6 When death shall come, thou wilt not leave My fpirit with the unjust man, Nor lay me in the loathsome grave With men of blood in vengeance flain.
7 Unjust devices fill their hands, Deceit, corruption, guilt, and blood; But my delights are thy commands, My hopes are caft on thee, my God. $ By thine uprightness, Lord! fustain'd, I thine upholding prefence feel; And when thine heavn'ly courts I've gain'd, I shall to thee adoring kneel.
• Jehovah the Protector.
I GOD is my light and Saviour too,
Then wherefore should my fpirit fear?
My life, my ali, to him I owe, And never will his aid defpair.
2 In vain have unjust men arofe, And thought to seize their helpless prey; Jehovah fpake, and all my foes On wings of fear difpers'd away. 3 Should hofts against my life encamp, My heart upheld shall fear no dread; To arms they thout, the fight's began, Still on my God my trust is stay'd.
4. Hear my intreaty, O my God! And grant me all my heart's defire, Then shall I live in thine abode, And at thine oracle enquire.
5 Then in affliction's dreadful day, A fafe retreat my foul shall find, Till ev'ry danger's pass'd away, And funk to calm the stormy wind.
6 Thou wilt exalt me from distress High over all my enemies; And in thy courts I thee shall bless, And pay my vows and facrifice.
7 Then gratefully I shall rejoice, And praife, All Bountiful! thy name, To rapture raise my tuneful voice, Whilft all thy mercies I proclaim.
I will not leave thee, nor forsake thee.
HEAR me, Jehovah, when I fpeak, And anfwer thro' thy boundless grace, All my heart faith, Jehovah feek, Yes, Lord! I ought to feek thy face. 2 Thou wilt not hide thy face from me, Nor from me in thine anger turn; My foul fupported, Lord, by thee, Shall never more thine absence mourn.
3 My kind Protector, thou wilt not, In my distress thy fervant leave, Tho' parents may their child forget, My God will always me receive. 4 Thy precepts teach, thy word make known, Guide me in truth's all-perfect way, My God, I am to error prone,
O cause thy ftrength to be my stay.
5 Thou wilt not yield to the defire Of my furrounding enemies; They with falfe witnesses confpire, Against my life and fame they rife. 6 My trembling foul I caft on God, That I my Saviour's face may fee Before I crof's death's darksome flood, And life and all its pleasures flee.
7 Servants
7 Servants of God, dåre to be bold,
He will make strong each upright heart, That you the Saviour may behold, And never from his truth depart.
Judgment is thine, O Lord!
1 MY God! my rock! to thee I cry,
Lest, shouldst thou not contrive for me,
Amongst the dead my foul should lie, Who with thy purifier be:
Therefore I look unto thy throne,
And make my wants and weakness known.
2 Thou wilt not cast me into hell, With lab'rers in iniquity, Whose hearts with pride and falsehood swell, Mischief and fell hypocrify;
Their unjust acts thou wilt regard, And all their evil deeds reward.
3 Just as they have to others done,
Thou wilt their treachery repay; Thy mighty hand they would not own, Nor mark thy providential way; But they shall fee thy mighty hand, Swept by destruction from thy land.
4 My God! thou hast my foul upheld, Haft heard, and ftill will hear my pray'r, My strength, my confidence, and shield, My Great Protector, ever near; In thee my heart exults for joy, Whift grateful fongs my lips employ.
5 Immortal God, Thou Great Supreme, Wilt by thy Chrift falvation caufe,
He all from error will redeem,
And they shall love and keep thy laws. O hafte to fave thine heritage, And now commence thy glorious age.
Creation glorifieth Jehovah by Obedience,
IVE fons of God, his might proclaim, Worship the glorify'd and strong; Prostrate and magnify his name,
For all your pow'rs to him belong. 2 His voice refoundeth o'er the deep, When his tremendous thunder roars, And when his mighty tempefts sweep, And lash, old Ocean's distant shores.
3 Jehovah then his might declares, With folemn majesty he speaks; The awful found Lebannon hears, Whilft it his lofty cedars breaks. 4 Jehovah's thunder louder roars, The gloomy woods like heifers leap, Tremble the mountain's Heaven-capt tow'rs, And dance their vast unweildy heap. 5 Thy voice the lightning's flame divides, They pierce th' extenfive defert thro', The livid terror swiftly glides, And lays the mighty forests low.
6 Or strips obedient to thy word, The forests of their leafy pride; Thy voice is by the Heav'ns heard, By fwift obedience glorify'd.
7 Above the floods is plac'd thy throne, Thee King all nations shall confefs, Thy fervants shall thy strength make known, And with thy reconcilement bless.
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Health, Strength, and Peace, are from Jehovah. BLESS my God with grateful voice, And own his kind, preserving care,
My foes o'er me shall not rejoice, For he attends my ev'ry pray'r: He keeps my body from the grave, And will from hell my spirit fave.
Sing to him of abounding love,
Give thanks rememb'ring of his name; His wrath shall but a moment prove, Whilft endless years his love proclaim. Weeping may tarry for a night, But pleafure comes with morning light.
3 My heart, too confident, hath faid, " I never shall thy kingdom lofe, "Thy strength so strong my foul hath made, "To fight, and vanquish all my foes : "But foon thy prefence me forfook, " And all my foul with horror fhook."
4 Jehovah! unto thee I flee,
I feel this mortal frame decays, And can my duft give thanks to thee? Can it thy faithful mercies praise ? Pity, my God! attend my pray'r, And take my life beneath thy care.
5 Praise ye the Lord! 'Tis he that turns My tears unto mirth's festive found; No more my body fickness mourns, By him inclos'd with health around: And I shall praise his facred name, My God, I shall thy love proclaim.
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