Imágenes de páginas

the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in laciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries: Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you. But they shall give account to Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.'

Upon the mention of the living and the dead, as about to stand before the judgment seat of Christ, it was natural to advert to the case of such as had died in the faith. He accordingly urges upon his brethren, the consideration that the same powerful motive which he had just presented—the death of Christ, which was indeed the soul of the gospel-had sustained, in their self-denying and holy course, those blessed men who had gone before them.

'For to this end,' (the same that he had mentioned in the 2nd verse, while adverting to the sanctifying and elevating tendency of the doctrine of Christ crucified for us,) 'For to this end was the gospel preached also to persons now deceased, that, among men, indeed, they might suffer in or mortify their carnal nature, but, before God, enjoy spiritual life.'




Oh more than merciful! whose bounty gave
Thy guiltless self to death, our souls to save;
Whose heart was rent to pay thy people's price;
The great high-priest, at once, and sacrifice!
Help, Saviour, by thy cross and crimson stain,'
Nor let thy glorious blood be spilt in vain.

When sin, with flowery garland, hides her dart,
When tyrant force would daunt the sinking heart,
When fleshly lust assails, or worldly care,
Or the soul flutters in the fowler's snare,
Help, Saviour, by thy cross and crimson stain,
Nor let thy glorious blood be spilt in vain.

And chiefest then, when nature yields the strife,
And mortal darkness wraps the gate of life ;
When the poor spirit, from the tomb set free,
Sinks at thy feet, and lifts its hope to Thee,
Help, Saviour, by thy cross and crimson stain,
Nor let thy glorious blood be spilt in vain.


SUBSCRIPTIONs and donations to the General Convention of the Baptist Denomination in the United States, for Foreign Missions, &c. should be transmitted to Heman Lincoln, Esq. Treasurer, Boston. Persons visiting the city, to whom it may be more convenient to call at a central place, can lodge their communications with E. Lincoln, No. 59 Washington-Street, who is authorized to receive moneys for the Treasurer.


BURMAN 'MISSION. take care of me.” “Perhaps (said I)

Mr—, with whom you wish to find MR BOARDMAN'S JOURNAL. employment, will not wish to employ

a man who has been baptized. He Progress of Inquirers.

may repulse you on account of your July 29. Ko Thah-byoo, the Karen profession.” “ Let him do so :” Christian, who went out five days ago, his modest, but firm and prompt reply. to visit a Karen village, returned to

Why (I inquired again) do you wish day, and says that all the people of the to be baptized ?". « Because Christ village listened to his words.

has commanded it.” Many similar 30. Several persons visited me, questions were put to him, which he among whom was Ko-moung, who still answered in a similarly satisfactory seems to halt between two opinions. manner. On being asked when he He makes no considerable progress, wished to be baptized, he replied, “ toand I fear he is still " in the gall of day, or to-morrow, as you please ; bitterness, and in the bond of iniqui- only I wish to be baptized before ty.” But still there is a little hope. long." His mind is not at rest. He cannot go

Afternoon. Moung Bo, whose abback, he dares not go forward. He sence for a week had occasioned me wants to go to heaven, not in Christ's, not a little anxiety, called, and after asbut in Gaudama's way. His good signing satisfactory reasons for his long sense is on our side, his feelings are

absence, requested that he might be half at least with us, but Satan and baptized on the next Lord's day. I all his emissaries are dissuading him have examined him closely and freagainst embracing the truth, and I quently, and feel well satisfied that he fear they will prevail

. O, ye dear is a converted man. He is universally children of God, unite with me in reviled by people and priest; but he prayer, that He who is mightier than bears it quietly, and says he can pray for the strong man armed, may enter in his persecutors. He says that several and lead his soul a willing captive to persons with whom he has conversed, the dear Redeemer.

appear to relish the Gospel. Two, in 31. The young Chinese called this particular, believe it fully. morning, and declared more fully Among my hearers were Ko-moung than ever, his belief of the gospel, and and an old gentleman, who asked me his desire to receive baptism as soon as very many pertinent questions, and I am willing to adıninister it to him. evinced an unusual interest in what I I have lately maile considerable inqui- said. I could not leave the zayat till ry respecting him, and have uniformly dark, and I heard the old man say after obtained a good report of his conduct. he had left, that he had many other In order to try his motives, I proposed inquiries to make. May the Lord be several questions, but in no case, did pleased to enlighten his mind and he betray any thing wrong.

change his heart. I said, “ you are poor, and without

The evid ce in favor of the young a situation : if you are baptized, your Chinese and Moung Bo is so satisfaccountrymen will hate and deride you, tory that I propose to baptize them on and perhaps no one else will employ the ensuing Lord's day. you." “Then (he replied) God will

(To be continued.]




righteous performances, and declared

the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, The friends of Missions have been

we became acquainted with them, and pleased in learning that several Bur- believed, and were baptized,—which man converts have become highly facts I testify and transmit in this letuseful as religious instructers to their ter, the result of a joyful mind.

As to my own circumstances, I forcountrymen, and thus present the merly lived at Bike, (Mergui,) where pleasing prospect of multiplying the the rulers grievously oppressed the heralds of the cross, from among those people, in consequence of which, I

removed to Rangoon. There, with a who have been involved in the dark- view to my present and future welfare, ness of heathenisin. Moung Ing is I became a disciple of the great Salen well known by reputation to our read- teacher, a person well skilled in the ers, as a zealous friend to the pro, the grace of God sought and selected

sacred books. While thus situated, gress of the gospel, and a successful

One day, a person came with a laborer with the Missionaries. The missionary writing, which he said he Board have voted that some pecuniary received from teacher Judson. I aid shall be granted to native teachers, sire to know more. Early the next

heard his words, and had a strong deto enable them to devote their time to morning, I went to listen. I found the work, and render more efficient the teachers, heard the gospel, and obaid ; and already one hundred dollars tained a glimmering of light. After have been received by the Treasurer, tism. The teachers were not satisfied,

eight or nine days, I requested bapfrom a liberal friend, towards the sup- and declined baptizing me. I then port of Moung Ing. This convert has took the sacred writings, and returned recently addressed a letter to the Core to my former place of residence.

There I was variously employed, and responding Secretary, in the Burman

got no increase of light. But when character, a translation of which was the rains set in, not being able to go transmitted by Mr Judson. Although on as usual, I applied myself to study it details many events familiar to our

the Scriptures, and meditate on God and readers, yet we doubt not it will be ed. I saw my sins and repented of

pray to him. Then the light increasread with interest, as it exhibits the them. I put my trust in the Lord Jetrain of thought and the mode of ex- sus Christ; and on returning to Ranpression of a Burman who is now de- goon, again requested baptism; and

after being examined, obtained that voted to the spread of the gospel. favor. From that time, (except one MOUNG ING'S LETTER.

more visit to Bike,) I continued to re

main with the teachers; and I accomMoung Ing sends greeting to teach- panied them to Ava. er Bolles, Superintendant of the mis

After we had been there a few sionary affairs of the Lord Jesus months, great trouble and misery came Christ, agreeably to the will of God upon us. The English and Burmans the Father-in Salem, America-a re- went to war; and when the news of gion favored with the religion of the the taking of Rangoon reached Ava, Divine Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the the chief jailor and the executioners only way of eternal life, according to came, and having tied the teacher's the will of God, most excellent, in the

arms behind him, carried him oft. On highest heavens. Grace and peace be the way, in order to extort money, multiplied to thee, from God the Father, they threw him down, and trode upwho is willing to be so called by all

on him, and drew the cords so tight, men, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, that when he could bear it no longer, who ever saves from sin and hell all we were obliged to give them money, who believe in and love him.

upon which they slackened the cords Certain teachers, acquainted with

a little and went forward. On arrivthe grace of God, the object of uni- ing at the court house, the governversal worship, having come from ment examined him, and put on three their own country, situated at an iin- pair of fetters, and sent him to the inmense distance, and having labored in ner prison, to be treated with severity. We were then obliged to conciliate the all went to Rangoon, and thence to jailers, and give them presents to get a Amherst. little relief. After eight or ten days, But the teacher made no stay in Amthey had recourse to their former se herst-he returned to accompany the verity, and got more presents. In this English Envoy to Ava, in hope of getmanner, for about a year, the jailers ting some permission to do missionary and executioners continued to abuse work in Burmah. the teacher, and extort money. Then The teacheress built her own house, he was taken away to Oung-pen-la, and two little school zayats—one for about six miles distant. The execu- boys and one for girls, and made me tioners stripped him of his shoes, and teach them to read. She herself came almost all his clothes, and carried hiin and taught the girls to sew. On Sunoff in the middle of the day, when the days, Moung Shway-bay, myself, Mah sun was very hot. In consequence of Men-lay and Mah Doke, with several this, the soles of his feet were as if of the neighbors, met at her house, burnt with fire; and all the skin came and had worship. After three months off, and they were one great wound. spent in this way, she was taken ill After remaining at that place about and sent for a doctor. In a few days five months, they took the teacher out the disease became violent, and she of fetters, and sent him to the head told us all to pray to God that she quarters of the army, to act as inter- might be wholly resigned to the divine preter.

will. We then continued diligently As to the teacheress, from the day to pray and take care of her. After six the trouble came, she went about to or seven days more, she said that she the houses of government people, and could stay with us no longer; and have though she could not procure the re- ing given us directions how to remain, lease of the teacher, she got permis- and told us to take care of her little sion sometimes to visit him in prison. daughter and all the things, until the After two or three months, however, teacher should return, she died. that was prohibited. She then concil. One month after the teacheress died, iated the governor of the city, and ob- teacher Wade arrived from Bengal; tained an order to go about the town and in two months more, teacher sudand enter the prison occasionally, son returned from Ava. dressed like a Burman woman. Soon Afterwards I went to Bike, (Mergui) after, she was confined with a daugh- from a desire to preach the gospel to ter, and having somewhat recovered, those who had never heard, and io glothe prison being at a great distance rify the Lord Jesus Christ; and I from her house, she moved into a shed made a little beginning-I went about in the governor's yard, that she might to the houses and places of assembling, be near the prison; and there she and preached to all I met. I found cooked food for the teacher and took four or five who considered and desire care of him. When he was carried ed to believe: Others were not only off to Oung-pen-la, she followed for indisposed to believe, but desirous of the same purposes, and there re- abusing and beating me. Afterwards mained. On the teacher's being re. I returned, and with teachers Judson leased and sent to the army, she went and Wade, removed altogether to Mauback to her own house. There she lamying, where the inhabitants are became dreadfully ill, and lost her more numerous; and at this place, we mind, so that she talked at random. are laboring in missionary work. The As this crisis, through the mercy of teachers Wade and Judson have built God, teacher Price was released ; and a zayat each, in suitable places, and on his giving her medicine, she recov: preach to all they meet. I go about ed.

here and there, and try to do as well When the teacher was sent back as I can. Moung Shway-bay teaches from the army, he was not allowed to the girls to read, and at leisure times, live in his house ; but the north com- goes about in the same way. Teacher mandant of the palace took charge of Boardman has gone to Tavoy, and is him in his own house, to which the preaching there. teacheress also was removed, as soon

There are seven disciples living, as she was able ; and there they lived who did not come with us to Amherst, comfortably for about a month; after two of whom are women. Of the four which, the Burman government being that came, three are here; one of beaten and forced to pay money, we them, Mali Men-lay, is dead. The



following are new disciples :- Mah began to loathe bad company, drunk

, Nyo, , c above eighty years old ; Mee Aa, about led in mind, and commenced praying, thirteen, Moung Shway-bay's daugh- Thinks much about the Son of God, ter; Mah-ree, about twelve; Mee Nen- and says he loves him. Is grieved to yay, Mee Nen-mah and Mee Tan- see men go on in sin. He loves the goung, a little younger; Moung missionaries as God's people, and wishShway-pwen, and Moung Thah-pyoo, es to follow their ways. who have gone to Tavoy; Moung En, Oct. 6. Had a very interesting Moung Ian-loon, Moung Shway-pan, conversation with Kaneeda:

he seems Mah Doke's husband, Moung Dwah, to feel the depravity of his hoart, and Mc Donald, a Hindoo; little Moung to appreciate the value of the atoneIan-loon, and Ko Myat-kyau—in all ment of Jesus. Says he can trust in seventeen. And there are many oth- the Saviour, loves him, and wishes to ers who are considering, and who will know all his will, that he may serve become disciples. Ko Myat-kyau's el. him more exactly. He says he has der brother, and wife, and other rela- talked with his sisters about the ways tions, were opposed to it, and persecuted of God. They were willing to hear, him greatly; but he bore it patiently; and thought it good. and now they are somewhat reconcil- Jan. 6, 1829. Received a letter ed. Two of the girls have been beat- from Sugg Fort, of Port Royal, enen by their mothers. Mee Nen-mah's closing sixteen dollars, to be applied mother said, when she beat her, "Ha, towards circulating portions of scripyou, a religion in which you cannot ture, hymns, &c. in the Cherokee lantell lies, what you take for Our race guage. I hope this example will be must buy and sell and get their living followed, that the poor Cherokees may by telling lies.” Mee lan-goung's read, in their own tongue, the wonmother said, “ Ha, I put you to learn derful works of God. to read and to sew only. Did I put Feb. 2. Kaneeda brought back a you with the teachers to take their re- little book I lent him, for two weeks, ligion?” And then she dragged her with a few chapters and some hymns by the hair and beat her. The Hin- in Cherokee. He said he had scarcedoo, Mc Donald, when he was bap- ly got a sight of it ; his wife, and sister, tized, having in his possession certain and some others, had been so engaged books which are contrary to the Scrip- in reading it, as to keep it constantly tures of the Lord Jesus Christ, brought occupied. There are many more who them all and threw them into the water. are equally desirous to read the word

But if I should write about all things of God. I trust the Lord will give it particularly, my letter would be too to them by some means. A small long; so I write a summary only. portion of the Scriptures will soon be Teacher Judson will translate into printed; and I trust the friends of the English. In the year of Christ 1828, Redeemer will furnish us the means the Burman year 1190, on the 10th of to circulate it in the dark recesses of the decrease of Wah-goung (Aug. 5th) these mountains. I could circulate at this letter is finished.

least a thousand copies, to persons who Translated from the original, which would rejoice to receive them. is forwarded berewith. A. JUDSON. The following letter to the Corres. Rey. Dr Bolles.

ponding Sec'ry, has just come to hand.

Valley Towns, June 17, 1829.

Rev. Sir,
Journals have been received from that the poor Cherokees, amidst the

I have much pleasure to inform you Rev. Evan Jones, of the Valley Towns, lowerings of Providence, as regards detailing events relative to that station; temporal prospects, are daily manifestextracts from which follow.

ing a more decided disposition to listen

to the overtures of grace. July 29, 1828.

Kaneeda gave a On Sabbath day, June 14, two of very refreshing account of a change them, Kaneeda and his wife, neither which has taken place in his mind. of whom have any knowledge whatThe first thing that excited his atten- ever of the English language, gave us tion was hearing of the sufferings of an account of a work of grace on their the Son of God, for men. Then be minds, and the happy change it had

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