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no claim upon the least of all thy mercies, and all thy truth, which thou hast shewed unto thy servants. We therefore devoutly praise thee for all thy goodness to us in providence and in grace. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and forget not all his benefits!

We thank thee, more especially, this evening, for the mercies and privileges of the Sabbath: for the word of thy grace which has been read in our hearing, for the message of thy Gospel which has been announced for our acceptance, and for the opportunities which we have enjoyed of worshipping thee in quietness and without alarm.

We thank thee for any disposition which thou hast given us to value these privileges, and for such mea

sures of thy grace as thou hast been pleased severally to confer upon us.

Nevertheless, thou knowest, O Lord, how frail and feeble we are in our best and most favoured condition; how prone we are to wander from thee the God of our salvation; how liable to forget the blessings bestowed, and the obligations consequently laid upon us.

O let not the privileges of the Sabbath, to the close of which we are now brought, be remembered against us in judgment; but may the blessed results of them be found in us at the day of the appearing of Jesus Christ.

To the prayers which we have presented to thee this day, both in public and in private, may we receive an answer of peace, for the

Redeemer's sake, and through his prevailing intercession.

And grant, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that the words which we have heard this day with our outward ears, may, through thy grace, be so grafted inwardly in our hearts, that they may bring forth in us the fruit of good living, to the honour and praise of thy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Forgive, we pray thee, whatever has been defective in our services, and whatever in our conduct has been inconsistent with our holy proThough iniquity cleaves even to our holy things, do thou, most merciful Father, make us accepted in the Beloved.


May the same blessings which we now ask for ourselves be granted to

all who have this day worshipped before thee, and listened to thy holy word.

May that word, through thy gracious providence, be communicated to those who have hitherto been destitute of the heavenly treasure, and may they receive it in love and gratitude, to the salvation of their souls.

Bring into the way of truth, we humbly beseech thee, all such as have erred and are deceived.

Succour, help, and comfort, all that are in danger, necessity, and tribulation; and be pleased to have mercy upon all men.

We pray thee to take us under thy protecting care through the approaching night; to defend us from all dangers, ghostly and bodily; and

to invigorate us with refreshing rest for the duties of another day, if it be thy will that our lives should be continued to us.


Prepare us all for the night of Whenever it arrives, may we sleep in Jesus; and at the last day, may we awake to a joyful resurrection through him. We humbly implore this and every other mercy in His name, and in reliance upon His mediation.

Our Father, &c.

The Grace of our Lord, &c.


ALMIGHTY and eternal God, who art incomprehensible in thy nature, and unchangeable in thy attributes, thou art great and greatly to be

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