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had great difficulties to encounter resulting from his family connexions, and from his inveterate habit of temperate drinking. Until the present time, he could never resolve on adopting the principle of entire abstinence; but I trust that conviction of truth and love to the Saviour, have enabled him to gain the victory."


Ko Ing, native Pastor, Ko Man-poke and wife.

From this station no recent information has been received.

[Since the Report has been prepared, information has arrived that Ko Ing died on the 29th of October, 1834.]


The following tables of baptisms connected with the Burman Mission, were furnished by Mr. Judson.


Persons baptized in Burmah previous to the year 1833.

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N. B. Of the Burman converts eight have been excluded, two in Rangoon, two at Tavoy, and four at Maulmein; besides three or four in Rangoon on whom sentence has not been formally pronounced: of the Karens, two have been excluded in this district, and a few others stand suspended. Of the foreigners, most of whom have removed to other countries, and are destitute of proper pastoral supervision, many, it is said, have fallen into sin, but not many cases of actual apostacy have been ascertained.


It will be seen, by the preceding statements, that two missionary societies have been formed in Burmah, which have resolved to support three native preachers. Thus is Burmah herself beginning to raise up and sustain laborers; and we have, in these facts, an earnest of the future efforts of native Burmans to spread the Gospel among their countrymen. It is plain that heathen countries must be evangelized, mainly, by their own sons. The Board have always believed that the chief labor of spreading the Gospel in Burmah must be performed by natives. Much of what has already been done there, has been the result of the preaching and other efforts of native assistants. The Board have been anxious to engage in their service as many of the native converts, as might possess suitable

gifts; and to furnish them with some opportunities of cultivating their minds. The Board have accordingly resolved to establish in Burmah a missionary school, in which the native preachers shall be taught such branches of knowledge as may be best adapted to increase their usefulness. This school will be commenced, as soon as the necessary arrangements can be made. The Board suppose, that the importance of this measure is too obvious to require any arguments.


Missionaries, Rev. GROVER S. COMSTOCK, Mrs. SARAH D. COMSTOCK. Mr. and Mrs. Comstock were instructed to establish a mission station, at some suitable place on the coast of Arracan. As the Burman language is spoken in Arracan, as the population are numerous, and as the province is under the sway of the English government, it has been thought desirable to commence a mission there. It is hoped, that Mr. and Mrs. Comstock are now engaged in their labors at this new station associated, probbly with one of the misssionary families from Maulmein.



Missionaries, Rev. JOHN T. JONES, MRS. ELIZA G. JONES, Rev. WILLIAM DEAN, Mrs. MATILDA C. DEAN. Native Chinese assistant, Bun-Ty. It was mentioned in the last Report, that Mr. and Mrs. Jones arrived at Bankok, on the 25th day of March, 1833. They have since directed their chief attention to the Siamese language, but their labors have been frequently interrupted by sickness, by the death of two of their children, by difficulties in obtaining a convenient residence, and by other causes. But they have been enabled, notwithstanding these obstacles, to make some progress in their work as missionaries, as well as in preparation for their future labors.

They have had a considerable number of visiters, among whom were several Burmese priests. To these visiters, tracts and portions of the Scriptures were given, and some instruction was imparted in conversation. Most of the visiters, however, have come, for the purpose of obtaining medical aid. Mr. Jones, in a letter, dated September 14, 1833



Notwithstanding our great ignorance of medicine, we are obliged to continue its practice. The practice of the natives is either by conjuring, or the use of a few such simples as are wholly inadequate to the emergencies of a settled disease. To-day we have had more than 30 patients -18 China-men-7 Arabs-2 Peguans-2 Burmans-1 Laos-2 Portuguese. Besides these patients, there are other friends who accompanied them. This number is greater than usual. We generally have more on Sunday than other days."

This extract shows how heterogeneous is the population of Bankok. The city is said to contain four hundred thousand inhabitants. Of these, a large proportion are Chinese, and among these, the mission has, hitherto, had its chief success. Worship in the Chinese language was early established at Mr. Jones' house. It was conducted by Bun-Ty, a Chinese, who had been converted, under the ministry of Mr. Gutzlaff. By the blessing of God, two other Chinese became believers in the Saviour, and on the 8th of December, 1833, the first baptism was held. Mr. Jones says, under that date,


"This morning, after causing Bun-Ty to read and explain in Chinese the concluding portions of Matt. and Mark, containing our Saviour's commission to his disciples, and the first part of the 6th chapter of Romans,I proceeded with the candidates to the river in front of our house, where, under the shade of a tamarind tree, I invoked the God of heaven, while they were kneeling around me. Then, in the presence of the boats passing on the river, and a small company of spectators on the shore, before the God of all nations, I baptized them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. We then returned to the house, and closed the morning exercises by prayers. There were three baptized, Chek* Bun-tae, Chek Peng, and Chek Seng-Seah. Respecting the former, I have already given the Board some information. He was instructed, and hopefully converted by the instrumentality of Mr. Gutzlaff. He received further instruction from Mr. Abeel, and secured his confidence. He has been the regular conductor of Chinese worship ever since Mr. Abeel left this country. His circumstances are humble, but respectable. His fluency and earnestness command attention, though his voice is not boisterous. He speaks Siamese, but not well, which remark applies to all China-men, who were not born in the country, as they cannot pronounce r, or d. Peng is about fifty years of age, of a consumptive habit; was also with the others considerably instructed by Mr. Abeel, and for more than a year, has regularly attended worship with Bun-Ty. Seng-Seah is about forty years of age, industrious, and has read most of the New Testament, and many other Christian books; otherwise the same remarks will apply to him, as to Chek Peng. Though we rejoice over them, yet it is not without many fears. Our observation has taught us, that perseverance, and stability of Christian character, among professed converts from heathenism, is a very different thing, from what it is in a Christian country, where religious institutions have been long established. If they hold out, and adorn their profession, let us bless God for his grace. If they decline from the paths of wisdom, let us not be discouraged, as though some strange thing had happened

unto us.""

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In the last letter from Mr. Jones, dated August 26, 1834, he says, "Some progress has been made, through divine mercy. Our applicants for medicine continue about as usual, varying from five to thirty daily. They hear many truths which are new to them, and carry away many books. Direct applications for books at the house are also numerous, but irregular. Many of them are conveyed to very remote places, and read by every variety of character. A Burman, of great respectability, received from me some months ago several copies of our Burman publications, which the king's high priest having seen, requested him to interpret into Siamese. The Burman says, he listened to their contents eagerly, and praised them much. He wished very much to see them in Siamese.

"Mrs. Jones still frequents the Burman village, and continues to make what efforts she can to instruct the people. Several females profess to have forsaken idolatry, and to believe in the true God, but they are very ignorant.

"I have almost daily discussions with Burmans, Siamese, and Peguans. They are such rigid fatalists, and so insensible to the guilt of sin, that it is very difficult to make any impression of religious truth on their minds. They will most readily acknowledge that they are sinners, but they do not feel it, and although they will also acknowledge that it is right they should be sent to hell for their sins, they expect to get out of it in a short time, and then they shall go to heaven to be rewarded for their good deeds, which means nothing, but their feeding the priests bountifully.

* "Chek" is a Chinese title, used much like "Mr." with the English.

"It is not long since a priest called on me, saying very soberly, that there were three men, of his acquaintance, who wished to embrace, or as they express it, enter our religion, but they were in debt, respectively, forty, sixty, and one hundred ticals; and if I would pay their debts, why then they would be my disciples. He seemed not at all ashamed, or to think it was at all incongruous, when I gave him a severe rebuke for coming to me with such a proposal.

"Connected with the mission, is a school for Chinese boys, kept by Bun-Ty. The number of the scholars is now small, but it will, doubtless, increase. Bun-Ty, besides teaching these scholars, "acts," says Mr. Jones, "the part of interpreter and exhorter to Chinese patients, and others who are constantly calling, and whose language I do not understand, and regularly conducts Chinese worship every Sunday. He bears ridicule and reproach from his countrymen very well, and defends the truth wth much energy and adroitness. Through the medium of Siamese, I am able to explain a great many questions, which he spontaneously suggests in regard to the Bible. The Chinese accuse him of having given up the worship of his Chinese ancestors, and embraced the worship of the ancestors of Europeans. The usual number of church worshippers is now nearly twenty. Peng, and Seng-Seah, the other members of the church, spend a great part of the Sundays with him, while he explains what they read. Several others, without any apparent object, but a search for truth, have put themselves to considerable inconvenience to attend worship regularly for nearly a year; some for a much longer time."

Mr. Jones has devoted some time, to revising previous translations of portions of the Scriptures into the Siamese language, made by the Catholic missionaries, and by others. He has translated Mrs. Judson's Burman Catechism, and sent it to Singapore to be printed; but it was returned, the superintendent of the press having left that place. Mr. Jones requests that a press be established at Bankok, and the Board have it in contemplation to send one. A press at Bankok will enable our missionaries to print tracts, which seem to be the most efficient means of spreading the Gospel in heathen countries. Mr. Jones has distributed a few tracts, left by Mr. Gutzlaff, and furnished from other sources; but he needs large supplies, which cannot be obtained, except by the agency of a press at Bankok, under the direction of the missionaries. The printing of the Scriptures should, also, be kept in view. The Board believe, that it is our duty to introduce a press, wherever it can be made useful. The press is the great instrument of enlightening the world, and our chief reliance must be placed on this, among the means of saving mankind.

The importance of Bankok as a missionary station, becomes more evident, the more its condition and relative situation are considered. The Government interpose no obstacles; and as there is a treaty of commerce with the United States, our missionaries are under the protection of our own country. Various difficulties, however, exist, which will require much patience, wisdom, and humble prayer. One of these arises from the corruptions and intriguing dispositions of the Catholics, who, in Siam, as well as in China, Japan, and wherever they have obtained sufficient influence, have attempted to seize upon the civil power. Mr. Jones says of the Catholics in Bankok, "They arrogate the titles both of European and Christian. The time was, when they possessed much influence; and one of the fraternity became Prime Minister of the Government. No sooner had they placed themselves in a situation, in which they supposed themselves able to do it, than, as they have always done, when they had opportunity, they entered into a deep plot, to overturn the Government, and betray the country into the hands of an entirely Catholic government. When these designs were discovered, those who were engaged in them,

were summarily punished; but their descendants, a mongrel race, part Portuguese, part Peguan, part Cambojian, part Siamese, despised by every body, a disgrace to all their race, and to the name of Christians, still live. They are the greatest thieves, and drunkards in the country, and yet they are always proud and careful to inform strangers they are not natives, they are Christians.* These circumstances, together with the ignorance of the natives, make them exceedingly jealous of all foreigners. They are therefore averse to a missionary's securing a residence among them, and of his acquiring any influence. No native dares sell a white foreigner a house, or rent him a piece of ground, more than he would dare to burn the king's palace, unless he has express permission from government to do so; and such permission, the government will seldom give. What I shall ultimately do, in regard to a location, is uncertain. These obstacles added to the influence of an almost innumerable priesthood, and the natural alienation of man from the truth, are formidable; but, through the power of God's grace, they shall be surmounted, and Siam yet become a delightful portion of the Redeemer's empire. For this glorious object, let unceasing prayers be offered."

The Board hope, that Mr. and Mrs. Dean are now associated with Mr. and Mrs. Jones in their labors.


The Board have devoted much attention to the establishment of a mission to the Chinese empire. The signs of the times, and the strong desires which God has created in many hearts, respecting this vast and benighted portion of the human family, have convinced the Board that it is our duty to make the attempt to introduce the Gospel. They do not consider the question as yet settled, whether missionaries will be permitted to reside and labor in China; but appearances are encouraging; and as experience only can decide the question, an experiment ought immediately to be made. In their instructions to the missionaries in Burmah, the Board say, "A report has reached us, particularly from Moung Shway Moung, that at a point on the Irrawaddy, several hundred miles above Ava, there exists a great national road, leading directly through the Shan country, into the heart of China. This suggestion, with accompanying remarks, induced us to suppose, that this medium might present a channel for pouring the light of truth into that dark region. Our brethren, in various places, are extremely urgent that a mission to China should be commenced by us; and if it be done, perhaps the way proposed offers as much promise of success as any other. Besides, should it finally appear that nothing could be accomplished for China, it may be the means of making us better acquainted with the Shans, and the number and condition of the Karens, and of carrying to them the light of life. The first object, however, of the tour, would be to ascertain what we can do for the Chinese. To execute the duties of such a commission, the man ought to be considerably acquainted with Burman customs and habits, and tolerably familiar with their language; but a deficiency in respect to either could be better supplied by attendant native Christians, than a want of fortitude and patient endurance of fatigue. It is our wish, that the missionaries should consider the object to be attained, and appoint such one of their number to execute it, as their judgment shall approve." The Board have also held correspondence with two individuals in this country, on the subject of bocoming missionaries in China. One of them has declined the proposition.

*The Portuguese Consuls must be excepted from these remarks.

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