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BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the fifteenth day of July, in the fifty-third year of the Independence of the United States of America, A. D. 1828, SAMUEL S SCHMUCKER, in trust for the General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, of the said Disirict, has deposited In this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words following, to wit:

"HYMNS, Selected and Original, for Public and Private Worship. Published by the General Synod of the Ev. Lutheran Church.

In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, "An Act for the Encouragement of Learn ing, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned;" And also to the act, entitled, "An act supplementary to an act, entitled, "An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the authors and pro prietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned;" and extending the benefits thereof to the Arta of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints.'

Clerk of the Eastern District of Pennsylvama.



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SINGING the praises of God is justly regard ed as one of the most delightful and profita ble parts of worship, both public and private. It was introduced by divine command into the worship of the Old Testament; the blessed Saviour himself recommended it by his prac tice; and it is enjoined by the apostle Paul on Christians in general. Its separate utility, in addition to that of prayer and hearing the word of God, is based upon the very nature of the human mind; as it calls into action additional powers of the soul. Yet as the materials for the exercise of this Christian duty in any other than the Hebrew language, whether translations of the Psalms or original effusions on the doctrines and facts of the scriptures, are necessarily the products of uninspired pens; they are characterised by different degrees of merit both in respect to poetic excellence and devotional tendency. In no other language, it is thought, is there extant so copious and excellent a collection of Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, as that of the Lutheran Church in Germany. And from this copious source our German churches in this country have drawn ample supplies. Yet the prevalence of the English language, has, in some places, long since led to its introduction into the services of our

sanctuaries, as well as to the publication of several collections of hymns in the same tongue. Among these, that made by the learned and pious Dr. Kuntze, then Senior of the New York Ministerium, and published in 1795, is excellent in its devotional tendency, but lamentably deficient in poetic beauty and purity of diction. The collection, sub. sequently made by a Committee of the New York Synod, appointed in 1812, not only merits a decided preference, but is indeed a most excellent work. Yet long experience has evinced, that this selection does not af ford a sufficient variety for all the purposes of ministerial duty and Christian practice, and many of the choicest and most devotional productions of the English muse are not contained in it.

Under these circumstances, the General Synod deemed it their duty, in accordance with their constitution, and in obedience to the numerous calls made on them, to provide & Hymn Book, possessing alike sufficient amplitude, classical excellence, and devotional spirit, to serve as a permanent book for the churches of their connexion, and for all other! who may be disposed to use it. For this pur pose the undersigned were appointed a com mittee in 1825, and have for several years devoted their most particular and prayerful attention to the important duty assigned them. They have found the work arduous far beyond their early expectations; but their conviction of its importance and necessity has continually increased. Their aim has been to combine in the highest possible degree practical ex

cellence with the charms and graces of poetry. They have procured all the most excellent and valuable Hymn Books used by sister' churches, and have also examined very many hymns dispersed through the works of indi vidual authors. They feel assured that the selection made will contain the major part of the best Hymns extant in the English language. They have also after mature consideration constructed a new arrangement, which they deem decidedly more practical than any other which they have seen, and calculated to be more useful both to ministers and laymen.

As the New York Hymn Book is in the possession of many of our churches, it was thought proper to add to all the hymns taken from it the number which they bear in that collection: and as the number of such hymns in all the principal divisions of the book is very considerable, it will be found that both books can be used together without inconvenience.

A view of the general subjects, sufficiently minute for reference, is prefixed to the book.

A portable size was adopted, not only for the sake of cheapness and convenience in public and domestic worship, but also that Christians who strive to walk with God, and delight to sing the songs of Zion, may carry this volume with them on their journeys, and in their social walks, and into the field of labour, and as opportunity may offer, kindle anew the flame of their devotion at the fire of the sacred muse.

In conclusion, we would commend this work to the serious use of the disciples of our

Lord in general, and our churches in particu lar; and more especially to the favour and blessing of that divine Redeemer, whose dying love will be the theme of our more perfect praises in the realms of celestial bliss. S. S. SCHMUCKER,

Professor of Theology in Theol. Sem. of the Ge-
neral Synod of Ev. Luth. Church.

Pastor of the second English Lutheran Church,



Pastor of the Lutheran Church, Salem, North

Pastor of the Luth. Church, York, Pennsylvania.

Pastor of the Lutheran Church, Germantown,

Gettysburg, Penn. May 16th, 1828.

The undersigned, certify that this Hymn Book is published under the sanction of the General Synod of the Ev. Lutheran Church, in the United States, and in conformity to the resolution of said body, passed October the 27th, 1827.


President of the General Synod, and Senior Pas-
tor of the German Lutheran Church, Baltimore.

Secretary of the General Synod, and Pastor of the
Lutheran Church, Frederick, Md.

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