Imágenes de páginas

ciently strong, the fervency of my joy, and love towards all who, throughout England, heartily believe in Jesus Christ as their only Saviour, and zealously endeavour to extend the Redeemer's kingdom. I embrace them all as the beloved and elect of God, as friends and brethren in Christ, let them be of whatever name, or belong to whatever church or denomination. The more distant the countries, and the more different the outward forms and establishments are, the more I rejoice, if I am privileged to hear, that our everfaithful Lord and Saviour is gathering from amongst them a flock of believ ing people. Truly, God has a numerous Army of Reserve in England, who do not bow before the Baal of the age, nor sacrifice to the God of the times. Let all who know his name, glorify him for this mercy! May the peace of God, and the allsufficient grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all!" (p. 45.)

We add one more extract: it is taken from a letter dated in North Wales, Feb. 22, 1805.

"There are none of our poor people willing to live and die without contributing their mites towards forwarding so glorious a design. Their zeal and eagerness in the good cause, surpasses every thing I have ever before witnessed. On several occasions we have been obliged to check their liberality, and take half what they offered, and what we thought they ought to give. In very many instances, servants have given one third of their wages for the year. In one instance, a poor servant-maid put down one guinea on the plate, being one-third of her wages: that it might not be perceived what she put down, she covered the guinea with a halfpenny. One little boy had with much trouble reared a brood of chickens; when the collection came to be made, he sold them all, and gave every farthing he got for them towards it; and this was his whole stock, and all the living that he had. Innumerable instances of a similar nature might be mentioned. Great joy prevails universally at the thought that the poor Heathens are likely soon to be in possession of a Bible; and you will never hear a prayer put up,

without a petition for the Bible Society and Heathen Nations." (p. 60.)


IN May, 1805, the Edinburgh Mis sionary Society set apart four young men, viz. John Mitchell, Robert Pinkerton, George Macalpine, and James Galloway, to join the Mission among the Tartars, in the neighbourhood of Mount Caucasus. They sailed immediately for Russia. The two first of these young men were educated at the expense of the Society, and through the kindness of a member, who long resided in Russia, were instructed in the Russian language; which will enable them to pass through the empire without the aid of an interpreter. They have also been taught the art of printing, and have carried with them a printing press, and a font of Arabic types, which is the character used in the place where they expect to reside. Mr. Brunton, the missionary, who has for some time resided at Mount Caucasus, has sent home an Arabic Tract; being an address to a Musselman, on the subject of Religion, intending to expose the al surdities of the Koran, and the wickedness of Mahomet. This tract has been reprinted in London.

Evan. Mag.

THE Religious Tract Society in London, as appears from their annual report, May 9, 1805, since 1799, when the institution was formed, have issued from their Depositary, more than two millions of tracts. Pleasing accounts of the usefulness of these publications are frequently received.

A clergyman writes thus to the Society; "I have dispersed a few hundreds of your tracts in my chapelryand neighbourhood, during the two last years; and thank God, he has made them a blessing to many.

"When I entered on my ministry here, less than one fourth of the inhabitants attended public worship Sunday mornings; few or none in the afternoon. Now I have often the satisfaction of meeting two-thirds of my neighbours at chapel, morning and afternoon on the Lord's-day. Communicants, for the last two years,

have been double the number they were before; and an earnest desire to grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, is in general manifest in our little village. "I have reason to conclude, that God has wrought this happy change among us by the means of your tracts, as much as by all my feeble efforts united. ibid.



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FROM the forty-first No. of the periodical accounts relating to the Missions of the United Brethren among the heathen, it appears that there has been a pleasing revival of religion among the Esquimaux, in a time of scarcity and distress. During their greatest sufferings they came to church (says the Diary) with friend. ly and cheerful countenances, and some would say, If we only feel in our hearts, the presence of our Saviour, who has loved us so much, and died and shed his blood, that our sins might be forgiven, we may well be cheerful and contented, though our outward circumstances are difficult, and we have not much to eat; for we trust that He will also care for us in that respect, and look to him for help."

"Their whole behaviour during this time of trial, gave us much pleasure and encouragement. There was a general and powerful awakening among them, which first began to be perceived in some women who were baptized last winter..

"One of the above mentioned women being asked, How she was first led to reflections so much more serious than formerly, she replied, That a missionary had been speaking, at a meeting of the Esquimaux, concerning the great pains which the Lord Jesus Christ had endured for our sakes, in soul and body, and his readiness now to accept the worst of sinners, who plead the merits of his blood. "This," added she, "I had often heard before, but I never felt what I then felt. I thought even for me, a wretched creature, who lived worse than a dog in every kind of abomination, as our Saviour suffer. ed so much, and he will now receive ven me, and have mercy upon me! At the same time, I felt a singular

joy and delight in my soul; and could not help weeping so much, that I forgot myself, and remained sitting in the church. My heart has ever since been fixed upon our Saviour alone; and I often weep for Him. Now I know truly what you mean by feeling our Saviour near and precious to the soul, and experiencing his great love for sinners; and that it is not enough to be baptized, and to enjoy other privileges in the congregation, but that every one ought to be able to say for himself, " My Saviour is mine; he died for my sins, and received even me as his child." This I now feel in my heart, and am both humbled and thankful before him."


FOR three years past, Mr. JOSEPH SAMUEL C. F. FREY, a converted Jew from Germany, has been preaching to his brethren, the offspring of Abraham, the gospel of Jesus Christ, in a very interesting and impressive manner. He was in London in September last, where he had two months before established a Saturday evening lecture.

It is contemplated to collect, and form into one Christian church, the converted Jews from different parts of Europe. Information of more than twenty has been already received. If this important measure can be carried into effect, it may be a mean of exciting among the Jews generally, a spirit of inquiry into the truth of Christianity. Such a society would afford also a refuge to those, who, on embracing the religion of Christ, are obliged to forsake father and mother, and earthly substance.

A prayer meeting among a few converted Jews has been established on Friday evening, at Mr. FREY's apart ments, where his brethren are invited to converse with him.

Evan. Mag

A letter from London, of Sept. 16th 1805, to one of the Editors, speaking of Mr. FREY, says, "He is a most interesting preacher. The Jews, however, oppose him most bitterly, so that his life has been frequently in danger. The converts to Christianity, among the Jews, are treated with the greatest barbarity, by their relations."


THIS distinguished servant of God appears to have been prepared in a peculiar manner for missionary labours. At an early period of life, he happened to read Cook's Voyages: his mind was then led to contemplate the miserable condition of the human race sitting in the region and shadow of death. His soul longed for their salvation; and he eagerly desired, if possible, to be instrumental to that end. But he had no conception of any means whereby this could be accomplished, nog did he know there was a missionary in the world. For many years, however, the ardent desire of evangelizing the heathen dwelt on his mind. At length, the Missionary Society was formed; when being one afternoon at the house of a friend, a Dutch minister first informed him that British Christians were devising means to send the gospel to the heathen. It is impossible to express the joy afforded him by this intelligence. From this moment Mr. Kicherer exulted in the hope, that he should one day gratify the dearest wish of his heart, in becoming the messenger of Jesus to the bonighted world. Application was soon made to the society, and he was accepted as one of their missionaries. Relig. Mon.

On the 30th of May, 1805, the annual general meeting of the Charity Schools in London took place in St. Paul's cathedral. The number of children was upwards of 6000, besides whom 7000 persons were supposed to be present. The spectacle was grand, and highly gratifying to every benevolent mind. A sermon was preached on the occasion by the Bishop of Bristol. Christian Observ.

We have learned with real satisfaction, that the venerable Bishop of London has interfered to prevent the continuance of those subscription concerts, which have been performed at the houses of different noblemen, to the disgrace of a Christian country, on a Sunday. His Lordship's remonstrances, it is hoped, will be effectual, without the necessity of resorting to legal measures. If not, we are assured that he will be deterred by no considerations of rank and influence from pursuing the path of his duty, by suppressing these outrages on public decency, and bringing delinquents to justice. His Lordship has succeeded in preventing the entertainments at the opera from encroaching, as had been the practice, on the Sunday morning. ibid.

Literary Intelligence.

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and is actually distributed in the Mediterranean, by the numerous channels of which our naval superiority gives us the command. It is said to be perused with avidity, not only in the Grecian islands, but on the coast of Asia Minor, and in the regencies on the coast of Africa. This is an efficacious means of increasing the importance of our occupation of Malta. The illumination of a free press judiciously directed, may operate powerfully in dissipating the mists of error and deception, which have enveloped the wide horizon of the Mediterranean. The Italian language is the common medium of intercourse round that sea, and this ex

tensive range is placed completely
within our influence, so long as we
possess Malta.
Christ. Observ.


Tuz Tylerian Society has decreed the gold medal to JACOB HAFNER of Amsterdam for his prize essay on the following question: "What has been the influence of missions in diffusing Christianity during the two last centuries; and what may be expected from the Missionary Societies now existing "


A NEW Academy of Sciences has been founded at Munich, under the direction of Count RUMFORD, who has been named its President. To

this, Sommering, and other men of learning, have been appointed with handsome salaries. A large observatory has been built, and furnished in a very complete manner.


MR. ARTHUR YOUNG is arrived at Petersburgh, on a statistical journey through the Russian empire, in which he purposes to employ twelve months. He has been received with the respect due to his pursuits and his character.

From the last report to the minister of public instruction, it appears that the schools throughout the empire amount to 494, the teachers to 1425, and the pupils to 33,484. The maintenance

of these seminaries amounts to 1,727,732 roubles of 215, 9661. sterling. These seminaries are exclusive of various civil and military academies, as well as of all female schools. Private individuals emulate the government in their benefactions for the promotion of public instruction. Counsellor Sudienkow has given 40,000 roubles for the erection of schools in Little Russia. The nobility of Podolia have contributed 65,000 roubles to found a military school in that province. A number of similar donations have been made in various parts of the empire.

Mr. C. TAYLOR, of London, has published an improved quarto edition of Calmet's dictionary of the Holy Bible. The following is his address o the public:

"The present times are peculiarly distinguished for the necessity of calling the minds of Christians in general, and of the world at large, to the genuine dictates of the standard of truth. We have seen the plainest passages of Holy Writ wrested from their evident import; and passages confessedly difficult, have been triumphantly adduced as demonstrations of folly and imposture; without inquiring whether accurate information might not render them clear and ea sy. Influenced by these, and by other considerations, of which the public cannot be ignorant, and desirous of vindicating truth, and promoting piety and knowledge, the editors presume to think they could not have rendered a more acceptable service to the interests of religion, than by reprinting a work of established reputation, in which, from the nature and form of it, any article that can be desired may be instantly found in its proper place, satisfactorily explained in a simple and perspicuous manner.

thirty years professedly devoted to it; "This work is the production of it has ever been esteemed a complete library of scripture knowledge. It has been translated into most languages, French, English, German, Dutch, Spanish, &c. Its authority has always stood very high; not a commentator of repute has appeared since the publication of it, who has not either quoted from it, or appealed to it. No library has ever been deemed complete without it: but its usefulness is not confined to the learned, or to the library; it is calculated for the service of all who wish to "give a reason for the hope that is in them," or who wish to understand, for themselves, that sacred volume on which they build their faith.

"This celebrated dictionary we eligible size than folio; we have have printed in quarto, as a more accommodated it to English readers, by our mode of publication, by arrangement, &c. and, to render it complete, we have annexed one of the most entertaining, as well as instructive works, which have issued from the English press; forming an assemblage of the most curious and pertinent extracts from voyages and travels into the east, which illustrate an infinity of scripture peculiarities and incidents, by the same customs, manners, and

ideas, which are maintained in the east at this very time; with Plates, Maps, &c. &c. from the best authorities."

Mr. JOSEPH T. BUCKINGHAM, of Boston, intends publishing, in monthly numbers, (the first appears Jan. 1806) a work called the PoLYANTHOS. Its aim is "to please the learned and enlighten the ignorant; to allure the idle from folly, and confirm the timid in virtue." Each number is to contain a biographical

• We think this should be Polyanthus. See Encyclopedia.

sketch, and a portrait of some distinguished American character. We wish the POLYANTHUs may be found among the "prize flowers," possess. ing the requisite properties for admis sion into the collections of men of taste, virtue and science.

We are happy to learn that different booksellers in England and Scotland, are publishing the whole works of the following eminent divines, viz. Bishop Hall, Archbishop Leighton, Dr. Watts, Dr. Doddridge, and the late President Edwards. Also the moral and religious works of Sir Matthew Hale.

List of New Publications.

LETTERS from Europe, during a tour through Switzerland and Italy, in the years 1801 and 1802, written by a native of Pennsylvania. In two volumes. Philadelphia. A. Bartram.

Hymns and spiritual songs, for the use of Christians. Seventh edi. tion, revised, corrected, and enlarged; containing, in addition to those heretofore published, a copious selection from the best modern authors, and several original hymns. Baltimore. Samuel Butler and Warner & Hanna.

The flowers of fancy, or poetical wreath; carefully selected from the best authors. Baltimore. J. W. Butler.

The stranger in France; or, a tour from Devonshire to Paris, By John Carr, Esq. Baltimore. G. Hill.

A short account of the life and death of the Rev. John Lee, a Methodist minister, in the United States of America. By Jesse Lee. Baltimore. John West Butler.

A compendious system of geogra phy, as connected with astronomy, and illustrated by the use of the globes, with an appendix. By the Rev. Thomas Ross, A. M. senior minister of the Scotch church in Rotterdam. Edinburgh. 1804. 780 pages 8vo. This is a judicious and valuable work, neatly printed on wove paper, with maps engraved by the first artists, and coloured.

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Calmet's Dictionary of the Holy Bible; explaining the names, histo

ries, &c. of persons, places, and natu ral productions mentioned in scripture; the antiquities, buildings, coins, habits, laws, customs, and peculiar ities of the Jews, and other eastern nations with chronological tables, calendar, &c. &c. to which are added entirely new illustrations of scripture incidents and expressions, selected from the accounts of the most authen. tic historians, travellers, &c. contain. ing many incidents and observations extremely interesting, and highly en tertaining. Illustrated by numerous plates of views, maps, plans, dresses, &c. This work may be had in sixtyfour numbers, at 1s. a number, or in twenty-one parts, on fine paper. C. Taylor. London.

Supplement to Calmet's dictionary of the Holy Bible; containing words, &c. omitted in the dictionary, and further remarks, &c. in continuation of the fragments. C. Taylor. London.

Scripture illustrated by engravings; referring to natural science, customs, manners, &c. of the east, with disser. tations, and an expository index of passages in the Bible, which are ca, pable of illustration by the knowledge of nature. In eight parts, price five shillings each. C. Taylor. London.


Pope's Homer's Iliad, in two vols. fine demy, 18mo. Boston. E. Cotton.

The Sabbath, a poem, an elegant edition. Boston. D. and J. West.

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