere Abschnitte werden nicht angezeigt.

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Autoren-Profil (1991)

Richard Kostelanetz is an unaffiliated writer/artist living in New York City. He has most recently taught as Stipendiat at DAAD Berliner Kunstlerprogramm.

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