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Have bent the murd'rous bow, To slay the men that fear the Lord And bring the righteous low.

3 The heav'nly heritage is theirs,

Their portion and their home; He feeds them now, and makes them heirs

Of blessings long to come.

4 Wait on the Lord, ye sons of men,
Nor fear when tyrants frown;
Ye shall confess their pride was vain,
When justice casts them down.


5 The haughty sinner have I seen
Nor fearing man nor God,
Like a tall bay-tree fair and green,
Spreading his arms abroad.

6 And lo, he vanish'd from the ground, Destroy'd by hands unseen;

Nor root, nor branch, norleaf wasfound, Where all that pride had been.

10 MyGod shall breaktheirbows, and burn 7 But mark the man of righteousness,

Their persecuting darts,

Shall their own swords against them

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Charity to the poor; or. Religion in words and deeds.

1 WHY do the wealthy wicked boast,
And grow profanely bold?
The meanest portion of the just
Excels the sinner's gold.

2 The wicked borrows of his friends,
But ne'er designs to pay;
The saint is merciful and lends,
Nor turns the poor away.

3 His alms with lib'ral heart he gives
Amongst the sons of need;
His mem'ry to long ages lives,
And blessed is his seed.

4 His lips abhor to talk profane,
To slander or defraud;
His ready tongue declares to men
What he has learnt of God.

5 The law and gospel of the Lord
Deep in his heart abide;
Led by the Spirit and the word,
His feet shall never slide.

6 When sinners fall, the righteous stand,
Preserv'd from ev'ry snare;
They shall possess the promis'd land,
And dwell for ever there.

PSALM XXXVII. 23--37. PART III. The way and end of the righteous and


I MY God, the steps of pious men
Are order'd by thy will;
Thơ' they should fall, they rise again,
Thy hand supports them still.

2 The Lord delights to see their ways.
Their virtue he approves;
He'll ne'er deprive them of his grace,
Nor leave the mon he loves.

His sev'ral steps attend;

True pleasure runs thro' all his ways, And peaceful is his end.


Guilt of conscience, and relief; or, repen-
tance and prayer for pardon & health.
1 AMIDST thy wrath remember love,
Restore thy servant, Lord;
Nor let a father's chast'ning prove
Like an avenger's sword.

2 Thine arrows stick within my heart,
My flesh is sorely prest;
Between the sorrow and the smart
My spirit finds no rest.

3 My sins a heavy load appear,
And o'er my head are gone;
Too heavy they for me to bear,
Too hard for me t' atone.

4 My thoughts are like a troubled sea,
My head still bending down;
And I go mourning all the day
Beneath my Father's frown.

5 Lord, I am weak and broken sore,
None of my pow'rs are whole;
The inward anguish makes me roar,
The anguish of my soul.

6 All my desire to thee is known,
Thine eye counts ev'ry tear:
And ev'ry sigh, and ev'ry groan,
Is notic'd by thine ear.

7 Thou art my God, my only hope;
My God will hear my cry,
My God will bear my spirit up,
When Satan bids me die.

8 [My foot is ever apt to slide,
My foes rejoice to see't;
They raise their pleasure and their pride.
When they supplant my feet.

9 But I'll confess my guilt to thee,
And grieve for all my sin;
I'll mourn how weak my graces be,
And beg support divine.

10 My God forgive my follies past,
And be for ever nigh;
O Lord of my salvation, haste
Before thy servant die.)

PSALM XXΧΙΧ. 1, 2, 3. PART 1. Watchfulness over the tongue: or, Prudence and zeal.


1 THUS I resolv'd before the Lord,
"Now will I watch my tongue,
"Lest I let slip one sinful word,
"Or do my neighbour wrong.
And if I'm e'er constrain'd to stay
With men of lives profane,
P'll set a double guard that day,
Nor let my talk be vain.

3 I'll searce allow my lips to speak
The pious thoughts I feel,
Lest scoffers should th' occasion take
To mock my holy zeal.

4 Yet if some proper hour appear,
I'll not be over-aw'd:
But let the scoffing sinners hear
That we can speak for God.

PSALM XXΧΙΧ, 4, 5, 6, 7.
The vanity of man as mortal.

1 TEACH me the measure of my days,
Thou Maker of my frame;
I would survey life's narrow space,
And learn how frail I am.

2 A span is all that we can boast,
An inch or two of time;
Man is but vanity and dust
In all his flow'r and prime.

3 See the vain race of mortals move
Like shadows o'er the plain,

I'll not attempt a murm'ring word Against thy chast'ning hand.

3 Yet I may plead with humble cries,
Remove thy sharp rebukes;
My strength consumes, my spirit dies,
Through thy repeated strokes.

4 Crush'd as a moth beneath thy hand,
We moulder to the dust;
Our feeble pow'rs can ne'er withstand,
And all our beauty's lost.

5 [This mortal life decays apace,
How soon the bubble's broke!
Adam and all his num'rous race
Are vanity and smoke.]

6 I'm but a sojourner below,
As all my fathers were,
May I be well prepar'd to go
When I the summons hear!

7 But if my life be spar'd awhile,
Before my last remove,
Thy praise shall be my bus'ness still,
And I'll declare thy love.

PSALM XL. 1, 2.3, 5, 17.
PART L. [C. M.]

A song of deliverance from great distress.
1 I waited patient for the Lord,
He bow'd to hear my cry:
He saw me resting on his word,
And brought salvation nigh.

2 He rais'd me from a horrid pit,
Where mourning long I lay,
And from my bonds releas'd my feet,
Deep bonds of miry clay.

3 Firm on a rock he made me stand, And taught my cheerful tongue To praise the wonders of his hand, In a new thankful song.

They rage and strive, desire and love, 4 I'll spread his works of grace abroad; But all the noise is vain.

4 Some walk in honour's gaudy show,

Some dig for golden ore,

The saints with joy shall hear, And sinners learn to make my God Their only hope and fear.

They toil for heirs they know not who, 5 How many are thy thoughts of love! And straight are seen no more.

5 What should I wish or wait for then
From creatures, earth and dust?
They make our expectations vain,
And disappoint our trust.

6 Now I forbid my carnal hope,
My fond desires recal;
I give my mortal int'rest up,
And make my God my

PSALM XXΧΙΧ. 9---13. PART III. Sick-bed devotion; or, Pleading without repining.

1 GOD of my life, look gently down,
Behold the pains I feel;
But I am dumb before thy throne,
Nor dare dispute thy will.

• Diseases are thy servants, Lord,
They come at thy command;

Thy mercies, Lord, how great! We have not words nor hours enough Their numbers to repeat.

6 When I'm afflicted, poor and low,
And light and peace depart,
My God beholds my heavy woe,
And bears me on his heart.

PSALM XL. 6---9.

The incarnation and sacrifice of Christ. 1 THUS saith the Lord, "Your work is vain,

"Give your burnt-off'rings o'er, "In dying goats and bullocks slain "My soul delights no more."

2 Then spake the Saviour, "Lo I'm here, "My God, to do thy will; "Whate'er thy sacred books declare, "Thy servant shall fulßi.

"Thy law is ever in my sight,
"I keep it near my heart;
Mine éars are open'd with delight
"To what thy lips impart."

4 And see, the blest Redeemer comes,
Th' eternal Son appears,
And at the appointed time assumes
The body God prepares.

• Much he reveal'd his Father's grace,
And much his truth he shew'd,
And preach'd the way of righteousness,
Where great assemblies stood.

His Father's honour touch'd his heart,
He pity'd sinners' cries,
And to fulfil a Saviour's part,
Was made a sacrifice.


7 No blood of beasts on altars shed Could wash the conscience clean, But the rich sacrifice he paid Atones for all our sin.

• Then was the great salvation spread, And Satan's kingdom shook; Thus by the woman's promis'd seed The serpent's head was broke.

PSALM XL. 5---10. [L. M.]

Christ our sacrifice.

1 THE wonders, Lord, thy love has

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PSALM XLII. 1---5. PART I. Desertion and hope; or, Complaint of absence from public worship.

1 WITH earnest longings of mankind,
My God, to thee I look.
So pants the hunted hart to find
And taste the cooling brook.

2 When shall I see thy courts of grace,
And meet my God again?
So long an absence from thy face,
My heart endures with pain.

[thought, 3 Temptations vex my weary soul,

Exceed our praise, surmount our
Should I attempt the long detail,
My speechwould faint, mynumbers fail.

2 No blood of beasts on altars spilt,
Can cleanse the souls of men from guilt;
But thou hast set before our eyes
An all-sufficient sacrifice.

3 Lo! thine eternal Son appears,
To thy design he bows his ears,
Assumes a body well prepar'd,
And well performs a work so hard.

4 "Behold, I come (the Saviour cries,
With love and duty in his eyes)
"I come to bear the heavy load
"Of sins, and do thy will, my God.

5 "'Tis written in thy great decree,
"""Tis in thy book foretold of me,
"I must fulfil the Saviour's part,
"And lo! thy law is in my heart.

"I'll magnify thy holy law, "And rebels to obedience draw, "When on my cross I'm lifted high, "Or to my crown above the sky.

7"The Spirit shall descend and show "What thou hast done, and what I do: "The wond'ring world shall learn thy

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And tears are my repast:
The foe insults without control,
" And where's your God at last?"

4 'Tis with a mournful pleasure now
I think on ancient days;
Then to thy house did numbers go,
And all our work was praise.

5 But why my soul, sunk down so far
Beneath this heavy load?
Why do my thoughts indulge despair,
And sin against my God?.

6 Hope in the Lord, whose mighty hand
Can all thy woes remove;
For I shall yet before him stand,
And sing restoring love.

PSALM XLII. 6---11. PART II. Melancholy thoughts reproved; or, Hope in afflictions.

1 MY spirit sinks within me, Lord,
But I will call thy name to mind,
And times of past distress record,
When I have found my God was kind.

2 Huge troubles, with tumultuous noise,
Swell like a sea, and round me spread:
Thy water-spouts drown all my joys,
And rising waves roil o'er my head.

3 Yet will the Lord command his love, When I address his throne by day,

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1 LORD, we have heard thyworks of old, 4 Thy laws, O God, are right;

Thy works of pow'r and grace,

When to our ears our fathers told

The wonders of their days.

2 How thou didst build thy churches here, 5 (Thy Father and thy God

And make thy gospel known;

Thy throne shall ever stand; And thy victorious gospel proves

A sceptre in thy hand.

Amongst them did thine arm appear,

Hath without measure shed His Spirit, like a joyful oil,

Thy light and glory shone.

T' annoint thy sacred head.]

3 In God they boasted all the day;

6 [Behold, at thy right-hand
The gentile church is seen,
Like a fair bride in rich attire,
And princes guard the queen.]

Forget thy Father's house; Forsake thy gods, thy idol gods, And pay the Lord thy vows.

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And in a cheerful throng

Did thousands meet to praise and pray,

And grace was all their song.

4 But now our souls are seiz'd withshame, 7 Fair bride, receive his love:

Confusion fills our face,

To hear the enemy blaspheme,

And fools reproach thy grace.

5 Yet have we not forgot our God,
Nor falsely dealt with heav'n;
Nor have our steps declin'd the road
Of duty thou hast giv'n.

• Tho' dragons all around us roar
With their destructive breath,
And thine own hand has bruis'd us sore,
Hard by the gates of death.


7 We are expos'd all day to die
As martyrs for thy cause,
As sheep for slaughter bound we lie
By sharp and bloody laws.

• Awake, arise, Almighty Lord!

Why sleeps thy wonted grace?
Why should we look like men abhor'd,
Or banish'd from thy face?

9 Wilt thou for ever cast us off,
And still neglect our cries?
For ever hide thine heav'nly love
From our afflicted eyes?

10 Down to the dust our soul is bow'd,
And dies upon the ground;
Rise for our help, rebuke the proud,
And all their pow'rs confound.

11 Redeem us from perpetual shame,
Our Saviour and our God:

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1 I'LL speak the honours of my King:
His form divinely fair;
None of the sons of mortal race
May with the Lord compare.

2 Sweet is thy speech, and heav'nly grace
Upon tity lips is shed;
Thy God with blessings infinite
Hath crown'd thy sacred head.

3 Gird on thy sword, victorious prince!
Ride with majestic sway:
Thy terror shall strike thro' thy foes,
And make the world obey.

4 Thy throne, O God, for ever stands;
Thy word of grace shall prove
A peaceful sceptre in thy hands,
To rule the saints by love.

5 Justice and truth attend thee still,
But mercy is thy choice;
And God, thy God, thy soul shall fill
With most peculiar joys.


Ere we can offer our complaints, Behold him present with his aid.

The glory of Christ and power of his 2 Let mountains from their seats be hurl'd


I NOW be my heart inspir'd to sing
The glories of my Saviour King,
Jesus the Lord how heav'nly fair
His form! how bright his beauties are!

2 O'er all the sons of human race
He shines with a superior grace,
Love from his lips divinely flows,
And blessings all his state compose.
8 Dress thee in arms, most mighty Lord!
Gird on the terror of thy sword!
In majesty and glory ride,
With truth and meekness at thy side.

4 Thine anger, like a pointed dart,
Shall pierce the foes of stubborn heart:
Or words of mercy kind and sweet,
Shall melt the rebels at thy feet.

5 Thy throne, O God, for ever stands;
Grace is the sceptre in thy hands;
Thy laws and works are just and right;
Justice and grace are thy delight.

6 God, thine own God, has richly shed
His oil of gladness on thy head,
And with his sacred spirit blest
His first-born Son above the rest.

PSALM XLV. PART II. [L. M.] Christ, and his church; or, the mystical marriage.

1 THE King of saints, how fair his face,
Adorn'd with majesty and grace;
He comes with blessings from above,
And wins the nations to his love.

2 At his right-hand our eyes behold
The queen array'd in purest gold;
The world admires her heav'nly dress
Her robe of joy and righteousness.

He form'd her beauties like his own;
He calls and seats her near his throne:
Fair stranger, let thine heart forgot
The idols of thy native state.

4 So shall the king the more rejoice
'In thee, the fav'rite of his choice;
Let him be lov'd and yet ador'd,
For he's thy maker, and thy Lord.

6 O happy hour, when thou shalt rise
To his fair palace in the skies,
And all his sons (a numerous train)
Fach like a prince in glory reign.
Let endless honours crown his head;
Let ev'ry age his praises spread;
While we with cheerful songs approve
The condescensions of his love.


The church's safety and triumph among national desolations.

1 GOD is the refuge of his saints,

When storms of sharp distress invade:

Down to the deep, and bury'd there;
Convulsions shake the solid world,
Our faith shall never yield to fear.

3 Loud may the troubl'd ocean roar,
In sacred peace our souls abide;.
While ev'ry nation, ev'ry shore,
Trembles, and dreads the swelling tide.

4 There is a stream, whose gentle flow
Supplies the city of our God;
Life, love and joy, still gliding thro',
And wat'ring our divine abode.

5 That sacred stream, thy holy word,
That all our raging fear controuls:
Sweet peace thy promises afford,
And gives new strength to fainting

6 Sion enjoys her monarch's love,

Secure against a threat'ning hour; Nor can her firm foundations move, Built on his truth, and arm'd with pow'r.


God fights for his church.

1 LET Sion in her King rejoice, Tho' tyrants rage and kingdoms rise; He utters his almighty voice,

The nations melt, the tumult dies.

2 The Lord of old for Jacob sought: And Jacob's God is still our aid; Behold the works his hand has wrought! What desolations he has made!

3 From sea to sea, thro' all the shores, He makes the noise of battles cease: When from on high his thunder roars, He awes the tremblingworld topeace. 4 He breaks the bow, he cuts the spear: Chariots he burns with heav'nlyflame; Kéep silence all the earth and hear The sound and glory of his name.

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