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Send thy good Spirit from above,
To guide me, lest 1 stray.

6 O who can ever find

The ertors of his ways? Yet, with a bold presumptuous mind, I would not dare transgress.

7 Warn me of ev'ry sin;

Forgive my secret faults;
And cleanse this guilty soul of mine,
Whose crimes exceed my thoughts.

• While with my heart and tongue
I spread thy praise abroad;
Accept the worship and the song,
My Saviour and my God!


The book of nature and of scripture compared: or, the glory and success of the gospel.

1 THE heav'ns declare thy glory, Lord;
In ev'ry star thy wisdom shines;
But when our eyes behold thy word,
We read thy name in fairer lines.

2 The rolling sun, the changing light,
And nights and days thy pow'r confess,
But the blest volume thou hast writ,
Reveals thy justice and thy grace.

3 Sun, moon, and stars convey thy praise
Round the whole earth, and never stand,
So when thy truth began its race,
It touch'd and glanc'd on ev'ry land.

4 Nor shall thy spreading gospel rest,
Till thro' the world thy truth has run,
Till Christ has all the nations blest,
That see the light, or feel the sun.

5 Great Sun of Righteousness arise,
Bless the dark world with heav'nlylight;
Thy gospel makes the simple wise,
Thy laws are pure, thy judgments right.

• Thy noblest wonders here we view,
In souls renew'd and sins forgiv'n;
Lord, cleanse my sins, my soul renew,
And make thy word my guide to heav'n.


To the tune of the 113th Psalm. The book of nature and scripture. 1 GREAT God, the heav'n's well order'd

frame, Declares the glories of thy name; There thy rich works of wonders shine, A thousand starry beauties there, A thousand radiant marks appear,

Of boundless pow'r and skill divine.

2 From night to day, from day to night, The dawning and the dying light,

Lectures of heav'nly wisdom read; With silent eloquence they raise Our thoughts to our Creator's praise, And neither sound nor language need.

3 Yet their divine instructions run Far as the journies of the sun,

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5 I love the volumes of thy word:
What light and joy those leaves afford
To souls benighted and distrest!
Thy precepts guide my doubtful way,
Thy fear forbids my feet to stray,

Thy promise leads my heart to rest.

6 From the discov'ries of thy law,
The perfect rules of life I draw:

These are my study and delight;
Not honey so invites the taste;
Nor gold that hath the furnace past,
Appears so pleasing to the sight.

7 Thy threat'nings wake my slumb'ring
And warn me where my danger lies;
But 'tis thy blessed gospel, Lord,
That makes my guilty conscience clean,
Converts my soul, subdues my sin,

And gives a free but large reward.

8 Who knows the errors of his thoughts? My God, forgive my secret faults, And from presumptuous sins restrain: Accept my poor attempts to praise, That I have read thy book of grace, And book of nature not in vain. PSALM XX.

Prayer and hope of victory.
For a day of prayer in time of war.
1 NOW may the God of pow'r and grace
Attend his people's humble cry!
Jehovah hears when Isr'el prays,
And brings deliv'rance from on high.

2 The name of Jacob's God defends,
Better than shields or brazen walls;
He from his sanctuary sends
Succour and strength, when Zioncalls.

3 Well he remembers all our sighs;
His love exceeds our best deserts;
His love accepts the sacrifice

Of humble groans and broken hearts.

4 In his salvation is our hope,

And in the name of Isr'el's God Our troops shall lift their banners up, Our navies spread their flags abroad.

5 Some trust in horses train'd for war, And some of chariots make their boasts:

Our surest expectations are

From thee, the Lord of heav'nlyhosts.

6 [O may the mem'ry of thy name Inspire our armies for the fight!

Our foes shall fall and die with shame,
Or quit thefield with shamefulflight.]

And thus our dying Lord.)

(Thus David once in anguish spoke,

7 Now save us, Lord, from slavish fear; 2 Though 'tis thy chief delight to dwell

Now let our hopes be firm and strong,

Till the salvation shall appear,

And joy and triumph raise thy song.


Our king is the care of heaven.

1 THEking, O Lord, with songs of praise,
Shall in thy strength rejoice:
And, blest with thy salvation, raise
To heav'n his cheerful voice.

• Thy sure defence, thro' nations round
- Has spread his glorious name;
And his successful actions crown'd
With majesty and fame.

3 Then let the king on God alone,
For timely aid rely;
His mercy shall support the throne,
And all our wants supply.

4 But, righteous Lord, his stubborn foes
Shall feel thy dreadful hand;
Thy vengeful arm shall find out those
That hate his mild command.

When thou against them dost engage,
Thy just but dreadful doom
Shall like a fiery oven's rage,

Their hopes and them consume.

• Thus, Lord, thy wond'rous pow'r de-

And thus exalt thy fame;
Whilst we glad songs of praise prepare
For thine almighty name.

PSALM XXI. 1---9. [L. M.]

Christ exalted to the kingdom. -
1 DAVID rejoic'd in God his strength,
Rais'd to the throne by special grace;
But Christ the Son appears at length,
Fulfils the triumph and the praise.

2 How great is the Messiah's jov,
In the salvation of thy hand!
Lord, thou hastrais'd his kingdom high,
And giv'n the world to his command.

3 Thy goodness grants whate'er he will;
Nor doth the least request withhold;
Blessings of love prevent him still,
And crowns of glory, not of gold.

4 Honour and majesty divine
Around his sacred temples shine;
Blest with the favour of thy face,
And length of everlasting days.
5 Thine hand shall find out all his foes:
And, as a fiery oven glows
With raging heat and living coals,
So shall thy wrath devour their souls.

PSALM XXII. ver. 1---16.

РАКТ І. [С. М.]

The sufferings and death of Christ. I "WHY has my God my soul forsook, "Nor will a smile afford ?

Among thy praising saints,
Yet thou can'st hear a groan as well,
And pity our complaints.

3 Our fathers trusted in thy name,
And great deliv'rance found?
But, I'm a worm, despis'd of men,
And trodden to the ground.

4 Shaking the head they pass me by,
And laugh my soul to scorn;

" In vain he trusts in God, (they cry)
"Neglected and forlorn."

5 But thou art he, who form'd my flesh
By thine almighty word;
And since I hung upon the breast,
My hope is in the Lord.
6 Why willmy Father hide his face,
When foes stand threat'ning round,
In the dark hour of deep distress,
And not an helper found?


7 Behold thy darling left among
The cruel and the proud,

As bulls of Bashan, fierce and strong,
As lions roaring loud.

8 From earth and hell my sorrows meet
To multiply the smart;
They nail my hands, they pierce my

And try to vex my heart.

9 Yet if thy sov'reign hand let loose
The rage of earth and hell,
Why will my heav'nly Father bruise -
The Son he loves so well?

10 My God, if possible it be,
Withhold this bitter cup;
But I resign my will to thee,
And drink the sorrows up.

11 My heart dissolves with pangs un-

In groans I waste my breath;
Thy heavy hand has brought me down
Low as the dust of death.

12 Father, I give my spirit up,
And trust it in thy hand;
My dying flesh shall rest in hope,
And rise at thy command.

PSALM XXII. 20, 21, 27---31.
PART II. [C. м.]

Christ's sufferings and kingdom.
1 "NOW from the roaring lion's rage,
"O Lord, protect thy Son;
"Nor leave thy darling to engage
"The pow'rs of hell alone."

2 Thus did our suff'ring Saviour pray,
With mighty cries and tears;
God heard him in that dreadful day,
And chas'd away his fears.

3 Great was the victory of his death,
His throne exalted high;
And all the kindreds of the earth
Shall worship, or shall die.
4 & num'rous offspring must arise
From his expiring groans;
They shall be reckon'd, in his eyes,
For daughters and for sons.

5 Tue meek and humble souls shall see
His table richly spread;
And all that seek the Lord shall be
With joys immortal fed.

The isles shall know the righteousness
Of our incarnate God;
And nations, yet unborn, profess
Salvation in his blood.


Christ's sufferings and exaltation.
1 NOW let our mournful songs record
The dying sorrows of our Lord;
When he complain'd in tears and blood,
As one forsaken of his God.

9 The Jews beheld him thus forlorn,

And shake their heads, and laugh in


*"He rescu'd others from the grave:
"Now let him try himself to save.
"This is the man did once pretend;
"God was his Father, and his friend:
"If God the blessed lov'd him so,
"Why doth he fail to help him now?

4 Barbarous people! cruel priests!

How they stood round like savage beasts!

Like lions gaping to devour,

My heart and hope shall never fail,
For God my shepherd's with me there,

5 Amidst the darkness and the deeps
Thou art my confort, thou my stay;
Thy staff supports my feeble steps,
Thy rod directs my doubtful way.

6 The sons of earth and sons of hell
Gaze at thy goodness, and repine
To see my table spread so well,
With living bread and chearful wine

7 [How I rejoice when on my head
Thy Spirit condescends to rest!
'Tis a divine anointing shed
Like oil of gladness at a feast.
8 Surely the mercies of the Lord
Attend his household all their days =
There will I dwell to hear his word,
To seek his face and sing his praise.]


1 MY Shepherd will supply my need,
Jehovah is his name;

In pastures fresh he makes me feed,
Beside the living stream.

2 He brings my wand'ring spirit back,
When I forsake his ways;
And leads me, for his mercy's sake,
In paths of truth and grace.

3 When I walk thro' the shades of death,
Thy presence is my stay;
A word of thy supporting breath
Drives all my fears away..

4 Thy hand, in spite of all my foes,
Doth still my table spread;
My cup with blessings overflows,
Thine oil anoints my head.

Attend me all my days;

5 Theywound his head, his hands, his feet, Till streams of blood each other meet;

O may thy house be mine abode,
And all my work be praise!

By lot his garments they divide,

When God had left him in their pow'r. 5 The sure provisions of my God

And mock the pangs in which he dy'd. 6 There would I find a settled rest,

6 But God, his Father, heard his cry:
Rais'd from the dead, he reigns on high;
The nations learn his righteousness,
And humble sinners taste his grace.

God our Shepherd.

1 MY shepherd is the living Lord;
Now shall my wants be well supply'd;
His providence and holy word
Become my safety and my guide.

2 In pastures where salvation grows,
He makes me feed, he makes merest;
There living water gently flows,
And all the food divinely blest.

3 My wand'ring feet his ways mistake,
But he restores my soul to peace,
And leads me, for his mercy's sake,
In the fair paths of righteousness.

4 Tho' I walk thro' the gloomy vale,
Where death and all its terrors are,

(While others go and come) No more a stranger, or a guest, But like a child at home.


1 THE Lord my Shepherd is,
I shall be well supply'd;
Since he is mine, and I am his,
What can I want beside?

2 He leads me to the place

Where heav'nly pasture grows,
Where living waters gently pass,
And full salvation flows.

3 If e'er I go astray,

He doth my soul reclaim,
And guides me in his own right way,
For his most holy name.

4 While he affords his aid,

I cannot yield to fear;
Tho' I should walk thro' death's dark


My Shepherd's with me there.

3 In spite of all my foes,

Thou dost my table spread,
My cup with blessings overflows,
And joy exalts my head.

• The bounties of thy love
Shall crown my following days;
Nor from thy house will I remove,
Nor cease to speak thy praise.

Dwelling with God.

1 THE earth for ever is the Lord's,
With Adam's numerous race;
He rais'd its arches o'er the floods,
And built it on the seas.

But who among the sons of men,
May visit thine abode ?
He that has hands from mischief clean,
Whose heart is right with God.
3 This is the man may rise and take
The blessings of his grace;
This is the lot of those that seek
The God of Jacob's face.

4 Now let our souls' immortal pow'rs
To meet the Lord prepare,
Lift up their everlasting doors,
The king of glory's near.

5 The king of glory! Who can tell
The wonders of his might?
He rules the nations; but to dwell
With saints, is his delight.


Saints dwell in heaven; or, Christ's ascension.

1 THIS spacious earth is all the Lord's, And men, and worms, and beasts,

and birds;

He rais'd the buildings on the seas, And gave it for their dwelling-place. But there's a brighter world on high, Thy palace, Lord, above the sky; Who shall ascend that bless'd abode, And dwell so near his maker God?

3 He that abhors and fears to sin, Whose heart is pure, whose hands are

clean, Him shall the Lord the Saviour bless, And clothe his soul with righteousness.

4 These are the men, the pious race That seek the God of Jacob's face; These shall enjoy the blissful sight, And dwell in everlasting light.


5 Rejoice, ye shining worlds on high, Behold the king of glory nigh Who can this king of glory be? The mighty Lord, the Saviour's he.

7 Rais'd from the dead he goes before,
He opens heav'n's eternal door,
To give his saints a blest abode,
Near their Redeemer and their God.

PSALM XXV. 1---11. PART 1.

Waiting for pardon and direction.

1 I LIFT my soul to God,
My trust is in his name;
Let not my foes, that seek my blood,
Still triumph in my shame.

2 Sin, and the pow'rs of hell
Persuade me to despair;
Lord, make me know thy cov'nant

That I may 'scape the snare..

3 From the first dawning light,
Till the dark ev'ning rise,
For thy salvation, Lord, I wait
With ever-longing eyes.

4 Remember all thy grace,
And lead me in thy truth;
Forgive the sins of riper days,
And follies of my youth.

5 The Lord is just and kind,

The meek shall learn his ways,
And ev'ry humble sinner find
The methods of his grace.


6 For his own goodness-sake
He saves iny soul from shame :
He pardons (tho' my guilt be great)
Thro' my Redeemer's name.



PSALM XXV. 12, 14, 10, 13. PART II.
Divine instruction.

1 WHERE shall the man be found
That fears t' offend his God,
That loves the gospel's joyful sound,
And trembles at the rod?

2 The Lord shall make him know
The secrets of his heart,
The wonders of his cov'nant show,
And all his love impart.

3 The dealings of his hand

Are truth and mercy still,
With such as to his cov'nant stand,
And love to do his will.

4 Their souls shall dwellat ease
Before their Maker's face;
Thoir seed shall taste the promises
In their extensive grace.

PSALM XXV. 15---22. PART III. Distress of soul; or, backsliding and


1 MINE eyes and my desire
Are ever to the Lord;
I love to plead his promises,
And rest upon his word.

Ye heav'nly gates, your leaves display, 2 Turn, turn thee to my soul,

Bring thy salvation near;
When will thy hand release my feet
Out of the deadly snare?

To make the Lord the Saviour way:
Laden with spoils from earth and hell,
The conqu'ror comes with God to dwell.

3 When shall the sov'reign grace
Of my forgiving God
Restore me from those dang'rous ways
My wand'ring feet have trod?

4 The tumult of my thoughts
Doth but enlarge my woe;
My spirit languishes, my heart
Is desolate and low.

5 With ev'ry morning-light
My sorrow new begins;
Look on my anguish and my pain,
And pardon all my sins.


6 Behold the hosts of hell,
How cruel is their hate?
Against my life they rise, and join
Their fury with deceit.

7 O keep my soul from death,
Nor put my hope to shame;
For I have plac'd my only trust
In my Redeemer's name.

• With humble faith I wait
To see thy face again;
Of Israel it shall ne'er be said,
He sought the Lord in vain.


Self-examination; or, evidences of grace.

1 'JUDGE me, O Lord, and prove my ways
And try my reins, and try my heart;
My faith upon thy promise stays,
Nor from thy law my feet depart.

I hate to walk, I hate to sit
With men of vanity and lyes;
The scoffer and the hypocrite
Are the abhorrence of mine eyes.

3 Amongst thy saints will I appear,
With hands well-wash'd in innocence;
But when I stand before thy bar,
The blood of Christ is my defence,

4 I love thy habitation, Lord,

The temple where thine honours dwell; There shall I hear thine holy word, And there thy works of wonder tell.

5 Let not my soul be join'd at last With men of treachery and blood, Since I my days on earth have past Among the saints and near my God.

PSALM XXVII. 1-6. Part I.

The church is our delight and safety.
1 THE Lord of glory is my light,
And my salvation too;
God is my strength, nor will I fear
What all my foes can do.

2 One privilege my heart desires;
O grant me an abode
Among the churches of thy saints,
The temples of my God!


There shall I offer my requests,
And see thy beauty still,
Shall hear thy messages of Love,
And there enquire thy will.

4 When troubles rise, and storms appear,
There may his children hide:
God has a strong pavillion where
He makes my soul abide.

5 Now shall my head be lifted high
Above my foes around,
And songs of joy and victory
Within thy temple sound.

PSALM XXVII. 8, 9, 13, 14. Part II.
Prayer and Hope.

1 SOON as I heard my Father say,
"Ye children seek my grace,
My heart reply'd without delay,
"I'll seek my Father's face.

2 Let not thy face be hid from me,
Nor frown my soul away;
God of my life, I fly to thee
In a distressing day.

3 Should friends and kindred near & dear
Leave me to want, or die;
My God would make my life his care,
And all my need supply.

4 My fainting flesh had dy'd with grief,
Had not my soul believ'd
To see thy grace provide relief,
Nor was my hope deceiv'd.

5 Wait on the Lord, ye trembling saints,
And keep your courage up;
He'll raise your spirit when it faints,
And far exceed your hope.


Storm and thunder.

1 GIVE to the Lord, ye sons of fame,
Give to the Lord renown and pow'r,
Ascribe due honours to his name,
And his eternal might adore.

2 The Lord proclaims his pow'r aloud
Over the ocean and the land;
His voice divides the wat'ry cloud,
And lightnings blaze at his command.

3 He speaks, and tempest, hail, and wind
Lay the wide forests bare around;
The fearful hart, and frighted hind,
Leap at the terror of the sound.

4 To Lebanon he turns his voice,
And, lo! the stately cedars break;
The mountains tremble at the noise,
The vallies roar, the desarts quake.

5 The Lord sits sov'reign on the flood,
The thund'rer reigns for ever king;
But makes his church his blest abode,
Where we his awful glories sing.

6 In gentler language there the Lord -The counsels of his grace imparts; Amidst the raging storm his word Speaks peace and courage to our hearts.

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