Maria, my love! Do you long for the grove? Does e'er a kind thought run on me as you rove Your name from the shepherds whenever I hear My bosom is all in a glow; Your voice when it vibrates so sweet thro' mine ear, My heart thrills-my eyes overflow. Ye Powers of the Sky, will your bounty divine Indulge a fond lover his boon? Shall heart spring to heart, and Maria be mine, Alone by the light of the Moon? Oh, Sleep! tho' banish'd from those eyes, In visions fair to Delia rife; And o'er a dearer form diffuse Thy healing balm thy lenient dews. Blest be her night as infants rest, 6 Remove Remove the terrors of the night, The phantom-forms of wild affright, The shrieks from precipice or flood, And starting scene that swims with blood. Lead her aloft to blooming bowers, And beds of amaranthine flowers, And golden skies, and glittering streams, That paint the paradife of dreams. Venus! present a lover near, And gently whisper in her ear His woes, who, lonely and forlorn, Counts the flow clock from night till morn. Ah! let no portion of my pain, Save just a tender trace, remain ; Afleep consenting to be kind, And wake with Daphnis in her mind. D 34 M ARIA bright with beauty's glow The pride of all the Park: Attracted groupes in filence gaze, In Fancy's airy chariot whirl'd, You make the circle of the world, And dance a dizzy round; The maids and kindling youths behold The Queen of Beauty crown'd. Where'er Where'er the beams of Fortune blaze, Or Fashion's whispering zephyr plays, Gay-glittering thro' a Summer's day, Before a Sun descends. Divorced from elegant delight, The vulgar Venus holds her night An alien to the skies; Her bosom breathes no finer fire, No radiance of divine defire Illumes responsive eyes. Gods! shall a fordid fon of earth Enfold a form of heavenly birth, An angel bless unconfcious arms? Unhallowed hands entwine? |