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Make slaves the partners of thy throne!
Deck'd with a never-fading crown?

O Lord, enlarge our scanty thought
To know the wonders thou hast wrought,
Unloose our stammering tongues to tell
Thy love immense, unsearchable!

First-born of many brethren thou,
To thee both earth and heaven must bow,
Help us to thee our all to give,
Thine may we die, thine may we live.

174. Reconciliation.

С. м.

DEAREST of all the names above,
My Jesus and my God,
Who can resist thy heavenly love,
Or trifle with thy blood?

Tis by the merits of thy death
The Father smiles again;
"Tis by thine interceding breath
The Spirit dwells with men.

Till God in human flesh I see,
My thoughts no comfort find,
The holy, just, and sacred Three,
Are terrors to my mind.

But if Immanuel's face appear,
My hope, my joy begins;
His name forbids my slavish fear,
His grace removes my sins.


While some on their own works rely,
And some of wisdom boast,
I love the incarnate mystery,
And there I fix my trust.

175. The Good Shepherd. 8',
THOU Shepherd of Israel divine,
The joy of the contrite in heart,
For closer communion they pine,
Still, still to reside where thou art.
The pasture, O when shall we find,
Where all who their Shepherd obey,
Are fed on thy bosom reclin'd,
Are screen'd from the heat of the day?
Ah! shew us that happiest place,
The place of thy people's abode,
Where saints in an ecstasy gaze,
And hang on a crucify'd God!
Thy love for lost sinners declare,
Thy passion and death on the tree,
Our spirits to Calvary bear,

To suffer and triumph with thee. "Tis there, with the lambs of thy flock, There only we'd covet to rest, To lie at the foot of the rock, Or rise to be hid in thy breast. 'Tis there we would always abide, And never a moment depart, Conceal'd in the cleft of thy side, Eternally held in thy heart.

176. Morning or Evening. C. M.

JESUS, the Saviour of my soul,
Be thou my heart's delight;
Ever to me the same remain,
My joy by day and night.
Hungry and thirsty after thee
May I be found each hour,
Humble in heart, and happy kept,
By thine almighty power.
O may I never once forget,
What a poor worm I am,
From death and hell redeem'd by blood,
The blood of God's dear Lamb!

May thy blest Spirit in my heart,
Most sweetly shed abroad,
The love of my incarnate God,
Who bought me with his blood.
The mystery of redeeming love,
Be ever dear to me;

And may the flesh and blood of Christ
My daily manna be.

177. Jesus our High Priest. C. M. JESUS, our High-Priest and our Head, Who bears our flesh and blood,

And always interced'st for us
Before the throne of God.

We know thou never canst forget
Thy poor weak members here,
But when we suffer in the least,
A part with us thoul't bear.

Thou with great tenderness art touch'd
At what thy children feel,
When by temptations we are press'd
Thou know'st well what we ail.

Thou hast a tender sympathy

With every smart and pain,
For when thou wast a man on earth
Thou didst the same sustain.

And though thou art exalted now,
Yet to us thou art near;

Thou know'st our weaknesses and wants,
And listen'st to our prayer.

Thou art to us so very nigh,
That with us thou art one,

In spirit, soul, and heart, and flesh,
Yea, bone of our own bone.


What shall we say for this thy love,
But before thee prostrate lie,
And thank thee that thou wast a man,

To all eternity.

178. Happiness only in Christ. C. м.

THOU say'st, dear Jesus, all thy saints,
Who love thy face to see,
Shall have, while in this vale of tears,
Kind visits oft from thee.

Then let my soul with thee converse,
Who art my chief delight;
For sure the world can't ease my heart,
If banish'd from thy sight.

179. Fellowship. C. M.

JESUS, knit all our hearts to thee,
And join us all in one;
And in our meetings ev'ry where
Be thou our aim alone.

Reign thou sole monarch of our hearts,
Without a rival reign;
Till we with angels join above,

To praise the Lamb once slain.

180. For Spiritual Mindedness. 148.
LORD, let my Spirit dwell
(Whilst I reside below)
Above this wretched world
Of misery and woe:
So that its griefs may ne'er dismay,
Nor charms delude my heart away.
I take my happy rest

In thee, my God, alone,

And all my misery

I spread before thy throne;
I groan, and sigh, and long to see
My happy morn of liberty.
O mercy! mercy! Lord,
Whilst yet the light is near
My weary soul, involv'd

In deep confusion, cheer;
And raise me up, I long to be
Within a blessed view of thee.

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