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By a letter from Mr. Slater, dated Thomas, Mich. Territory, June 11, we have received the painful intelligence that Mrs. S's. health is greatly impaired, and that her physician considers her case to be one of pulmonary consumption. There had of late been a conversion of one of

there is, generally, a pleasing reformation in progress in regard to benevolent effort, and foreign missions as well as other benevolent objects of the day, will shortly receive important aid, it is confidently believed, from the States beyond the mountains.

In Ohio and Indiana, the prospect

the Indians, by name Mokiehemeen, who is flattering. A redeeming spirit has was baptized April 26.



gone forth, which will soon give them a prominent place in the active ranks of Zion, and show that they are not the least among the thousands of Israel.

During this itineracy, auxiliary

REV. ALFRED BENNETT TO THE Societies have been visited, encour


During the two years and five months which have elapsed since I entered upon the service of the Convention, I have presented to the Christian public the great object of this Society, to give the Bible to the world and the Gospel to every creature,—and have urged it upon their prayerful attention, more or less, in the States of Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut. In the latter State, however, the labor was rather incidental, and the time spent and labor performed were wholly gratuitous.

In Virginia, the interest expressed in behalf of Foreign Missions was worthy of the cause, and amply sus tained the high reputation which its inhabitants have long enjoyed.

aged and strengthened, and some new ones formed; but the chief labor has been expended in removing the rubbish, that the foundation might be laid for solid, permanent, and efficient efforts to be systematically put forth. The great object of the agent has been to diffuse information, and rouse up the energies of the soul in full view of the commission," Go teach all nations," and to show, that this high obligation rests upon the church, and that she is responsible, under divine direction and influence, for its fulfilment; that it grows out of the nature of religion in the soul, to love our neighbor as ourselves, and to seek the best good and happiness of all mankind; and that in doing this, we are called upon most imperatively to use to the best advantage all our time, talents, property and influence, to extend the knowledge of the Lord in all the earth, in agreement with our prayer,

The time spent in New Jersey was limited, yet sufficient to show that, in that comparatively small"thy kingdom come.” State, there are not wanting men nor In the prosecution of this work, means to make her an honored aux-much deep-rooted prejudice has been iliary in supporting and extending encountered, especially in the west, the objects of this Convention.

In Kentucky and Tennessee, about one year's labor has been performed with prospects of much good.

There are very many members of the household of faith in those States, who feel and pray and act, in some good measure, as Christians ought in view of the state of a ruined world.

And it is but justice to say that

arising partly from the misguided zeal of some who, in their ambition to do good, had appeared among the people as commercial agents, rather than ministers of God and servants to the church for Jesus' sake. Their anxiety to collect money had left an impression behind them that all the benevolent efforts of the day are a speculation, and that more dependence is placed upon money than

upon divine influence in the reforma- | a little church, adopting the summary of Christian doctrine and taking the engagetion of the world.

Much pains were taken to correct ment recommended by the Committeethis impression, and show the peo- and then we proceeded to commemorate ple that money can, and ought to be the dying love of our Saviour. It was a used religiously as well as other blessed season to my soul, and I trust to things; that the Gospel cannot be the souls of all present." "You will be preached effectually at home or abroad, nor the Bible printed and pleased also, I doubt not," he adds, "to circulated, without money; that the learn that I have had the happiness of bapsilver and the gold are the Lord's; tizing four individuals, in the name of the that we hold these things as stew- Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. ards; that he requires us to honor him This occurred at Versailles, the 12th inst. with our substance; that he loveth a two days after the formation of our little cheerful giver; and that the end will flock. Br. Dusart was present, and took a be according to the work, since he part in the exercises. The scene was an that soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly, but he that soweth boun- interesting and profitable one to all present, and will, I trust, be the means of protifully shall also reap bountifully. moting essentially the piety of our brethren and sisters.”

The following table shows the time spent in each State, as near as it can be ascertained, with the amount collected.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Tennessee 14 weeks,

New York

Amount col.

1096 62.



By the ship Wm. Gray, from Calcutta, Feb. 11, which arrived at this port the 7th of last month, we have received further intelligence from our missionary brethren in Burmah. Beside the letter of Mr. Judson, which we give below, and other communications that must be reserved for

13 66 Scattering, It will be seen by this statement a future number,-a journal of Mr. Kinthat the raising of money was not caid has come to hand, bearing date Dec. the leading object of this agency. 10, a month later than any previously It was shown, however, while the forwarded by him, from which we perglory of God was urged as the great ceive that his life and liberty and usemotive to action, that all who love fulness are still prolonged by the kind God supremely and their neighbors providence of God, and that "so far as as themselves, will consecrate their he can learn, he will be permitted to remoney most cheerfully and liberally; main in peace, at least for the present."

to advance the cause of the Lord Jesus Christ in the world.

Recent Intelligence.



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Maulmein, Dec. 3, 1834.

Rev. and dear Sir,

Since last June, four members It gives us much pleasure to inform our readers, that a Baptist church has been have been added to the Maulmein Burmese church, which now conconstituted at Paris by the instrumentality sists of 84 communicants; two, to of our esteemed missionary, Mr. Will-the Newville Karen church; and marth, and several individuals subsequent-one, to the Chummerah Karen ly added to it by baptism. There are two cases of


In a letter dated Paris, May 21, he suspension from communion in the writes, "On the 10th inst. we constituted Burmese church, and several in the

Chummerah, some of which will, I to Rangoon, a few at a time, and

fear, terminate in final exclusion, as soon as a missionary can investigate them on the spot. There are a few applicants for baptism at all the stations.

Rangoon Karens.

In April, 1833, Ko Thah-byoo, the missionary pioneer among the Karens at Tavoy and this place, was sent to Mau-bee, a Karen district north of Ringoon, and in the course of the year reported about thirty hopeful inquirers-five of whom received baptism at the hands of Ko Thah-a, pastor of the church in Ran


solicit baptism at the hands of br. Webb. Some of them have taken this advice; and the whole number of baptized Karens, north of Rangoon,including the first five, is thirtythree. Br. and sister Howard have

just sailed for that place; and to his communications and br. Webb's, I must refer the Board, for further information from that most interesting department of missionary labor.

Revision of the Old Testament.

As for myself, I have been almost entirely confined to the very tedious work of revising the Old Testament. The revision of about one half is completed, and the books from I Samuel to Job inclusive have been should have put the 1st volume to printed in an edition of 2000. We press some time ago, had we not been obliged to wait for paper, the London paper not matching the has arrived, br. Hancock contemAmerican, and now, though paper

Testament till his return.-I am the ably re-commence printing the Old from having just received a complete more satisfied with this arrangement, set of Rosenmüller on the Old Testament, and some other valuable works, in studying which I am very desirous of going over the whole ground once more.

At the close of the year we sent Taunah, Pallab, and two younger assistants, to the aid of Ko Thah-byoo. They returned after a stay of about three months, and gave a still more encouraging account of the state of religious inquiry in that quarter. Soon afterwards, we dispatched Pallah and three younger assistants. Tau-nah was obliged to remain with Miss Cummings, in charge of the Chummerah station plates going to America for new Pallah and his company spread founts of types in several languages, themselves over the district of Mau- and br. Cutter has gone on another bee, and each one acted as school-visit to Ava, so that we shall not probmaster and preacher in his own circle, for the space of seven or eight months. On their return they reported several hundred hopeful inquirers,out of whom two hundred and ten had made the three several applications for baptism and been examined and approved by Pallah and company in council with the previously baptized, but were obliged to wait for want of an administrator of the ordinance, Ko Thah-a in Rangoon having become so timid, in consequence of being imprisoned, fined and otherwise abused, as not to venture to appear so publicly as once, in the character of a propagator of the new religion. On receiving this report, we at first thought of ordaining Pallah pastor of the churches in Mau-bee; but considering again that br. Webb was in Rangoon, and a missionary to the Rangoon Karens daily expected, we concluded to defer that measure, and advise those who desired baptism to come down

Notices of other Stations.

The Chummerah station has been left vacant by the lamented death of dear sister Cummings, of which I have already given some account in a letter to her former pastor, the Rev. Mr. Butler. Br. and sister Vinton intend to depart for that station in a few days. The Mergui station has also been left vacant by the death of pastor Ing, one of our most faithful, most beloved assistants. None have been baptized there since br. Wade left. Though Ko Ing was faithful and laborious until death, it did not please the Lord to give him any present suc

cess. Mergui, however, has been well sown with gospel seed; and I have no doubt the seed will spring up and contribute to the abundance of some future harvest, and to the mutual joy of all the laborers, when the sower and the reaper shall rejoice together.

to square our accounts, we requested him to receive the usual allowance for the remaining two months of that year. He did so, and in acknowledging the receipt of the money, said that he regarded it as a special gift from Heaven. We then determined, though he declined any stated allowance, we would occasionally make him presents,—and br. Mason has sent him money two or three times, amounting, I believe, to about one third of his usual allowance. The following is an extract from the letter of a pious sergeant in the detachment, stationed at Mergui, dated Dec. 7, 1834.

None of the dear brethren and sisters, whose arrival gladdened our hearts the first part of this month, contemplate remaining here, except br. and sister Osgood, who are attached to the printing department. Beside those already mentioned, br. Wade is just leaving for Tavoy, and br. Comstock will take the earliest opportunity for commencing a mis- "I was with Ko Ing several times sion on the Arracan coast, southern during his illness, and commonly division. Having been required by took an interpreter with me; but, on the Board to select another mission-account of his extreme weakness ary for the Arracan coast, we have and deafness, I could say but little advised br. Simons to take the north- to him. Being anxious, however, ern division, for his share. We have to know his experience, I asked him done this the more readily, because a few questions, as follows:Mr. Fink, the country-born missionary from Serampore, stationed at Akyab, has been obliged to accept a situation under government for his support, and cannot, therefore, devote so much time as formerly to missionary labors.

On subjects connected with the printing department, the mission schools, and the European church, you will doubtless receive communications from other pens.

Quest. Do you wish to die, or not? Answer. I wish to die, if it is the will of God.

Q. Why do you wish to die? A. I shall go to heaven, and be happy.

Q. How do you know that you shall go to heaven?

A. I have read in the word of God, that those who serve him will go there; and my own breast tells me of it (placing his hand on his breast and looking up).

Q. How have you served God? A. By forsaking my wicked ways, and praying to him for forgiveness. Q. Do you think all this will take you to heaven?

A. Jesus Christ came down from above, and died for sinners,-and those that are sorry for, and forsake their sins, shall be saved, because Christ died for them.

Further notice of Ko Ing. During the last years of his life, he was supported from the donations of Mr. C. of New York. But at the close of Oct. 1833, he wrote, that on account of his unworthiness and want of success he declined receiving any further allowance; that his wife (of whose conversion he had been the means) was able, by keeping a small shop, to support the Q. You don't think, then, that family; but that he intended, how-your works and your own goodness ever, to devote himself, the same as will take you to heaven? before, to the work to which he had been called. Accordingly, the same letter reports his labors, and states his plans for future operations, which communication he continued to make till his death. In order, however,

A. No. All my works are but filthy rags.

He was so much exhausted, that I asked him no more questions. I think I told you in a former letter, that he had his coffin made, several

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Total, 168 341 162


Eight of the Burmese converts have been excluded, and two of the Karen, and several of both classes remain suspended.


br. and sister Wade and their as

A. Judson desires to present, through the American Baptist Magazine, his thanks to the many kind friends of himself and the mission, who have sent him, by the hands of sociates, various donations of wearSome of the articles are of great ing apparel, books, stationary, &c. value, and all of them are very acceptable, being such as he requires for daily use. The faces of the donors he knows not; but many of their names he has marked, and the notes and letters accompanying the presents have repeatedly called forth the tear of gratitude and love. The acquaintance thus commenced, though not personal, he expects will be perfected in that world, where there is no sea to separate friends, no barrier to impede the interchange of mutual love. And he rejoices in the belief, that every distant expression and recognition of fraternal affection here below will form an additional tie, binding heart to heart, in the world above; that every cup of cold water given to a disciple, will become a perennial stream, flowing on from age to age, and swelling the heavenly tide of life and gladness.

He would take this opportunity of saying to the friends of the mission, that no presents would be more acceptable than medicines, those of the most common kind. He would P. S. It may be gratifying to the friends of the mission, to have a cor-sicians and apothecaries, that any respectfully suggest to pious phyrect idea of the population of the province of Maulmein, that is, the package or box of medicines, however small, would ever be highly country under British rule, north of Yay and Tavoy. A new census has prized. And as he expects to be stationed for the present in Mauljust been completed; and the second mein, he would be most happy to be member of government has communicated to me the result, as follows:- of dispensing their bounty to his their almoner, and enjoy the privilege Town of Maulmein 15,000; sur- brethren and sisters at the several rounding country 30,000, of which 7000 are Karens. He added, that stations, who sometimes suffer in on account of the difficulty of taking quently see the natives, particularly their own persons, and more frea census of the Karen population, the poor Karens, suffering around the real number might be fairly estimated at 10,000; but that the other them, for want of the simplest, cheapest medicines. results of the census might be depended on as correct.

Maulmein, Jan. 3, 1935.

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