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fhorter Catechifms. 4thly, I adhere to the Covenants, national and folemn league, and the work of reforma. tion. 5thly, I adhere to all the faithful teftimonies, which have been left by our faithful minifters of Jefus Chrift, either on fcaffolds, or fields. 6thly, I adhere to the papers found at the Queensferry on Henry Hall. 7thly, I adhere to the declaration at Sanquhar, and the testimony at Rutherglen, and the papers found on worthy Mr Richard Cameron: 8thly, I adhere to the excommunication at the Torwood. 9thly, I adhere to the excommunication of the bishops, and their underlings: and I die in the faith of it, that the Lord hath ratified that in heaven, which his faithful fervants have done on earth, as to the cafting out these traitors to God out of the church. And now, I defire to blefs the Lord for my lot: My lot is fallen to me in pleasant places, and I have a goodly heritage.

I leave my blood upon the traitor that fits upon the throne; then on James Duke of York, who was fitting in the council when I was examined the first day.

And I leave my blood on the bloody crew that call themselves rulers. And I leave it on James Henderfon in the North-ferry, who was the Judas that fold Archibald Stewart and Mr Skeen, and me, to the bloody foldiers

for fo much money. I leave my blood on Serjeant Warrock, who took me, and brought me to prifon. I leave my blood on the criminal lords, as they call themselves, and efpecially that excommunicate tyrant George Mackenzie, the advocate, and the fifteen aflizers; and on. Andrew Cunningham that gave me my doom; and on that excommunicate traitor Thomas Dalziel who was porter that day that I was firft before them, and threatned me with the boots.

I defire to blefs and magnify the Lord, for my lot, and may fay, He hath brought me to the wilderness to allure me there, and speak comfortably to my foul. It was but little of him I knew when I came to prifon; but now he has faid to me, Because he lives, I fhall live alfo. And he has told me, I am he that blotted out thine iniquity, for my own name's fake. Kind has he been to me, fince he brought me out to witnefs for him. I have never fought any thing from him, that was for his glory, fince I came to prifon, but he granted me my defire. For the most part, I have found him in every

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thing, that hath come in my way, ordering it himself,, for his own glory. And now I blefs him, that thoughts cf death are not terrible to me. He hath made me as willing to lay down my life for him, as ever I was willing to live in the world. And now, ye that are his witneffes, be not afraid to venture on the crofs of Chrift, For his yoke is easy, and his burden light. For many times, I have been made to think strange, what makes folk caft at the cross of Chrift, that hath been fo light to me, that I found no burden of it at all, he bore me and it both. Now, let not the frowns of men, and their flatteries put you from your duty. Keep up your focieties, and the affembling of yourfelves together; for there is much profit to be found in it. Many times hath it been found comfortable to me, to hear of the few in Scotland, in which Chrift was delighting; and that there was much love to God's glory, and zeal for his honour amongst them. Now, be humbled, and lie in the duft, and never give over crying in behalf of the church, which is fo fmall, that it can fcarcely be difcerned, and never give over till he appear; for I think he is near at hand. O watch, and double your diligence, and hold faft till he come, and let none take your crown, for he is good to the foul that feeks him. It is my grief, that I have not been more faithful for my master Chrift. All his dealings with me have been in love and in mercy. tions have been all in love and free grace. O free love! I may fay, I am a brand plucked out of the fire: I am a limb of the devil plucked out from his fire-fide. O! I am made to wonder and admire at his condefcending love? Now, I leave my teftimony againft Jean Forrest, for faying, that I am going to the grave with a lie in my right hand, and charging my blood on my own head. O my friends, come cut from among them, and touch not the unclean thing. It will never be well, till there be a feparation from fin. I blefs the Lord that ever I heard Mr Cargil, that faithful fervant of Jefus Chrift; I blefs the Lord that ever I heard Mr Richard Cameron; my foul has been refreshed with the hearing of him, particularly at a communion in Carrik, on thefe words in Pfal. lxxxv. 8.--The Lord will fpeak peace unto his people, and to his faints; but let them not turn again to folly.

His correc


Now, farewell lovely and fweet fcriptures, which were ay my comfort in the midst of all my difficulties; Farcwell faith, farewell hope, farewell wanderers, who have been comfortable to my foul, in the hearing of them commend Chrift's love. Farewell brethren, farewell fifters, farewell Chriftian acquaintances, farewell fun, moon, and stars. And now welcome my lovely and heartfome Chrift Jefus, into whofe hands I commit my fpirit throughout all eternity. I may fay, few and evil have the days of the years of my pilgrimage been, I being about twenty years of age.

From the tolbooth of Edinburgh, the woman-house on the caft fide of the prifon, January 11th 1681. MARION HARVIE.

HIS Martyr, though both young in years, and of the weaker fex, was fo fingularly affifted of the Lord in his caufe, and had fuch difcoveries of his fpecial love to her foul, that fhe was nothing terrified by her adversaries: When he was brought from the tolbooth to the council house, to be carried to her execution; as The came out of the tolbooth door, feveral friends attending her, fhe was obferved to fay with a furprifing cheerfulness and air of heavenly ravifhment, behold, I hear my beloved faying unto me, Arife my love, my fair one, and come away. And being brought to the council, bifhop Paterfon being refolved, feeing he could not destroy her foul, yet to grieve and vex it, faid, Marion, you faid, you would never hear, a curate, now you fhall be forced to hear one, upon which he ordered one of his fuffragans, whom he had prepared for the purpofe, to pray; fo foon as he began, the faid to her feilow-prifoner Ifabel Alifon, come Ifabel, let us fing the xxiii. Pfalm, which accordingly they did; Marion repeating the pfalm line by line without book, which drowned the voice of the curate, and extremely confounded the perfecutors. Being come to the scaffold, after finging the lxxxiv. Pfalm, and reading the iii. of Malachi, fhe faid, I am come here to-day for avowing Chrift to be head of his church, and king in Zion. 10 feek him, Sirs, feek him, and ye fhall find him; I fought him and found him, I held him, and would not let him go. Then the briefly narrated the manner how she was taken, and recapitulated in fhort the heads of her writ-.



ten teftimony, faying to this effect; "I going out of Edinburgh to hear the perfecuted gofpel in the fields, was taken by the way with foldiers, and brought into the guard, afterwards I was brought to the council, and they queftioned me, if I knew Mr Donald Cargil? Or if I heard him preach? I anfwered, I blefs the Lord I heard him, and my foul was refreshed with hearing him, for he is a faithful minifter of Jefus Chrift. They asked if I adhered to the papers gotten at the Ferry? I faid, I did own them, and all the reft of Chrift's truths. If I would have denied any of them, my life was in my offer; but I durft not do it, no, not for my foul. Ere I wanted an hour of his prefence, I had rather die ten deaths. I durft not fpeak again.ft him, left I fhould have finned against God. I adhere to the Bible and Confeffion of Faith, catechifms and covenants, which are according to this Bible. The most of her difcourfe was of God's love to her, and the commendation of free grace; and the declared, he had much of the Lord's prefence with her in prison, and faid. "I blefs the Lord the fnare is broken, and we are efcaped;" and when the came to the ladder foot, fhe prayed. And going up the ladder, the faid, "O my fair one, my lovely one, come away;" and fitting down upon the ladder, the faid, "I am not come here for murder, for they have no matter of fact to charge me with, but only my judgment. I am about twenty years of age; at fourteen or fifteen I was a hearer of the curates and indulged, and while I was a hearer of thefe, I was a blafphemer and Sabbath breaker, and a chapter of the Bible was a burden to me; but fince I heard this perfecuted gofpel, I durft not blafpheme, nor break the Sabbath, and the Bible became my delight." With this the major called to the hangman to caft her over, and the murderer prefently choaked her.

The joint teftimony of William Gouger, Chriftopher Miller, and Robert Sangfler, who lived in the fhire of Stirling, and fuffered at the Grafs-market of Edinburgh, March 11th 1681. Directed to the fhire of Stirling.


HE Lord in his holy providence having fingled us out of that fhire to feal his controverted truths with our blood; we could not but leave a line behind



us, (we being Stirling-fhire men), to let you know wherefore we are come here this day, to this place of execution; that it is for adhering to that which minifters and profeffors are difowning; and the Lord feeing. it fit to honour us beyond others, now in this day of defection and back-drawing from the truth. We tell you, that it is truth we are to fuffer for; although ye condemn us in it, and fay that we have a hand in our own death; yet we durft not, for our fouls, do otherways, or elfe we would have been fure of the broad curfe of God on us, and our life both. You may think that it is a novelty of our head that we are brought hither for; but if any, of you had that love to the Lord, that you feemed to have once a day, you would count it your duty, as well as ours, to contend for the fweet truths of God, when you fee him fo wronged, and his rights fo ufurped and taken from him, who was both fweet and kind to poor things at hill-fides, and efpecially among you of that fhire. O firs! you may take fhame to you, for all you have done against the honour of God, that have feen his goings fo ftately among the meetings of his people; that will not contend for lovely Christ. O! do ye not think that a fad day will come on you, for joining with God's enemies, who have broken covenant with him, and fhed the blood of the faints, and tramp led on the honour of God, and ye will not fear to join with them for all the blood they have fhed, you will fill go on with them; and though you profefs that you have love to the Son of God, and that your zeal for the Lord God of Hofts is not abated; yet you will go on with them; and bond and comply in paying of cefs and militia money to maintain a party against God and his work, which once a day you were forward to maintain, and would have ventured your life in the maintaining of it against all the Lord's enemies. You may justly take fhame to yourselves, for your preferring the things of time to the fweet crofs of lovely Chrift. O Sirs! what think you will your doom be, that have done fo much against the honour of a holy God? Indeed you may look out for wrath, and that of the faddeft fort.

Now, as dying men, we tell you, that there are fad days abiding you, for what you have done against the honour and glory of God, if ye get not speedy repentance. Therefore as you would anfwer in the great day,


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