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present the people of God as a dangerous people. God thinks differently. Ten righteous persons would have saved Sodom. Our Lord says, 66 Ye are the salt of the


10. It has also been the policy of the world to try to defeat the promises of God. Heaven and earth shall pass away, &c.

To deal wisely according to worldly ideas, is another name for dealing wickedly. The only way to deal wisely, is to obey God.

11-14. Times of affliction are times of great spiritual advantage. Graces then grow. Christianity spread most rapidly when it was most severely persecuted. God gives grace according to the need.

Persecution or opposition does not often hurt Christians. They lead them more directly to God.

Ps. cxix. 67, 71. 2 Cor. iv. 17, 18. Heb. xii. 6—11.

LESSON 32.-Exodus ii. 1-10, 23–25.

1. HOUSE OF LEVI. Tribe of Levi.

A DAUGHTER OF LEVI. Merely means one of the female descendants of Levi. The man's name was Amram, and the woman's Jocebed. See chap. vi. 20.

Levi was the third son of Jacob, by his wife Leah.

2. BARE A SON. Moses was not their first son, for Aaron was three years older than Moses. Miriam, their sister, was seven or eight years older than Moses. GOODLY CHILD. Some suppose handsome; rather, he was a sound, healthy, well-formed boy.

HID HIM THREE MONTHS. She contrived to keep him concealed this length of time, because she knew that if he was found out, he would be cast into the river. This, it is said, she did by faith. Heb. xi. 23. St. Stephen speaks of Moses, as exceeding fair.

3. BULRUSHES. A kind of reed or cane, that grew

on the banks of the Nile. The bark of this was very light; so light, indeed, that it was used as a material on which to write, and called papyrus.

ARK. A light boat, made of the bark of the bulrush. SLIME AND PITCH. Supposed to be the substance now known as bitumen. There are several kinds of it. That which is called naptha, swims on the water. A little boat made of rushes, and daubed within and without with this, would be very light, and also entirely water tight.

The natives of Abyssinia, use these rushes even to the present day, for the purpose of making boats.

FLAGS. The tall reeds which grow on the banks of the river. She laid the little ark here, for fear it should float away.

RIVER. Nile. The little boat with Moses in it was exposed to two dangers. 1st. To be washed away; but, 2d, more particularly to be eaten by the crocodile, a huge animal which was common in that river. The mother, however, trusted that God would take care of the little boy.

4. HIS SISTER. Miriam.

To wIT. An old word, not often used at present. It means to know; to ascertain; to see.

5. DAUGHTER OF PHARAOH. Josephus says, that her name was Thermuthis.

CAME TO WASH. The Egyptians, especially females, express their veneration for the Nile by bathing in it when it begins to rise; not naked, but in bathingdresses. A traveller saw a band of damsels go down, with singing and dancing, for that purpose. God no doubt inclined Pharaoh's daughter to bathe at this time and place.

6. OPENED IT. The ark of rushes seems to have been covered.

THIS IS ONE OF THE HEBREWS' CHILDREN. The daughter of the king knew that this was one of the Hebrew children, because she knew the order of her father, and of course she must at once have known

that this was done to hide him, in hopes of his being preserved.

7. HIS SISTER. Moses' sister, Miriam, who had been watching.

SHALL I GO AND CALL, &c. God, no doubt, put these things into the heart of Miriam.

9. NURSE IT FOR ME. As if she had said, this child is now mine; take it away and have it brought up as mine.

THE WOMAN. The mother of Moses.

10. BROUGHT HIM UNTO, &c. As soon as he was weaned, his mother took him to the king's palace, according to her orders.

AND HE BECAME HER SON. She adopted him, and treated him just as if he had been her own child. From this time his education commenced, which is mentioned in Acts vii. 22.

MOSES. This means, Drawn out of the water.

23. PROCESS OF TIME. We would say, after a while. SIGHED. The work of the children of Israel was so severe, that it put them in the greatest affliction. CRIED. Probably here means prayed.

24. GROANING. Their prayers and tears. REMEMBERED HIS COVENANT. God never forgets: but this means, that God saw fit at this time to fulfil the agreement which he had made with Abraham, &c. 25. HAD RESPECT. Regarded their condition favourably.


2. Handsome are they who handsome do, is an old proverb, and a good one. Moses was a goodly, but, what is better, he was a good child.

3. What the mother of Moses did, the apostle Paul tells us, she did by faith: and it is worthy of remark, that faith in God's promise, so far from superseding, excites and quickens us to the use of lawful means for

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obtaining God's mercy." We are also taught, that "faith in God will set us above the fear of man.”

5. Bathing is useful for health and cleanliness. Keep clean. The body is cleansed by bathing in water. It is the grace of God which cleanses and purifies the soul.

6. That must be a very hard-hearted person who can resist the pleadings of a child in distress. But how much more do those children need pity who have no one to take care of their souls, and who are in danger of perishing.

9. This is language appropriate to every Sundayschool teacher. You are nursing a child for God. See that you do it faithfully.

All children who are not thus bringing up for God, are bringing up for the Devil. Children, remember that the object of your being in Sunday-school is, that you may be brought up for God.

10. Moses took his name from being rescued out of the water. All who are brought to Jesus and accept Him as a Saviour, are rescued out of hell-fire.

23. Great men die as well as others. All must die. Our great concern is to be ready. It is a good sign when sinners begin to sigh by reason of their sins, and when they begin to cry to God.

24. God never turns a deaf ear to the voice of real distress. Only feel your need, and pray with the heart, and He will hear.

"Afflictions, under the direction of God's providence, and the influence of his grace, are often the means of leading men to pray to, and acknowledge God. And though afflictions, considered in themselves, can neither atone for sin, nor sanctify the soul, yet God often uses them as the means of bringing sinners to himself."

LESSON 33.-Exodus iii. 1—15.

1. KEPT THE FLOCK. Tended the sheep.

JETHRO. Priest or prince of Midian, whose daughter Zipporah, Moses had married. Moses had been compelled to fly from Egypt because he had killed an Egyptian. He took refuge in Midian, where he was kindly received. Moses was forty years old at this time.

BACKSIDE OF THE DESERT. That part of the desert which is furthest off from the Red sea.

HOREB. Let the teacher consult the Bible Dictionary of the American Sunday-School Union. Article Sinai.

2. CONSUMED. Burned up.

ANGEL OF THE LORD. Messenger of the covenant; our Lord Jesus Christ. See Mal. iii. 1.

The BUSH is a representative, or type, of the church and people of God in all ages: in the midst of the fire of worldly affliction, yet never consumed.

This representation encourages Christians to be patient and faithful, for they may be sure that the truth of God shall finally prevail, no matter what may be the difficulties and discouragements.

-5. DRAW NOT NIGH HITHER. Do not come close to the bush.

PUT OFF THY SHOES, Or rather sandals. A sandal was something which answered to the sole of one of our shoes. This was strapped on the foot, as boys now fasten skates on their feet. As nothing, therefore, was worn but a sandal, the feet would become very dirty by walking; and hence it was very necessary to wash the feet often. Putting off the sandals, therefore, was emblematic of putting away sin or pollution.

Among the ancients, it was not considered respectful to approach any great person without pulling off the shoes. To this day, all persons who come into the presence of some of the eastern monarchs are obliged to do it.

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