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the e press, in the case of libel, 589-592
--and on the manner in which news-
papers are conducted, 593, 594.
Priests, licentiousness of, in South America,
329, 330-exactions made by them and
their concubines upon the natives, 342-
mockery of the religious services per-
formed by them for the natives, 343.
Profligacy of the Romish clergy in South
America, 121, 329, 330.

Publication of a libel, what constitutes, 572,
573-sketch of the law, relative to publi-
cation, 573, 574-mode of proceeding,

Publications (new), lists of, 316, 614.
Pultowa, monument at, 371.


Quakers (Russian), notice of, 380.
Quentin Durward, points of resemblance
between, and Schiller's Wallenstein, 530

[blocks in formation]

Repartimientos or forced allotments, exacted
by the Spaniards of the Aborigines of
South America, 339, 340..
Revenue of India, observations on the mode
of collecting, 51, 52.

Reynolds (Frederick), life and times of,
148--remarks on his work, 149–151.
Riho Riho, king of Owhyhee, anecdotes of,
429-arrival of, with his queen, in Eng-
land, 430, 431-their illness and death,
431, 432-their remains sent to Owhy-
hee, 432, 433-funeral of, 434, 435.
Roads, structure of, in Russia, 368.
Robinson (Rt. Hon. F. J.), speech on the
financial situation of the country, 283.

See Finance.

Rock Life Assurance Society, remarks on
the proportion of profits returned by, to
the parties assured, 10, 11.
Russian government, toleration of, 401-its
real character, 402, 403.
Russians, avidity of, for the Scriptures, 365
-notice of the Staroværtsi, a sect of
Russian dissenters, 356-and of the
Betzpopocchini, another sect, ib.—piety
of a Russian priest, 369-character of the
Malo-Russians, 370-of the Russian
quakers, 380-baptism of the Russians
in 989, 371-notice of an extraordinary
sect among them, 385-number of
clergy and military, 403.


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422 he destroys the system of pro-
hibition termed the taboo, 422, 423—
baptism of two chiefs, 424-account of
Owhyhee, ib. 425-abolition of idolatry,
and of the worship of the goddess of fire,
425, 427-intrepidity of a female chris-
tiau chief, 427, 428-anecdotes of Riho
Ribo, 428, 429-character of his queen,
429-account of their embarkation for
England, 430-their reception here, 431
-illness and death of the queen,

and of the king, 432-return of his suite,
with the royal remains, to Owhyhee,
432, 433-funeral of the king and queen,
434, 435-excellent hints given to the
national council by Lord Byron, 437-
departure of his lordship and the crew of
the Blonde, from Owhyhee, 437-re-
marks on the conduct of the American
missionaries, and the effects produced by
it, 438-441.

Sarepta, notice of the Moravian colony at, 382.
Sayers, (Dr.) Collective Works of, with a
Biographical Memoir, 175-account of
his early years and education, ib. 176—
179-noble offer made to him by Bishop
Thurlow, 180-studies medicine, 181-
graduates at Harderwyk, 183-settles at
Norwich, and devotes himself to literary
pursuits, 183, 184-Dr. Sayers's mode of
composing, 205-remarks on his dramatic
sketches, 205-207, 211-specimens of
them, 208-211-translated into German,
214-remarks of German critics on them,
215-extract of his mock-heroic on Jack
the Giant-killer, 217, 218-fragment of
his Guy of Warwick, 218-employment
of his latter years, 220-death, ib.
Schiller's Wallenstein, points of resemblance
between, and Quentin Durward, 530-

Scythian tumuli, notice of, 380, 381.
Sedgwick's (H. D.) vindication of himself,

221-extract from his pamphlet, 236.
Servian Minstrelsy, translations from, 66—
account of the battle of Kossova, between
the Servians and Turks, 67, 68-Servian
version of it, 69-specimen of Servian
metrical romances and historical ballads,
71-80-of lyrical ballads, 80-and
songs, 81, 82.

Shakspeare's Henry VIII. and Mr. Mil-
man's Anne Boleyn, parallel between,
with remarks, 352-360.

Snodgrass (Major), Narrative of the Bur-
mese War, 481-necessity of the Bur-
mese war, ib. 482-preparations of the
Burmese, 482-attack of a British post,
483-account of Major-generalCampbell's


armament, 484-hostilities commenced,
483-internal appearance of Rangoon,486
-difficulties of the British troops, 487-

dical writings, 99, 100-advantage of a
philosophical view of the whole Talmud,

Burmese mode of warfare, ib.-defeat of Tartary (Little), appearance of, 370-se-
them in the first attack, 488-Kemmen- pulchral monuments there, ib.

dine captured by the British army, 490-Tartars, devotion of, during divine worship,
defeat of the Burmese, 491, 492-ac-


Taxes repealed since the battle of Waterloo,

Taylor (W.), British Synonymes diccri
minated, 403-specimen of it, with re-
marks, 410-414.

Teflis, notice of German millenarians in the
vicinity of, 384.

count of the corps of Invulnerables, 493, Taste, effect of the rebellion on the perver
494-their defeat by the British forces, sion of, 186, 187,
494, 495-advance of the British army,
496-Burmese mode of entrenching, 497
-they are defeated in an assault of the
British army, 498-and defeat a detach-
ment of Sepoys under Colonel Smith,
499-the Burmese defeated again before
Rangoon, 501, 502-failure of attack on
Donabew, by the British, 502, 503-who Toleration of the Russian government, 401.
subsequently carried it, 504—advance of Tor-Hill, plan of the novel of, 559–563—
remarks thereon, 563-566.
the British army to Prome, 505-advance
and defeat of the Burmese, 506, 507-Trusler's (Dr.), Work on British Syno-
horrors of the war, 508-further advance
of the British forces, 509-negociations
of the Burmese for peace, 510-a treaty
concluded, 511-strictures on Major
Snodgrass's omission of the valuable ser-
vices rendered by the navy, 512-517.
Societies for Assurance, table of, 7. For

an account of the principles on which
they are conducted, see Assurance.
Solicitors, evil of allowing commissions to,
for insurances, 30, 31.

Spaniards, hatred of, by the Creoles, 334—
337-their rapacity towards the Abori-
gines of South America, 338-341-
mal-administration of the Spanish colonies
in South America. See America (South.)
St. Martin (General), cruelty of, to the
Spaniards in Peru, 135, 136.
Stanhope (Lieut.-col.), conduct of, in
Greece, 224-226.

Staroværtsi, a sect of Russian dissenters,
notice of, 366.

Stewart's (Lieut.-col. M.), considerations on
the government of India, 32-character
of his work, 66. See India.
Swift's character of Diaper's Poems, 190,

Synonymy, proper objects of, 404-charac-

ter of Dr. Trusler's work on Synonymes,
408-of Mrs. Piozzi's British Synonymy,
408, 409-of Mrs. Taylor's English Syno-
onymes discriminated, 410-414-of
Mr. Crabbe's, 415-418.

Taboo, in Owhyhee, nature of, 422-its
destruction, 433.

Talmuds (Jewish), account of, 89-91-

remarks on Mr. Hurwitz's apology for the
Talmud, 97-99-value of the Talmu-

nymes, character of, 408.

Truth, how far admissible as a conclusive
defence to a prosecution for libel, 581-
583-examination of the wisdom or in
judiciousness of the law which forbids
the truth of the statement to be given in
evidence on an indictment for libel, 584
-588-refutation of objections to the
law's declaring truth to be a libel, 594-
598-examination of the question whether
the truth of the libellous statement ought
to be received in evidence, in mitigation
of defendant's guilt, when brought up for
judgment, 601-607.

Tumuli (sepulchral) in Little Tartary, 370
-Scythian tumuli, 380, 381.
Tupac-Amaru, revolt of, against the Span
iards of South America, 340,
Tver (Town of), notice of, 366.

Ulloa (Antonio de), Noticias Secretas de
America, 321-qualifications of Ulloa
and his associate for observation, 322,
323-character and plan of his report,
324, 325-flagrant abuses in Peru, 325
-power of the viceroys, 326-venality
of justice in the audiencias or chief court
of justice, ib. 327, 328-custom-house
management, 328-profligacy of the
Romish clergy, 329, 330-particularly
towards an Indian cacique, 331-the
number of the ecclesiastics, how kept
up, 332-power of the Jesuits and bene-
fits conferred by them on the South Ame-
ricans, 333-bitter hatred between the
Spaniards and the Creoles, 334-336-
remarks on its causes, 337-rapacious
conduct of the Spaniards towards the
Aborigines, 338-account of the Repar-


timientos in forced allotments, exacted | Viceroys of South America, power of, 326.
of them, 339-their absurdity, 340-Volcanoes of Owhyhee, account of, 424–
account of the mita or compulsory service 428.
of the Indians, 341-exactions of the
priests and their concubines, 342-mock-
ery of religious services performed among
the Indians, 343.


Venality of justice in South America, 326

Waverley, observations on the novel of,

Whitmore's (W.W. Esq.)Letter to the Elec-
tors of Bridgnorth upon the Corn-Laws,
269. See Corn-Laws.
Workmen. See Labourer.


London: Printed by W. Clowes,

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