trifling annual or monthly contribu-must be done quickly. The work tion, which they can spare as well will require the utmost diligence as not, and a few stated prayers that not of one, or two or half a dozen God's kingdom may come? They solitary laborers, but of multitudes. cannot feel as we do who see the It cannot be accomplished by con tributions, be they ever so liberal, or prayers, be they ever so holy; men must come, men full of faith and of the Holy Ghost must come, and study, and labor, and preach, and, perhaps, suffer. When we think of the centuries that have rolled away since Jesus suffered, and the exceedingly limited extent of Christianity, while we most fervently implore God's grace for the heathen, we cannot but also beg of Him, to forgive Christians for their apathy and inactivity in an enterprise so dear to God, so immeasurably important to man. And while we beg forgiveness of what is past, we pray for guidance and activity in future efforts. We do not say cease your contributions, or cease your prayers heathen in all their wretchedness, but they can read their Bibles. They can pray on their knees to God, and ask him what he would have them to do. They can contemplate the example and precepts of our blessed Redeemer, and ask what they require. They can look forward to the judgment day, and consider what the scrutiny of that day will demand of them. When I look back to the hours I spent in considering whether I should become a missionary to the heathen, I wonder and am astonished at my self. May God pardon me that I hesitated so long. What! love the Saviour and hesitate about making his salvation known to millions of benighted men! Love him, and hesitate to obey his last command! -but while you give your property Situated as I am now, alone, in the and your supplications to such a midst of millions of idolaters hastening like myself to death and judgment, I want to raise my feeble voice and let it resound till it should reach my antipodes, and cry, Brethren, awake! awake!-call upon God, that, as he has had mercy on you, and given you a title to heaven, he would also have compassion on your fellow-beings, and save them from up to the help of the Lord against hell. The time is come when Zion the mighty? Get them to consider must arise and shine, and if you it. There are many young men of altogether hold your peace, deliver- sterling worth, who have just enterance shall arise from some other ed or are about to enter the minis quarter, and the delight of doing God's service shall be denied you. Awake, and come to our aid, ye young men who would part with life rather than the hopes you cherish. Do you believe God, when he says his "Son shall have the heathen for his inheritance?" The inheritance of the Saviour shall believe on him, but "how shall they believe on him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?" Do, dear brethren, remember time is short. The heathen are dying by thousands, if not by millions, every year. What you do, cause, give yourselves also. Pray for us, and come and help us. Dear brother, I pray you, stir up the disciples of Christ to this enterprise-with all the might that God shall give.-Have you not some men in your church who love the Redeemer's cause, and the souls of their fellow-beings, enough to come Why try at home-who have never had Rev. H. MALCOM. P. S. In my opinion, it deserves very serious consideration whether laymen, in considerable numbers, ought not to devote themselves to the service of the heathen by a personal residence among them. A merchant, such as Mr. W. was in France, with a knowledge of the language, and Christian books in his hand, might have access to thousands whom a missionary would never see, and exert an influence which a missionary could not, inasmuch as they (the natives) think the propagation of religion is a missionary's trade. An American merchant here would be regarded with much favor, as the Siamese are very fond of foreign articles; as cloths, hardware, &c., and are particularly desirous of seeing American vessels. Now would be a favorable time, as the Americans have just formed a treaty of amity and commerce with Siam. No fears need be entertained regarding success in their business. Iberia. DR. SKINNER TO DR. BOLLES. Dear Sir, I would inform you, that a Baptist church was formed the last week in December, at Edina, of thirteen per sons that came out in the expedition from Pennsylvania, to be settled at Port Cresson, in Bassa Cove, eight males and five females. This is the fourth Baptist church in the colony. Five were baptized on Saturday, 17th, at Caldwell, and a church will be formed there on the second Friday in February, unless it should be thought best to do it before. Our present calculation is to form an Association on the third Friday of February, which will probably be the First Baptist Association ever formed in Africa. We are poor, and we want help. We want a white man of bright talents and good education; and I verily believe one may come with safety, if acclimated at Bassa. We have three men here that might be employed with advantage. The first organized Temper ance Society in the Colony was formed at Edina, January 1. In 20 days including to-day, we have obtained two hundred and sixty-one signers to total abstinence. I obtained seventy-seven signers in a meeting at Caldwell, Tuesday evening last. There is some attention to the things of religion there. May God bless you, and the Board and Society with which you stand connected, and if you do any thing here, direct you by his providence to do it in the best manner for his glory and the advancement of truth, is the earnest prayer of your affectionate brother in Christ, EZEKIEL SKINNER. Rev. LUCIUS BOLLES. In a postseript dated March 3, 1835, Dr. S. subjoins, A church has been constituted at Caldwell of twelve members, seven of whom have been recently baptized: fourteen or fifteen more, members of other churches, we expect will join us soon. We have obtained to the total abstinence pledge in respect to ardent spirit, five hundred and three in two months and two days; and it is agreed by three venders of that article, that for a month past they have not sold more than a ninth or tenth part as much spirit, as they usually have in the same length of time. Indian Stations. REV. EVAN JONES TO DR. Valley Towns, C. N. April 7, 1835. We have just closed a series of meetings of three days' continuance. This appointment was made for the purpose of bidding the brethren fare well, preparatory to my starting for the General Convention. The prospect at present is quite encouraging. Attention to the Gospel is gradually and steadily increasing. At the meetings which we have just closed, applications were made from seven different settle ments for preaching, besides those at which we statedly attend. Two of the places are 40 and 50 miles distant, and the others from 16 to 30 miles. Not being able to attend all these places regularly, we have concluded to visit them occasionally as often as we can. The members of the church generally appear to be advancing in the divine life. Many are quite humble, devoted Christians. Family worship is regarded as a sacred duty, and the fruits of family religion are frequently witnessed in the conversion of the children and other branches of professing families. The political troubles which at this time disturb the cominunity, may seem to forbid the hope that much attention could be directed to any other object; but the fact is, that moral and intellectual culture, domestic industry and domestic virtue are making rapid advances among them. I am, Rev. and dear Sir, your obedient servant in the Gospel, EVAN JONES. ENCOURAGING TOKENS. The Resolve of the Convention to "endeavor, by the blessing of God, to raise at least $100,000 during the coming year, for the purpose of sending the Gospel to the heathen," has been met, so far as we have learned, with decided approbation. It is stated in the Baptist Register that, at the Anniversary meeting of the New York Baptist Association in May, the Rev Mr. Dunbar announced to the Association that "the church in McDougal street (N. Y. city,) of which he was pas tor, had resolved to raise $1,000 the present year for this cause." The venerable Jesse Mercer, in a letter to the Corresponding Secretary, dated Washington June 3, speaking of the meeting of the Georgia State Convention, says, " All was harmony and brotherly love. The increased interest felt was manifest in the increased funds sent up for the various objects before the Convention. In view of the resolve to raise at least $100,000 this year by the General Convention, our Convention resolved to make an effort to raise $3000 of that sum." The Rev. J. Hartwell, who was appointed by the Board to an Agency at the South, has also received several unequivocal tokens of the favor with which the plan is regarded by our southern brethren. He writes thus: Soon after my return I was relating the circumstances of the meeting, with our prospects and the. $100,000 resolution, to a brother at his fire-side, when he, of his own accord, presented me with a hundred dollar bill, to carry forward the noble object. Another put into my hand forty dollars, &c. I am persuaded that nothing but information and effort is wanting, to bring forth from South Carolina Baptists their full proportion of the hundred thousand. Neither do I believe that the other southern States will be behind their more favored sisters at the north. Account of Moneys, received in Donations, by the Treasurer of the General Convention of the Baptist Denomination in the United States, for Foreign Missions, from April 15 to June 15, 1835. From Rev. I. M. Allen, Agent of Baptist General Tract Society, to Baptist State Convention of Alabama, in a letter from Mr. A. G. Male and Female Missionary Society of Andover, Vt. from Rev. Mr. Joseph Fogg, Readfield, Me. Treas. Kennebec Aux. For. Miss Betsey Sprague, of Attleboro', for Jewelry, Mrs. H. Taft, 1; a friend in Wrentham, 1; by Rev. J. E. Forbush, $100,00 100,00 132,00 23,00 37,50 176,50 214,00 4.50 2,00 6,50 Sunbury, Ga. Fem. Cent Soc. by Prof. Ripley, 51,25 Rev. J. Billings, Addison, Me. by Capt. J. Reynolds, 10,00 Dea. J. Briggs, of Colerain, Mass. for Bor. Tracts, 1; Bur. Fem. For. Miss. Soc. of Mulberry St. Bap. Ch. N. Y. for Bur. Miss. 1834 & 5, 100; from same, to educate Ann H. Jud Cumberland, Me. For. Miss. Soc. Aux. &c. W. R. Stockbridge, Fem. Bur. Miss. Soc. Kingsville, Ohio, by Rev. A. Chapin, 20,00 Mrs. A. P. Stanghton, for Phil. Fem. Bur. Ed. Soc. to educate William and Maria Staughton, 100,00 Phil. Fem. Bib. Soc. for Bur. Bible, by Mrs. E. C. Allen, 100,00 2d Bap. Ch. Phil. for Bur. Bib. by Rev. I. M. Allen, 100,00 Bap. Gen. Tract Soc. for Bur. Tracts, by do. Agent, 300,00 W. Winterton, Esq. for support of Ko Thah-a, 3d payment, 100,00 Avails of Jewelry, by a family in Richmond, Va. 2,00 American Bible Society for Bibles in the Burman Empire, 1000,00 214,00 Friends at Powelton, Ga. for Bur. Bib. 25; Friends in Sparta, Ga. 5,00 for Bur. Bib.; Mr. G. Leaves of Milledgeville, Ga. for Bur. Bib. 5,00; Mr. D. Bathea, of Ala. 8,00; Georgia Bap. Convention, 536; Mr. G. Camp, of Ga. 3, for Bur. Miss.; Rev. E. Battle, of Missis. 10; Geo. Bap. Conv. for Bur. Bib. 111; Rev. J. Matthews, Ga. 10; Geo. Bap. Conv. for Bur. Tracts, 3,00, by Rev. Jesse Mercer, 716,00 Bib. Class, Frankfort, Pa. Bap. Ch. in aid of the Karens, by I. Mulford, Treas. &c. 10,00 Juv. Ind. Miss. Soc. 5th Bap. Ch. Philad. Mrs. E. A. Crosby, Treas. 62,00 Rev. Alfred Bennett, collected by him as agent of the Board, 818,19 Gennesee Bap. Assoc. by Rev. J. Clark, of Batavia, 118,00 For. Miss. Soc. of Holland Purchase, N. Y. by Rev. E. Tucker, of Buffalo, 300,00 Miss. Soc. of South Bap. Ch. N. Y. by Rev. C. G. Sommers, 225,00 Ladies in do. for sup. of Fem. School in Ava, by do. 100,00 Also a box of sundries for same, valued at $75. Ladies of the For. Miss. Soc. of 1st Bap. Soc. Providence, R. I. for support of Ko Thah-a, 100,00 Rev. D. Witt, by the Churches of which he is pastor, 100,00 Churches, by Rev. G. Mason, pastor, 100,00 Scholars in Milton Street Sab. Sch. Boston, by Mr. Cobb, 2,06 Fem. Hasseltine Miss. Soc. of King and Q. Co. Va. Mrs. C. W. Ry land, Sec. 100,00 Bap. Fem. For. Miss. Soc. Amity Street, N. Y. Mary Edwards, Treasurer, 105,00 Youth's Miss. Soc. 2d Bap. Ch. Richmond, Va. I. Rust, Treas. 221,82 Penn. Bap. For. Miss. Soc. Rev. S. Huggens, Treas. 200,00 East Jersey Bap. For. Miss. Soc. by Rev. G. S. Webb, 130,00 Bap. Fem. Miss. Soc. of Baltimore, Md. by Rev. J. G. Binney, 100,00 Brooklyn, N. Y. Fem. Juv. Bur. Sch. Soc. to educate Sarah Board man, 4th payment, Mrs. S. Crosby, Treas. 22,00 Bap. Ch. Great Valley, Penn. by Rev. L. Fletcher, pastor, 100,00 Evangelical Soc. Columbian College, by Dr. Chapin, 100,00 Youth's For. Miss. Soc. Portsmouth, Va. to educate a heathen youth to be named Thomas Hume, 25,00 Bap. Ch. Portsmouth, Va. per Rev. Thos. Hume, 75,00 200,00 100,00 Soc. of Inquiry of Vir. Bap. Seminary, by Rev. W. F. Nelson, 100,00 Mr. J. Rorer, of Frankford, Pa. per Rev. I. M. Allen, 5,00 Dea. and Mrs. Lapham, of Hamilton, N. Y., parents of Mrs. Wade, 15,00 Richmond, Va. African Bap. Miss. Soc. to support a colored missionary in Africa, 156,82 Va. Bap. Miss. Soc. for Bur. Miss. 354,14-Bur. Bible 54,55-African Mis. 82, 73-General purposes 400,79, 892,21 by A. Thomas, Treas. 1049,03 Bur. Bib. Soc. Bruington, K. & Q. Co. Va. A. Fleet, Treas. 30,00 J. Withers, Esq. of Alexandria, D. C. for Bur. Miss. 50,00 G. Scruggs, of Huntsville, Ala., for Bur. Miss. by Rev. C. C. P. Crosby, 5,00 Bap. Fem. Mis. Soc. Brooklyn, N. Y. by Rev. L. Howard, 200,00 For. Mis. Soc. 1st. Bap. Ch. Richmond, Va. for Miss. to China, 169,65 Burınan schools, 30,35 by James Sizer, Esq. 200,00 Goose Creek Ch. (of Ketochton Assoc.) by Rev. W. F. Broaddus, 5,00 Dr. W. Gwathney, King William Co. Va., 5,00 Miss Harriet Hadley, Nashville, N. C. for Bur. Bible, 2,00 Karen Soc. Society Hill, S. C. 45,-Rev. R. Napier, Bennettsville, S. C. 5, 50,00 10,00 Fem. Karen Soc. Upper Alton, Ill. 20,25-contributed by others, 3,75, by Rev. J. M. Peck, Miss Martha Booker, Amelia, Va. 5,00-Rev. V. M. Mason, 5,00, 24,00 10,00 |