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(Continued from page 476, vol. xiv.) Protection from Robbers.

great rapidity, without saying a word. We then discharged a blunderbuss towards them, well loaded with powder, at which they slackened their pace, and altered their course, saying. "Do not fire at us; we only wish to caution you not to anchor here," and soon they were out of sight. There was not the slightest reason for them to have supposed we intended to anchor where we then were, as there was middle of the river, pursuing our course with all possible speed.

Dec. 22. Sabbath. Had worship in Burman as usual, conducted by Ko Sanlone. Passed one village and two towns, one of which, Phakhan-ghna, contained about two hundred houses, where we gave no village near, and we were in the

some tracts, and the disciples spent some time in exhorting. Was obliged to anchor at night, by the side of a large sand-bank, it being a long distance to any village. Notwithstanding the river is infested with robbers, particularly about this place, we were preserved in safety. We laid ourselves down and slept; we awoke; for the Lord sustained us."

23. Passed Za-la, a city containing about three hundred houses, where we gave about fifty tracts. Some listened with good attention, and I regretted I had not taken more

tracts to supply the numerous applicants. Passed two small villages, and anchored at Touk-Ryan, a village of twenty houses, standing at some distance from the river, and where no boats were anchored. We distributed a few tracts among them and the head-man sent us down a present of about fifty ears of green corn, and a pumpkin, and sent two men as a guard for the night. About midnight, two small boats full of men passed us at a distance, but


we were not molested.

24. Passed six villages, and anchored a little after 9 o'clock, at a village of twenty houses, not far from Pah-gan. About 8 o'clock, a small boat, full of men were seen by the light of the moon, making their way towards us. They shortly hailed us, by asking who we were, and what we were there for. Ko Sanlone asked who they were, and as they made no reply, but kept moving towards us, he told them not to come near our boat; at which they began to make towards us with

[blocks in formation]

took about half an hour to go through its numerous alleys and rooms, which are filled with images neatly set in

niches made for the purpose, both large and small. At each of the four entrances was a huge great image, standing erect, with the hands in different positions, before which some of the boatmen, who followed on after us, bowed down and mumbled over some petition. On rising from their knees, they appeared much ashamed and fused, as they saw we were looking on at a distance. The pagoda is made of brick and hewed stone, and the brick work neatly plastered over, inside and out: it is built strong, and looks as though it might stand for


centuries. One of the walls which I measured was about eight feet thick.

New encouragements.

The people were willing to listen, and appeared very anxious to get tracts. Distributed among them abont sixty. When bro. Kincaid was along here, the people were afraid to receive tracts. Anchored before dark at Nyoung-oo, a place of

large places, Goungh-gwai and Taloke, where we were well received, and distributed upwards of one hundred tracts.

three hundred houses. In one part hundred tracts, most of which, I of the town the people were afraid doubt not, will be read with attento take tracts, and at the other part tion and profit. Passed two more many appeared to be seriously considering, and collected togeth together, and requested that the tracts which they received from bro. Kincaid might be explained to them. They said 31. Since the above date we they had read them with care, but have passed a number of towns and did not fully understand their mean- villages, containing about fifteen ing. The disciples spent two or hundred houses, but as our tracts three hours with them, while the were nearly gone, we distributed but people paid the deepest attention. about one hundred, giving to those Trust the Lord has some chosen who apparently wanted them the ones here.

In that part of the town, where the people were afraid to take the books, I had most of the catechism read to a large number, who listened with attention, and afterwards several came up and asked for books.



This morning, sent off two of the men to Ava with a note, to inform bro. Kincaid that we were near the "Golden city." We hope to reach there to-morrow. How little did I expect, at the commencement of this year, that at the close of it I should be in the situation I now am! How

Dec. 26. Passed one large town some distance back from the river, and three small villages, and was obliged to anchor at an early hour at Pah-koke-koo, a large place of mysterious are the ways of Provififteen hundred houses, where we dence! I who am one of the gave away one hundred and ten youngest, the most feeble, and the

nost unworthy of the missionary band, am destined to one of the most important stations of the missionary field! The last day of this year finds ine near the capital of this great empire-the close of another year may find me in eternity! How solemn the thought! May the Lord enable

tracts, and preached Jesus Christ unto them. Several listened with deep attention, and one or two followed us down to the boat, and the disciples spent much time in endeavoring to instruct them in the ways of truth and holiness. I passed a number of brick-makers at work, and asked them for what purpose me, to fill up each day with usefulthey were making bricks. They ness, and whatever my hand findeth said, "To build a pagoda with." to do, to do it with all my might.

Arrival at Ava.

And what use is to be made of the pagoda when it is finished? They hung down their heads, apparently much confused, and said "We then came in sight of the towering spire

call it a god, and worship it." Will it possess life? "No." Why then worship it-what advantage will you derive from worshipping it? "It is Burman custom." I endeavored to explain to them the folly of such worship, and to point them to the true and eternal God.

28. Passed Myen-kyan, a town of two hundred houses, where were many who listened attentively to the truths of the gospel, and begged that they might hear more of these words. Distributed among them one

Jan. 1, 1834. About 10 o'clock,

of the Golden palace. On every side were to be seen numerous splendid pagodas, of almost every size. Some were a beautiful white, and others gilded from top to bottom.

About twelve o'clock, bro. and sister Kincaid made their appearance in a little boat. In a few minutes, we had the pleasure of welcoming them on board, and they the pleasure of realizing, that in a few hours they should have fellow-laborers (at least in name,) in the interesting field, where he had so prayerfully, boldly

Missionary Register.

Very truly yours,

and successfully made an attack the time is not far distant, when
upon the empire of darkness, and has heralds of the cross, will be stationed
had the happiness of seeing some of at these destitute places, and the
the trophies of divine grace, publicly bread of life broken to the perishing
espousing the cause of the blessed thousands.
Redeemer. We fell upon our knees,
and unitedly offered up our grateful
acknowledgements to our Divine To Rev. Dr. BOLLES.
Protector and Preserver, for his kind
watch-care over us, since we had
been separated, and for the abundant
manifestations of His goodness to-
wards us.


Ava, Feb. 15, 1834.

Rev. and very dear Sir,

From journals and letters which About sunset we landed, and entered through the gates into the I have forwarded to you, during the "Golden city." Her walls are made eight months now past, the Board of brick, immensely thick, and the will learn the state of things in Ava, houses of wood. The streets are as well as I amable to describe them. not paved, and hundreds of Burman It has been an object with me, to carts constantly passing and repass- avoid unnecessary publicity in the ing, keep a cloud of dust in circula- discharge of my duties; while, on tion, from morning till evening. the other hand, I have not disguised

This, together with the smoke, which rises in every direction, (as most of the Burmans cook in the street,) must render walking or living, on one of the public streets of Ava, almost intolerable; especially in the hot season, when the thermometer rises to 108 and 110 in the shade. Arrived at our house about dark. It is situated on one of the most public streets, and not a great distance from the palace.

We felt thankful, that we were thus brought on our way in safety, and humbly trust God, in his infinite mercy will long permit us to stay


Review of the Journey.

the object of my residence in Ava;
but have, whenever questioned by
the ministers of Government, frankly
told them that I was sent here by
good people in America, to teach
the knowledge of the living God;
and that no worldly object whatever,
influenced us in this work. Save
some prohibitions from an indirect
source, I have been permitted to
prosecute my labors, both in the
distribution of tracts, and preaching
the Gospel.

I think the time is not distant,
when the question will be finally
settled, "Shall we be permitted to
make vigorous efforts in the heart
of Burmah?" We must expect oc-
casional abuses, and perhaps some
open hostility. The history of the
churc', in all past ages, warrants us
to expect this. I do hope our dear
Christian friends in America will
not despair of accomplishing all that
for Burmah, which their hearts de-
sire. Let us have time to make a
fair trial, and I trust it will tell upon
this people through all coming time.
The door is now open, and I trust it
is never to be closed, till the last
vestige of idolatry is swept from the

Since we left Rangoon, we have
passed 415 cities, towns, and villages
containing 25,900 houses, which lie
scattered along the banks of the river,
and have distributed among the in-
habitants 7,185 tracts, which I doubt
not will hereafter be the means of
bringing forth much fruit, to the
praise and glory of Divine grace.
The Gospel has also been preached.
and the people exhorted, whenever
opportunity presented. There are
many places, which I should judge,
In a preceding letter, I informed
would be good missionary stations,
and where, I doubt not, a missionary you of the safe arrival of bro. and
would be cordially received. I trust sister Cutter. They have both been





with as little delay as possible, that I may not be under the necessity of sending again to Bengal; as medicines there, are three and four hundred per cent. higher than in America.

down with the fever and bowel com- in good glass stopper bottles, or plaint, but they are now enjoying they will soon be spoiled in this clitolerable health, and are getting mate. I hope they will be sent on along well in the language. Bro. Cutter has just got the press in operation, and it is known by the whole Government. A few days ago, the Government made objections to our work altogether, preaching, printing, and giving of tracts; but, after a while, being either afraid or ashamed of driving us out of the country, they relinquished all demands except one; that was, that we should give no more of the "Investigator" to the people. I consider, therefore, that we occupy higher ground than wees. It is heart-rending to hear the did before. The Government has lamentations of the people. The gates

indirectly given us liberty to preach, print, and give all our books except the Investigator.

I am sorry to say, that I have been under the necessity of sending to Bengal for medicines. The little I brought with me from America, has long since been expended; and, at different times, I have procured, with my own money, about sixty rupees worth of medicines; but the expense of living in Ava, puts it out of my power to purchase more. Seldom a day passes, but I am called upon to administer to the sick. Often, members of Government, and some of the princes, have called on me for medical aid. I would gladly be free from all such cares, but, situated as I am, it is not possible. While the curative remedy lies before me, I cannot withhold it from my suffering fellow-men. Besides that, the arm of beneficence extended to the suffering sick, opens the door more widely for the diffusion of that Gospel which brings life and immortality to light. I should have written much sooner, but, having seen advertised, that a quantity of medicine was on its way to Burmah, I hoped to receive a supply; not, however, hearing any thing more about it, I have ordered a small supply from Bengal; what I suppose will last ten or eleven months, I wish for a full chest of medicines, put up by some respectable physician, or well approved wothecary. They must be put up

This city is visited by the angel of death. The small pox broke out about one month ago, and has become an epidemic. We are informed by officers of Government, that five thousand seven hundred children are dead, besides all the other class

of the city are not shut at all, and the fires that consume the dead, burn day and night. The native physicians appear to be unskilled in every branch of their profession, except it be the act of plundering the people. They pay no attention to the course or symptoms of disease; but administer several poisonous vegetable nostrums, in rapid succession, calling upon the people to make offerings to the Nats.

Four persons in our house are now covered with the small pox; but I have kept away the native physician, and they are all doing well. In one house near us, three persons died in one day. In some houses, all are dead, four or five having died in a house.

Will you kindly remember me to the members of the Board, and to other Christian friends in and around Boston. We beg an interest in your fervent prayers, and ask for your continued advice.

Yours affectionately, in the Gospel of Christ,




The following letter gives a lively picture of a first year's residence among the Karens, and of the cheerful patience inspired by Christian principles in the heart of a devoted missionary.

Chummerah, Jan. 1, 1834.

Rev. and dear Sir,

One year has expired since my arrival in Burmah, some account of myself is justly due to those persons, under whose patronage I have been been brought hither. No regular journal has been kept of what I have done, or of what I have seen. The former may all be summed up in a single paragraph; and the latter is, for the most part, similar to that which is constantly written for your perusal, in the journals and letters of the missionaries. As to what I have heard, I am yet too great a novice in the language, to attempt recording a single debate.

nature. I soon began to feel, in some degree, their effects, but was not satisfied that there was sufficient cause to justify a removal. While I was deliberating, and inquiring what I ought to do, my Burman teacher was suddenly taken with the jungle fever, which shortly increased to such a degree, as to render him unable to help himself. I now saw, that, should I be seized in like manner, we should be in an evil case, there being no one to look to us but Karens, who know as little about nursing, as they do about the fine arts of polished society. All doubt respecting the path of duty being removed, on the morning of September 23d, I superintended the loading of the mission-boat, the rain descending in torrents; and, assigning to the sick man the best place, started, with ten or eleven other persons on board, about eight o'clock. The current being unusually rapid, and the tide being in our favor, as we drew towards Maulmein, we arrived in that city the same day, at even. There I remained till the 23d ult., when I once more ascended the Salwen, for this place, which I reached on the 27th ult. My time has been employed in studying the language, extending a little medical and other aid to the sick, and looking after the school, and other little concerns attending the station. These matters are trifling, as it respects the labor

Shortly after my arrival, I procured a Burman teacher, and commenced studying; and, after mature deliberation and consultation, thought it expedient to retire to this station, and here spend the dry season. The plan having met the approbation of the brethren, I left Maulmein on the 7th of February, and arrived at Chummerah the third day after. June 20, was taken ill; and, on the 23d, set out for Maulmein, to which place I arrived the day following. This course had been previously enjoined upon me, in case of sickness. Found my health so well restored by the change of air and diet, that I concluded to return, and attempt spending the remainder of the rainy season in the Karen jungle. Ac- I have bestowed about them. But

cordingly, I again entered the boat with the natives, who, in all my travels, are my only companions; and, after having been out three stormy nights, reached my lodging place in the wilderness, July 2d. My health continued tolerably good, till September, when the rains began to abate, and the sun to shine upou the earth, now fully saturated with water. The rays of the sun, in many respects, so cheering and beneficial in their influence, bring sickness and death to many of the poor wretches inhabiting these wilds. The exhalations they occasion from the putrefied substances which cover the whole region, are pestilential in their

the natives do much better with one of the mission, family with them, even though that one be a female, and unacquainted with their language, than they do when left to themselves, which must have been the case here, had I not resided among them.

The story of self has been short. I have encountered no great hardships, have achieved no wonders, and have been promoted to no worldly honors. Crosses, self-denials, sufferings, trials,-none have I to mention, worthy of the name. evils I anticipated, have not yet been realized; and a year, happier than has been the past, have I never secu.


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