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I AM desirous of saying a word, in laying this little Work before the Public, with reference to the expression " familiar," used in its Title-page, which I hope may be understood as relating solely to the classes of persons to whom it is addressed, and in no degree to its sacred subject. It was originally composed, as many parts of its structure indicate, in the form of Lectures to be delivered by a Parochial Minister to his congregation: and to the elementary character required by such a design, as well as to its comparative state of readiness, may be attributed its early appearance in a series of volumes,

on every other account entitled to precedence. I feel myself bound to thank the Rev. Conductors of the "ENGLISHMAN'S LIBRARY," Messrs. E. Churton and W. Gresley, for the contribution of several valuable observations, of which I have made free use in the text and notes.


H. H.

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