Imágenes de páginas

The things that to thy peace belong,
And sought the Saviour's face!
2 Hadst thou o'er all thy follies griev'd,
Embrac'd the heavenly word,
And in Messiah hadst believ'd,
The Only Son of God;—

3 Then over thee I had not wept,
These tears had been restrain'd,
And then releas'd from conscious guilt,
Thou hadst in peace remain'd.
4 But now, alas! those glorious things
Are from thine eyes conceal'd;

Conceal'd from Priests, and haughty Kings,
And unto babes reveal'd.

5 Saviour, to thee

my heart incline,
In this my gracious day;

To thee I all my powers resign,
Would all thy will obey.


255. C. M.

Come to Christ Now.

HOME, sinners, to the Saviour come,
Nor longer dare delay;

His word declares there yet is room,
Why will you lingering stay?

2 Haste, sinners! to the Saviour flee,
How dare you longer wait!
Now is the time, or-it may be
Eternally too late.

256. L. M.

Spread of the Gospel.

AUTHOR and object of our faith

Look down from thy resplendent throne,

Scatter the shades of moral death,

And claim the nations for thy own. 2 Look, and the idol gods confound;

Breath of the Lord, salvation bring; Speak, and the listening world around, Shall yield to thee, their Sovereign King.

3 Arise! thou brilliant sun, arise!
Diffuse abroad thy cheering ray;
Pour light divine on heathen eyes,
And guide them to the realms of day.

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257. C. M. Cowper.

Walking with God, Gen. v. 24.

FOR a closer walk with God,
A calm and heavenly frame;
A light to shine upon the road
That leads me to the Lamb!

2 Where is the blessedness I knew
When first I saw the Lord?
Where is the soul-refreshing view
Of Jesus and his word?

3 What peaceful hours I then enjoy'd!
How sweet their memory still!
But now I find an aching void
The world can never fill.

4 Return, O holy Dove, return,
Sweet messenger of rest;

I hate the sins that made thee mourn, And drove thee from my breast.

5 The dearest idol I have known,
Whate'er that idol be,

Help me to tear it from thy throne,
And worship only thee.

6 So shall my walk be close with God,
Calm and serene my frame;
So purer light shall mark the road
That leads me to the Lamb!

258. C. M.

Prayer for Mourners.

TS there a trembling mourner here?

I Lord, do not say depart!

But wipe away the falling tear,
Bind up the broken heart.

2 Thy blood the sacred balm for sin,
The great Physician thou;
Unbar our bosoms, enter in;
O Jesus, enter now.

3 Now is the time, th' accepted time,
The day of grace is now;
Enfeebled age, and youthful prime,
To Christ the Saviour bow.

259. C. M.

Despairing Sinners encouraged.
HE vilest of the human race,
Who yet is out of hell,

May, if he will, be sav'd by grace,
And feel the Spirit's seal.

2 Despairing sinner, lift thine eyes
To yonder cross, and see,-
See! where the Prince of Glory dies,
And dies, my soul, for thee!

3 Ah! mourner, he has died for thee,
And borne thy guilty load!
Now make the effort to be free,
Yield up thy heart to God.

260. C. M.

The Power of Faith.

SINNERS, to the Saviour go!
Pour forth your ardent cries;
Let streams of sacred sorrow flow
From all your weeping eyes.

2 Your sins have made the Saviour bleed,
Have pierc'd his wounded side;
Have crown'd with thorns his sacred head;
For you he bled and died.

3 "Tis sin that to destruction leads,

With poison strews the path;
Now lift to Christ your guilty heads,
And conquer sin by faith.

4 He that in Christ the Lord believes,
Shall sin and hell outdo;

Who Christ the conqueror receives,
Shall be a conqueror too.

5 Faith in his name the dead awakes,
And makes the slothful move;
"Tis faith that Satan's kingdom shakes,
The faith that works by love.

6 Arise! believer, from the earth,
The conquering shield put on;
Display the power of living faith,-
March on and take the crown.

261. L. M.

Invitation to Sinners.

HOME, sinners, to the bleeding Lamb,
Receive salvation in his name;


No longer stay from his embrace,

Whose heart o'erflows with boundless grace.

2 O'er a lost world his bowels roll,
He smiles on every contrite soul;
And yielding sinners shall receive,
All that a pardoning God can give.

262. S. M.

Invitation to receive Prayer.

TO you, O men, I call,

To each and every one;

The gospel message is to all;
Whoever will, may come.

2 Sinners in unbelief,

I call you to believe;
Let sobs of penitential grief
Your every bosom heave.

3 Come, kneel before his throne,
Who in Gethsemane

Sustain'a the agony alone,

And knelt and pray'd for thee,

4 Let all who wish to feel,
Now to his altar come,

And there in humble posture kneel,
And wait before his throne.

5 Come, Holy Spirit, come,
In this propitious hour,

And melt our frozen bosoms down,
By thy almighty power.

6 The fear of man remove,
By thy resistless grace;

Let mourners see the Father's love,
Beam in the Saviour's face.

263. S. M. Montgomery.
Eternal Life and Death.

HE world can never give
The bliss for which I sigh;
"Tis not the whole of life to live,
Nor all of death to die.

2 Beyond this vale of tears
There is a life above,
Unmeasur'd by the flight of years,
And all that life is love.

3 There is a death whose pang
Outlasts the fleeting breath:
O what eternal horrors hang
Around the second death!

4 O God of truth and grace,

Teach us that death to shun;
Lest we be banish'd from thy face,
And evermore undone.

264. 7's. Wesley's Coll.

Sinners pointed to Christ.

SEE, ye sinners, see! the flame,

Rising from the slaughter'd Lamb, Marks the new, the living way, Leading to eternal day.

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