Imágenes de páginas

affection here subsisting between in regard to a location, is uncertain. parents and children. Those who These obstacles, added to the live in Christian countries, will, I hope, appreciate it. But, while foreigners encourage such things, it will be difficult to impart a better spirit to them.

influence of an almost innumerable priesthood, and the natural alienation of man from the truth, are formidable; but, through the power of God's grace, they shall be surmounted, and Siam yet become a delightful portion of the Redeemer's empire. For this glorious object, let unceasing prayers be offered.

Burman Theory of Eclipses. 29. Two days ago, there was a toAs soon tal eclipse of the moon.

IV. One of the most important obstacles to the operations of one who should reside long in the country, is the impressions which have been made by the Catholics. They arrogate the titles both of European and Christian. The time was, when they possessed much influence; and one of the fraternity became Prime as it had fairly commenced, the Minister of the government. No whole place was made to resound, sooner had they placed themselves from one end to the other, with the in a situation in which they supposed beating of tom-toms, clanging of themselves able to do it, than, as gongs, and firing of guns. On the they have always done, when they day following, many inquiries were had opportunity, they entered into made, whether it portended good or a deep plot, to overturn the govern- when I thought the inquirers in any evil. I generally took occasion, ment, and betray the country into the hands of an entirely Catholic degree capable of understanding it, government. When these designs Some appeared pleased and satisto explain the cause of eclipses. were discovered, those who were engaged in them, were summarily punished; but their descendants, a mongrel race, part Portuguese, part Peguan, part Cambodian, part Siamese, despised by every body, a disgrace to all their race, and to the There is a mighty Day-wah, (Nat) name of Christians, still live. They are the greatest thieves and drunk- the joints of whose little fingers are a ards in the country, and yet they are yoozana (a yoozana, according to always proud, and careful to inform Burman authority, is very nearly strangers that they are not natives, 13 1-2 English miles) in length, and the distance between his eyes 3 yoothey are Christians! These circumstances, together with the igno-zanas, and his proportions otherwise rance of the natives, makes them correspondent. His name is Athooexceedingly jealous of all foreign-ring. He sometimes plays with the ers. They are therefore averse to sun and moon, grasping them bea missionary's securing a residence tween his fingers, stuffing them in among them, and place every obsta- his nose, putting them into his cle in the way of his acquiring any them from the gaze of mortals. mouth, or cars, and thus concealing


influence. No native dares sell a white foreigner a house, or rent him a piece of ground, more than he would dare to burn the king's palace, unless he has express permission from Government to do so; and such permission the government will seldom give. What I shall ultimately do,

*The Portuguese Consuls must be excepted from these remarks.

To-day, a

fied-others doubted.
priest called with his inquiries; and,
when he understood my explana-
tion, he gave one from their sacred
books, which the Deity himself has

Let theorists learn from this theory of eclipses, how easy it is to make theories! It is not so easy to give them a base to stand on.

Review of residence at Bankok.

31. Nine months of my residence in this country are now elapsed. We have been greatly blessed. Though brought to the gates of death, we have been spared. Though

called to part with a beloved child, | evening, a man, to inquire the trut the grief we feel on that account of the report. His fears must have reminds us of the gratitude we been groundless; for none of the ought to cherish, that the life and disciples are here, and of course we health of our remaining child are have had no worship. continued. In the midst of a degraded and semi-barbarous people, we have been unmolested, and have

New Year in Rangoon. Jan. 1. 1834. Another new-year's like any former one,-situated in the sun shines upon us, and finds us, un

even had many religious opportunities of doing good to the bodies or minds of our fellow travellers to midst of the heathen, in a truly heaeternity. Separated from all civili- then land, and where the great zation, we have a degree of enjoy-have heard of heaven, and what multitude, though the most of them ment, and supply of blessings great-Christ suffered for poor sinners, still ly exceeding our expectations. No continue mad on their destruction. foreign vessels have arrived here for more than six months. About 15 What soul, possessing only common months have past, since the last sympathies, can look upon the peocommunications we have received ple without feelings of compaswere dated in America. As this sion, and cherish a desire that their moral and spiritual culture may be country is now in a serious war increased. with Cochin-China, human prophecy, in regard to our situation here, is vain. One thing is sure," the purpose of the Lord, that shall stand," and his purpose is, that "his Son shall have the heathen for his possession," whatever becomes of us or our labors. Relying on his gracious guidance and protection,

I am, as ever, yours,




Mr. Bennet's last Journal closed with the announcement of a government persecution at Rangoon. We learn from this, with great pleasure, that the Karens are not intimidated, but quickened by the shock, and that the walls of Jerusalem may yet be built in troublous times.

MR. BENNET'S JOURNAL. Rangoon, Dec. 25, 1833. (Continued from p. 442, last vol.) To-day, I was informed by a man, who is now here on business from Ava, that bro. Kincaid had visited the palace, &c., but we have no particulars.

29. Pastor Moung A, having been informed that some one was apprehended for coming here to worship, to-day, sent, under cover of the


Plan of a Free School.

Received letters from our friends in America and Maulmein. O that we may be directed by Infinite wisdom, and remain in this place, or return to Maulmein, just as will be most for the glory of God. For some time past, there has been conversation and corrcspendence on the subject of my engaging in a free school, partly supported by Government in Maulmein, and partly by the mission. Government have made an offer to partially support such a in a short time, wholly defray all school, and I have no doubt would, its expenses, or that the parents of some of the children, Govenment aid, and private donations would fully meet all its expenses, as to teachers, books, building, &c. have been personally requested to commence such a school, by Major Burney, the English resident at Ava, when here, on his way to the capital; and Mr. Maingy, the Commissioner, or Governor of the provinces, has made mention of me to Mr. Judson. Whether this be our sphere of duty, time must determine. It has, for years, been a favorite, contemplated plan, and I think it is a great detriment to this mission, that there are no schools of the kind connected with it.


of whom, I have no doubt, would re

Sights and Sounds of Idolatry. 23. The town is this evening

Cheering Intelligence. 7. To-day, a party of Karens,ceive it, were there an administrafrom Manbee, came, accompanied tor. But Ko Thah-a says he dares by Taunah, who has been itinerating not baptize; so they must wait the among his brethren according to will of the brethren in Maulmein. the flesh. They give the most flattering account of the work in their vicinity, and say that there are more than 30 who have broken off drink-filled with creaking carts, which ing,-who do not work on the Sab- have been hired to convey the foolbath, but gather together with those ish people to a pagoda in the counwho have been baptized, and hear try, where they expect to spend the the scriptures, &c.; and that they which daily assail the ear, and offend morrow. The sights and sounds the sight of those who live in this believe that it is a fearful thing to country, and who really feel and 9. The poor Karens left us, this fall into the hands of the living God, morning, for their native wilder-are exceedingly painful, especially ness, where we hope the Lord is when we consider the end, the at work among them of a truth.dreadful disgrace of those who have Those who accompanied Taunah this time, are very good inquirers, and we hope will have grace given them to live lives of holiness.


very anxious some teacher should visit and baptize them. We have seen several, and they give very good evidence of grace.

Promising Inquirers.

heard of the way to eternal life, but who deliberately choose the road to everlasting death.

24. The town has been very still, to-day, and the most quiet of any day I have ever seen since our 12. Lord's day. Though the arrival; but, towards evening, the church are so timid that they dare creaking of the carts, and the callnot assemble for worship on the ing of the people, the busy passing Lord's day, yet there are many and repassing throng, somewhat reencouraging appearances; and wesembling the movements of an anthave seen several promising inquir-hill, remind us that we are still in ers of late, of whom we knew noth- Rangoon, and surrounded by poor ing, previous to the imprisonment of deluded worshippers of idols.

Ko Thah-a.

Good News.

31. Received letters from bro.

14. Ko Thah-a called, this evening; being the first time he has Kincaid, who states that he has bapventured out, since his call by the tized two more in Ava; one a naRay-woon. He is excessively tive, the other a country-born. Let frightened, and seems to have a pe-God be praised for all the mercyculiar faculty, also, of frightening drops. the disciples. Only one (he is in our employ) dares as yet come near us. Many things, however, cannot be denied. That they have some reason to fear, is true; but they

make more of it than the case seems

Feb. 4. The Karen assistants, from Maulmein, who have been laboring in Manbee and vicinity, returned, to-day, from the latter place, and bring up the same good report we have before heard. There are many who are considering, and a large number who are decided, and wish for baptism.

Interesting Case.

to require. Ko Thah-a said, to-day, that he had a friend, who was an underwriter in Government, who reports that the Ray-woons say, “As the king has not given his permission to the new religion, they will not, 5. The A Thong-Kan, from Ava, &c." Notwithstanding all the timid-who has been several times mentionity of Ko Thah-a, there are several ed in my journal, called, to-day, to who are anxious for baptism; some say, he should in a few days leave

for Ava. He is in the service of eral people from Manbee, arrived,

the king's brother, who told him to procure, for his own reading, a copy of the New Testament; but he must not let any one know that he (the king's brother,) wished it. I gave him a Testament, bound in green morocco, with several other of our tracts and books for the prince, and also several for himself and attendants. I feel a peculiar interest in this man, and do hope he may be saved at last. He is evidently convinced of the folly of worshipping idols; but I fear he does not as yet feel the evil nature of sin, and the necessity of a Saviour, to redeem from its condemnatory power. I have, since I have been in Rangoon, become acquainted with many who seem to be in this same state.

News from Toung-oo.

and added their crying, urgent request, that some one should come from Maulmein, and baptize the willing converts, who, like fruit fully ripe in the wilderness, only want to be gathered. It does sometimes happen, that missionaries labor for years, and have no apparent success; and it seems also to happen, that where none of them have sown the seeds, the ripened sheaves wait to be gathered to the garner. O when will these poor souls be gladdened, by being permitted to follow their Saviour in his blessed ordinances. I have had much conversation with these people, to-day; and they are so artless, so honest, so simple-hearted, and withal, so full of love to Christ, that no one, who knows the sweets of pardoning mercy, could hear their tales unmoved. They fear could not be granted in the proposed, to-day, a plan (which I petition the Woongee for permission present state of affairs) which is, to to have schools in their own language, and adopt whatever religion they pleased, and still enjoy the

12. People are coming from various parts of the country, to attend the great annual festival, though there are said to be less in town than usual, at this season of the year. Several priests from Toung-oo, called, to-day; who say our tracts are very much read in their vicinity, and same freedom from molestation they highly prized. They wished to have have ever done, when without any copies of all our books. This acreligion. Should they obtain such count is in perfect accordance with a letter just received from bro. Kin-lose any of its votaries; for these permission, Boodhism would hardly caid, who says he has met several people, in general, detest the worToung-oo people, and that they ship of idols. wish a teacher to go and live at Toung-00.

14. The Karens mentioned yesterday, came up this morning, and Urgent Appeal from Manbee. stated they were commissioned by 13, I have never felt so perplex- their brethren in Manbee, to come ed, as to the path of duty, as now, and beg we would promise we whether to go to Maulmein, or re- would not leave Rangoon, until main here. If some one should some one came from Maulmein. come round here, from Maulmein, I They say they went to the wharf think the case is rather plain, we yesterday, in order to send word to should return, and, what our hands Maulmein to have a teacher come find to do, do it with all our might. immediately; but they were too This morning, Taunah and Pallah, late, as the vessel was moving down with two school teachers, who have the river. They called to Taunah, been preaching, and teaching school but could not make him hear, he was among their countrymen, in Manbee so far distant. They endeavored to and vicinity, left for their families near Maulmein. Just after the vessel had weighed anchor, and was dropping down the river, Ko Thahbyoo, our Karen assistant, with sev-cordingly.

get a boat to go on board, but failed. In view of all these things, I dare not leave until some one does come, and have promised the natives ac

body of the man executed yester

Hopeful Symptom. 15. Burmese worship-day. Peo-day, lay exposed. It was an appallple are much astonished that so few ing sight, though the skin did not have come to the annual festival, seein to have been broken. I understood he was beaten only seven and say, that, in former years, there The were thousands, where there are blows, mostly on the neck. now only hundreds. O that we body was lying on the ground, the could have the pleasure of knowing feet tied together with rattans, and that the chains of idolatry were bro- a stick driven into the ground each ken, and that the multitude were side of them, the hands were laid by hereafter to be governed by reason each side, with a stake to each, and and truth. two stakes to the head, one of which was driven through the mouth. The body was exposed, according to

Spotted Faces.

Arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Webb.

16. To day, a "spotted face "custom, and lays three days, when was beaten to death, (for killing a it is buried, as is the case with all woman) by order of the Woongee. criminals and beggars. He is said to have gone to the execution ground singing and dancing. This class of people are those who 19. Bro. and sister Webb arhave been condemned to death for rived this morning, and have an excrimes, and pardoned, and who are tensive field before them. May then branded on the breast, in words they have grace ever given them expressing their crimes, and have a to sustain them in all their labors. circle tattooed on each cheek: hence Ko Thah-a called in the evening, the name of "spotted face." There and says he hast just heard that the are more or less of these wretches semi-atheist teacher of Shwayabout all the great officers of Gov-doung has been seized, and taken ernment, and are emphatically what up to Ava in four pairs of irons, with we should call in English, mischief-30 or 40 of his disciples, merely bemakers-their business being to cause they will not worship the pacomplain of every thing they see godas, nor support the priests. If amiss about the city; and, as in this be true, it will probably effect all such cases, they make trouble as our operations; but how, or where, often where there is no cause for it, time must determine. as where there happens to be. For instance-in the hot season, all fires are to be extinguished early, or by 8 o'clock. About this time, these people perambulate the streets, with quills or hens' feathers in their ears, and when there has been a fire, they thrust in a feather: if the ashes happens to be warm enough to singe the quill, just so as to make it smell a little, they declare there is fire; and, unless they are paid half a rupee, or so, they will seize the person of the house, or some of his family, and drag him off to prison. This, however, only applies to natives generally; for foreigners are accustomed to get a permission, and then they have a fire whenever they


17. Walked out this evening to the execution grounds, where the

Burman Festival.

21. To-day, the Yay-woons, &c. went to the great pagoda, in state, to worship, and spend the day. The Woongee, with a great retinue, went out in state, or ceremony dress, to the great pagoda. It was said that 1200 soldiers preceded, with their muskets, &c. In company with bro. Webb, went up to the pagoda, the great road for two miles being literally crowded with the going and returning of people, while thousands were around the pagoda, or seated in the numerous zayats at its base. Here was a vast multitude of precious immortals, the most of whom, we have reason to believe, have heard of Christ who died to redeem them from hell; but who, like the Greeks of old, count all his

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