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When Ko Sanlone was released, Iceiving religious instruction; others sent Moung Shwa Thah that I were children, and lived with us as might ascertain all that had been ex- scholars. Two of these Karen lads pended, and to my astonishment I have remained with us, and we hope learned that his wife had given in are daily receiving instruction, which presents, an amount nearly equal to will be to them a rich treasure, not 200 rupees, in addition to the above to be extorted from them by their 60. This no doubt she did with good oppressive rulers. We have just intentions, but under the influence heard from the Karens in the jungle. of misguided feelings. When Ko The recent flame of persecution has Sanlone came to see me, he said he extended its influence to them. A was very happy when in prison, but ruler of one of the Karen villages, now he had much trouble when he (a Karen,) told his Burman lords, as thought that there was so much ex- they were endeavoring to establish pense incurred on his account. He their own religion by the cruel hand did not know that it was so till he of oppression, that if they wished to was released. Now he had no kill all of the Karens, they might kill money, and no property but his chil- them, but they were resolved that dren, and he did not know but he they would no longer worship Nats. must sell them. He was once in We also learn, that the amount of good circumstances as to worldly fines paid by the Karens is about possessions, and has sacrificed all 600 rupees. One of these had been for Christ. Perhaps what I have fined 60 rupees once previously, said with regard to his wife, may not during the present year, for worshipgive a correct impression, as I stat-ping the true God. ed that the expenses which she incurred were for presents. They may not all appear to be strictly such, as I found in the list of expenses sent me, items like the following--" paid to two secretaries, each 20 rupees." These and other similar items, if not considered as presents were, at least to some extent, gratuitous, although she probably did not so regard them.-I believe that every professed disciple that the rulers could find in Rangoon, has been fined. Fifteen rupees is the lowest fine I have heard of. Some of the disciples ran away to the jungle, and have not since been seen. All Rangoon were afraid to come near our house. We have not yet been able to employ a teacher. We have with us three Karen lads and a Burman, who were British subjects, having come from Maulmein. These I can employ as I please, and the people dare not meddle with them. There are two Burman subjects, to whom Mrs. H. was giving English instruction, who have not forsaken us. Eight Rangoon Karens were taken, imprisoned, fined and sent home to the jungle. They were fined from 10 to 100 rupees. Some of these came for the purpose of re

Since I commenced writing this letter, Ko Sanlone has called on me. He says that when in prison, the Seet Keh pressed him hard to renounce his religion, and worship Gaudama, telling him repeatedly that he would kill him if he would not promise to do so. When he refused compliance, the Seet Keh, with very angry tones, would repeat his threats, telling him that he was a fool for refusing to make such a promise, since that would procure his release, and then he could do as he pleased. Ko Sanlone told him, that though it were to save his life, he could not utter a falsehood; that he could not worship a being as God, which he did not believe to be such, and therefore he could not promise to do so.

Yesterday, Moung En, a Maulmein Chistian who has been with br. Kincaid during the past year, arrived here from Ava. He is willing to stay with me a while, and as I need a teacher and he has been some accustomed to teaching, I have thought it best that he should tarry, at least till I could obtain the minds of the brethren on the subject. Since he is a British subject, he says he should

not fear to preach and give tracts here, should I advise him to do so. The Burmans begin to call on us a little, their orders to the contrary notwithstanding.-I do not expect br. Webb's return short of eight or ten weeks. We are making a little progress in the Karen language, and hope to be in the jungle the next dry season. We are enjoying good health, and rejoice, that through the mercy of our God we are permitted to labor in this field as your missionaries.

important, yet we shall not be benefited unless we know more about it. Upon this, these three aged men resolved to come to Rangoon, and inquire for themselves, and for the information of others. Let those who learn such facts, judge whether truth, sent abroad through the medium of tracts, is calculated to benefit the perishing in Burmah.



P. S. Ko Sanlone has informed EXTRACTS FROM THE JOURNAL OF us, that while the rulers had promised us that they would release him, they were announcing to his wife, their intentions to kill him, and that her presents would be at least the only means whereby he could be released. I mention this, so that her motives for doing as she did, may more fully appear.




In the N. Y. Baptist Register there is letter of the same date as the above, and detailing essentially the same occurrences, with the addition of the following interesting incident, illustrating the

Usefulness of Tracts.

The Karen village nearest this place is probably 15 or 20 miles distant, or, as they say, about a day's journey. A few days since, three of them came to us, trembling under the weight of years, to inquire what they must do to be saved. They had come five days' journey—had never seen a Christian, or a Christian book, in all their long lives-but had been directed to us by some Burmans, who happened on some business to go where they lived, and told them that they had seen some books (tracts) that professed to tell about an eternal God, who made all things, and the way to obtain eternal happiness. They told them, also, that the men who gave these tracts lived at Rangoon, and were teachers. This excited the attention of the neighborhood. Thought they, this is vastly

Passage from Amherst to Pinang. Dec. 13, 1834. Ship Cashmere anchored at Amherst. After a stay of nearly one week, which has greatly improved our health, and refreshed our spirits, we took leave of our dear friends at Maulmein, at 1 o'clock, P. M., and arrived here about midnight. The separation from those who have constituted a majority of our ship-family, and whose society has so largely mitigated the evils of a protracted sea-voyage, and from others of whom we have often heard with our ears, and now have seen with our eyes, is peculiarly trying to our feelings. The parting address and the falling tear, reminded us of the time when we stood on our native shores, and said farewell to the friends and the home of our youth. But we look forward with pleasure and animating hope to our labors on earth, and the society of heaven.

14. Sabbath morning. Though our attending circumstances are painful, still, this day and the God of this day, are, in all places and at all times, subjects of pleasing contemplation. We look ashore, and see a God of glory in the sun, which sheds its light upon pagan temples, that rise from the margin of the waters, and the summit of the hills. We turn our eyes around the floating habitation we have so long occupied, and, seeing the places of our friends now left vacant, we are led anew to repair to that friend, "who sticketh closer than a brother." We

have found his society precious in our services this morning.

we had nothing for him, but some old American papers, which we received from the "Sumatra" just after we sailed from Boston.

15. At 2 o'clock, P. M., we took a pilot on board, but being unaccustomed to manage ships as large as this, he did not succeed in taking us out of the harbor; and at low water we found ourselves flat in the mud, headed towards the land, with the edge of the water several yards astern. There is danger of the prostration of our masts; and whether we shall be relieved from this condition without damage to ourselves, or to the ship, is to us a serious ques-dations, when he was disposed to tion.

16. On the returning tide, we found ourselves afloat again, and, taking in a new pilot, succeeded in clearing the harbor, and cast anchor for the night.

19. After coasting along about three days, at 1 o'clock this afternoon we came to anchor off the Irrawaddy, about 50 miles from Rangoon, and felt much disappointed in not being allowed to visit the town.

21. After enjoying a day of rest, our company have now unfurled their sails to the wind, and directed their course toward Singapore.

31. We are now in sight of Pinang. At 12 o'clock, two Malay boats came off to us, with fruits and vegetables. There was a great struggle, to see which should reach us first, and, coming on board nearly simultaneously, a clamorous altercation between the parties ensued, during which the head man of one company lost his book of recommen

accede to almost any conditions of peace. Finally, the "Salam Box " was passed between the head men, and the difficulty amicably settled.

On this, the last day of the year, many reflections of an interesting and important character very naturally arise. I have, during the closing year, left the friends and privileges of the land that gave me birth. I have spent half a year on the restless ocean, and I have bid farewell to some of the mission fraternity with whom I have been associated for years. I have been favored with many privileges for spiritual enjoyment and deeds of usefulness which have been but poorly improved. I have been allowed to form many new and valuable acquaintances, while the ties that have bound me to old ones have been strengthened by the prospect of a remove from their society, and I have entered into domestic, social and religious relations altogether new and replete with responsibility.

22. Our religious services on board, are to us interesting, and secure the attention of most of the ship's company. On Sabbath days, we have preaching in the morning, and a sermon read by br. Bradley in the afternoon. For our evening exercises, we have commenced with the first Epistle to the Corinthians, and give a concise exposition, with some practical remarks on a single chapter at each evening. The sai- I desire here, to find a buryinglors seem better disposed to receive place for my sins, and to commence religious counsel, if it be attended the new year with new feelings, new with instruction. We find this ex-purposes and new devotion to God, ercise connected with many advan- and spend my remaining years, if tages to ourselves. such I enjoy in time, so that they 24. Lat. 8° 24' North. This may result in glory to myself and morning we met the ship "India," others, and to the glory of Him who Capt. Webster, two years from Eng-hath called me into his service. land. She took her last cargo from How soon the period will arrive Calcutta to New South Wales, from which place she has been out 90 days. The captain sent a boat off to us for some news-papers, supposing that we were from Calcutta, but

when the work of time will be ended! how soon the momentary sufferings of earth will be lost in the unending pleasures of eternity-where no revolving seasons mock the suc

The native inhabitants, as in all other parts of India, are treacherous and indolent. The Chinese are a little in the advance of the rest in point of civilization, and are the chief mechanics of the place.

"Beach Street" is the principal

cessive periods of man's mortalityno changes of time or place will rob him of his associates and his homeno sickness feed upon his person or his friends-no sins to sadden his heart and no fears of the future to destroy his peace for the present! Jan. 1. For a New Year's break-in the town, extending one mile in a fast, we had fresh beef, rice, sweet direction parallel with the water's potatoes, fresh butter, baker's bread, edge, and lined on each side with milk, &c. &c. This supply was one continued block of brick buildbrought from Pinang, by Malays. ings, the basements of which are occupied as shops, and the upper loft as dwellings.

Description of Pinang.

At 12 o'clock, we came to anchor Within two miles of the water's near the town, and the Rev. Mr. Dyer having learned that there were mis-edge, there is a line of hills, rising sionaries on board, came and invited 250 feet above the level of the surus all to accept the provision which rounding plains. On these hills are had been kindly made for us on shore. several houses prepared for the acMrs. Dean and myself were introdu- commodation of invalids, which, with ced to the family of Mr. Gottlieb, the pure atmosphere and delightwhere we were furnished with every ful scenery, renders this elevation thing which might conduce to health a healthful and delightful retreat. and enjoyment.

The houses here are two stories high, with four-sided roofs, and built of brick. As a substitute for glass, they use Venitian windows, which constitute more than three fourths

On the sides and summit of these hills are extensive spice plantations, in a state of high cultivation. The productions of a single plantation on the island amount to ten rupees per month!


of the walls of the house. The Brethren Beighton and Dyer, streets are regular and broad. The missionaries of the London Missionroads which lead into the country, ary Society, have been laboring here, are kept in fine repair by the conthe former sixteen years, and the victs, who are sent here from the latter eight. Mr. B. is engaged in countries adjacent.-The island of the Malay department, and Mr. D. in Pinang is four or five miles wide, the Chinese. They have schools in and fourteen in length. It contains successful operation, and conduct a population of about 30,000. (70, religious worship in each department. or 80 English, 2 or 300 Burmans, a A spirit of attention is excited, and few Siamese, some Bengalese, 10,- the rising race are becoming enlight000 Chinese, and the remainder Ma- ened; but they are not prepared to lays.) report any decided converts to the Christian religion.

The productions, are Nutmegs, Cloves, Coffee, Indigo, Pepper, Sugar-cane, Rice, Yams, Plantains, Sweet potatoes, Betel and Cocoa Nuts, &c. Garden vegetables are abundant, and fish and fowl are procurable to satiety. Wheat is brought from Bengal, and furnishes good bread.

The island was settled by the English in 1810, and is subject to the East India Company, whose headquarters are at Bengal.

*A German, and a civil officer.

They have a convenient house for worship, where they preach to the English every Sabbath day. In this they have a church organ, whose melodious notes reminded me of my native land.

There is on the island an old Burman temple; but from neglect, it is fast going to ruin-but not so fast as those who there pay their religious


The Mahomedan temple is a spacious building, nearly 100 feet square and 30 or 40 feet high, built of gran

ite. Within, nothing is to be seen | kindness of Mr. Moore-(a graduate but the arched roof, the naked walls of an English university,) with whom and a few blind Mahomedans pros- I take lodgings for the first night. trating themselves upon their mats, Thus the Lord is raising up for us as an act of devotion.-In order friends wherever we go. to gain admission into this temple, I was obliged to "pull off my shoes from my feet," in conformity to their prejudices.

Malacca-Arrival at Singapore. 9. We left Pinang on the 6th inst. and having a fine wind, we passed in sight of Malacca early this morning. We are informed that Malacca is a

15. This morning Mr. Tracy was married to Miss White. The ceremonies were read by the Rev. Mr. Darrah, (chaplain of the established church.) This was necessary, timation of the English community. in order to a legal marriage in the es


26. After attending to the necessary preliminary business, I have at retired place, containing fewer in-length seated myself by the side of habitants than Pinang, but made up to learn something of this difficult Chinese teacher, and hope soon of the same races of men. repeating after him the sounds of language. I have commenced by the radicals, and a few colloquial work with more pleasing hopes, or phrases. I never commenced any desires for success. stronger

Mr. Tomlin has discontinued his services for the London Missionary Society, but is still engaged in missionary work. Mr. Evans now has charge of the "Malacca College."

11. Sabbath. At 12 o'clock we came in sight of Singapore, as we were sailing amidst the rocks at the rate of 8 or 9 miles an hour, and came to anchor near the town at 1,

P. M.

Though interrupted on account of the difficult sailing, and the excitement consequent on our near approach to the place, where, for the present, we expect to find a home, we were enabled to compose our thoughts and assemble our persons for the purpose of giving praise to that Being, who had kindly guarded us from the dangers of the deep, and given us the consolations of his Spirit. We had preaching on one part of the day, and Dr. Bradley read a sermon on the other.-After service Messrs. Tracy and Parker came on board, and Miss White returned with them to Singapore.

27. This afternoon I went up to government hill, which affords a commanding view of the whole town line extending round its base, inand shipping. The hill, within a cludes 20 or 30 acres of ground. On the summit stands the Governor's residence, and in the rear is a line of low buildings, inhabited by his


Feb. 5. Among our patients who ance, we had this morning one case daily come to us for medical assistof regular "Elephantiasis."

Here follow the extracts inserted in our

last number, relative to the sickness and death of Mrs. Dean.

We subjoin a few additional entries with which the Journal closes.

Chinese Junks-Tracts distributed. March 12. This afternoon I have 12. At 8 o'clock, A. M., two na- visited six Chinese junks, and distive boats came along side and took tributed about one thousand pages us, with our goods and chattels, to of Chinese tracts. Two of the Singapore, where we were kindly junks were from Siam, one from entertained by Mr. Balestier, (Amer- Hainan, and three from Canton. ican consul,) who at dinner congrat- Most of them had been here from ulated himself on having nine Amer- one to five months, but one had just icans at his table at once. He and arrived from Canton, and was exposhis worthy lady made us feel happying her cargo for sale. Of this each and at home at our arrival. No less man on board, (about thirty in all,) can be said of the hospitality and was a proprietor, and each had near

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