.... ... Not all the outward forms on earth.. Now let our pains be all forgot Page 280 240 62 20 120 305 43 207 281 25 74 113 349 266 337 O give me, Saviour, give me still. 117 118 146 183 133 146 155 156 O what shall I do my Saviour to praise ye blood-wash'd ransom'd sinners Oh! the mysterious depths of grace Oh! what a sad and doleful night Our brother dear, retir'd from earth.. 335 Page O for a spirit stay'd on God 388 O God, our help in ages past. 1 Once more before we part Our spirits join t'adore the Lamb Our Lord is risen from the dead 96 Repent, and be baptiz'd Rich grace, free grace, most sweetly calls. 198 Rise, my soul, adore thy Maker.. 189 Source of light and power divine Page Sinners are justify'd by grace.. 91 Soldiers of Christ, be bold... 310 137 259 ... 133 179 358 275 5 Take my poor heart just as it is Thanks to thy name, O Lord, that we.... That man no guard or weapons need........................、 The great and adorable Christ 415 105 385 ......... 204 246 .......... The saints should never be dismay'd 'The true Messiah now appears......... The tree of life is Christ, my Lord. The billows swell, the winds are high. The King of heaven a feast has made.. ..... 7 378 138 To make Jehovah's terror known To whom should I fly for relief.... 'Twas in the night, when troubles came ....... ....... Uprising from the darksome tomb...... Vain man, to boast forbear.......... We all the sinner's path have trod.. We bless th' eternal source of light When I travail in distress When Israel's tribes were parch'd with thirst 287 80 Whoe'er believes aright..... With all my powers of heart and tongue Your harps, ye trembling saints 106 125 180 265 53 406 173 412 222 263 270 Ye messengers of Christ 363 Ye pilgrims of Zion, and chosen of God. 254 Ye simple men of heart sincere .... 52 Ye sons of men your voices raise 426 Ye slaves of sin, redeem'd by blood. 87 203 35 344 413 |