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The miracle which St. John bere mentions to confirm our faith, is that which took place at the awful time of our Saviour's crucifixion, when, as he so forcibly describes it in his Gospel, ch. xix. 34., * one of the soldiers pierced his side; and, forthwith came thereout blood and water:" which shew to us the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. These Sacraments are whereby we receive the grace of the Holy Spirit. By Baptism we are admitted into "the Church of God, which He hath purchased with his own blood.” Acts xx. 28. But let us remember, that it is not only necessary for us to be thus admitted into this flock, but we are to strive and pray, that we may ever remain in the number of his faithful and elect children; and finally triumph against the devil, the world, and the flesh. And this we must do by our faith in the Son of God; by having a lively in terest, both in his life and in his death; by looking to his life as our example, to his death as the propitiation for our sins, and as our justification in the sight of God. He that thus hath the Son shall surely have eternal life; but He that hath not the Son of God, that is, he that will not look to Him as his Saviour, and will not be. conformed to his Gospel, hath not life: for as this is the only means of attaining it, how shall he escape if he neglect this great salvation.

J. S. Z.

The following Extract from the Dean of Rochester's Discourses on the Creed, has been sent to us by an unknown correspondent.

“ You,no doubt, believe in a God; but remember, that the belief in a God may be considered in two lights; first, as a mere assent to his existence," (that is, confessing that there is a God) "without any obedience to his will; and, secondly, as a firm

and settled conviction of his being, followed up by righteousness of life. There is very little difference between disowning God altogether, and living with-. out him in the world. Piety to God, that glows in the heart, and lives in the conduct, is the foundation of all that is excellent in man.' It is the unreserved submission of minds affected by divine truths, and disposed, by the several feelings of fear, love, and gratitude, to render that debt of service, which it is so evidently God's right to receive, and man's interest and duty to pay. It is the first principle of goodness, the very essence of religion. It is the first claim of the Creator upon his creatures; the indispensable obligation of the creatures to their Creator. It is the Father's positive demand upon his children for their good: the just tribute of obedience from the children to their Father for his love:. it is that wealth of the mind, that ornament of the life, which gives value to talents, and dignity to character. In youth it is a wreath of grace, in manhood a signet of honour; in old age a crown of glory. In sickness and affliction, it imparts patience and comfort to the soul; and in the hour of death it upholds and animates the fainting spirit: without it, hope is a stranger to the breast, and peace a friend that is sought for in vain; for how can they entertain any hope of pardon and acceptance, that do not love and fear Him, who alone can bestow so great a blessing? How can they enjoy any peace, that will hold no communion with Him, from whom alone all happiness proceeds? Be it, therefore, your principal care to cultivate this piety, which draws the creature nearer and nearer to its Creator ;. which assimilates man to God; which esteems heaven more valuable than earth; eternity more desirable than time. Believe in God with all your hearts, and souls, and strength; and, notwithstanding the ridi-: eule of scorners, and the folly of the worldly, wise, put your whole trust in Him all the days of your

life; for this is your true wisdom; this is your best interest; this will bring you peace and blessing here, reward and happiness hereafter."


SOME time between the years 1790 and 1794, a man, who gained his livelihood by driving pigs, at Rugby, in Warwickshire, had a dispute, in a public-house, with one of his employers, which ended in his saying, that "he wished he might drop down dead if he ever drove a pig for that man again." Within a few days he broke his resolution, and undertook to drive some pigs for this very person, but had not gone many hundred yards, before he actually fell down, and died instantaneously. The fact was so publicly known, and so well attested, that the late Dr. James, at that time head-master of Rugby school, preached a sermon in the parish church, in reference to it; and I have no doubt, but that it is still in the recollection of many of the inhabitants.

To the Editor of the Cattager's Monthly Visitor. SIR,

I AM happy to find that you have so well and fairly exposed the crimes of POACHING, DRUNKENNESS, THEFT, SMUGGLING, &e. I beg to offer a few remarks on the very common and notorious sin of


Our worthy Minister read to us, not long since, the interesting and admonitory lesson, in the morning service, describing the cautious Faith of Naaman, the Syrian, and the Duplicity and Cunning of Gebazi, his servant, which, in the end, caused him most wilfully to lie, and thus brought down the fatal

punishment of a loathsome and lasting disease upon him.

This engaging story, beginning with the "little maid, who waited on Naaman's wife;" then going on to state her entreaty that her master should apply to the Prophet's skill for the healing of bis leprosy; the cure of Naaman, and the punishment of his servant for a lie, have usually excited great attention in our Church, when it is read so carefully and distinctly as our Rector always does, as if he intended that we should both feel it and profit by it Of what use, I would here ask, is the reading of the Bible publicly in the Church, if it be not for the purpose which the Apostle pronounces, namely, "for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness!"

It is much to be lamented, Sir, that we can hear, even with pleasure, these and other portions of Holy Writ read to us, and yet the very moment, the Clergyman shuts the Bible, from that moment we either forget what was read, or we consider that the reading has little else to do with us perhaps than.

to amuse us.

This, I fear, is generally but too much the case.. Let us go on, however, with the purpose of this. paper, the frightful punishment of Gehazi for the sin of LYING. He thought, no doubt, that he was doing no harm to any one, when he wickedly planned the turning to his own profit the healing powers. of his Master, "the Man of God;" or that the telling so gross a lie to deceive Elijah would be no injury whatever to himself, or to the world-But, did the Spirit of God so pronounce upon his conduct? Was there no one watching his actions during his deceit?" Went not mine heart with thee, when the man turned again from his chariot to meet thee?" See how quickly his punishment followed the commission of his crime?—The leprosy, THEREFORE,

of Naaman, shall cleave unto thee, and unto thy seed for ever."

Now, I do maintain, Mr. Visitor, that there is more in this short and well-told story than we are willing, perhaps, to allow, or are ready to profit by; but, the time will come, and is fast coming with many of us, when we shall be called upon," to give an account of every idle word that we shall speak." “God (we are assured) cannot be mocked.' Of what use, then, is the risk of telling a lie? If we are found out, then we get a bad name, and the world will hate us; and so are we punished; but, if we escape, for a time, undetected, there is the everlasting punishment of guilt awaiting us, when" the secrets of all hearts shall be made known.”

Many of my neighbours, in this parish, think so little of a lie, that I shall thank you to warn them of their danger, by publishing this short comment on the story of Gehazi. Tell them, Sir, that every word they speak is noted down in heaven, and must be accounted for; and if they persist in LYING, there is the example before them of Gehazi, whose instant punishment followed his offence..

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Sent us by a School Boy, Samuel P. of the Edward Street Sunday School, Stockport.

Let others chaunt in strains divine,

[blocks in formation]

Who for the unsubstantial joys

The drunkard.

Of friends and liquor, smoke and noise,
His health, and wealth and peace destroys?

The drunkard.

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