LESSON XV. PRONOUNCE Correctly. - Ed-u-cate, not ed-dy-cate, nor ej-ju-cate : spoils, not spiles: vic-to-ry, not vic-ter-y: pop-u-la-tion, not pop-py-la-tion: man-u-fac-tures, not man-y-fac-ters: ag-ri-cult-ure, not ag-ri-cul-ter, nor ag-ri-cul-tshure: prov-i-dence, not prov-i-dunce: a-ban-don, not ub-andon: prov-o-ca-tion, not prov-er-ca-tion: spasms, not spas-ums. 1. In-ex'-o-ra-ble, a. that can not be Per-pe-tu'-i-ty, n. continued, unin- 3. A-loof, adv. at a distance. Vor'-tex, n. a whirling motion of water forming a hollow in the center, a whirlpool. 4. Suf-frage, n. vote given in choosing men for office. 5. Fore-bo'-ding, n. a foretelling. NECESSITY OF EDUCATION. 1. We must educate! We must educate! or we must perish' by our own prosperity'. If we do not', short will be our race from the cradle to the grave. If, in our haste to be rich and mighty', we outrun our literary and religious institutions', they will never overtake us; or only come up after the battle of liberty is fought and lost, as spoils to + grace the victory, and as resources of inexorable despotism for the perpetuity of our bondage. 2. But what will become of the West, if her prosperity rushes up to such a majesty of power, while those great + institutions linger which are necessary to form the mind, and the conscience, and the heart of that vast world? It must not be permitted. And yet what is done must be done quickly, for population will not wait', and commerce will not cast anchor', and manufactures will not shut off the steam', nor shut down the gate', and agriculture', pushed by millions of freemen on their fertile soil', will not withhold her corrupting abundance'. 3. And let no man at the East quiet himself, and dream of liberty, whatever may become of the West. Our + alliance of blood, and + political institutions, and common interests, is such, that we can not stand aloof in the hour of her calamity, should it ever come. Her destiny is our destiny; and the day that her gallant ship goes down', our little boat sinks in the vortex'! 4. The great experiment is now making', and from its extent and rapid filling up', is making in the West', whether the perpetuity of our republican institutions can be reconciled with universal suffrage'. Without the education of the head' and heart' of the nation, they can not' be; and the question to be decided is, can the nation, or the vast balance power of it, be so imbued with intelligence and virtue as to bring out, in laws and their administration, a perpetual self-preserving energy? We know that the work is a vast one, and of great difficulty; and yet we believe it can be done. 5. I am aware that our ablest patriots are looking out on the deep, vexed with storms, with great forebodings and failings of heart, for fear of the things that are coming upon us; and I perceive a spirit of impatience rising, and distrust in respect to the perpetuity of our republic; and I am sure that these fears are well founded, and am glad that they exist. It is the star of hope in our dark horizon. Fear is what we need, as the ship needs wind on a rocking sea, after a storm, to prevent foundering. But when our fear and our efforts shall + correspond with our danger, the danger is past. 6. For it is not the impossibility of self-preservation which threatens' us; nor is it the unwillingness of the nation to pay the price of the preservation', as she has paid the price of the purchase' of our liberties. It is inattention' and inconsideration', protracted till the crisis is past, and the things which belong to our peace' are hid from our eyes'. And blessed be God, that the tokens of a national waking up, the harbinger of God's mercy, are multiplying upon us! 7. We did not, in the darkest hour, believe that God had brought our fathers to this goodly land to lay the foundation of religious liberty, and wrought such wonders in their preservation, and raised their descendants to such hights of civil and religious liberty, only to reverse the analogy of his + providence, and abandon his work. 8. And though there now be clouds, and the sea roaring, and men's hearts failing, we believe there is light behind the cloud, and that the imminence of our danger is intended, under the guidance of Heaven, to call forth and apply a holy, fraternal fellowship between the East and the West, which shall secure our preservation, and make the prosperity of our nation durable as time, and as abundant as the waves of the sea. 9. I would add, as a motive to immediate action', that, if we do fail in our great experiment of self-government', our destruction will be as signal as the birthright abandoned', the mercies abused', and the + provocation offered to beneficent Heaven'. The descent of desolation' will correspond with the past elevation'. 10. No punishments of Heaven are so severe as those for mercies abused'; and no instrumentality employed in their infliction is so dreadful as the wrath of man'. No spasms are like the spasms of expiring liberty, and no +wailing such as her convul sions extort. 11. It took Rome three hundred years to die'; and our death, if we perish, will be as much more + terrific, as our intelligence and free institutions have given us more bone, sinew, and vitality. May God hide from me the day when the dying agonies of my country shall begin! O, thou beloved land', bound together by the ties of brotherhood', and common interest', and perils'! live forever- one and undivided! BEECHER. QUESTIONS. Why is education so necessary in this country? What will, without education, contribute to our downfall? What can save the nation's liberties? Can the nation continue free, without the influence of education and religion? Why should we regard the prospects of this nation with fear? What can be the advantage of a spirit of fear? Why may we trust that God will not abandon our nation to ruin? What will insure her destruction? What is said of the greatness of such a destruction? What are the most dreadful punishments that heaven can inflict upon a nation? How would our destruction compare with that of Rome? Give the reasons for the inflections marked in the 2d paragraph. (The principle of negative sentences prevails in this sentence. See Rule VI for inflections, 25, Note.) In what mode, tense, number, and person, is "must educate," in the first sentence? In the 3d paragraph, for what noun does the pronoun "her" stand? Parse the last word in the lesson. See Pinneo's Analytical Grammar, Rule 7. ARTICULATION. Prolong the sounds of the vowels that are italicized. E-rr, a-ll, a-ge, a-rm, o-ld, ou-r, ee-l, b-oy, i-sle. Our Fa-ther, who art in Heaven. Woe unto thee, Chorazin! Woe unto thee, Bethsaida! LESSON XVI. PRONOUNCE Correctly. - Pur-chas'd, not pur-chis'd: jew-els, not jules: cor-al, not co-rul: de-struc-tion, not dis-truc-tion. 10. O'-nyx, n. a gem partly transparent, 13. Cor'-al, n. a kind of animal and its 1. BUT where shall + wisdom be found'? 5. The deep saith', It is not with me'; 10. With the precious onyx, or the sapphire. Gold and crystal are not to be compared with it; 15. The topaz of Ethiopia can not equal it; Nor can it be purchased with the purest gold. Whence, then, cometh' wisdom? 20. And kept close from the fowls of the air. We have heard of its fame with our ears. 25. For he seeth to the ends of the earth, 30. And a path to the glittering thunderbolt'; Behold! the fear of the Lord', that is thy wisdom, 35. And to depart from evil, thy understanding. DR. CHEEVER'S HEBREW POETS. QUESTIONS. - Where is Ethiopia? What is true wisdom? Can it be Give the rule for the inflections marked in the clause ending with the 31st line. (Commencing series.) ARTICULATION. Prolong the sounds of the vowels that are italicized. Kn-ow, fr-ee, th-ey, d-aw-n, n-ow, b-ay, th-e-re, sn-o-re. Soothed with the sound, the king grew vain. Roll on, thou deep and dark blue ocean, roll. LESSON XVII. ARTICULATE distinctly. - Ru-di-ments, not ru-di-mens: task, not tass: ex-pect, not ex-pec: re-col-lect, not re-col-lec: in-dis-tinct, not in-dis-tinc: in-tel-lect, not in-tel-lec: per-fect-ly, not per-fec-ly: re-spect, not re-spec. 1. Pre-coc'-i-ty, n. early growth, ripe- 6. Ty'-ro, n. a beginner. sion. 4. De-vi'-ces, n. contrivances. 5. So-lic'-it-ous, a, anxious, very desi- 19. Al-tern-a'-tion, n, reciprocal succes rous. A MOTHER'S INFLUENCE. 1. "I was a dull boy," said Judge B-, in answer to some remarks of Mrs. Wentworth, referring to the usual precocity of genius, and hinting at the display which the learned and celebrated |