877 10th P. M. 8 lines 8s. Forgiveness implored. How shall a lost sinner in pain, If still thou art able to save,- 878 Vain repentances. С. М. TIMES without number have I pray'd, Relapsing when thy hand was stay'd, 2 Yet now the kingdom of thy peace, Lord, to my heart restore; Forgive my vain repentances, And bid me sin no more. 879 1st P. M. 6 lines 8s. Resolution to return. VES, from this instant, now, I will My base ingratitude I feel; 2 Guide of my life hast thou not been, 3 If thou hast call'd me to return,- 880 H The wanderer returning. OW oft this wretched heart 2 Yet mercy calls,-Return; 3 Thy love, so free, so sweet, 881 JESUS Restored by grace. if thy free grace Again hath raised me up, And call'd me still to seek thy face, Thy timely help afford, Thy loving-kindness show; S. M. S. M. 2 By me, my Saviour, stand, In sore temptation's hour; O save me with thine out-stretch'd hand, And show forth all thy power. Be mindful of thy word; Sufficient grace bestow; O keep me, keep me, gracious Lord, And never let me go. 3 Give me a holy fear, And fix it in my heart; Be every sin abhorr'd, Till thou destroy the foe; 882 0 S. M. Rejoicing in Christ's restoring love. 2 And dost thou deign to own And may I still approach thy throne, And Abba, Father, cry? 3 My Saviour, by his word, Hath turn'd my night to day; And all those heavenly joys restored, Which I had sinn'd away. 4 I wonder and adore: The grace is all divine: 883 LORD and is 12th P. M. 76, 76, 78, 76. Tears of joy. thine anger gone, And art thou pacified? After all that I have done, Dost thou no longer chide? Let thy love my heart constrain, And all my restless passions sway: Keep me, lest I turn again Out of the narrow way. 2 To the cross, thine altar, bind 3 See my utter helplessness, 4 As the apple of thine eye, IN DELIVERANCE FROM TROUBLE. 884 0 The loving-kindness of the Lord. BLESS the Lord, my soul; S.M. And ransoms thee from death. 3 He clothes thee with his love,Upholds thee with his truth; And like the eagle he renews The vigour of thy youth. 4 Then bless his holy Name Whose grace hath made thee whole; Whose loving-kindness crowns thy days: O bless the Lord, my soul. 885 I Grateful acknowledgment. C. M. LOVE the Lord: he heard my cries, And pitied every groan: 2 I love the Lord: he bow'd his ear, |