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PSALM CXIX. Third Part.

Profefions of Sincerity Repentance and Obedience. Ver, 57. 60.


HOU art my portion, O my God;
Soon as I know thy way,

My heart makes hafte t'obey thy word,
And fuffers no delay.

Ver. 30, 14.

2 I choose the path of heav'nly truth,
And glory in my choice;
Not all the riches of the carth
Could make me fo rejoice.

3 The teftimonies of thy grace
I fet before my eyes;
Thence I deriv'd my dally strength,
And there my comfort lies.

Ver 59:

If once I wander from thy paths,
I think upon my ways;

Then turn my feet to thy commands
And truft thy pard'ning grace.

Ver. 94, 114:

5 Now I am thine for ever thine
O fave thy fervant Lord!

Thou art my Shield, my Hiding-Place;
My hope is in thy word.

Ver. 112.

6 Thou haft inclin'd this heart of mine Thy ftatutes to fulfil

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And thus, 'till mortai life fhall end,

Would I perform thy will.

PSALM CXIX. Fourth part,
Inftruction from Scripture.


Had guard their lives from fin?
OW fhail the young fecure their hearts,

Thy word the choiceft rules imparts
To keep the confcience clean.


Ver. 130.

once it enters to the mind

It fpreads fuch light abroad
The meanest fouls inftruction find,
And raife their thoughts to God,
Ver. 105.

"Tislike the Sun a heavn'ly light,
Which guides us all the day;
And through the dangers of the night,
A lamp to lead our way.

Ver. 94, 100.

4 The men who keep thy law with care.
And meditate thy word,

Grow wifer than their teachers are,
And better know the Lord..

Ver. 104, 113.

s Thy precepts make me truly wife;
I hate the finer's road;

I hate my own vain thoughts which rife,
But love thy law, my God.

Ver. 89, 90, 91.

[6 The ftarry heav'ns thy rule obey ;
The earth maintains her place;
And these thy fervants night and day
Thy skill an now'r exprefs.

But ftill thy law and gofpe! Lord.
Have leffons more divine;

Not earth ftands firmer than thy word,
Nor ftars fo nobly thine.]

Ver. 160, 140 9, 116.

8 Thy word is everlasting truth ;,

How pure is ev'ry page

That holy book thall guide our youth,

And well fupport our age.

PSALM CXIX. Fifth part

Delight in Scripture; or, the Word of God dwell ing in us.

Ver 97.

HOW I love thy holy law 5
'Tis daily my delight;

And thence my meditations draw
Divine advice by night.
Ver. 148.

2 My waking eyes prevent the day,
To meditate thy word;

My foul with longing melts away
To hear thy gospel Lord.

Ver,3 354
3 How doth thy word my heart
How well employ my tongue!
And in my tirefome pilgrimage
Yields me a heav'nly fong."

Ver. 19, 103.

4 Am I a ftranger or at home, is my perpet'al feall!



Not honey dropping from the comb,
So much ailures the tafte.

Ver. 72, 127.

No treasures fo enrich the mind;
Northall thy word be fold,
For loads of filver well refin'd,

Nor heaps of choiceft gold.

Ver. 28. 49, 173.

When nature finks and fpirits droop,
Thy promifes of grace

Are pillars to fupport my hope,

And there I write thy praise.

PSALM CXIX. Sixth part. Holiness and Comfort from the Word. Ver 128.

LORD, Tefteem thy judgments right,

And all hy ftatutes juft, Thence I maintain a conftant fight, With ev'ry flatt'ring luft.

Ver. 97.9.

2 Thy precepts often 1 furvey:
I keep thy law in fight,

Through all the bus'nefs of the day,
To form my actions right.

Ver. 62.

3 My heart in midnight filence, cries,,
"How fweet thy comforts be!"
My thoughts in holy wonder, rife,
And bring their thanks to Thee..
Ver. 162.

4' And when my spirit drinks her fill,
At fome good word of thine,
Not mighty men, who share the spoil
Have joys, compar'd to mine.

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PSALM CXIX. Seventh part:

Imperfection of Nature and perfection of Scripture Ver. 96. Paraphrafed.

ET all the heathen writers join

To form one perfect book,

Great God if once compar'd with Thine,
How mean their writings look!

Not the most perfect rules they gave
Could fhew one fin forgiv'n;
Nor lead aftep beyond the grave;
But Thine conduct to heav'd.

3.I've feen an end of what we call
Perfection here below;

How fhort the pow'rs of nature fall,
And can no further go!

Yet men would fain be juft with God,
By works their hands have wrought;
But thy commands exceeding broad,
Extend to ev'ry thought.

5 In vain we boaft perfection here,
While fin defiles our frame;
And finks our virtues down so far,
They fearce deserve the name.
Our faith and love and ev'ry grace-
Fall far below thy word;,.

But perfect truth and righteoueness

Dwell only with the Lord..

PSALM CXIX. Eighth part

The Word of God is the Saint's Portion ; or, The Excelleney and Variety of Scripture.

LORD, I have made by word my choice,

My lafting heritage:
There fhall my nobleft pow'rs rejoice,
My warmeft thoughts engage.

2 P'il read the hift'ries of thy love
And keep thy laws in fight;
While through thy promises i rove
With ever fresh delight.


'Tis broad land of wealth unknown,

Where fprings of life arife;

Seeds of immortal biifs are fown,

And hidden glory lies.

4 The beft relief which mourners have,
It makes our forrows bleft;

Our fairest hope beyond the grave,
And our eternal reft.

PSALM CXIX. Ninth Part.

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Defire of knowledge; or the teachings of the Spirit with the Word.

Ver 64, 68, 18.

HY mercies All the earth, O Lord;

THY How good thy works appear

Open mine eyes to read thy word,
And fee thy wonders there.

Ver. 73 125

2 My heart was fashion'd by thine hand:

My fervice is thy due;

O makethy fervant understand

The duties he must do ;

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