Jesus descended to atone,
He gave himself to die for us; And lo! how full and free this grace, It still appears to all our race.
4 Salvation over sin and death, Shall in the end to all be given, His praise therefore with every breath, By all that dwell in earth and heaven, Be jointly sung in highest strains, Who over all triumphant reigns.
II. HYMN.-8 lines, 8's & 7's.
1 GOD of universal nature,
God of Angels, God of men, God of every living creature, Listen our adoring strain. We would praise thy love unbounded, To our wretched fallen race, While we lay, by woe surrounded,
Thou redeemed us by thy grace.
2 From the mouth of hell thou saved us, Ransomed by thy precious blood, From the load of guilt relieved us, From perdition's sweeping flood.
Sons of God thou now hast made us,
Heirs of everlasting joy ;
Wondrous love! that Heaven should raise
Worms of earth, to dwell on high.
3 Endless praises, King of Zion,
We ascribe in transport's glow, Jesus, whom our souls rely on,
Source from whence our comforts flow.
O may every power within us,
Swell the anthem of thy love,
Till with joy at length thou bring us To the paradise above.
III. HYMN.-6 lines, 8's & 6's 2 8's.
1 ALMIGHTY God! how wondrous great? How glorious is thy name? Thine attributes are all complete, And works likewise the same; Thy word immutable doth stand, In ev'ry promise and command.
2 Of old, all things shewed forth thy grace, Thy fame and great renown,
Superior love to Adam's race, Could never be made known,
Above what usher'd in so bright, A day of glorious gospel light.
3 Stupendous grace! O stand and view, His love is not grown cold, But is to sinners still as new, As in the days of old;
Nor can it change, nor know decay, Though heaven and earth both pass away.
4 Our pow'rs shall therefore thee proclaim, In one eternal song,
And glorify thy honour'd name, The blood bought race among And hence devote ourselves to thee, And reverence thy august decree.
IV. HYMN.-8 lines, 8's & 7's.
1 PRAISE the Lord, ye heav'ns adore him, Praise him Angels in the height, Sun and moon rejoice before him, Praise him all ye stars of light; Praise the Lord, for he has spoken, Worlds his mighty voice obey'd, Laws which never can be broken, For their guidance he hath made.
2 Praise the Lord, for he is glorious, Never shall his promise fail;
God hath made his saints victorious, Sin and death shall not prevail; Praise the God of our salvation, Hosts on high his power proclaim, Heav'n, and earth, and all creation, Praise and magnify his name.
1 UNTO God who all things made Glory be and homage paid, Endless thanks and praise be giv'n, By his church through earth and heaven, Praise the great Jehovah's name, I AM that I AM, the same,
King of kings! of Lords the lord, God of gods! the living word.
2 Praise the woman's honour'd seed, Sent to bruise the serpent's head; The Messiah! long foretold, By the holy men of old;
Christ, the Father's only son, God and man, impersoned one; Human nature and divine,
Now united brightly shine.
3 Praise the Spirit, who did please Once to move upon the seas, And whose orient beams of light Swallow up the shades of night; Mild pacific heavenly Dove, Who descended from above, Santifying power divine,
Seal our souls and make us thine.
VI. Star of Bethlehem.-C. M.
1 WHEN o'er long night the bursting dawn In youthful bloom appear'd, When angels hymn'd the rising morn, And songs in heaven were heard; Amid the burning orbs that gem'd Jehovah's viewless throne, In native glory diadem'd, One star was seen alone.
2 On Palestine fair Solyma, Benignantly serene, Precursor of a brighter day,
The harbinger was seen. The captive saw the symbol shine, His broken fetters fell,
The shepherds marked the peerless sign, That told Immanuel.
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