The things that to thy peace belong, 3 Then over thee I had not wept, Conceal'd from Priests, and haughty Kings, 5 Saviour, to thee my heart incline, To thee I all my powers resign, C 255. C. M. Come to Christ Now. HOME, sinners, to the Saviour come, His word declares there yet is room, 2 Haste, sinners! to the Saviour flee, 256. L. M. Spread of the Gospel. AUTHOR and object of our faith Look down from thy resplendent throne, Scatter the shades of moral death, And claim the nations for thy own. 2 Look, and the idol gods confound; Breath of the Lord, salvation bring; Speak, and the listening world around, Shall yield to thee, their Sovereign King. 3 Arise! thou brilliant sun, arise! 257. C. M. Cowper. Walking with God, Gen. v. 24. FOR a closer walk with God, 2 Where is the blessedness I knew 3 What peaceful hours I then enjoy'd! 4 Return, O holy Dove, return, I hate the sins that made thee mourn, And drove thee from my breast. 5 The dearest idol I have known, Help me to tear it from thy throne, 6 So shall my walk be close with God, 258. C. M. Prayer for Mourners. TS there a trembling mourner here? I Lord, do not say depart! But wipe away the falling tear, 2 Thy blood the sacred balm for sin, 3 Now is the time, th' accepted time, 259. C. M. Despairing Sinners encouraged. May, if he will, be sav'd by grace, 2 Despairing sinner, lift thine eyes 3 Ah! mourner, he has died for thee, 260. C. M. The Power of Faith. SINNERS, to the Saviour go! 2 Your sins have made the Saviour bleed, 3 "Tis sin that to destruction leads, With poison strews the path; 4 He that in Christ the Lord believes, Who Christ the conqueror receives, 5 Faith in his name the dead awakes, 6 Arise! believer, from the earth, 261. L. M. Invitation to Sinners. HOME, sinners, to the bleeding Lamb, Co No longer stay from his embrace, Whose heart o'erflows with boundless grace. 2 O'er a lost world his bowels roll, 262. S. M. Invitation to receive Prayer. TO you, O men, I call, To each and every one; The gospel message is to all; 2 Sinners in unbelief, I call you to believe; 3 Come, kneel before his throne, Sustain'a the agony alone, And knelt and pray'd for thee, 4 Let all who wish to feel, And there in humble posture kneel, 5 Come, Holy Spirit, come, And melt our frozen bosoms down, 6 The fear of man remove, Let mourners see the Father's love, 263. S. M. Montgomery. HE world can never give 2 Beyond this vale of tears 3 There is a death whose pang 4 O God of truth and grace, Teach us that death to shun; 264. 7's. Wesley's Coll. Sinners pointed to Christ. SEE, ye sinners, see! the flame, Rising from the slaughter'd Lamb, Marks the new, the living way, Leading to eternal day. |