of PSALMS and HYMNS And Spiritual Songs: For the Ufe Ufe. David & Simpson. CHRISTIANS BIBA Of Every DENOMINATION. By the Rev. D. SIMPSON, M. The Second EDITION. With an APPENDIX, MACCLESFIELD: 1780. 147. g. 327. T HE Reader is here presented with an Extract from the old and new Versions of the Pfalms, together with a large Number of moral and divine Songs and Hymns, fuited to the various Circumstances of Christians. Some few of the Compositions may rather be called divine Poems than Songs or Hymns. These are more particularly intended for the Improvement and Entertainment of young People, and those among the Poor, whote Minds have happily taken a religious Turn, but who are not able to purchase many Books. I have been induced to infert a small Number from the old Verfion, in Condescension to the Prejudices Az of i |