HYMN CL. 7 The same as the cxlviiith Psalm. (To this dear Surety's hand Will I comnit my cause; He answers and fulfils His Father's broken laws. 1 Behold my soul JOIN all the glorious names That angels ever bore : 2 But O what gentle terms, 3 (Array'd in mortal flesh, His Father's throne, And lays his thunder by. To make his grace To mortals known.) 10 (My dear almighty Lord, My Conqn'ror and my King, Thy sceptre, and thy sword Thy reigning grace I sing. Thine is the pow'r: Of our salvhtion came; The joyful news Of sins forgiv'n Of hell subdu'd, And peace with heav'n.) 5 (Be thou my Counsellor, 6 My Pattern and my Guide; O let my feet (I love my Shepherd's voice, He feeds his flock, Behold I sit 11 (Now let my soul arise, And tread the tempter down: 12 Should all the host, of death, For Christ displays BOOK II. Composed on Divine Subjects. HYMN I. [L. M.] A song in praise to God from Great- 1 NATURE with all her pow'rs shall sing 2 [Begin to make his glories known, To the creation's utmost bound.] 3 [All mortal things of meaner frame. Exert your force, and own his name; Whilst with our souls and with our voice, We sing his honours and our joys.] 4 [To him be sacred all we have, From the young cradle to the grave: Our lips shall his loud wonders tell, And ev'ry word a miracle.] [This northern isle, our native land, Lies safe in the Almighty's hand; Our foes of vict'ry dream in vain, And wear the captivating chain. 6 He builds and guards the British throne, 7 Raise monumental praises high, 9 Thus let our flaming zeal employ 10 [Yet, mighty God, our feeble frame HYMN II. [С. м.] 1 MY thoughts on awful subjects roll, Damnation and the dead; What horrors seize the guilty soul 2 Ling'ring about these mortal shores, 3 Then swift and dreadful she descends 4 There endless crowds of sinners lie, 5 Not all their anguish and their blood For their old guilt atones, Nor the compassion of a God Shall hearken to their groans. 6 Amazing grace, that kept my breath, Nor bid my soul remove, Till I had learn'd my Saviour's death, And well insur'd his love! HYMN III. [С.М.] The death and burial of a saint. 1 WHY do we mourn departing friends Or shake at death's alarms ? 'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends To call them to his arms. To keep us from our love. 4 The graves of all his saints he bless'd, 5 Thence he arose, ascending high, 6 Then let the last loud trumpet sound, 3 Should worlds conspire to drive me thence, [lie; Moveless and firm this heart should Resolv'd (for that's my last defence) If I must perish, there to die. 4 But speak, my Lord, and calm my fear; Am I not safe beneath thy shade! Thy veng'ance will notstrike me here, Nor Satan dares my soul invade. 5 Yes, I'm secure beneath thy blood, And all my foes shall lose their aim; Hosanna to my dying God: And my best honours to his name. HYMN V. [L. M.] Longing to praise Christ better. 1 LORD, when my thoughts with wonder roll O'er the sharp sorrows of my soul, And read my Maker's broken laws, Repair'd and honour'd by the cross; 2 When I behold death, hell and sin, Vanquish'd by that dear blood of thine; And see the man that groan'd and dy'd, Sit glorious by his Father's side; 3 Mypassions rise and soar above, [love; I'm wing'd with faith, and fir'd with Fain would I reach eternal things, And learn the notes that Gabriel sings. 4 But my heart fails, my tongue com plains, For want of their immortal strains ; 5 Well, the kind minute must appear HYMN VI. [C. M.] 1 ONCE more, my soul, the rising day 2 Night unto night his name repeats, 3 'Tis he supports iny mortal frame; 4 On a poor worm thy pow'r might tread, And I could ne'er withstand; Thy justice might have crush'd me dead, But mercy held thine hand. 5 A thousand wretched souls are fted 6 Dear God, let all my hours be thine, HYMN VII. (С. М.) 1 [DREAD Sov'reign, let myev'ning song 2 Thro' all the dangers of the day 4 What have I done for him that dy'd 6 Sprinkled afresh with pard'ning blood, HYMN VIII. [C. M.] An hymn for a morning and evening. 2 That was a most amazing pow'r 3 The ev'ning rests our weary head, 6 God is our sun, whose daily light HYMN IX. [С. М.] Godly sorrow arising from the sufferings of Christ. I ALAS! and did my Saviour bleed! And did my Sov'reign die; Would he devote that sacred head For such a worm as I! 2 [Thy body slain, sweet Jesus, thine, And bath'd in its own blood, While all expos'd to wrath divine The glorious suff 'rer stood! 3 Was it for crimes that I had done, 4 Well might the sun in darkness hide, 5 Thus might I hide my blushing face, 6 But drops of grief can ne'er re-pay Here, Lord, I give myself away; HYMN X. [C. м.] Parting with carnal joys. 1 MY soul forsakes her vain delight, 2 No longer will I ask your love, The happiness that I approve 3 There's nothing round the spacious earth That suits my large desire; 4 (Where pleasure rolls its living flood, 5 Th' almighty Ruler of the sphere, 6 Had I the pinions of a dove, I'd climb the heav'nly road; There sits my Saviour dress'd in love, And there my smiling God. HYMN XI. [L. M.] 1 I SEND the joys of earth away; • Your streams were floating me along Down to the gulph of black despair; And whilst I listen'd to your song, Your streams had e'en convey'd me there. 3 Lord, I adore thy matchless grace, That warn'd me of that dark abyss; That drew me from those treach'rous seas, 5 There from the boson of my God Oceans of endless pleasures roll; There would I fix my last abode, And drown the sorrows of my soul. HYMN XII. [С.М.] Christ is the substance of the Levitical priesthood. 1 THE true Messiah now appears, 2 No smoking sweets, nor bleeding lambs, 3 Aaron must lay his robes away, 5 "Father (he eries) forgive their sins, HYMN XIII. [L. M.] The creation, preservation, dissolution, and restoration of this world. 1 SING to the Lord that built the skies, The Lord that rear'd this statelyframe; Let half the nations sound his praise, And lands unknown repeat his name. 2 Heform'd the seas, and form'd the hills, 3 Now, from his high imperial throne 4 Thus shall this moving engine last, 5 Yet, when the sound shall tear the skies, And light'ning burn the globe below, Saints, you may lift your joyful eyes, There's a new heav'n and earth for you. HYMN XIV. [S. M.] The Lord's-day: or, delight in ordi And bid me seek superior bliss. And these rejoicing eyes! The king himself comes near, I stretchmyhands, and glance myeyes: O for the pinions of a dove, To bear me to the upper skies! And feasts his saints to-day; Here we may sit, and see him here, And love, and praise, and pray. 3 One day amidst the place Where my dear God hath been, Is sweeter than ten thousand days 4 My willing soul would stay In such a frame as this, And sit and sing herself away To everlasting bliss. HYMN XV. [L. M.] The enjoyment of Christ: or, delight in worship. HYMN XVII. [C. M.] God's eternity. 1 RISE, rise, my soul and leave the ground, Stretch all my thoughts abroad, 2 Long ere the lofty skies were spread, I FAR from my thoughts vain world be 3 His boundless years can ne'er decrease, gone, Let my religious hours alone; 2 My heart grows warm with holy fire, 3 (The trees of life immortal stand 4 Haste then, but with a smiling face, 5 Blest Jesus, what delicious fare! • Hail great Immanuel, all divine! HYMN XVI. [L. M.] 1 LORD, what a heav'n of saving grace 8 When I can say, my God is mine, • While such a scene of sacred joys 10 Well, we shall quickly pass the night, 11 [There shall we drink full draughts of bliss, And pluck new life from heav'nly trees! Yet now and then, dear Lord, bestow A drop of heav'n on worms below. 12 Send comforts down from thy right 'hand, While we pass thro' this barren land,. But still maintain their prime; 4 While like a tide our minutes flow, 5 The sea and sky must perish too, 6 Well, let the sea shrink all away, HYMN XVIII. [L. M.] 1 HIGH on a hill of dazzling light, 4 Thy winged troops, O God of hosts, 5 Are they not all thy servants, Lord? HYMN XIX. [С. М.] Our frail bodies, and God our preserver. 2 Fresh as the grass our bodies stand, |