Imágenes de páginas

Rhode Island,

Rev. David Benedict,
Nathan Waterman, Esq.,


State Convention.


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Rev. Spencer H. Cone,
Rev. Joseph Cone,
Rev. Noah Davis,
Rev. George Catt,*

Oliver-Street Baptist
Rev. B. T. Welch,

Foreign Mission
William Colgate, Esq.

Mr Joshua Gilbert,
Mr E. Raymond, *
Mr William D. Murphy,
Rev. John Peck,

Madison Bap. Aux. Soc.
Thomas Stokes, Esq.*

Oliver-st. Fem. M. So.
Rev. S. Chapin, D.D. of D.C.
Rev. Alfred Bennett, Cortland Aux. Soc.
Rev. Elon Galusha,

Utica Bap. F. Miss. So.
Mr Cephas Bennett,
Rev. Ebenezer Loomis,

State Convention.
Rev. John C. Murphy,
Mr William Winterton,


New Jersey,

Rev. G. S. Webb,

East Jersey Miss. Soc.



Rev. J. L. Dagg,
Rev. David Jones,

Penn. Bap. Miss. Soc.
Rev. Wm. Staughton, D. D. Philadelphia Fe. For.
Rev. William E. Ashton, S and Dom. Miss. Soc.
Rev. William T. Brantly, First Bap. Ch. Philad.
Rev. William Ballentine,
Rev. Joseph Maylin,

Fifth Bap. Ch. Philad.
Rev. Elisha Cushman, Bap. Gen. Tract Soc.


Dist. of Columbia, Rev. Samuel Cornelius,

Prof. William Ruggles,


Bap.Miss.Soc. of D.C.


Rev. Robert B. Semple

, Virginia Miss. Soc.

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REPORT of the Board of Managers, for the Year ending April 29, 1829.



The Board of Managers have These distinguished and useful looked forward to the meeting of men embalmed their memories in the General Convention by whom the affections of the living, and they were appointed with lively left behind them the assured hope interest, as furnishing occasion that they have entered upon their for a full developement of mis- bigh reward. sionary concerns. They con- The business of the Board since ceive that to those who are hum- your last meeting, has been conbly aiming to advance the king- ducted with unvarying harmony. dom of Christ among men, a New establishments have been review of the past must be pro- formed, and some additional laductive of good. It cannot fail, borers appointed to stations alfrom the nature of all human un- ready existing, as will appear in dertakings, to suggest lessons of the details now to be offered. improvement; and, while it dis- We shall commence with the closes the impotence of mere hu- operations in the east. man efforts, to call into more certain exercise that reliance upon

Maulamying. God, which always insures suc- Maulamying, on the east side of

It may also be expected to Martaban river, about twenty-five refresh the mind, which is too miles from its mouth. Missionaeasily depressed, by placing be- ries, Rev. Adoniram Judson; Rey. fore it a series of facts of animat- Jonathan Wade; Mrs Deborah ing character, bearing upon their Wade. Native Assistants, Moung very surface the high evidence of Ing; Moung Shwa-ba; Ko MyDivine approbation.

at-Ryan; and McDonald. They may not say, however, Our intelligence from this place that all who were appointed Man- is to June 15, 1828. Rev.Mr Boardagers by the Convention, are man, who commenced the station present to share the responsibility in April, 1827, was destined like of this Report; for two, even

the other brethren to have his within the last year, have ceased fortitude and perseverance early from their toils on earth. The Rev. tried. He was received by Sir A. STEPHEN Gano has long held an Campbell, with great kindness, eminent standing in the church and a situation offered him, which and in the direction of most of promised effectual security to his our benevolent Associations; and family. But his object was use. furnished evidence in every situa- fulness; and he thought this could tion that he received his strongest be better attained by taking his impressions and his purest joys residence remote from the camp, from the triumphs of grace by and in the immediate vicinity of Christ Jesus. Like him, the re- the native population. By doing spected Gen. FORBEs, was a most this he exposed himself in a slensincere and devoted friend of un- der habitation to the assault of a adulterated christianity; and, not- reckless banditti from the opposite withstanding the influences which Burman shore, and must in one inmight be supposed to combine to stance have been in imminent deaden his aspirings after God, hazard of his life. On this subject and his sympathies for human Mrs Boardman, in a letter to a wretchedness, his consecrated friend, dated Nov. 3, (see Mag. for spirit always associated him Oct. 1828,) says: “We came to with every benevolent enterprise. this place wishing, I trust, to spend and be spent among this people, hope of Amherst becoming a town, and trusting in an Almighty arm since Mr Crawford has declined for protection. Be assured, we the government of these provfelt happy in our decision. We inces.” And on the 2d of Oct. he saw these wretched, deluded peo- adds: “We have lately been ple perishing in ignorance of the clearing up part of our ground Gospel; we thought of the love contiguous to the road with a of our Saviour to precious souls; view to building a house for brothwe cast a glance towards Geth- er Wade and myself, as we have semane and Calvary, and that now concluded to abandon Amwas sufficient. Shall we consult herst altogether.” It seems that our own ease and comfort? we Amherst gradually declined as an said; or shall we be willing to inviting station, but was not retake joyfiully the spoiling of our linquished till much precious seed goods? This was the question; of the Gospel had been sown and I trust the grace of God en- there, which promised to bear abled us to choose the latter. And fruit unto life eternal. The efthe spoiling of our goods we were forts of Mr Wade were unwearicalled to take. About a month ed to the time of his leaving, and after our removal, we were awak- a close attention was given to the ened one morning just before day- Word preached every Sabbath, break. Mr B. called for a light, by forty or fifty hearers, some of and to our surprise, we saw every whom were occasionally deeply trunk and box in the room broken impressed. (See Journal kept at open and robbed of their contents. the place in Mag. for March, 1829.) After the first emotions had a lit- On the 14th of Nov. 1827, he jointle subsided, I raised my eyes to ed his brethren at Maulamying. the moscheto curtains surround- From this time, all their operaing our bed, and to my amaze- tions assumed a most eneouraging ment saw two large holes cut, the aspect. They were together, and one at the head, and the other at the younger Missionaries had conthe foot of the place where my quered the language, and were husband had been sleeping. From able either to converse or preach that moment I quite forgot the in it, and an amount of influstolen goods. In imagination I ence before unexperienced, was saw the assassins standing by our brought to bear on the region of bed-side, ready to do the worst, darkness. It was conceived that had we been permitted to awake. places well located expressly deHow merciful was that watchful signed for preaching and converProvidence which prolonged the sation with the natives, would fąslumbers of that night, not allow- cilitate their labors, and two ing even the infant at my bosom to zayats, 3 miles apart, N. and S. open its eyes at so critical a mo- were erected at suitable distances ment." After this fearful inva- from the Mission premises. The sion, their situation was rendered one intended for Mr Wade was more secure by a special guard, completed in December, and on which Sir Archibald, in the same the 20th he says: “Went to the spirit of kindness which has mark- zayat this morning with the ined all his conduct to the Mission- tention of spending a part of the aries, assigned to them.

day, together with Moung Ing, in On the 12th of August, follow- solemnly dedicating it to the sering, Mr Judson made a visit at vice of God by prayer; but bethe station, and appears not to fore the arrival of Moung Ing, have withdrawn from it after- eight or ten persons had gathered wards; for in his journal of Sept. around me, to whom I tried to 9, he says: “Still at Maulamying, preach the word of eternal truth as we have nearly given up all and life. Before these left me

others came, so that I had not a the excitement in favor of religion moment for retirement during the is evidently increasing.” whole day.” The other being

Native Assistants. completed in a very populous part of the town, Mr Judson says in The first that offered himself to his journal, Jan. 11: "Commenc- the service of the mission was ed operations in the Koung-zay- Moung Ing, who was cordially kyoon zayat, and had literally a accepted, and sent to Mergui and crowd of company without any Tavoy. At the close of his tour, intermission through the day.” Mr Judson speaks of him thusThe brethren spend nearly every “Had the pleasure of seeing day at these places respectively, Moung Ing, who has just returned giving instruction to all that visit from Mergui. The latter part of them. Some of their hearers at- his residence there, he daily octend regularly for many days to- cupied a zayat in a central part gether, others occasionally. Trav- of the town, and made pretty exellers on their journeys stop and tensive communications of the hear the word of life, among gospel. He is growing a most whom are some from distant valuable assistant; takes up the provinces, so that no certain cal- business without instigation, and culation of the amount of good appears to be deeply interested done, can be made from the in the spread of truth.” When number who

appear openly the brethren removed to Maulato avow themselves disciples. mying, he accompanied them, and Among those who, having heard, is to be continued in the service go on their way, many may of the Mission as an itinerant hereafter return to give glory to throughout the place. His manGod.

ner of address is kind and persua; Far more beneficial results, sive, indicating distinctly, the love however, have already been as- of Christ, shed abroad in the certained than could reasonably heart. be expected. Light is spreading Moung Shwa-ba who aids the around, and says Mr Wade, (in operations of the boarding school, a letter dated May 20,) “We has received a new direction for are happy and thankful to God, the employment of his powers a in being able to inform those who part of the time, which promises are praying and longing for the usefulness. In the vicinity of the salvation of the heathen, that a Station there is a class of people, number of precious souls, have, called Talaings, who understand we trust, been born of the Spirit, the Burman language, but cannot and translated out of the kingdom read it. They have shown an of darkness into the kingdom of equal inclination with others, to God's dear Son, since we came to attend worship and obtain instructhis place; six of whom have been tion; and it seemed highly imporbaptized, five men and one wo- tant they should be enlightened man. Among those baptized, we in the knowledge of the Bible. hope there are two at least whom The most direct way to do this, God has chosen to testify the gos- was to read to them, for which pel of his grace to others, and to Moung Shwa-ba

well be fellow laborers with us in our qualified. Accordingly a tempoMissionary work. Several who rary zayat has been procured for have not yet been baptized, are him, in which he reads the Sacred hopefully pious.” Says Mr Jud- Scriptures to this people, and to son, “The opposition throughout all who are inclined to hear. the district, and the whole place, Moung Thwa-a-too, though not is becoming more open ; at the recognized as a Missionary, exsame time the number of listeners hibits a spirit of cordial co-operaand inquirers is multiplying, and tion. He is at Rangoon, and la



boring to impart a knowledge of ing. He understands several lansalvation. In a letter written by guages, as the Tamul, Telinga, him to Mr Judson, he gives the Hindosthanee, English and Burnames of thirteen men and three

On his being baptized, he women, who

are disciples of instantly gave up a situation proJesus, but secretly at present, for ducing 50 or 60 rupees a month, fear of their enemies. Among because it required his attendance these are found a few, who were on Lord's-days, but chiefly because former inquirers; but most of them he was desirous above all things are new cases.

of devoting himself entirely to Later information enables us Missionary work.” Mr Judson to add two to the above, viz. Ko- renews the most pleasing testiMyat-Ryan, and Mc Donald. The mony respecting Moung Ing and former was baptized in March, Moung Shwa-ba, and says of 1828, and has been an assistant the latter, “it was through a word in the Mission from that time. from him spoken to his daughter, “He is,” says Mr Judson, “a Mah-ree, that the revival combrother of the first native chief menced in the female school." in the place-possessed of a From these beginnings, how much clear mind, considerable native may be anticipated for the future eloquence—and an uncommon spread of the gospel through Burdegree of mental and bodily ac- mah by means of native converts! tivity. He has been an inquirer Its principles take a firm hold of after truth many years, and has their affections, inspiring them diligently investigated the systems with more than wonted ardor for of Boodha, Brahma and of Ma- their diffusion. homet. At length he embraced the religion of Jesus Christ, with all his heart and soul, manifesting

Female Boarding School. more zeal and ardor than com- On the removal of the Mission monly characterize his cool, con- from Amherst to Maulamying, one siderate countrymen. He has of the first objects of Mr Wade's suffered as much persecution as attention, was to prepare a suitacan be openly inflicted under ble building for the accommodaBritish Government;-but bore tion of this school. Under the it with all the meekness of a lamb, skilful superintendence and care and conducted himself with such of Mrs Wade, it had grown in the forbearance and Christian love, confidence and esteem of the nathat the tide has begun to turn in tives, till more children were ofhis favor. He has given up all fered than could be received. But worldly business, and devoted when the school was about to himself to assisting us in our Mis- be removed, where the children sionary work.

could not frequently be seen and It gives us great pleasure to visited, some parents objected, see him sometimes sitting on a and withdrew nine of the number. level with some poor beggar wo- This was no less a source of grief man, endeavoring in language to the teacher, than to the pupils ; intelligible to her dark mind, to and led to the adoption of the communicate some idea of the resolution, that no child should mysteries of redeeming love." thereafter be received, but under

Mc Donald is a native Hindoo, a written contract to remain in 28 years of age. He renounced the Mission family a given numheathenism a few years ago ; ber of years. The beneficial conafterwards became perplexed, and sequences of this measure will be was thrown into darkness by easily imagined. The experiment Unitarian sentiments, in which already made goes

far state he remained, till he heard and strengthen and sustain the hopes embraced the truth at Maulamy. which were entertained at iho


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