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haviour; for our avowed aversion to infincerity and hypocrify, and will infallibly join us in the glorious enterprize proposed; in espousing the cause of truth and liberty. NewEngland is the habitation of the faints, the never-failing friends of our Sion, the strength of our salvation; and our northern allies, upon the first notice, will readily and gladly do as they have done before; will gladly march fouthward to affift us, and partake of the benefits of a bleffed reformation.

• We have the honour to be admitted into the company of men of high distinction in church and state; and, without vanity I may venture to say, that we have art, and skill, and learning enough, to make proper advantages of it. The visible decay of religion, and the diffolute manners of the age, are subjects, which frequently make a part of the conversation of ferious and thinking men. How easy is it in this cafe, to express a pious concern for the crying fins of the nation; for the degenerate, the profligate, the ungodly behaviour of the people, and humbly to hint that certain defects in the constitution seem to be the great cause of it ? How natural is it, with all becoming fubmiffion, and respectful defference, to ask whether there might not be some defects in the reformation, in the liturgy of the established church; in her difcipline, &c? And which is more material, whether there is not a pious design on foot, carried on by the moderate and worthy members of the church, to address their governors, and beg, that some measures might be taken to stop the progress of popery, to strengthen the proteftant interest, and reform some things in the liturgy, and the constitution, which may give countenance to the errors and fuperftition of the great enemies of our Sion?

• Delenda est Oxonia; we can never hope to thrive or do well, as long as that seminary of pedantry, prieftcraft, and bigotry fubfifts. Several fedate and ferious, thoughtful and Studious, humble and conformable men, in another part of the learned world, we are informed, will meet us half way, and embrace us with open arms.

May God dispose our hearts to confider, and confidering to understand, and understanding to follow after the things, which make for peace and piety. By virtue of magazinesmonthly reviews-differtations upon the expediency and neceffity of a review-abridgments of the free and candid disquisitions, adapted to the capacities of the people-forms of prayer fitted for the use of christians of any denomination-queries and catechisms for the use of the multitude-clubs and societies of coblers,


cobblers, coachmen, and carmen of taylors and tinkers-of young foldiers and failors of link-boys and libertines; of deists and debauchees; of needy Scotsmen, -fcavengers and roguish folicitors; of free-thinkers, free-talkers, and free-livers; of infidels, inholders, independents, pickpockets, papists, and a FREE AND CANDID MODERATOR-calculated for an ingenuous enquiry into truth; for discussing the several particulars suggefted in the Disquisitions; for examining the doctrines of the trinity, the facraments, and other great points in religion;-by virtue of these auxiliary forces, we shall be able to propagate pure religion, and make truth known among all forts and conditions of people. We shall be able to difperse the disquisitions throughout the nation, and put our exceptions to the Liturgy, &c, into the hands of great numbers, who are not in a capacity to obviate or examine them; in a word, we shall be able to let the public know, that what is writ against us is not worth their reading, and that our opponents are confefsedly unable to remark properly upon performances, which are the result of long and diligent enquiry.'

Having given our readers a small specimen of our author's abilities as an orator, we shall beg leave to present them next with a few instances of his genteel manner of writing, and fome of those elegant and polite phrases made use of by this worthy prefbyter of the church of England. He begs leave to acquaint the public, (p. 223) that he is commif fioned by several Clergymen, and other worthy members of the establisned church, to let the disquisitors know that upon fuppofition they are difssenters, their proposals are an infolent and infidious attack upon the constitution, evidently calculated to disturb the peace of the established church, and abfolutely irreconcileable with that gratitude, which they owe to the indulgence of their governors.

That (provided they are only nominal members of our church, who have crept into it, by the infamous arts of infincerity and prevarication; who have subscribed to her liturgy, doctrine, and government, without fincerely affenting, or confenting to them)-their prevarication precludes them from any claim to the public attention; it being extremely unreasonable, that millions of fincere and confcientious chriftians should be made uneasy, should have their public devotions altered and defaced, to gratify a few conceited men, who have neither pretensions to principle, conScience, honour or common honesty.'

Again; when he considers the charges brought against him by the disquisitors in the second part of their Appeal, we find


find the following passage. • The friends of the author on the other hand flatter him, that he has done something tolerably well; that, as far as he has gone, he has given a clear and full answer to the objections made to our liturgy, and shewn them to be idle, trifling, and groundless; that he has proved the disquifitors to be guilty of the very imputations, which they would fix upon the author of the remarks; to be guilty of mean, low, paultry fcurrility; of shameful prevarication, of base infinuations, of notorious falshoods, and other little artifices, frequently found in the treatises of the most vain, conceited, impious, sneering infidels.

That which will deferve the reader's particular notice, fays he, p. 269, 'the Disquisitors infift upon it, that the Disquifitions, and their Appeals &c. are all the words of truth and foberness. Teneatis amici? What, in the name of goodness! are the words of truth and foberness? Are shameful prevarication-baje infinuations-mean, low, canting fcurrility-notorious falfhoods-Sceptical ribaldry-paultry quibble-vain, arrogant affertions-confident appeals to common sense and reason-rude infults upon the establishment-impudent menaces-are these the words of truth and soberness?"

Our author seems to out-do himself when speaking of the apologist for the disquisitions, whom he seldom mentions without bestowing on him one or other of the following genteel appellations; infolent fchifmatic, Sceptical trifler, paultry fneerer, impertinent caviller, &c. and in one place, he calls him a pert, impudent prevaricating sceptical knave.

By the above specimens our readers will clearly perceive what character this performance deserves; and will, no doubt, be apt to think, that had the author intended the greatest service to the cause of the disquisitions, he could not, perhaps, have taken a more effectual method than he has done to promote it. We shall only add, that instead of doing any service to his cause, he will, we apprehend, be thought, by the candid, moderate, and judicious part of our clergy, to have done it no small dishonour, by employing such weapons in its defence; weapons, which, we heartily with, may be always left in such hands.

It may not be improper to acquaint our readers, that our author, in return for the honour done him (for fuch he tells us he really esteems it) by the account we gave of the first part of his remarks in our review for March 1750, has made mention of us in such honourable and respectful terms as those of illiterate rudeness, invective, cavil and impertinence,


&c. has rankd us amongst the friends of the Disquifitors, and under that character bestowed upon us a due share of those flowers of speech, of which he has so rich a variety; and not only so, but (such is the gratitude of our worthy Presbyter) has inferted in his performance a long letter from a friend, who has treated us with a very uncommon degree of respect, and shewn talents for elegant and polite writing equal, if not fuperior, to those of our author himself.

ART. VII. A Treatise on Virtue and Happiness. By Thomas Nettleton, M. D. and F. R. S. 8vo. 4s. Payne.



HE favourable reception, which this book has met with from the public, renders it unnecessary for us to say any thing of its character; or give our readers a view of what it contains: nor should we indeed have taken any notice of it, but that this edition is much improved, and several confiderable additions and alterations made. All we shall fay concerning it is, that, whoever has a tafte for moral subjects, (the most important of any) and would see the method of obtaining a folid and durable happiness, pointed out in an easy, agreeable, and perfpicuous manner, will find his account in a careful perusal of it.


Some Conjectures relative to a very ancient Piece of Money, lately found at Eltham in Kent, &c. By Charles Clarke, late of Baliol-College, Oxford. 4to. 25. Rivington.


HE ancient picce of money, which is the subject of our author's conjectures, was found, he tells us about a year ago in a Stratum of white fand, by a labourer as he was digging up some new ground at Eltham; and is not the least blurred or exeded, but in the highest preservation, having the adorandi rubigo (as he calls it) and the semblance and peculiar air of much antiquity. The intrinfic value of this piece, which is of base metal and weighs fifteen grains and a half, we are told is one penny, three farthings, and three fourths. It has no head nor legenda; the reverse is divided into quarters, with a star in one quarter, and a crefcent in the other. As these devices are always found in the ancient feals of Richard I. our author thinks it highly probable, that this piece of money is a coin of that king.

He has added some remarks on a dissertation (lately published) on Oriuna the supposed wife of Caraufius, * and on the Roman coins there mentioned; the reasons affigued for making these remarks, we shall give our readers in his own words, which may serve as a specimen of his ftile and manner of writing. * I should not have thus publickly made these remarks, says he, 'but am concerned that such a trifing differtation, whose author had acquired fome credit with the learned Re Nummaria, should appear in the French academy, and be the reproach of a nation that did poffess the most valuable collection of Greek and Roman coins in the universe. The flight credit the dissertator affords Monf. Boze, keeper of the French king's medals, a man of extensive learning, though not superior to his free communication of it, I am afraid will draw fome severe remarks from another quarter, which by this trifling attempt of our British author, we have little hope he can retort: however, I wish some moreable pen would undertake to vindicate our established English right of having given to the learned as many excellent treatises de re Nummaria as any nation under the fun.'

ART. IX. Candid Remarks upon the Rev. Mr. Taylor's Discourse entitled, The Scripture Doctrine of Atonement examined. In a Letter to Mr. Taylor. By George Hampton, M. A. 8vo. Pr. Is. 6d. Ofwald.


HE author of the piece now under our confideration, which is written with remarkable candour and modesty, appears to be a true and confiftent friend to freedom of enquiry; treats Mr. Taylor with decency and good-manners; and delivers his sentiments upon the point in debate with great moderation. If those who engage in controverfies of any kind would write in the same cool difpaffionate manner our author does; we should then see differences in opinion occafion no breach of friendship, nor any violation of the rules of good-breeding; and might flatter ourselves with the hopes of feeing truth struck out between the contending parties, and their difputes terminated to mutual fatisfaction.

Mr. Hampton's principal view in this letter is to shew, * See Review for June 1751. p. 75. ART. XXIII.


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