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FOR APRIL, 1858.


WE shall not regret if the new-born zeal for home rather than for Continental travel, which is now displayed in our country, should last through the ensuing months of summer and autumn, and lead many wanderers to explore the beautiful localities which may be found in our beloved, sea-girt land, instead of expending time, and money, and admiration on foreign scenes; which, however attractive and instructive, are in many respects surpassed by objects nearer home. There may be found, within a few miles of London, land and river scenery of exquisite beauty, utterly unknown to many of her citizens, and which would more than repay any amount of time and attention employed in searching them out; and the United Kingdom as a whole, including the Emerald Isle, possesses objects of superlative attraction, in sylvan glades and undulating surface, in beauteous lakes and noble mountains, which possess a freshness and a charm not to be approached by many of the hackneyed, visited, and revisited scenes of Continental travel. Such home wanderings, while improving and gratifying the taste of travellers generally, would intensify the patriotic feeling of many who write themselves citizens of the world; and visits to many spots which became memorable in by-gone ages of oppression, would serve to increase our Protestant zeal, and to awaken proper veneration for


the noble army of English martyrs, many of whom "lived unknown, till persecution dragged them into fame, and chased them up to heaven."

It was a common custom in ancient times for men to go forth on pilgrimage to places hallowed by religious associations; and in modern times we have had published some interesting records of visits to the haunts and homes of poets and patriots, of philosophers and philanthropists. If this spirit of visitation should come largely over our people they may do well to repair to some of the spots where English mar tyrs lived and suffered for God's truth; and which, without any leanings to superstition, may well be supposed to have an attraction for the friends of evangelical piety and the advocates of religious liberty. Many of our towns were during the times of the Marian persecution the scenes of cruel martyrdom. The imprisonments, torturings, and burnings of those who dissented from the Queen's belief have given these localities a painful, and yet instructive notoriety. Their names are associated with those of men of whom the world was not worthy. Lutterworth, and Wycliffe; Norwich, and Bilney; Gloucester, and Hooper; Oxford, and Ridley, are designations which connect the places with the men in the memories of all students of English Church history. A visit to the localities where these meek and sainted

He was educated at Cambridge, and long continued a resident of that University. The holy life and hallowed influence of Thomas Bilney, and the plain and faithful preaching of Latimer, became, under the blessing of God, the means of his true conversion to the faith of Jesus Christ. He imbibed much of the spirit of these sainted confessors; resembling Bilney in his modesty and learning, and Latimer in the dauntless spirit and hearty simplicity of his character. He took his degrees in that seminary of learning, and became a doctor of civil and canon law. Being a powerful and attractive preacher, he was appointed by Archbishop Cranmer as one of the University preachers, and, by his enlightened and persuasive exhibitions of Divine truth, won over many from the error of their ways to a subjection to the glorious Gospel of the blessed God. In the year 1544, Cranmer presented the living of Hadleigh to his domestic chaplain, Dr. Taylor, who immediately left the Archbishop's palace, and took up his residence in the midst of his future parishioners. Here as elsewhere, he was an example in word and deed to believers. The cha racter which Foxe gives of him is beautiful and instructive :—

men were tried, condemned, and put to death; and where Divine strength was made so perfect in their weakness that they willingly and cheerfully laid down their lives for His sake, who loved them and gave Himself for them, could scarcely fail to induce thankfulness for our privileges, and deepen our attachment to the truths for which they bled. We mean, then, with this object in view, to conduct our readers to the pleasant town of Hadleigh, in Suffolk. It consists of one long wide street of ancient houses, interspersed with a few of modern form, with two other streets branching off at right angles from the high street; and it contains about four thousand inhabitants. The parish church is a noble and spacious edifice, without much architectural beauty. It contains the tomb of Guthrun, the Dane, who was converted to Christianity by King Alfred, in the end of the ninth century. Its ancient rectory and tower dating from the reign of Henry the Seventh, and its picturesque almshouses, are relics of the past; while its spacious Congregational Chapel is a monument of the religious zeal and intelligence of the present age. There Rowland Taylor lived. Low, sloping hills rise on almost every side of this ancient place, and from their summits may be "The love of Christ so wrought in seen the winding river and the green him, that no Sunday or holyday passed, meadows, the substantial bridge, and nor other time when he might get the the ancient houses of the town. A people together, but he preached to steep lane, with banks on either side, them the Word of God, the doctrine of leads up to Aldham-common: there their salvation. Not only was his word Rowland Taylor was burnt. An old a preaching unto them, but all his life rude stone marks the spot on which this and conversation was an example of unservant of Christ stood erect at the feigned Christian life and true holiness. stake, and an inscription on it, still He was void of pride, humble, and legible, reads thus:-" 1555, D. Taylor meek, as any child; so that none were in defending that was good at this plas so poor but they might boldly resort left his Blode." Some account of this unto him: neither was his lowliness joyous-hearted and innocent man, drawn childish or fearful, but as occasion re from "Foxe's Book of Martyrs," and quired he would be stout in rebuking other sources, though modern researches the sinful and evil doers; so that none have brought little or nothing additional was so rich but he would plainly tell to light respecting him, we now proceed him his fault. He was a man very to give. mild, void of all rancour, ready to do good to all men, and readily forgiving his enemies."

Of the parentage, birth, and early life of Rowland Taylor we have no account.

The husband of a godly wife, the father of a happy and numerous family, and the pastor of an attached flock, he lived in comfort and usefulness for many years in Hadleigh. The town itself had long been highly favoured. The county of Suffolk was the first in England in which the principles of the Protestant Reformation took deep root. On the active persecution of the followers of Wickliffe, many of them visited it, and preached the Gospel. Here Sir George Sautre, an early martyr for these doctrines, preached them fully and faithfully. Here, too, Bilney laboured, and Hadleigh was one of the first towns to receive the truth as it is in Jesus from his lips. The profiting of the people was evident to all. They were eminently moral and devout. Many of them obtained a large knowledge of the sacred Scriptures, and could readily give "a godly learned sentence in any matter of controversy." Their children and servants were well instructed in a knowledge of the Bible, and "the whole town seemed rather a university of the learned than a town of cloth-making and labouring people." After the martyrdom of Bilney, a godly minister, of the name of Thomas Rose, kept up the preaching of the Gospel at Hadleigh, till he was arrested on a charge of heresy and committed to the Bishop of Lincoln's prison in Holborn. He afterward returned to a village about six miles from Hadleigh, and many of his former friends resorted to him for the benefit of his teaching in public and private. To such a prepared people Taylor was privileged to minister the word of life.

Soon after the accession of Queen Mary to the throne, as she had determined to restore the nation to Rome, or die in the attempt, the work of an exterminating persecution began. No part of the country was exempt from the effects of her bigotry and aversion to divine truth, and the storm fell with severity on the pastor and flock at Hadleigh. An attempt was made by some Romanists at heart, who had concealed

their principles, and dissembled during the reign of Edward the Sixth, to set up the Mass in the parish church. Dr. Taylor earnestly opposed it, but in vain; for he was driven forcibly by armed men out of the sacred edifice, and had the mortification and grief of knowing that the place in which he had preached Christ crucified was defiled by popish idolatry. He was immediately accused of traitorous conduct against the Queen's authority, and was forthwith summoned to appear before Gardiner, the Bishop of Winchester, to answer a complaint of contumacy. His friends, aware that the meditated result of these proceedings was his death, entreated him to escape by flight. He, however, while thanking them for their anxiety on his behalf, and admitting that imprisonment and a cruel death were before him, resolved that as truth was on his side he would, by God's grace, go and meet his accusers, and resist their false doing. Leaving his parish in the care of a faithful old divine, Richard Yeoman, who had been his curate, and who was afterwards martyred, when more than seventy years of age, he set forth on his journey to London, attended by a faithful servant, John Hull. This domestic, like others, entreated him to fly for his life while he could, proffering his services wherever his beloved master would go; but the resolve of the good man to follow Christ even to prison and death could not be shaken. To his servant he said, "Good John, pray for me; and, if thou seest me weak at any time, comfort me; and discourage me not in this my godly enterprise and purpose."

At the end of his lengthened and painful journey, Dr. Taylor was ushered into the presence of Gardiner, who reviled him as a knave, traitor, and heretic, and redoubled his reproaches when the doctor observed that he had come by his commandment, and quietly asked the cause why his lordship had sent for him. The confessor unabashed, looked his judge coolly in the face; told him in reply to the question, Knowest

thou not who I am? that he well knew | Bishop Bonner. This ridiculous cere

who he was; reminded him that he had violated the oath he took to two kings to uphold the Protestant faith, and called upon him to retrace his steps and do his first works. In reply to this, the bishop called him an arrogant knave, and a very fool; taxed him with being married; argued with him on the mass; and then ordered him to the Queen's Bench prison, where he lay captive for two years. In that gaol he made the acquaintance of John Bradford, an illustrious martyr, and their mutual conversations, exhortations, and prayers, helped them both to endure the heavy loads which awaited them in their path to the heavenly world.

After a time Dr. Taylor was cited by the Ecclesiastical Court to answer for his marriage, with a view to pronounce on him a sentence of divorce. The noble vindication which he offered of his conduct, and the strong reasons he adduced to prove the lawfulness of marriage for a minister of Christ, led his judges to postpone sentence, but they deprived him of his benefice for this alleged crime. This was in harmony with the policy of Rome. Traits of the pernicious heresy of the celibacy of the clergy may be found in the early fathers, and the practice it countenanced soon became general. In the fourth century a law was passed enforcing it, and this was made absolute in the eleventh century. Though the apostle Paul had denounced the doctrine of forbidding to marry, though he had said that a bishop should be the husband of one wife, and though the apostle Peter was a married man, yet the Church of Rome forbids her clergy, monks, and nuns to marry. For this ecclesiastical offence, and for refusing generally to recant, Rowland Taylor was eventually condemned to death. He and his fellowcaptives, Saunders and Bradford, on the last day of January, 1555, heard the final sentence read against them, and on hearing it gave God thanks.

After a week's imprisonment in the Compter, Dr. Taylor was degraded by

mony performed, his wife and some of his children were allowed to spend the evening with him in the prison, which they did after a godly manner; he exhorting them to be faithful in their adherence to Protestant truth, and they mutually commending each other to the grace of God. He sent messages to his dear friends in Hadleigh, and to all others who had heard him preach, and expressed his unwavering hope of salvation "through Jesus Christ, our only Mediator, Advocate, Righteousness, Life, Sanctification, and Hope." It had been recently arranged to remove him in the night after this farewell; so at two o'clock in the morning of the 6th of February, the sheriff and his officers lead him forth in total darkness to the Woolsack Inn, without Aldgate. As he passes the porch of St. Botolph church, his wife and two little girls, are waiting shivering in the cold. They spring out to meet him. The four kneel down and pray together for the last time. He gives them parting counsel and blessing; kisses his children and his wife; and she, brave woman, says, "God be with thee, dear Rowland; I will, with God's grace, meet thee at Hadleigh." At this spectacle the sheriff weeps; and the officers, strong men as they are, are bowed down. And now committed to the custody of the Sheriff of Essex, and guarded by yeomen and officers, the prisoner is placed on horseback. As they emerge from the inn yard, there is John Hull watching with his master's child to say farewell. The boy is lifted up to receive his father's blessing; and now the cavalcade moves on to Brentford, and to Chelmsford, and then to Lavenham. People come out to see the martyr, and therefore to disguise him his head is covered with a large hood, having holes to look and breathe through. Still he is cheerful, and at times even witty. Two days are spent at Lavenham, the last halting place. Many gentlemen assemble there, and try to turn him to popery. Pardon, promotion, and even a bishopric are

offered him, but all in vain. The journey | is then resumed, and finished. Within two miles of Hadleigh, he obtains leave to alight from his horse, and dances for joy, declaring that he is near his Father's house. At the foot of the bridge, a poor man and his five children recount his acts of kindness to them, and fall down and pray for him. The long street of the town is lined with spectators. who cry, "Ah! Lord, there goeth our Shepherd; strengthen him, comfort him." He passes the almshouses where he was wont to preach, and dispense the bounty of his wealthier parishioners. The poor inmates are at the door to bless their benefactor, and he throws in at the open window of two blind people the small remnant of money he has left, carefully tied up in a glove for that purpose.

timony to the supporting grace of
Christ in life and death. No written
records are found of him in the rectory
or church, but his memory is yet fra-
grant in Hadleigh. There his name is
still familiar as a household word. A
late rector of the parish, in conjunc-
tion with Dr. Nathan Drake and some
others, a few years since, placed a mo-
nument near the spot on which he was
martyred, with an appropriate inscrip-
tion on it. An old brass plate affixed
to a pillar in the church, bears the in-
scription, "Gloria in Altissimo Deo,"
and the following verses, of which we
modernize the orthography only, and
present them to our readers as not en-
tirely devoid of poetic merit :-
"Of Rowland Taylor's fame I show:
An excellent divine,
And Doctor of the Civil Law;
A preacher rare and fine.
"King Henry and King Edward's days,
Preacher and parson here,

That gave to God continual prayer,
And kept his flock in fear.
"And for the truth condemned to die
He was in fiery flame,
Where he received patiently

The torment of the same.
"And strongly suffered to the end;
Which made the standers by
Rejoice in God to see their friend

And pastor so to die.

Oh, Taylor, were thy mighty fame
Uprightly here enrolled,

And now he is at Aldham-common. A multitude of people are assembled to see him die. He takes off the hood he had been compelled to wear, and his marred countenance and long white beard affect the spectators, who burst into loud weeping, and utter pious ejaculations such as, "God save thee, good Doctor Taylor; Jesus Christ strengthen thee, the Holy Ghost comfort thee!" The venerable man is prevented by the sheriff from speaking to the people at length, but he utters a few words, for which a yeoman of the guard strikes him on the head. He is then chained to the stake, and combustible materials are placed around him. He repeats the fifty-first psalm in English, and Sir John Skelton strikes him on the lips, saying, "Thou knave, speak Latin, or I will make thee." At length the fire is applied, and the martyr up-will, however, serve from age to age to lifting his folded hands, breathes out the prayer, "Merciful Father, for Jesu's sake, receive my soul." He is smitten by one Joyce with a halberd so fiercely on the head, that his brains come out, and the body falls dead into the fire.

Thus this martyr yielded up his spirit into the hands of the Redeemer, and was enabled to give delightful tes

Thy deeds deserve that thy good name
Were ciphered here in gold!"

Obiit Anno Domini 1555.

These quaint but graphic lines must have been inscribed on the tablet, long after the man whose faith they celebrate had entered into his rest. They

remind the worshippers in the venerable sanctuary where they are found, of the persecuting spirit of popery, which is unchanged and unchangeable; and of the noble spirit displayed by Rowland Taylor, in resisting its enormities even unto death. He lives in the records of the past, and though dead, continues to speak. May it not be in vain!

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