Imágenes de páginas

2 Mercy and grace are thine alone,
And power and wisdom too;
Without the Spirit of thy Son
We nothing good can do.

3 Thou all our works in us hast wrought,
Our good is all divine;
The praise of every holy thought,
And righteous word, is thine.

4 From thee-through Jesus-we receive
The power on thee to call;
In thee, O Lord, we move, and live-
Our God is all in all.

233. L. M. F. H. BURDER'S COLL.
To prepare for Worship.

1 COME, Holy Spirit, calm each mind,
And fit us to approach our God;
Remove each vain, each worldly thought,
And lead us to thy blest abode.

2. Hast thou imparted to our souls
A living spark of holy fire?
Oh! kindle now the sacred flame;
Make us to burn with pure desire.

3 Still brighter faith and hope impart,
And let us now our Saviour see:
Oh! soothe and cheer each burdened heart
And bid our spirits rest in thee.


C. M.


1 GREAT Father of each perfect gift,
Behold thy servants wait;
With longing eyes and lifted hands,
We flock around thy gate.

2 Oh shed abroad that royal gift,
Thy Spirit from above,
To bless our eyes with sacred light,
And fire our hearts with love.

3 Blest earnest of eternal joy,
Declare our sins forgiven;
And bear, with energy divine,
Our raptured thoughts to heaven.


C. M. WESLEY'S COLL. 1 FATHER of all-in whom alone

We live, and move, and breathe: One bright celestial ray send down, And cheer thy sons beneath.

2 While in thy word we search for thee,

Oh fill our souls with awe;
Thy light impart, that we may see
The wonders of thy law.

3 Now let our darkness comprehend
The light that shines so clear;

Now thy revealing Spirit send,
And give us ears to hear.

4 Before us make thy goodness pass,
Which here by faith we know;

Let us in Jesus see thy face,

And die to all below.



To comfort.

1 GRACIOUS Spirit-Love divine!
Let thy light within us shine;
All our guilty fears remove,
Fill us with thy heavenly love.

2 Speak thy pardoning grace to me,
Set the burdened sinner free;
Lead us to the Lamb of God,
Wash us in his precious blood.

3 Life and peace to us impart;
Seal salvation on each heart:
Breathe thyself into each breast,
Earnest of immortal rest.

4 Let us never from thee stray,
Keep us in the narrow way;
Fill our souls with joy divine;
Keep us, Lord, for ever thine.



1 BREATHE, Holy Spirit, from abov
Until our hearts with fervour
Oh, kindle there a Saviour's lo
True sympathy with human

2 Bid our conflicting passions cease,
And terror from each conscience flee;
Oh, speak to every bosom peace,
Unknown to all who know not thee.

3 Give us to taste thy heavenly joy,
Our hopes to brightest glory raise;
Guide us to bliss without alloy,
And tune our hearts to endless praise.



1 WHY should the children of a King
Go mourning all their days?-
Great Comforter! descend, and bring
Some tokens of thy grace.

2 Dost thou not dwell in all thy saints,
And seal them heirs of heaven?
When wilt thou banish our complaints,
And show our sins forgiven?

3 Assure each conscience of its part
In our Redeemer's blood;
And bear thy witness with each heart,
That we are born of God.

4 Thou art the earnest of his love,
The pledge of joys to come;
And thy soft wings, celestial Dove,
Will safe convey us home.



Prayer for the return of the Spirit.


1 LORD, in the temples of thy grace, H
Thy saints behold thy smiling face
Here have we seen thy glory shine
With power and majesty divine.

2 Return, O Lord-our spirits cry
Our graces droop-our comforts die;
Return, and let thy glories rise
Again to our admiring eyes;


Till, filled with light, and joy, and love,

Thy courts below, like those above,
ophant hallelujahs raise


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aven and earth resound thy praise.



Divine Influence compared to Rain.
1 THE dews and rains, in all their store,
Watering the pastures o'er and o'er,
Are not so copious as that grace
Which sanctifies and saves our race.

As in soft silence, vernal showers
Descend and cheer the fainting flowers!
So in the secrecy of love
Falls the sweet influence from above.

3 That heavenly influence let us find
In holy silence of the mind,
While every grace maintains its bloom,
Diffusing wide its rich perfume.

4 Nor let these blessings be confined
To us, but poured on all mankind;
Till earth's wild wastes in verdure rise,
And a new Eden bless our eyes.



The strong persuasions of Grace.

1 O SINNERS, fly to Jesus' arms,
Enjoy his everlasting charms!
He calls you to a heav'nly feast,
O come, poor starving souls, and taste.

2 Say, will you be for ever blest,
And with the heavenly Jesus rest?
He'll save you from all sin and pain,
And you shall in full glory reign.

3 Say now, poor souls, what will you do?
Say, will you have this Christ or no?
Make now the choice, and halt no more,
For Christ is waiting at your door.

4 He waits, he woos, he's loath to leave, And will you not his word believe? Why will you let this Jesus go?

Say, will you have this Christ or no? 5 Once more we'll ask you in his name. (We know his love is still the sam Will you be sav'd from dreadful Say, will you have this Christ on


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